Changed the script to functional programming paradigm to remove the big number of local attributes to decrease memory usage when running it. Additional OS info are now included.
--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# This file is part of Nominatim. (
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# For a full list of authors see the git log.
+Collection of host system information including software versions, memory,
+storage, and database configuration.
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast
+import psutil
+from psycopg2.extensions import make_dsn, parse_dsn
+from nominatim.config import Configuration
+from nominatim.db.connection import connect
+from nominatim.typing import DictCursorResults
+from nominatim.version import version_str
+def convert_version(ver_tup: Tuple[int, int]) -> str:
+ """converts tuple version (ver_tup) to a string representation"""
+ return ".".join(map(str, ver_tup))
+def friendly_memory_string(mem: float) -> str:
+ """Create a user friendly string for the amount of memory specified as mem"""
+ mem_magnitude = ("bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB")
+ mag = 0
+ # determine order of magnitude
+ while mem > 1000:
+ mem /= 1000
+ mag += 1
+ return f"{mem:.1f} {mem_magnitude[mag]}"
+def run_command(cmd: Union[str, List[str]]) -> str:
+ """Runs a command using the shell and returns the output from stdout"""
+ try:
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
+ cap_out =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=False)
+ else:
+ cap_out =, capture_output=True, check=False)
+ return cap_out.stdout.decode("utf-8")
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ # non-Linux system should end up here
+ return f"Unknown (unable to find the '{cmd}' command)"
+def os_name_info() -> str:
+ """Obtain Operating System Name (and possibly the version)"""
+ os_info = None
+ # man page os-release(5) details meaning of the fields
+ if Path("/etc/os-release").is_file():
+ os_info = from_file_find_line_portion(
+ "/etc/os-release", "PRETTY_NAME", "=")
+ # alternative location
+ elif Path("/usr/lib/os-release").is_file():
+ os_info = from_file_find_line_portion(
+ "/usr/lib/os-release", "PRETTY_NAME", "="
+ )
+ # fallback on Python's os name
+ if os_info is None or os_info == "":
+ os_info =
+ # if the above is insufficient, take a look at neofetch's approach to OS detection
+ return os_info
+# Note: Intended to be used on informational files like /proc
+def from_file_find_line_portion(
+ filename: str, start: str, sep: str, fieldnum: int = 1
+) -> Optional[str]:
+ """open filename, finds the line starting with the 'start' string.
+ Splits the line using seperator and returns a "fieldnum" from the split."""
+ with open(filename, encoding='utf8') as file:
+ result = ""
+ for line in file:
+ if line.startswith(start):
+ result = line.split(sep)[fieldnum].strip()
+ return result
+def get_postgresql_config(version: int) -> str:
+ """Retrieve postgres configuration file"""
+ try:
+ with open(f"/etc/postgresql/{version}/main/postgresql.conf", encoding='utf8') as file:
+ db_config =
+ file.close()
+ return db_config
+ except IOError:
+ return f"**Could not read '/etc/postgresql/{version}/main/postgresql.conf'**"
+def report_system_information(config: Configuration) -> None:
+ """Generate a report about the host system including software versions, memory,
+ storage, and database configuration."""
+ with connect(make_dsn(config.get_libpq_dsn(), dbname='postgres')) as conn:
+ postgresql_ver: str = convert_version(conn.server_version_tuple())
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute(f"""
+ SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database
+ WHERE datname='{parse_dsn(config.get_libpq_dsn())['dbname']}'""")
+ nominatim_db_exists = cast(Optional[DictCursorResults], cur.fetchall())
+ if nominatim_db_exists:
+ with connect(config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
+ postgis_ver: str = convert_version(conn.postgis_version_tuple())
+ else:
+ postgis_ver = "Unable to connect to database"
+ postgresql_config: str = get_postgresql_config(int(float(postgresql_ver)))
+ # Note: psutil.disk_partitions() is similar to run_command("lsblk")
+ # Note: run_command("systemd-detect-virt") only works on Linux, on other OSes
+ # should give a message: "Unknown (unable to find the 'systemd-detect-virt' command)"
+ # Generates the Markdown report.
+ report = f"""
+ **Instructions**
+ Use this information in your issue report at
+ Redirect the output to a file:
+ $ ./ >
+ **Software Environment:**
+ - Python version: {sys.version}
+ - Nominatim version: {version_str()}
+ - PostgreSQL version: {postgresql_ver}
+ - PostGIS version: {postgis_ver}
+ - OS: {os_name_info()}
+ **Hardware Configuration:**
+ - RAM: {friendly_memory_string(psutil.virtual_memory().total)}
+ - number of CPUs: {psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)}
+ - bare metal/AWS/other cloud service (per systemd-detect-virt(1)): {run_command("systemd-detect-virt")}
+ - type and size of disks:
+ **`df -h` - df - report file system disk space usage: **
+ ```
+ {run_command(["df", "-h"])}
+ ```
+ **lsblk - list block devices: **
+ ```
+ {run_command("lsblk")}
+ ```
+ **Postgresql Configuration:**
+ ```
+ {postgresql_config}
+ ```
+ **Notes**
+ Please add any notes about anything above anything above that is incorrect.
+ print(report)
+++ /dev/null
-import os
-from pathlib import Path
-import subprocess
-import sys
-from typing import Optional, Union
-# external requirement
-import psutil
-# from nominatim.version import NOMINATIM_VERSION
-# from nominatim.db.connection import connect
-class ReportSystemInformation:
- """Generate a report about the host system including software versions, memory,
- storage, and database configuration."""
- def __init__(self):
- self._memory: int = psutil.virtual_memory().total
- self.friendly_memory: str = self._friendly_memory_string(self._memory)
- # psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) returns the number of CPU cores.
- # For number of logical cores (Hypthreaded), call psutil.cpu_count() or os.cpu_count()
- self.num_cpus: int = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
- self.os_info: str = self._os_name_info()
-### These are commented out because they have not been tested.
-# self.nominatim_ver: str = '{0[0]}.{0[1]}.{0[2]}-{0[3]}'.format(NOMINATIM_VERSION)
-# self._pg_version = conn.server_version_tuple()
-# self._postgis_version = conn.postgis_version_tuple()
-# self.postgresql_ver: str = self._convert_version(self._pg_version)
-# self.postgis_ver: str = self._convert_version(self._postgis_version)
- self.nominatim_ver: str = ""
- self.postgresql_ver: str = ""
- self.postgresql_config: str = ""
- self.postgis_ver: str = ""
- # the below commands require calling the shell to gather information
- self.disk_free: str = self._run_command(["df", "-h"])
- self.lsblk: str = self._run_command("lsblk")
- # psutil.disk_partitions() <- this function is similar to the above, but it is cross platform
- # Note: `systemd-detect-virt` command only works on Linux, on other OSes
- # should give a message: "Unknown (unable to find the 'systemd-detect-virt' command)"
- self.container_vm_env: str = self._run_command("systemd-detect-virt")
- def _convert_version(self, ver_tup: tuple) -> str:
- """converts tuple version (ver_tup) to a string representation"""
- return ".".join(map(str,ver_tup))
- def _friendly_memory_string(self, mem: int) -> str:
- """Create a user friendly string for the amount of memory specified as mem"""
- mem_magnitude = ('bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB')
- mag = 0
- # determine order of magnitude
- while mem > 1000:
- mem /= 1000
- mag += 1
- return f"{mem:.1f} {mem_magnitude[mag]}"
- def _run_command(self, cmd: Union[str, list]) -> str:
- """Runs a command using the shell and returns the output from stdout"""
- try:
- if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
- cap_out =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- else:
- cap_out =, capture_output=True)
- return cap_out.stdout.decode("utf-8")
- except FileNotFoundError:
- # non-Linux system should end up here
- return f"Unknown (unable to find the '{cmd}' command)"
- def _os_name_info(self) -> str:
- """Obtain Operating System Name (and possibly the version)"""
- os_info = None
- # man page os-release(5) details meaning of the fields
- if Path("/etc/os-release").is_file():
- os_info = self._from_file_find_line_portion("/etc/os-release", "PRETTY_NAME", "=")
- # alternative location
- elif Path("/usr/lib/os-release").is_file():
- os_info = self._from_file_find_line_portion("/usr/lib/os-release", "PRETTY_NAME", "=")
- # fallback on Python's os name
- if(os_info is None or os_info == ""):
- os_info =
- # if the above is insufficient, take a look at neofetch's approach to OS detection
- return os_info
- # Note: Intended to be used on informational files like /proc
- def _from_file_find_line_portion(self, filename: str, start: str, sep: str,
- fieldnum: int = 1) -> Optional[str]:
- """open filename, finds the line starting with the 'start' string.
- Splits the line using seperator and returns a "fieldnum" from the split."""
- with open(filename) as fh:
- for line in fh:
- if line.startswith(start):
- result = line.split(sep)[fieldnum].strip()
- return result
- def report(self, out = sys.stdout, err = sys.stderr) -> None:
- """Generates the Markdown report.
- Optionally pass out or err parameters to redirect the output of stdout
- and stderr to other file objects."""
- # NOTE: This should be a report format. Any conversions or lookup has be
- # done, do that action in the __init__() or another function.
- message = """
-Use this information in your issue report at
-Copy and paste or redirect the output of the file:
- $ ./ >
- report = f"""
-**Software Environment:**
-- Python version: {sys.version}
-- Nominatim version: {self.nominatim_ver}
-- PostgreSQL version: {self.postgresql_ver}
-- PostGIS version: {self.postgis_ver}
-- OS: {self.os_info}
-**Hardware Configuration:**
-- RAM: {self.friendly_memory}
-- number of CPUs: {self.num_cpus}
-- bare metal/AWS/other cloud service (per systemd-detect-virt(1)): {self.container_vm_env}
-- type and size of disks:
-**`df -h` - df - report file system disk space usage: **
-**lsblk - list block devices: **
-**Postgresql Configuration:**
-Please add any notes about anything above anything above that is incorrect.
- """
- print(message, file = err)
- print(report, file = out)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys_info = ReportSystemInformation()
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-Description="The purpose of this script is to collect system information for bug reports.\n
-Submit issues to"
-####### Gather the Information ##################################################
-# Separate the information gathering from the report generation. Dividing these
-# makes it easier to make trivial changes by not have to learn the other portion
-# of this script.
-# Nominatium version
-# NOTE: Getting this version will NOT work if it is being ran from in another
-# folder than Nominatim/utils. It call python3 to import locally and
-# prints it in the version format.
-NominatimVersion=`cd ../nominatim/ && python3 -c "import version; print('{0[0]}.{0[1]}.{0[2]}-{0[3]}'.format(version.NOMINATIM_VERSION))"`
-# PostgreSQL version
-PostgreSQLVersion=`postgres --version`
-if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]
- PostgreSQLVersion="Not installed"
-# - PostGIS version:
-# The command for this should look something like this:
-# psql -U nominatim -d mydatabase -c 'SELECT PostGIS_full_version();'
-# ASSUME the username is nominatim
-# This needs to be ran under the account with the appropriate permissions.
-# This has been left blank.
-# There are different ways to getting the Linux OS information.
-# /etc/os-release has a number of representations of the OS
-# PRETTY_NAME is pity.
-OperatingSystem=`grep '^PRETTY_NAME' /etc/os-release | cut -d'=' -f2`
-RAM=`grep ^MemTotal /proc/meminfo | cut -d':' -f2`
-# In /proc/cupinfo: siblings seems to refer to total cores like hyperthreaded cores.
-# The hyperthreaded cores could be included if that is needed.
-NumCPUs=`grep '^cpu cores' /proc/cpuinfo | head -1 | cut -d':' -f2`
-# - type and size of disks:
-# could use `sudo fdisk -l` or `mount` to print this, but snaps have made this
-# worse than useless with loop devices on Ubuntu.
-# `df -h` - show the free space on drives
-# `lsblk` - this tell you what the server has not necessarily this machine. So in a container environment
-# (like docker) this wouldn't be the correct report.
-# This guide shows ways to get various storage device information:
-# - bare metal/AWS/other cloud service:
-# Unsure of how to detect this, but it might be useful for reporting disk storage.
-# One options would be to prompt the user something like this:
-# Enter system configuration (1) bare metal (2) AWS (3) Other Cloud (4) Docker (5) Other: _
-# ------ What do these commands do? -------------------------------------------
-# "cut -d':' -f2" command take the line and splits it at the semicolon(:)
-# and returns the portion in the second (2nd) "field"
-# "head -1" returns the first line that matches
-####### Print the Markdown Report ######################################################
-# 1>&2 redirects echo to print to stderr instead of stdout
-echo 1>&2
-echo -e $Description 1>&2
-echo Copy and paste or redirect the output of the file: 1>&2
-echo " \$ ./ >" 1>&2
-echo 1>&2
-echo "**Software Environment (please complete the following information):**"
-echo - Nominatim version: $NominatimVersion
-echo - PostgreSQL version: $PostgreSQLVersion
-echo - PostGIS version: $PostGISVersion
-echo - OS: $OperatingSystem
-echo "**Hardware Configuration (please correct the following information):**"
-echo - RAM: $RAM
-echo - number of CPUs: $NumCPUs
-echo - type and size of disks:
-echo - bare metal/AWS/other cloud service:
-echo **Postgresql Configuration:**