languages: en
names: !include country-names/us.yaml
- pattern: "ddddd"
+ pattern: "(ddddd)(?:-dddd)?"
+ output: \1
# Uruguay (Uruguay)
Implementation of query analysis for the ICU tokenizer.
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List, Optional, Iterator, Any, cast
-from collections import defaultdict
import dataclasses
import difflib
import re
from ..logging import log
from . import query as qmod
from ..query_preprocessing.config import QueryConfig
+from ..query_preprocessing.base import QueryProcessingFunc
from .query_analyzer_factory import AbstractQueryAnalyzer
+from .postcode_parser import PostcodeParser
-class QueryPart:
- """ Normalized and transliterated form of a single term in the query.
- When the term came out of a split during the transliteration,
- the normalized string is the full word before transliteration.
- Check the subsequent break type to figure out if the word is
- continued.
- Penalty is the break penalty for the break following the token.
- """
- token: str
- normalized: str
- penalty: float
-QueryParts = List[QueryPart]
-WordDict = Dict[str, List[qmod.TokenRange]]
-def extract_words(terms: List[QueryPart], start: int, words: WordDict) -> None:
- """ Add all combinations of words in the terms list after the
- given position to the word list.
- """
- total = len(terms)
- base_penalty = PENALTY_IN_TOKEN_BREAK[qmod.BREAK_WORD]
- for first in range(start, total):
- word = terms[first].token
- penalty = base_penalty
- words[word].append(qmod.TokenRange(first, first + 1, penalty=penalty))
- for last in range(first + 1, min(first + 20, total)):
- word = ' '.join((word, terms[last].token))
- penalty += terms[last - 1].penalty
- words[word].append(qmod.TokenRange(first, last + 1, penalty=penalty))
class ICUToken(qmod.Token):
""" Specialised token for ICU tokenizer.
addr_count=max(1, addr_count))
-class ICUQueryAnalyzer(AbstractQueryAnalyzer):
- """ Converter for query strings into a tokenized query
- using the tokens created by a ICU tokenizer.
- """
- def __init__(self, conn: SearchConnection) -> None:
- self.conn = conn
- async def setup(self) -> None:
- """ Set up static data structures needed for the analysis.
- """
- async def _make_normalizer() -> Any:
- rules = await self.conn.get_property('tokenizer_import_normalisation')
- return Transliterator.createFromRules("normalization", rules)
- self.normalizer = await self.conn.get_cached_value('ICUTOK', 'normalizer',
- _make_normalizer)
- async def _make_transliterator() -> Any:
- rules = await self.conn.get_property('tokenizer_import_transliteration')
- return Transliterator.createFromRules("transliteration", rules)
- self.transliterator = await self.conn.get_cached_value('ICUTOK', 'transliterator',
- _make_transliterator)
- await self._setup_preprocessing()
- if 'word' not in self.conn.t.meta.tables:
- sa.Table('word', self.conn.t.meta,
- sa.Column('word_id', sa.Integer),
- sa.Column('word_token', sa.Text, nullable=False),
- sa.Column('type', sa.Text, nullable=False),
- sa.Column('word', sa.Text),
- sa.Column('info', Json))
+class ICUAnalyzerConfig:
+ postcode_parser: PostcodeParser
+ normalizer: Transliterator
+ transliterator: Transliterator
+ preprocessors: List[QueryProcessingFunc]
- async def _setup_preprocessing(self) -> None:
- """ Load the rules for preprocessing and set up the handlers.
- """
+ @staticmethod
+ async def create(conn: SearchConnection) -> 'ICUAnalyzerConfig':
+ rules = await conn.get_property('tokenizer_import_normalisation')
+ normalizer = Transliterator.createFromRules("normalization", rules)
- rules = self.conn.config.load_sub_configuration('icu_tokenizer.yaml',
- preprocessing_rules = rules.get('query-preprocessing', [])
+ rules = await conn.get_property('tokenizer_import_transliteration')
+ transliterator = Transliterator.createFromRules("transliteration", rules)
- self.preprocessors = []
+ preprocessing_rules = conn.config.load_sub_configuration('icu_tokenizer.yaml',
+ .get('query-preprocessing', [])
+ preprocessors: List[QueryProcessingFunc] = []
for func in preprocessing_rules:
if 'step' not in func:
raise UsageError("Preprocessing rule is missing the 'step' attribute.")
if not isinstance(func['step'], str):
raise UsageError("'step' attribute must be a simple string.")
- module = self.conn.config.load_plugin_module(
+ module = conn.config.load_plugin_module(
func['step'], 'nominatim_api.query_preprocessing')
- self.preprocessors.append(
- module.create(QueryConfig(func).set_normalizer(self.normalizer)))
+ preprocessors.append(
+ module.create(QueryConfig(func).set_normalizer(normalizer)))
+ return ICUAnalyzerConfig(PostcodeParser(conn.config),
+ normalizer, transliterator, preprocessors)
+class ICUQueryAnalyzer(AbstractQueryAnalyzer):
+ """ Converter for query strings into a tokenized query
+ using the tokens created by a ICU tokenizer.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, conn: SearchConnection, config: ICUAnalyzerConfig) -> None:
+ self.conn = conn
+ self.postcode_parser = config.postcode_parser
+ self.normalizer = config.normalizer
+ self.transliterator = config.transliterator
+ self.preprocessors = config.preprocessors
async def analyze_query(self, phrases: List[qmod.Phrase]) -> qmod.QueryStruct:
""" Analyze the given list of phrases and return the
if not query.source:
return query
- parts, words = self.split_query(query)
- log().var_dump('Transliterated query', lambda: _dump_transliterated(query, parts))
+ self.split_query(query)
+ log().var_dump('Transliterated query', lambda: query.get_transliterated_query())
+ words = query.extract_words(base_penalty=PENALTY_IN_TOKEN_BREAK[qmod.BREAK_WORD])
for row in await self.lookup_in_db(list(words.keys())):
for trange in words[row.word_token]:
query.add_token(trange, DB_TO_TOKEN_TYPE[row.type], token)
- self.add_extra_tokens(query, parts)
- self.rerank_tokens(query, parts)
+ self.add_extra_tokens(query)
+ for start, end, pc in self.postcode_parser.parse(query):
+ query.add_token(qmod.TokenRange(start, end),
+ ICUToken(penalty=0.1, token=0, count=1, addr_count=1,
+ lookup_word=pc, word_token=pc, info=None))
+ self.rerank_tokens(query)
log().table_dump('Word tokens', _dump_word_tokens(query))
return cast(str, self.normalizer.transliterate(text)).strip('-: ')
- def split_query(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> Tuple[QueryParts, WordDict]:
+ def split_query(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> None:
""" Transliterate the phrases and split them into tokens.
- Returns the list of transliterated tokens together with their
- normalized form and a dictionary of words for lookup together
- with their position.
- parts: QueryParts = []
- phrase_start = 0
- words: WordDict = defaultdict(list)
for phrase in query.source:
query.nodes[-1].ptype = phrase.ptype
phrase_split = re.split('([ :-])', phrase.text)
if trans:
for term in trans.split(' '):
if term:
- parts.append(QueryPart(term, word,
- query.add_node(qmod.BREAK_TOKEN, phrase.ptype)
- query.nodes[-1].btype = breakchar
- parts[-1].penalty = PENALTY_IN_TOKEN_BREAK[breakchar]
+ query.add_node(qmod.BREAK_TOKEN, phrase.ptype,
+ term, word)
+ query.nodes[-1].adjust_break(breakchar,
- extract_words(parts, phrase_start, words)
- phrase_start = len(parts)
- query.nodes[-1].btype = qmod.BREAK_END
- return parts, words
+ query.nodes[-1].adjust_break(qmod.BREAK_END, PENALTY_IN_TOKEN_BREAK[qmod.BREAK_END])
async def lookup_in_db(self, words: List[str]) -> 'sa.Result[Any]':
""" Return the token information from the database for the
given word tokens.
+ This function excludes postcode tokens
t = self.conn.t.meta.tables['word']
- return await self.conn.execute(
+ return await self.conn.execute(
+ .where(t.c.word_token.in_(words))
+ .where(t.c.type != 'P'))
- def add_extra_tokens(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct, parts: QueryParts) -> None:
+ def add_extra_tokens(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> None:
""" Add tokens to query that are not saved in the database.
- for part, node, i in zip(parts, query.nodes, range(1000)):
- if len(part.token) <= 4 and part.token.isdigit()\
- and not node.has_tokens(i+1, qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER):
- query.add_token(qmod.TokenRange(i, i+1), qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER,
+ need_hnr = False
+ for i, node in enumerate(query.nodes):
+ is_full_token = node.btype not in (qmod.BREAK_TOKEN, qmod.BREAK_PART)
+ if need_hnr and is_full_token \
+ and len(node.term_normalized) <= 4 and node.term_normalized.isdigit():
+ query.add_token(qmod.TokenRange(i-1, i), qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER,
ICUToken(penalty=0.5, token=0,
- count=1, addr_count=1, lookup_word=part.token,
- word_token=part.token, info=None))
+ count=1, addr_count=1,
+ lookup_word=node.term_lookup,
+ word_token=node.term_lookup, info=None))
+ need_hnr = is_full_token and not node.has_tokens(i+1, qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER)
- def rerank_tokens(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct, parts: QueryParts) -> None:
+ def rerank_tokens(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> None:
""" Add penalties to tokens that depend on presence of other token.
for i, node, tlist in query.iter_token_lists():
if repl.end == tlist.end and repl.ttype != qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER:
repl.add_penalty(0.5 - tlist.tokens[0].penalty)
elif tlist.ttype not in (qmod.TOKEN_COUNTRY, qmod.TOKEN_PARTIAL):
- norm = parts[i].normalized
- for j in range(i + 1, tlist.end):
- if node.btype != qmod.BREAK_TOKEN:
- norm += ' ' + parts[j].normalized
+ norm = ' '.join(n.term_normalized for n in query.nodes[i + 1:tlist.end + 1]
+ if n.btype != qmod.BREAK_TOKEN)
+ if not norm:
+ # Can happen when the token only covers a partial term
+ norm = query.nodes[i + 1].term_normalized
for token in tlist.tokens:
cast(ICUToken, token).rematch(norm)
-def _dump_transliterated(query: qmod.QueryStruct, parts: QueryParts) -> str:
- out = query.nodes[0].btype
- for node, part in zip(query.nodes[1:], parts):
- out += part.token + node.btype
- return out
def _dump_word_tokens(query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> Iterator[List[Any]]:
- yield ['type', 'token', 'word_token', 'lookup_word', 'penalty', 'count', 'info']
- for node in query.nodes:
+ yield ['type', 'from', 'to', 'token', 'word_token', 'lookup_word', 'penalty', 'count', 'info']
+ for i, node in enumerate(query.nodes):
for tlist in node.starting:
for token in tlist.tokens:
t = cast(ICUToken, token)
- yield [tlist.ttype, t.token, t.word_token or '',
+ yield [tlist.ttype, str(i), str(tlist.end), t.token, t.word_token or '',
t.lookup_word or '', t.penalty, t.count,]
""" Create and set up a new query analyzer for a database based
on the ICU tokenizer.
- out = ICUQueryAnalyzer(conn)
- await out.setup()
+ async def _get_config() -> ICUAnalyzerConfig:
+ if 'word' not in conn.t.meta.tables:
+ sa.Table('word', conn.t.meta,
+ sa.Column('word_id', sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column('word_token', sa.Text, nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('type', sa.Text, nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('word', sa.Text),
+ sa.Column('info', Json))
+ return await ICUAnalyzerConfig.create(conn)
+ config = await conn.get_cached_value('ICUTOK', 'config', _get_config)
- return out
+ return ICUQueryAnalyzer(conn, config)
--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+# This file is part of Nominatim. (
+# Copyright (C) 2025 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# For a full list of authors see the git log.
+Handling of arbitrary postcode tokens in tokenized query string.
+from typing import Tuple, Set, Dict, List
+import re
+from collections import defaultdict
+import yaml
+from ..config import Configuration
+from . import query as qmod
+class PostcodeParser:
+ """ Pattern-based parser for postcodes in tokenized queries.
+ The postcode patterns are read from the country configuration.
+ The parser does currently not return country restrictions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, config: Configuration) -> None:
+ # skip over includes here to avoid loading the complete country name data
+ yaml.add_constructor('!include', lambda loader, node: [],
+ Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
+ cdata = yaml.safe_load(config.find_config_file('country_settings.yaml')
+ .read_text(encoding='utf-8'))
+ unique_patterns: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]] = {}
+ for cc, data in cdata.items():
+ if data.get('postcode'):
+ pat = data['postcode']['pattern'].replace('d', '[0-9]').replace('l', '[a-z]')
+ out = data['postcode'].get('output')
+ if pat not in unique_patterns:
+ unique_patterns[pat] = defaultdict(list)
+ unique_patterns[pat][out].append(cc)
+ self.global_pattern = re.compile(
+ '(?:(?P<cc>[a-z][a-z])(?P<space>[ -]?))?(?P<pc>(?:(?:'
+ + ')|(?:'.join(unique_patterns) + '))[:, >].*)')
+ self.local_patterns = [(re.compile(f"{pat}[:, >]"), list(info.items()))
+ for pat, info in unique_patterns.items()]
+ def parse(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> Set[Tuple[int, int, str]]:
+ """ Parse postcodes in the given list of query tokens taking into
+ account the list of breaks from the nodes.
+ The result is a sequence of tuples with
+ [start node id, end node id, postcode token]
+ """
+ nodes = query.nodes
+ outcodes: Set[Tuple[int, int, str]] = set()
+ for i in range(query.num_token_slots()):
+ if nodes[i].btype in '<,: ' and nodes[i + 1].btype != '`' \
+ and (i == 0 or nodes[i - 1].ptype != qmod.PHRASE_POSTCODE):
+ if nodes[i].ptype == qmod.PHRASE_ANY:
+ word = nodes[i + 1].term_normalized + nodes[i + 1].btype
+ if word[-1] in ' -' and nodes[i + 2].btype != '`' \
+ and nodes[i + 1].ptype == qmod.PHRASE_ANY:
+ word += nodes[i + 2].term_normalized + nodes[i + 2].btype
+ if word[-1] in ' -' and nodes[i + 3].btype != '`' \
+ and nodes[i + 2].ptype == qmod.PHRASE_ANY:
+ word += nodes[i + 3].term_normalized + nodes[i + 3].btype
+ self._match_word(word, i, False, outcodes)
+ elif nodes[i].ptype == qmod.PHRASE_POSTCODE:
+ word = nodes[i + 1].term_normalized + nodes[i + 1].btype
+ for j in range(i + 1, query.num_token_slots()):
+ if nodes[j].ptype != qmod.PHRASE_POSTCODE:
+ break
+ word += nodes[j + 1].term_normalized + nodes[j + 1].btype
+ self._match_word(word, i, True, outcodes)
+ return outcodes
+ def _match_word(self, word: str, pos: int, fullmatch: bool,
+ outcodes: Set[Tuple[int, int, str]]) -> None:
+ # Use global pattern to check for presence of any postcode.
+ m = self.global_pattern.fullmatch(word)
+ if m:
+ # If there was a match, check against each pattern separately
+ # because multiple patterns might be machting at the end.
+ cc ='cc')
+ pc_word ='pc')
+ cc_spaces = len('space') or '')
+ for pattern, info in self.local_patterns:
+ lm = pattern.fullmatch(pc_word) if fullmatch else pattern.match(pc_word)
+ if lm:
+ trange = (pos, pos + cc_spaces + sum(c in ' ,-:>' for c in
+ for out, out_ccs in info:
+ if cc is None or cc in out_ccs:
+ if out:
+ outcodes.add((*trange, lm.expand(out).upper()))
+ else:
+ outcodes.add((*trange,[:-1].upper()))
Datastructures for a tokenized query.
-from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Iterator
+from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Iterator
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from collections import defaultdict
import dataclasses
class QueryNode:
""" A node of the query representing a break between terms.
+ The node also contains information on the source term
+ ending at the node. The tokens are created from this information.
btype: BreakType
ptype: PhraseType
+ penalty: float
+ """ Penalty for the break at this node.
+ """
+ term_lookup: str
+ """ Transliterated term following this node.
+ """
+ term_normalized: str
+ """ Normalised form of term following this node.
+ When the token resulted from a split during transliteration,
+ then this string contains the complete source term.
+ """
starting: List[TokenList] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
+ def adjust_break(self, btype: BreakType, penalty: float) -> None:
+ """ Change the break type and penalty for this node.
+ """
+ self.btype = btype
+ self.penalty = penalty
def has_tokens(self, end: int, *ttypes: TokenType) -> bool:
""" Check if there are tokens of the given types ending at the
given node.
def __init__(self, source: List[Phrase]) -> None:
self.source = source
self.nodes: List[QueryNode] = \
- [QueryNode(BREAK_START, source[0].ptype if source else PHRASE_ANY)]
+ [QueryNode(BREAK_START, source[0].ptype if source else PHRASE_ANY,
+ 0.0, '', '')]
def num_token_slots(self) -> int:
""" Return the length of the query in vertice steps.
return len(self.nodes) - 1
- def add_node(self, btype: BreakType, ptype: PhraseType) -> None:
+ def add_node(self, btype: BreakType, ptype: PhraseType,
+ break_penalty: float = 0.0,
+ term_lookup: str = '', term_normalized: str = '') -> None:
""" Append a new break node with the given break type.
The phrase type denotes the type for any tokens starting
at the node.
- self.nodes.append(QueryNode(btype, ptype))
+ self.nodes.append(QueryNode(btype, ptype, break_penalty, term_lookup, term_normalized))
def add_token(self, trange: TokenRange, ttype: TokenType, token: Token) -> None:
""" Add a token to the query. 'start' and 'end' are the indexes of the
if t.token == token:
return f"[{tlist.ttype}]{t.lookup_word}"
return 'None'
+ def get_transliterated_query(self) -> str:
+ """ Return a string representation of the transliterated query
+ with the character representation of the different break types.
+ For debugging purposes only.
+ """
+ return ''.join(''.join((n.term_lookup, n.btype)) for n in self.nodes)
+ def extract_words(self, base_penalty: float = 0.0,
+ start: int = 0,
+ endpos: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, List[TokenRange]]:
+ """ Add all combinations of words that can be formed from the terms
+ between the given start and endnode. The terms are joined with
+ spaces for each break. Words can never go across a BREAK_PHRASE.
+ The functions returns a dictionary of possible words with their
+ position within the query and a penalty. The penalty is computed
+ from the base_penalty plus the penalty for each node the word
+ crosses.
+ """
+ if endpos is None:
+ endpos = len(self.nodes)
+ words: Dict[str, List[TokenRange]] = defaultdict(list)
+ for first in range(start, endpos - 1):
+ word = self.nodes[first + 1].term_lookup
+ penalty = base_penalty
+ words[word].append(TokenRange(first, first + 1, penalty=penalty))
+ if self.nodes[first + 1].btype != BREAK_PHRASE:
+ for last in range(first + 2, min(first + 20, endpos)):
+ word = ' '.join((word, self.nodes[last].term_lookup))
+ penalty += self.nodes[last - 1].penalty
+ words[word].append(TokenRange(first, last, penalty=penalty))
+ if self.nodes[last].btype == BREAK_PHRASE:
+ break
+ return words
return postcode.strip().upper()
def update_postcodes_from_db(self) -> None:
- """ Update postcode tokens in the word table from the location_postcode
- table.
+ """ Postcode update.
+ Removes all postcodes from the word table because they are not
+ needed. Postcodes are recognised by pattern.
assert self.conn is not None
- analyzer = self.token_analysis.analysis.get('@postcode')
with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- # First get all postcode names currently in the word table.
- cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT word FROM word WHERE type = 'P'")
- word_entries = set((entry[0] for entry in cur))
- # Then compute the required postcode names from the postcode table.
- needed_entries = set()
- cur.execute("SELECT country_code, postcode FROM location_postcode")
- for cc, postcode in cur:
- info = PlaceInfo({'country_code': cc,
- 'class': 'place', 'type': 'postcode',
- 'address': {'postcode': postcode}})
- address = self.sanitizer.process_names(info)[1]
- for place in address:
- if place.kind == 'postcode':
- if analyzer is None:
- postcode_name =
- variant_base = None
- else:
- postcode_name = analyzer.get_canonical_id(place)
- variant_base = place.get_attr("variant")
- if variant_base:
- needed_entries.add(f'{postcode_name}@{variant_base}')
- else:
- needed_entries.add(postcode_name)
- break
- # Now update the word table.
- self._delete_unused_postcode_words(word_entries - needed_entries)
- self._add_missing_postcode_words(needed_entries - word_entries)
- def _delete_unused_postcode_words(self, tokens: Iterable[str]) -> None:
- assert self.conn is not None
- if tokens:
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute("DELETE FROM word WHERE type = 'P' and word = any(%s)",
- (list(tokens), ))
- def _add_missing_postcode_words(self, tokens: Iterable[str]) -> None:
- assert self.conn is not None
- if not tokens:
- return
- analyzer = self.token_analysis.analysis.get('@postcode')
- terms = []
- for postcode_name in tokens:
- if '@' in postcode_name:
- term, variant = postcode_name.split('@', 2)
- term = self._search_normalized(term)
- if analyzer is None:
- variants = [term]
- else:
- variants = analyzer.compute_variants(variant)
- if term not in variants:
- variants.append(term)
- else:
- variants = [self._search_normalized(postcode_name)]
- terms.append((postcode_name, variants))
- if terms:
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.executemany("""SELECT create_postcode_word(%s, %s)""", terms)
+ cur.execute("DELETE FROM word WHERE type = 'P'")
def update_special_phrases(self, phrases: Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str, str]],
should_replace: bool) -> None:
analyzer = self.token_analysis.analysis.get('@postcode')
if analyzer is None:
- postcode_name =
- variant_base = None
- else:
- postcode_name = analyzer.get_canonical_id(item)
- variant_base = item.get_attr("variant")
- if variant_base:
- postcode = f'{postcode_name}@{variant_base}'
+ return
- postcode = postcode_name
- if postcode not in self._cache.postcodes:
- term = self._search_normalized(postcode_name)
- if not term:
- return None
- variants = {term}
- if analyzer is not None and variant_base:
- variants.update(analyzer.compute_variants(variant_base))
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute("SELECT create_postcode_word(%s, %s)",
- (postcode, list(variants)))
- self._cache.postcodes.add(postcode)
- return postcode_name
+ return analyzer.get_canonical_id(item)
class _TokenInfo:
self.names: Dict[str, Tuple[int, List[int]]] = {}
self.partials: Dict[str, int] = {}
self.fulls: Dict[str, List[int]] = {}
- self.postcodes: Set[str] = set()
self.housenumbers: Dict[str, Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[str]]] = {}
Feature: Searches with postcodes
Various searches involving postcodes
- @Fail
Scenario: US 5+4 ZIP codes are shortened to 5 ZIP codes if not found
- When sending json search query "36067 1111, us" with address
+ When sending json search query "36067-1111, us" with address
Then result addresses contain
| postcode |
| 36067 |
| object | postcode |
| W93 | 11200 |
- Scenario: Postcodes are added to the postcode and word table
+ Scenario: Postcodes are added to the postcode
Given the places
| osm | class | type | addr+postcode | addr+housenumber | geometry |
| N34 | place | house | 01982 | 111 |country:de |
Then location_postcode contains exactly
| country | postcode | geometry |
| de | 01982 | country:de |
- And there are word tokens for postcodes 01982
| E45 2 | gb | 23 | 5 |
| Y45 | gb | 21 | 5 |
- Scenario: Postcodes outside all countries are not added to the postcode and word table
+ Scenario: Postcodes outside all countries are not added to the postcode table
Given the places
| osm | class | type | addr+postcode | addr+housenumber | addr+place | geometry |
| N34 | place | house | 01982 | 111 | Null Island | 0 0.00001 |
When importing
Then location_postcode contains exactly
| country | postcode | geometry |
- And there are no word tokens for postcodes 01982
When sending search query "111, 01982 Null Island"
Then results contain
| osm | display_name |
Feature: Update of postcode
Tests for updating of data related to postcodes
- Scenario: A new postcode appears in the postcode and word table
+ Scenario: A new postcode appears in the postcode table
Given the places
| osm | class | type | addr+postcode | addr+housenumber | geometry |
| N34 | place | house | 01982 | 111 |country:de |
| country | postcode | geometry |
| de | 01982 | country:de |
| ch | 4567 | country:ch |
- And there are word tokens for postcodes 01982,4567
- Scenario: When the last postcode is deleted, it is deleted from postcode and word
+ Scenario: When the last postcode is deleted, it is deleted from postcode
Given the places
| osm | class | type | addr+postcode | addr+housenumber | geometry |
| N34 | place | house | 01982 | 111 |country:de |
Then location_postcode contains exactly
| country | postcode | geometry |
| ch | 4567 | country:ch |
- And there are word tokens for postcodes 4567
- And there are no word tokens for postcodes 01982
- Scenario: A postcode is not deleted from postcode and word when it exist in another country
+ Scenario: A postcode is not deleted from postcode when it exist in another country
Given the places
| osm | class | type | addr+postcode | addr+housenumber | geometry |
| N34 | place | house | 01982 | 111 |country:de |
Then location_postcode contains exactly
| country | postcode | geometry |
| fr | 01982 | country:fr |
- And there are word tokens for postcodes 01982
Scenario: Updating a postcode is reflected in postcode table
Given the places
Then location_postcode contains exactly
| country | postcode | geometry |
| de | 20453 | country:de |
- And there are word tokens for postcodes 20453
Scenario: When changing from a postcode type, the entry appears in placex
When importing
Then location_postcode contains exactly
| country | postcode | geometry |
| de | 20453 | country:de |
- And there are word tokens for postcodes 20453
Scenario: When changing to a postcode type, the entry disappears from placex
When importing
Then location_postcode contains exactly
| country | postcode | geometry |
| de | 01982 | country:de |
- And there are word tokens for postcodes 01982
Scenario: When a parent is deleted, the postcode gets a new parent
Given the grid with origin DE
return MyToken(penalty=3.0, token=tid, count=1, addr_count=1,
+def qnode():
+ return query.QueryNode(query.BREAK_PHRASE, query.PHRASE_ANY, 0.0 ,'', '')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ptype,ttype', [(query.PHRASE_ANY, 'W'),
(query.PHRASE_AMENITY, 'Q'),
assert not query._phrase_compatible_with(ptype, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL, True)
-def test_query_node_empty():
- qn = query.QueryNode(query.BREAK_PHRASE, query.PHRASE_ANY)
+def test_query_node_empty(qnode):
+ assert not qnode.has_tokens(3, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL)
+ assert qnode.get_tokens(3, query.TOKEN_WORD) is None
- assert not qn.has_tokens(3, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL)
- assert qn.get_tokens(3, query.TOKEN_WORD) is None
+def test_query_node_with_content(qnode):
+ qnode.starting.append(query.TokenList(2, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL, [mktoken(100), mktoken(101)]))
+ qnode.starting.append(query.TokenList(2, query.TOKEN_WORD, [mktoken(1000)]))
-def test_query_node_with_content():
- qn = query.QueryNode(query.BREAK_PHRASE, query.PHRASE_ANY)
- qn.starting.append(query.TokenList(2, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL, [mktoken(100), mktoken(101)]))
- qn.starting.append(query.TokenList(2, query.TOKEN_WORD, [mktoken(1000)]))
+ assert not qnode.has_tokens(3, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL)
+ assert not qnode.has_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_COUNTRY)
+ assert qnode.has_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL)
+ assert qnode.has_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_WORD)
- assert not qn.has_tokens(3, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL)
- assert not qn.has_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_COUNTRY)
- assert qn.has_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL)
- assert qn.has_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_WORD)
- assert qn.get_tokens(3, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL) is None
- assert qn.get_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_COUNTRY) is None
- assert len(qn.get_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL)) == 2
- assert len(qn.get_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_WORD)) == 1
+ assert qnode.get_tokens(3, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL) is None
+ assert qnode.get_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_COUNTRY) is None
+ assert len(qnode.get_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_PARTIAL)) == 2
+ assert len(qnode.get_tokens(2, query.TOKEN_WORD)) == 1
def test_query_struct_empty():
@pytest.mark.parametrize('term,order', [('23456', ['P', 'H', 'W', 'w']),
- ('3', ['H', 'P', 'W', 'w'])
+ ('3', ['H', 'W', 'w'])
async def test_penalty_postcodes_and_housenumbers(conn, term, order):
ana = await tok.create_query_analyzer(conn)
- await add_word(conn, 1, term, 'P', None)
await add_word(conn, 2, term, 'H', term)
await add_word(conn, 3, term, 'w', term)
await add_word(conn, 4, term, 'W', term)
assert query.nodes[1].starting[0].ttype == qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER
assert len(query.nodes[1].starting[0].tokens) == 1
assert query.nodes[1].starting[0].tokens[0].token == 1
- assert not query.nodes[2].starting
- assert not query.nodes[3].starting
+ assert query.nodes[2].has_tokens(3, qmod.TOKEN_POSTCODE)
+ assert not query.nodes[2].has_tokens(3, qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER)
+ assert not query.nodes[2].has_tokens(4, qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER)
+ assert not query.nodes[3].has_tokens(4, qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER)
--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+# This file is part of Nominatim. (
+# Copyright (C) 2025 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# For a full list of authors see the git log.
+Test for parsing of postcodes in queries.
+import re
+from itertools import zip_longest
+import pytest
+from import PostcodeParser
+def pc_config(project_env):
+ country_file = project_env.project_dir / 'country_settings.yaml'
+ country_file.write_text(r"""
+ postcode:
+ pattern: "ddddd ll"
+ postcode:
+ pattern: "ddddd"
+ postcode:
+ pattern: "ddddd"
+ postcode:
+ pattern: "(ddd) ?(dd)"
+ output: \1 \2
+ postcode:
+ pattern: "(ddd) ?(ddd)"
+ output: \1\2
+ postcode:
+ pattern: "980dd"
+ postcode:
+ pattern: "(dddd)(?:-dd)?"
+ postcode:
+ pattern: "(ll) ?(dddd)"
+ output: \1\2
+ postcode:
+ pattern: "(d)-(dddd)"
+ output: KY\1-\2
+ """)
+ return project_env
+def mk_query(inp):
+ query = QueryStruct([])
+ phrase_split = re.split(r"([ ,:'-])", inp)
+ for word, breakchar in zip_longest(*[iter(phrase_split)]*2, fillvalue='>'):
+ query.add_node(breakchar, PHRASE_ANY, 0.1, word, word)
+ return query
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('query,pos', [('45325 Berlin', 0),
+ ('45325:Berlin', 0),
+ ('45325,Berlin', 0),
+ ('Berlin 45325', 1),
+ ('Berlin,45325', 1),
+ ('Berlin:45325', 1),
+ ('Hansastr,45325 Berlin', 1),
+ ('Hansastr 45325 Berlin', 1)])
+def test_simple_postcode(pc_config, query, pos):
+ parser = PostcodeParser(pc_config)
+ result = parser.parse(mk_query(query))
+ assert result == {(pos, pos + 1, '45325'), (pos, pos + 1, '453 25')}
+def test_contained_postcode(pc_config):
+ parser = PostcodeParser(pc_config)
+ assert parser.parse(mk_query('12345 dx')) == {(0, 1, '12345'), (0, 1, '123 45'),
+ (0, 2, '12345 DX')}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('query,frm,to', [('345987', 0, 1), ('345 987', 0, 2),
+ ('Aina 345 987', 1, 3),
+ ('Aina 23 345 987 ff', 2, 4)])
+def test_postcode_with_space(pc_config, query, frm, to):
+ parser = PostcodeParser(pc_config)
+ result = parser.parse(mk_query(query))
+ assert result == {(frm, to, '345987')}
+def test_overlapping_postcode(pc_config):
+ parser = PostcodeParser(pc_config)
+ assert parser.parse(mk_query('123 456 78')) == {(0, 2, '123456'), (1, 3, '456 78')}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('query', ['45325-Berlin', "45325'Berlin",
+ 'Berlin-45325', "Berlin'45325", '45325Berlin'
+ '345-987', "345'987", '345,987', '345:987'])
+def test_not_a_postcode(pc_config, query):
+ parser = PostcodeParser(pc_config)
+ assert not parser.parse(mk_query(query))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('query', ['ba 12233', 'ba-12233'])
+def test_postcode_with_country_prefix(pc_config, query):
+ parser = PostcodeParser(pc_config)
+ assert (0, 2, '12233') in parser.parse(mk_query(query))
+def test_postcode_with_joined_country_prefix(pc_config):
+ parser = PostcodeParser(pc_config)
+ assert parser.parse(mk_query('ba12233')) == {(0, 1, '12233')}
+def test_postcode_with_non_matching_country_prefix(pc_config):
+ parser = PostcodeParser(pc_config)
+ assert not parser.parse(mk_query('ky12233'))
+def test_postcode_inside_postcode_phrase(pc_config):
+ parser = PostcodeParser(pc_config)
+ query = QueryStruct([])
+ query.nodes[-1].ptype = PHRASE_STREET
+ query.add_node(',', PHRASE_STREET, 0.1, '12345', '12345')
+ query.add_node(',', PHRASE_POSTCODE, 0.1, 'xz', 'xz')
+ query.add_node('>', PHRASE_POSTCODE, 0.1, '4444', '4444')
+ assert parser.parse(query) == {(2, 3, '4444')}
+def test_partial_postcode_in_postcode_phrase(pc_config):
+ parser = PostcodeParser(pc_config)
+ query = QueryStruct([])
+ query.nodes[-1].ptype = PHRASE_POSTCODE
+ query.add_node(' ', PHRASE_POSTCODE, 0.1, '2224', '2224')
+ query.add_node('>', PHRASE_POSTCODE, 0.1, '12345', '12345')
+ assert not parser.parse(query)
nq.TokenRange(1, 3) <= nq.TokenRange(10, 12)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
nq.TokenRange(1, 3) >= nq.TokenRange(10, 12)
+def test_query_extract_words():
+ q = nq.QueryStruct([])
+ q.add_node(nq.BREAK_WORD, nq.PHRASE_ANY, 0.1, '12', '')
+ q.add_node(nq.BREAK_TOKEN, nq.PHRASE_ANY, 0.0, 'ab', '')
+ q.add_node(nq.BREAK_PHRASE, nq.PHRASE_ANY, 0.0, '12', '')
+ q.add_node(nq.BREAK_END, nq.PHRASE_ANY, 0.5, 'hallo', '')
+ words = q.extract_words(base_penalty=1.0)
+ assert set(words.keys()) \
+ == {'12', 'ab', 'hallo', '12 ab', 'ab 12', '12 ab 12'}
+ assert sorted(words['12']) == [nq.TokenRange(0, 1, 1.0), nq.TokenRange(2, 3, 1.0)]
+ assert words['12 ab'] == [nq.TokenRange(0, 2, 1.1)]
+ assert words['hallo'] == [nq.TokenRange(3, 4, 1.0)]
'address': {'postcode': postcode}}))
- def test_update_postcodes_from_db_empty(self, table_factory, word_table):
- table_factory('location_postcode', 'country_code TEXT, postcode TEXT',
- content=(('de', '12345'), ('se', '132 34'),
- ('bm', 'AB23'), ('fr', '12345')))
- self.analyzer.update_postcodes_from_db()
- assert word_table.count() == 5
- assert word_table.get_postcodes() == {'12345', '132 34@132 34', 'AB 23@AB 23'}
- def test_update_postcodes_from_db_ambigious(self, table_factory, word_table):
- table_factory('location_postcode', 'country_code TEXT, postcode TEXT',
- content=(('in', '123456'), ('sg', '123456')))
- self.analyzer.update_postcodes_from_db()
- assert word_table.count() == 3
- assert word_table.get_postcodes() == {'123456', '123456@123 456'}
- def test_update_postcodes_from_db_add_and_remove(self, table_factory, word_table):
- table_factory('location_postcode', 'country_code TEXT, postcode TEXT',
- content=(('ch', '1234'), ('bm', 'BC 45'), ('bm', 'XX45')))
+ def test_update_postcodes_deleted(self, word_table):
word_table.add_postcode(' 1234', '1234')
word_table.add_postcode(' 5678', '5678')
- assert word_table.count() == 5
- assert word_table.get_postcodes() == {'1234', 'BC 45@BC 45', 'XX 45@XX 45'}
+ assert word_table.count() == 0
def test_process_place_postcode_simple(self, word_table):
assert info['postcode'] == '12345'
- assert word_table.get_postcodes() == {'12345', }
def test_process_place_postcode_with_space(self, word_table):
info = self.process_postcode('in', '123 567')
assert info['postcode'] == '123567'
- assert word_table.get_postcodes() == {'123567@123 567', }
def test_update_special_phrase_empty_table(analyzer, word_table):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('pcode', ['12345', 'AB 123', '34-345'])
def test_process_place_postcode(self, word_table, pcode):
- self.process_address(postcode=pcode)
+ info = self.process_address(postcode=pcode)
- assert word_table.get_postcodes() == {pcode, }
+ assert info['postcode'] == pcode
@pytest.mark.parametrize('hnr', ['123a', '1', '101'])