- if (CONST_ClosedForIndexing && strpos(CONST_ClosedForIndexingExceptionIPs, ','.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].',') === false)
- {
- echo "Closed for re-indexing...";
- exit;
- }
- $aBucketKeys = array();
- if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) $aBucketKeys[] = str_replace('www.','',strtolower(parse_url($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], PHP_URL_HOST)));
- if (isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) $aBucketKeys[] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
- if (isset($_GET["email"])) $aBucketKeys[] = $_GET["email"];
- $fBucketVal = doBucket($aBucketKeys,
- (defined('CONST_ConnectionBucket_PageType')?constant('CONST_ConnectionBucket_Cost_'.CONST_ConnectionBucket_PageType):1) + user_busy_cost(),
- CONST_ConnectionBucket_LeakRate, CONST_ConnectionBucket_BlockLimit);
- if ($fBucketVal > CONST_ConnectionBucket_WaitLimit && $fBucketVal < CONST_ConnectionBucket_BlockLimit)
- {
- $m = getBucketMemcache();
- $iCurrentSleeping = $m->increment('sleepCounter');
- if (false === $iCurrentSleeping)
- {
- $m->add('sleepCounter', 0);
- $iCurrentSleeping = $m->increment('sleepCounter');
- }
- if ($iCurrentSleeping >= CONST_ConnectionBucket_MaxSleeping || isBucketSleeping($aBucketKeys))
- {
- // Too many threads sleeping already. This becomes a hard block.
- $fBucketVal = doBucket($aBucketKeys, CONST_ConnectionBucket_BlockLimit, CONST_ConnectionBucket_LeakRate, CONST_ConnectionBucket_BlockLimit);
- }
- else
- {
- setBucketSleeping($aBucketKeys, true);
- sleep(($fBucketVal - CONST_ConnectionBucket_WaitLimit)/CONST_ConnectionBucket_LeakRate);
- $fBucketVal = doBucket($aBucketKeys, CONST_ConnectionBucket_LeakRate, CONST_ConnectionBucket_LeakRate, CONST_ConnectionBucket_BlockLimit);
- setBucketSleeping($aBucketKeys, false);
- }
- $m->decrement('sleepCounter');
- }
- if (strpos(CONST_BlockedIPs, ','.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].',') !== false || $fBucketVal >= CONST_ConnectionBucket_BlockLimit)
- {
- echo "Your IP has been blocked. \n";
- echo "Please create a nominatim trac ticket (http://trac.openstreetmap.org/newticket?component=nominatim) to request this to be removed. \n";
- echo "Information on the Nominatim usage policy can be found here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim#Usage_Policy \n";
- exit;
- }
- header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
+ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
if (CONST_Log_DB)
- // Log
- if ($sType == 'search')
- {
- $oDB->query('insert into query_log values ('.getDBQuoted($hLog[0]).','.getDBQuoted($hLog[3]).','.getDBQuoted($hLog[1]).')');
- }
- $sSQL = 'insert into new_query_log (type,starttime,query,ipaddress,useragent,language,format)';
+ if (isset($_GET['email']))
+ $sUserAgent = $_GET['email'];
+ else
+ $sUserAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
+ $sSQL = 'insert into new_query_log (type,starttime,query,ipaddress,useragent,language,format,searchterm)';
$sSQL .= ' values ('.getDBQuoted($sType).','.getDBQuoted($hLog[0]).','.getDBQuoted($hLog[2]);
- $sSQL .= ','.getDBQuoted($hLog[1]).','.getDBQuoted($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']).','.getDBQuoted(join(',',$aLanguageList)).','.getDBQuoted($sOutputFormat).')';
+ $sSQL .= ','.getDBQuoted($hLog[1]).','.getDBQuoted($sUserAgent).','.getDBQuoted(join(',',$aLanguageList)).','.getDBQuoted($sOutputFormat).','.getDBQuoted($hLog[3]).')';
if (CONST_Log_DB)
- $sSQL = 'update query_log set endtime = '.getDBQuoted($sEndTime).', results = '.$iNumResults;
- $sSQL .= ' where starttime = '.getDBQuoted($hLog[0]);
- $sSQL .= ' and ipaddress = '.getDBQuoted($hLog[1]);
- $sSQL .= ' and query = '.getDBQuoted($hLog[3]);
- $oDB->query($sSQL);
$sSQL = 'update new_query_log set endtime = '.getDBQuoted($sEndTime).', results = '.$iNumResults;
$sSQL .= ' where starttime = '.getDBQuoted($hLog[0]);
$sSQL .= ' and ipaddress = '.getDBQuoted($hLog[1]);
--- /dev/null
+# Plugin to monitor the number of IPs in special pools
+# Parameters:
+# config (required)
+# autoconf (optional - used by munin-config)
+if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
+ echo 'graph_title Restricted IPs'
+ echo 'graph_args -l 0'
+ echo 'graph_vlabel number of IPs'
+ echo 'graph_category nominatim'
+ echo 'bulk.label bulk'
+ echo 'bulk.draw AREA'
+ echo 'bulk.type GAUGE'
+ echo 'block.label blocked'
+ echo 'block.draw STACK'
+ echo 'block.type GAUGE'
+ exit 0
+BASEDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
+cut -f 2 -d ' ' $BASEDIR/../settings/ip_blocks.map | uniq -c | sed 's:[[:space:]]*\([0-9]\+\) \(.*\):\2.value \1:'
// Website settings
@define('CONST_NoAccessControl', true);
- @define('CONST_ClosedForIndexing', false);
- @define('CONST_ClosedForIndexingExceptionIPs', '');
@define('CONST_BlockedIPs', '');
+ @define('CONST_IPBanFile', CONST_BasePath.'/settings/ip_blocks');
+ @define('CONST_WhitelistedIPs', '');
+ @define('CONST_BlockedUserAgents', '');
+ @define('CONST_BlockReverseMaxLoad', 15);
@define('CONST_BulkUserIPs', '');
- @define('CONST_Website_BaseURL', 'http://'.php_uname('n').'/');
+ @define('CONST_Website_BaseURL', 'http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/');
@define('CONST_Tile_Default', 'Mapnik');
@define('CONST_Default_Language', false);
NEW.centroid := null;
-- reclaculate country and partition
- IF NEW.rank_search >= 4 THEN
- --NEW.calculated_country_code := lower(get_country_code(NEW.geometry, NEW.country_code));
- NEW.calculated_country_code := lower(get_country_code(place_centroid));
+ IF NEW.rank_search = 4 THEN
+ -- for countries, believe the mapped country code,
+ -- so that we remain in the right partition if the boundaries
+ -- suddenly expand.
+ NEW.partition := get_partition(place_centroid, lower(NEW.country_code));
+ IF NEW.partition = 0 THEN
+ NEW.calculated_country_code := lower(get_country_code(place_centroid));
+ NEW.partition := get_partition(place_centroid, NEW.calculated_country_code);
+ NEW.calculated_country_code := lower(NEW.country_code);
- NEW.calculated_country_code := NULL;
+ IF NEW.rank_search > 4 THEN
+ --NEW.calculated_country_code := lower(get_country_code(NEW.geometry, NEW.country_code));
+ NEW.calculated_country_code := lower(get_country_code(place_centroid));
+ NEW.calculated_country_code := NULL;
+ NEW.partition := get_partition(place_centroid, NEW.calculated_country_code);
- NEW.partition := get_partition(place_centroid, NEW.calculated_country_code);
NEW.geometry_sector := geometry_sector(NEW.partition, place_centroid);
-- Adding ourselves to the list simplifies address calculations later
-- Indices used only during search and update.
-- These indices are created only after the indexing process is done.
-CREATE INDEX idx_word_word_id on word USING BTREE (word_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_word_word_id on word USING BTREE (word_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
-CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_nameaddress_vector ON search_name USING GIN (nameaddress_vector) WITH (fastupdate = off);
-CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_name_vector ON search_name USING GIN (name_vector) WITH (fastupdate = off);
-CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_centroid ON search_name USING GIST (centroid);
+CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_nameaddress_vector ON search_name USING GIN (nameaddress_vector) WITH (fastupdate = off) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_name_vector ON search_name USING GIN (name_vector) WITH (fastupdate = off) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_centroid ON search_name USING GIST (centroid) TABLESPACE ssd;
-CREATE INDEX idx_place_addressline_address_place_id on place_addressline USING BTREE (address_place_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_place_addressline_address_place_id on place_addressline USING BTREE (address_place_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
-CREATE INDEX idx_place_boundingbox_place_id on place_boundingbox USING BTREE (place_id);
-CREATE INDEX idx_place_boundingbox_outline ON place_boundingbox USING GIST (outline);
+CREATE INDEX idx_place_boundingbox_place_id on place_boundingbox USING BTREE (place_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_place_boundingbox_outline ON place_boundingbox USING GIST (outline) TABLESPACE ssd;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_placex_rank_search;
-CREATE INDEX idx_placex_rank_search ON placex USING BTREE (rank_search);
-CREATE INDEX idx_placex_rank_address ON placex USING BTREE (rank_address);
-CREATE INDEX idx_placex_pendingsector ON placex USING BTREE (rank_search,geometry_sector) where indexed_status > 0;
-CREATE INDEX idx_placex_parent_place_id ON placex USING BTREE (parent_place_id) where parent_place_id IS NOT NULL;
-CREATE INDEX idx_placex_interpolation ON placex USING BTREE (geometry_sector) where indexed_status > 0 and class='place' and type='houses';
-CREATE INDEX idx_location_area_country_place_id ON location_area_country USING BTREE (place_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_rank_search ON placex USING BTREE (rank_search) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_rank_address ON placex USING BTREE (rank_address) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_pendingsector ON placex USING BTREE (rank_search,geometry_sector) TABLESPACE ssd where indexed_status > 0;
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_parent_place_id ON placex USING BTREE (parent_place_id) TABLESPACE ssd where parent_place_id IS NOT NULL;
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_interpolation ON placex USING BTREE (geometry_sector) TABLESPACE ssd where indexed_status > 0 and class='place' and type='houses';
+CREATE INDEX idx_location_area_country_place_id ON location_area_country USING BTREE (place_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
-CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_country_centroid ON search_name_country USING GIST (centroid);
+CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_country_centroid ON search_name_country USING GIST (centroid) TABLESPACE ssd;
-- start
-CREATE INDEX idx_location_property_-partition-_centroid ON location_property_-partition- USING GIST (centroid);
+CREATE INDEX idx_location_property_-partition-_centroid ON location_property_-partition- USING GIST (centroid) TABLESPACE ssd;
-- end
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_place_osm_unique on place using btree(osm_id,osm_type,class,type);
CREATE TABLE location_area_country () INHERITS (location_area_large);
-CREATE INDEX idx_location_area_country_geometry ON location_area_country USING GIST (geometry);
+CREATE INDEX idx_location_area_country_geometry ON location_area_country USING GIST (geometry) TABLESPACE ssd;
CREATE TABLE search_name_country () INHERITS (search_name_blank);
-CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_country_place_id ON search_name_country USING BTREE (place_id);
-CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_country_name_vector ON search_name_country USING GIN (name_vector) WITH (fastupdate = off);
+CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_country_place_id ON search_name_country USING BTREE (place_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_country_name_vector ON search_name_country USING GIN (name_vector) WITH (fastupdate = off) TABLESPACE ssd;
-- start
CREATE TABLE location_area_large_-partition- () INHERITS (location_area_large);
-CREATE INDEX idx_location_area_large_-partition-_place_id ON location_area_large_-partition- USING BTREE (place_id);
-CREATE INDEX idx_location_area_large_-partition-_geometry ON location_area_large_-partition- USING GIST (geometry);
+CREATE INDEX idx_location_area_large_-partition-_place_id ON location_area_large_-partition- USING BTREE (place_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_location_area_large_-partition-_geometry ON location_area_large_-partition- USING GIST (geometry) TABLESPACE ssd;
CREATE TABLE search_name_-partition- () INHERITS (search_name_blank);
-CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_-partition-_place_id ON search_name_-partition- USING BTREE (place_id);
-CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_-partition-_centroid ON search_name_-partition- USING GIST (centroid);
-CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_-partition-_name_vector ON search_name_-partition- USING GIN (name_vector) WITH (fastupdate = off);
+CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_-partition-_place_id ON search_name_-partition- USING BTREE (place_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_-partition-_centroid ON search_name_-partition- USING GIST (centroid) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_-partition-_name_vector ON search_name_-partition- USING GIN (name_vector) WITH (fastupdate = off) TABLESPACE ssd;
CREATE TABLE location_property_-partition- () INHERITS (location_property);
CREATE INDEX idx_location_property_-partition-_place_id ON location_property_-partition- USING BTREE (place_id);
country_code VARCHAR(2)
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('location_road_-partition-', 'geometry', 4326, 'GEOMETRY', 2);
-CREATE INDEX idx_location_road_-partition-_geometry ON location_road_-partition- USING GIST (geometry);
-CREATE INDEX idx_location_road_-partition-_place_id ON location_road_-partition- USING BTREE (place_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_location_road_-partition-_geometry ON location_road_-partition- USING GIST (geometry) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_location_road_-partition-_place_id ON location_road_-partition- USING BTREE (place_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
-- end
event text
---drop table IF EXISTS query_log;
-CREATE TABLE query_log (
- starttime timestamp,
- query text,
- ipaddress text,
- endtime timestamp,
- results integer
- );
-CREATE INDEX idx_query_log ON query_log USING BTREE (starttime);
-GRANT SELECT ON query_log TO "www-data" ;
-GRANT INSERT ON query_log TO "www-data" ;
-GRANT UPDATE ON query_log TO "www-data" ;
CREATE TABLE new_query_log (
type text,
starttime timestamp,
useragent text,
language text,
query text,
+ searchterm text,
endtime timestamp,
results integer,
format text,
GRANT UPDATE ON new_query_log TO "www-data" ;
GRANT SELECT ON new_query_log TO "www-data" ;
-create view vw_search_query_log as SELECT substr(query, 1, 50) AS query, starttime, endtime - starttime AS duration, substr(useragent, 1, 20) as
-useragent, language, results, ipaddress FROM new_query_log WHERE type = 'search' ORDER BY starttime DESC;
--drop table IF EXISTS report_log;
CREATE TABLE report_log (
starttime timestamp,
country_code varchar(2),
search_name_count INTEGER,
operator TEXT
- );
-CREATE INDEX idx_word_word_token on word USING BTREE (word_token);
+CREATE INDEX idx_word_word_token on word USING BTREE (word_token) TABLESPACE ssd;
GRANT SELECT ON word TO "www-data" ;
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_word start 1;
nameaddress_vector integer[]
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('search_name', 'centroid', 4326, 'GEOMETRY', 2);
-CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_place_id ON search_name USING BTREE (place_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_place_id ON search_name USING BTREE (place_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
drop table IF EXISTS place_addressline;
CREATE TABLE place_addressline (
isaddress boolean,
distance float,
cached_rank_address integer
- );
-CREATE INDEX idx_place_addressline_place_id on place_addressline USING BTREE (place_id);
+ ) TABLESPACE data;
+CREATE INDEX idx_place_addressline_place_id on place_addressline USING BTREE (place_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
drop table IF EXISTS place_boundingbox CASCADE;
CREATE TABLE place_boundingbox (
wikipedia TEXT, -- calculated wikipedia article name (language:title)
geometry_sector INTEGER,
calculated_country_code varchar(2)
- );
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('placex', 'centroid', 4326, 'GEOMETRY', 2);
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_place_id ON placex USING BTREE (place_id);
-CREATE INDEX idx_placex_osmid ON placex USING BTREE (osm_type, osm_id);
-CREATE INDEX idx_placex_linked_place_id ON placex USING BTREE (linked_place_id);
-CREATE INDEX idx_placex_rank_search ON placex USING BTREE (rank_search, geometry_sector);
-CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry ON placex USING GIST (geometry);
-CREATE INDEX idx_placex_adminname on placex USING BTREE (make_standard_name(name->'name'),rank_search) WHERE osm_type='N' and rank_search < 26;
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_place_id ON placex USING BTREE (place_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_osmid ON placex USING BTREE (osm_type, osm_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_linked_place_id ON placex USING BTREE (linked_place_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_rank_search ON placex USING BTREE (rank_search, geometry_sector) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry ON placex USING GIST (geometry) TABLESPACE ssd;
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_adminname on placex USING BTREE (make_standard_name(name->'name'),rank_search) TABLESPACE ssd WHERE osm_type='N' and rank_search < 26;
--CREATE INDEX idx_placex_indexed ON placex USING BTREE (indexed);
drop index idx_placex_sector;
-CREATE INDEX idx_placex_sector ON placex USING BTREE (geometry_sector,rank_address,osm_type,osm_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_sector ON placex USING BTREE (geometry_sector,rank_address,osm_type,osm_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
DROP SEQUENCE seq_postcodes;
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_postcodes start 1;
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('import_polygon_error', 'prevgeometry', 4326, 'GEOMETRY', 2);
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('import_polygon_error', 'newgeometry', 4326, 'GEOMETRY', 2);
-CREATE INDEX idx_import_polygon_error_osmid ON import_polygon_error USING BTREE (osm_type, osm_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_import_polygon_error_osmid ON import_polygon_error USING BTREE (osm_type, osm_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
GRANT SELECT ON import_polygon_error TO "www-data";
drop table import_polygon_delete;
-CREATE INDEX idx_import_polygon_delete_osmid ON import_polygon_delete USING BTREE (osm_type, osm_id);
+CREATE INDEX idx_import_polygon_delete_osmid ON import_polygon_delete USING BTREE (osm_type, osm_id) TABLESPACE ssd;
GRANT SELECT ON import_polygon_delete TO "www-data";
drop sequence file;
--- /dev/null
+# Search logs for high-bandwith users and create a list of suspicious IPs.
+# There are three states: bulk, block, ban. The first are bulk requesters
+# that need throtteling, the second bulk requesters that have overdone it
+# and the last manually banned IPs.
+# The list can then be used in apache using rewrite rules to
+# direct bulk users to smaller thread pools or block them. A
+# typical apache config that uses php-fpm pools would look
+# like this:
+# Alias /nominatim-www/ "/var/www/nominatim/"
+# Alias /nominatim-bulk/ "/var/www/nominatim/"
+# <Directory "/var/www/nominatim/">
+# Options MultiViews FollowSymLinks
+# AddType text/html .php
+# </Directory>
+# <Location /nominatim-www>
+# AddHandler fcgi:/var/run/php5-fpm-www.sock .php
+# </Location>
+# <Location /nominatim-bulk>
+# AddHandler fcgi:/var/run/php5-fpm-bulk.sock .php
+# </Location>
+# Redirect 509 /nominatim-block/
+# ErrorDocument 509 "Bandwidth limit exceeded."
+# Redirect 403 /nominatim-ban/
+# ErrorDocument 403 "Access blocked."
+# RewriteEngine On
+# RewriteMap bulklist txt:/home/wherever/ip-block.map
+# RewriteRule ^/(.*) /nominatim-${bulklist:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|www}/$1 [PT]
+import os
+import psycopg2
+import datetime
+BASEDIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__), '../..'))
+# Copy into settings/ip_blcoks.conf and adapt as required.
+BLOCKEDFILE= BASEDIR + '/settings/ip_blocks.map'
+LOGFILE= BASEDIR + '/log/restricted_ip.log'
+# space-separated list of IPs that are never banned
+# space-separated list of IPs manually blocked
+# time before a automatically blocked IP is allowed back
+# quiet time before an IP is released from the bulk pool
+ execfile(os.path.expanduser(BASEDIR + "/settings/ip_blocks.conf"))
+except IOError:
+ pass
+# read the previous blocklist
+WHITELIST = set(WHITELIST.split()) if WHITELIST else set()
+prevblocks = []
+prevbulks = []
+BLACKLIST = set(BLACKLIST.split()) if BLACKLIST else set()
+newblocks = set()
+newbulks = set()
+ fd = open(BLOCKEDFILE)
+ for line in fd:
+ ip, typ = line.strip().split(' ')
+ if ip not in BLACKLIST:
+ if typ == 'block':
+ prevblocks.append(ip)
+ elif typ == 'bulk':
+ prevbulks.append(ip)
+ fd.close()
+except IOError:
+ pass #ignore non-existing file
+# determine current load
+fd = open("/proc/loadavg")
+avgload = int(float(fd.readline().split()[2]))
+# DB load
+conn = psycopg2.connect('dbname=nominatim')
+cur = conn.cursor()
+cur.execute("select count(*)/60 from new_query_log where starttime > now() - interval '1min'")
+dbload = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
+if len(prevbulks) > MAX_BULK_IPS:
+ BLOCK_LIMIT = max(3600, BLOCK_LOWER - (len(prevbulks) - MAX_BULK_IPS)*10)
+# get the new block candidates
+ SELECT ipaddress, max(count) FROM
+ (SELECT ipaddress, sum(case when endtime is null then 1 else 1+1.5*date_part('epoch',endtime-starttime) end) as count FROM new_query_log
+ WHERE starttime > now() - interval '1 hour' GROUP BY ipaddress) as i
+ WHERE count > %s)
+ (SELECT ipaddress, count * 3 FROM
+ (SELECT ipaddress, sum(case when endtime is null then 1 else 1+1.5*date_part('epoch',endtime-starttime) end) as count FROM new_query_log
+ WHERE starttime > now() - interval '10 min' GROUP BY ipaddress) as i
+ WHERE count > %s)) as o
+ GROUP BY ipaddress
+bulkips = {}
+emergencyblocks = []
+for c in cur:
+ if c[0] not in WHITELIST and c[0] not in BLACKLIST:
+ if c[1] > BLOCK_UPPER and c[0] not in prevbulks:
+ newblocks.add(c[0])
+ if c[0] not in prevblocks:
+ emergencyblocks.append(c[0])
+ else:
+ bulkips[c[0]] = c[1]
+# IPs from the block list that are no longer in the bulk list
+deblockcandidates = set()
+# IPs from the bulk list that are no longer in the bulk list
+debulkcandidates = set()
+# new IPs to go into the block list
+newlyblocked = []
+for ip in prevblocks:
+ if ip in bulkips:
+ newblocks.add(ip)
+ del bulkips[ip]
+ else:
+ deblockcandidates.add(ip)
+for ip in prevbulks:
+ if ip in bulkips:
+ if bulkips[ip] > BLOCK_LIMIT:
+ newblocks.add(ip)
+ newlyblocked.append(ip)
+ else:
+ newbulks.add(ip)
+ del bulkips[ip]
+ else:
+ debulkcandidates.add(ip)
+# cross-check deblock candidates
+if deblockcandidates:
+ cur.execute("""
+ SELECT DISTINCT ipaddress FROM new_query_log
+ WHERE ipaddress IN ('%s') AND starttime > now() - interval '%s'
+ """ % ("','".join(deblockcandidates), BLOCKCOOLOFF_PERIOD))
+ for c in cur:
+ newblocks.add(c[0])
+ deblockcandidates.remove(c[0])
+# deblocked IPs go back to the bulk pool to catch the ones that simply
+# ignored the HTTP error and just continue to hammer the API.
+# Those that behave and stopped will be debulked a minute later.
+for ip in deblockcandidates:
+ newbulks.add(ip)
+# cross-check debulk candidates
+if debulkcandidates:
+ cur.execute("""
+ SELECT DISTINCT ipaddress FROM new_query_log
+ WHERE ipaddress IN ('%s') AND starttime > now() - interval '%s'
+ AND starttime > date_trunc('day', now())
+ """ % ("','".join(debulkcandidates), BULKCOOLOFF_PERIOD))
+ for c in cur:
+ newbulks.add(c[0])
+ debulkcandidates.remove(c[0])
+for ip in bulkips.iterkeys():
+ newbulks.add(ip)
+# write out the new list
+fd = open(BLOCKEDFILE, 'w')
+for ip in newblocks:
+ fd.write(ip + " block\n")
+for ip in newbulks:
+ fd.write(ip + " bulk\n")
+for ip in BLACKLIST:
+ fd.write(ip + " ban\n")
+# write out the log
+logstr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + ' %s %s\n'
+fd = open(LOGFILE, 'a')
+if deblockcandidates:
+ fd.write(logstr % ('unblocked:', ', '.join(deblockcandidates)))
+if debulkcandidates:
+ fd.write(logstr % (' debulked:', ', '.join(debulkcandidates)))
+if bulkips:
+ fd.write(logstr % ('new bulks:', ', '.join(bulkips.keys())))
+if emergencyblocks:
+ fd.write(logstr % ('dir.block:', ', '.join(emergencyblocks)))
+if newlyblocked:
+ fd.write(logstr % ('new block:', ', '.join(newlyblocked)))
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# Rotate query logs.
+basedir=`dirname $0`
+logfile=`date "+$basedir/../log/query-%F.log.gz"`
+# dump the old logfile
+pg_dump -a -F p -t backup_query_log $dbname | gzip -9 > $logfile
+# remove the old logs
+psql -q -d $dbname -c 'DROP TABLE backup_query_log'
+# rotate
+psql -q -1 -d $dbname -c 'ALTER TABLE new_query_log RENAME TO backup_query_log;CREATE TABLE new_query_log as (select * from backup_query_log limit 0);GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON new_query_log TO "www-data"'
+psql -q -d $dbname -c 'ALTER INDEX idx_new_query_log_starttime RENAME TO idx_backup_query_log_starttime'
+psql -q -d $dbname -c 'CREATE INDEX idx_new_query_log_starttime ON new_query_log USING BTREE (starttime)'
--- /dev/null
+# Vaccum all tables with indices on integer arrays.
+# Agressive vacuuming seems to help against index bloat.
+psql -q -d nominatim -c 'VACUUM ANALYSE search_name'
+psql -q -d nominatim -c 'VACUUM ANALYSE search_name_country'
+#psql -q -d nominatim -c 'VACUUM ANALYSE planet_osm_ways'
+for i in `seq 0 246`; do
+ psql -q -d nominatim -c "VACUUM ANALYSE search_name_${i}"
$osm2pgsql .= ' --flat-nodes '.CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File;
+ $osm2pgsql .= ' --tablespace-slim-index ssd --tablespace-main-index ssd --tablespace-main-data ssd --tablespace-slim-data data';
$osm2pgsql .= ' -lsc -O gazetteer --hstore';
- $osm2pgsql .= ' -C '.$iCacheMemory;
+ $osm2pgsql .= ' -C 16000';
$osm2pgsql .= ' -P '.$aDSNInfo['port'];
$osm2pgsql .= ' -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'].' '.$aCMDResult['osm-file'];
$sSQL .= "select 'P',nextval('seq_postcodes'),'place','postcode',postcode,calculated_country_code,";
$sSQL .= "ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(x,y),4326) as geometry from (select calculated_country_code,postcode,";
$sSQL .= "avg(st_x(st_centroid(geometry))) as x,avg(st_y(st_centroid(geometry))) as y ";
- $sSQL .= "from placex where postcode is not null group by calculated_country_code,postcode) as x";
+ $sSQL .= "from placex where postcode is not null and calculated_country_code not in ('ie') group by calculated_country_code,postcode) as x";
if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, $sSQL)) fail(pg_last_error($oDB->connection));
$sSQL = "insert into placex (osm_type,osm_id,class,type,postcode,calculated_country_code,geometry) ";
echo "class = '".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."' and type = '".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])."';\n";
echo "CREATE INDEX idx_place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])."_centroid ";
- echo "ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." USING GIST (centroid);\n";
+ echo "ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." USING GIST (centroid) tablespace ssd;\n";
echo "CREATE INDEX idx_place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])."_place_id ";
- echo "ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." USING btree(place_id);\n";
+ echo "ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." USING btree(place_id) tablespace ssd;\n";
- echo "GRANT SELECT ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." TO \"www-data\";";
+ echo "GRANT SELECT ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." TO \"www-data\";\n";
showUsage($aCMDOptions, true, 'Select either import of hourly or daily');
- if (!isset($aResult['index-instances'])) $aResult['index-instances'] = 1;
if (!isset($aResult['index-rank'])) $aResult['index-rank'] = 0;
// Lock to prevent multiple copies running
if ($aResult['index'])
+ if (!isset($aResult['index-instances'])) $aResult['index-instances'] = 1;
passthru(CONST_BasePath.'/nominatim/nominatim -i -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'].' -t '.$aResult['index-instances'].' -r '.$aResult['index-rank']);
$sCMDImport .= ' --flat-nodes '.CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File;
- $sCMDIndex = $sBasePath.'/nominatim/nominatim -i -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'].' -t '.$aResult['index-instances'];
+ $sCMDIndex = $sBasePath.'/nominatim/nominatim -i -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'];
if (!$aResult['no-npi']) {
$sCMDIndex .= '-F ';
$sBatchEnd = getosmosistimestamp($sOsmosisConfigDirectory);
// Index file
- $sThisIndexCmd = $sCMDIndex;
+ if (!isset($aResult['index-instances']))
+ {
+ if (getLoadAverage() < 15)
+ $iIndexInstances = 2;
+ else
+ $iIndexInstances = 1;
+ } else
+ $iIndexInstances = $aResult['index-instances'];
+ $sThisIndexCmd = $sCMDIndex.' -t '.$iIndexInstances;
if (!$aResult['no-npi'])
--- /dev/null
+<title>Access blocked</title>
+<h1>Access blocked</h1>
+<p>You have been blocked because you have been overusing OSM's geocoding service.
+Please be aware that OSM's resources are limited and shared between many users.
+To have this block lifted, contact the <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/System_Administrators">Nominatim system administrator</a>.</p>
+<p>For more information, consult the <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim_usage_policy">usage policy</a> for the OSM Nominatim server.
--- /dev/null
+<title>Bandwidth limit exceeded</title>
+<h1>Bandwidth limit exceeded</h1>
+<p>You have been temporarily blocked because you have been overusing OSM's geocoding service.
+Please adapt your scripts to reduce the number of requests and try again later.</p>
+<p>For more information, consult the <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim_usage_policy">usage policy</a> for the OSM Nominatim server.
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/"
+ xmlns:moz="http://www.mozilla.org/2006/browser/search/">
+ <ShortName>Nominatim</ShortName>
+ <LongName>Nominatim OSM Search</LongName>
+ <Description>Search for a place in OpenStreetMap Nominatim</Description>
+ <InputEncoding>UTF-8</InputEncoding>
+ <OutputEncoding>UTF-8</OutputEncoding>
+ <Url type="text/html" method="get" template="http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search/?q={searchTerms}" />
+ <Query role="example" searchTerms="Reigate" />
+ <Developer>Brian Quinion</Developer>
+ <AdultContent>false</AdultContent>
+ <Attribution>Data &copy; OpenStreetMap contributors, Some Rights Reserved. ODbL, http://www.osm.org/copyright.</Attribution>
- if (strpos(CONST_BulkUserIPs, ','.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].',') !== false)
- {
- $fLoadAvg = getLoadAverage();
- if ($fLoadAvg > 2) sleep(60);
- if ($fLoadAvg > 4) sleep(120);
- if ($fLoadAvg > 6)
- {
- echo "Bulk User: Temporary block due to high server load\n";
- exit;
- }
- }
$oDB =& getDB();
ini_set('memory_limit', '200M');
--- /dev/null
+User-agent: ia_archiver
+Allow: /
+User-agent: *
+Disallow: /search.php
+Disallow: /search
+Disallow: /details.php
+Disallow: /details
+Disallow: /reverse.php
+Disallow: /reverse
if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:de'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ru'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ja'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
+ if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:pl'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
$sLanguagePrefArraySQL = "ARRAY[".join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$aLangPrefOrder))."]";
$aPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
// If not try the aux fallback table
+ /*
if (!sizeof($aPlaceIDs))
$sSQL = "select place_id from location_property_aux where parent_place_id in (".$sPlaceIDs.") and housenumber = '".pg_escape_string($aSearch['sHouseNumber'])."'";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
$aPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ */
if (!sizeof($aPlaceIDs))
// Get the details for display (is this a redundant extra step?)
$sPlaceIDs = join(',',$aResultPlaceIDs);
+ $sImportanceSQL = '';
+ if ($sViewboxSmallSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " case when ST_Contains($sViewboxSmallSQL, ST_Collect(centroid)) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * ";
+ if ($sViewboxLargeSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " case when ST_Contains($sViewboxLargeSQL, ST_Collect(centroid)) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * ";
$sOrderSQL = 'CASE ';
foreach(array_keys($aResultPlaceIDs) as $iOrder => $iPlaceID)
$sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) as ref,";
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
//$sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
- $sSQL .= "coalesce(importance,0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) as importance, ";
+ $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."coalesce(importance,0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) as importance, ";
$sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(placex.place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance, ";
$sSQL .= "(extratags->'place') as extra_place ";
$sSQL .= "from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "null as ref,";
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
//$sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
- $sSQL .= "-0.15 as importance, ";
+ $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."0.015 as importance, ";
$sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(location_property_tiger.place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance, ";
$sSQL .= "null as extra_place ";
$sSQL .= "from location_property_tiger where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "and 30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
$sSQL .= "group by place_id";
if (!$bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id";
+ /*
$sSQL .= " union ";
$sSQL .= "select 'L' as osm_type,place_id as osm_id,'place' as class,'house' as type,null as admin_level,30 as rank_search,30 as rank_address,min(place_id) as place_id,'us' as country_code,";
$sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
$sSQL .= "null as ref,";
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
//$sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
- $sSQL .= "-0.10 as importance, ";
+ $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."0.01 as importance, ";
$sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(location_property_aux.place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance, ";
$sSQL .= "null as extra_place ";
$sSQL .= "from location_property_aux where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= ",get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) ";
$sSQL .= "order by importance desc";
//$sSQL .= "order by rank_search,rank_address,porder asc";
+ */
if (CONST_Debug) { echo "<hr>"; var_dump($sSQL); }
$aSearchResults = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
$sSQL .= "and 30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
$sSQL .= "group by place_id";
if (!$bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id";
+ /*
$sSQL .= " union ";
$sSQL .= "select 'L' as osm_type,place_id as osm_id,'place' as class,'house' as type,null as admin_level,30 as rank_search,30 as rank_address,min(place_id) as place_id,'us' as country_code,";
$sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
$sSQL .= "from location_property_aux where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "and 30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
$sSQL .= "group by place_id";
+ */
if (!$bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id";
$sSQL .= ",get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) ";
$sSQL .= "order by importance desc";
preg_match_all('/(-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)/',$aMatch[1],$aPolyPoints,PREG_SET_ORDER);
- elseif (preg_match('#MULTIPOLYGON\\(\\(\\(([- 0-9.,]+)#',$aPointPolygon['astext'],$aMatch))
+ /*elseif (preg_match('#MULTIPOLYGON\\(\\(\\(([- 0-9.,]+)#',$aPointPolygon['astext'],$aMatch))
preg_match_all('/(-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)/',$aMatch[1],$aPolyPoints,PREG_SET_ORDER);
- }
+ }*/
elseif (preg_match('#POINT\\((-?[0-9.]+) (-?[0-9.]+)\\)#',$aPointPolygon['astext'],$aMatch))
$fRadius = 0.01;