The new functions always creates normal and partitioned functions.
Also adds specialised connection and cursor classes for adding
frequently used helper functions.
if (!$aResult['no-update-functions']) {
- // instantiate setupClass to use the function therein
- $cSetup = new SetupFunctions(array(
- 'enable-diff-updates' => true,
- 'verbose' => $aResult['verbose']
- ));
- $cSetup->createFunctions();
+ (clone($oNominatimCmd))->addParams('refresh', '--functions')->run();
$sDatabaseDate = getDatabaseDate($oDB);
public function createPartitionFunctions()
info('Create Partition Functions');
- $sTemplate = file_get_contents(CONST_DataDir.'/sql/partition-functions.src.sql');
- $this->pgsqlRunPartitionScript($sTemplate);
+ $this->createSqlFunctions(); // also create partition functions
public function importWikipediaArticles()
private function createSqlFunctions()
- $sBasePath = CONST_DataDir.'/sql/functions/';
- $sTemplate = file_get_contents($sBasePath.'utils.sql');
- $sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'normalization.sql');
- $sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'ranking.sql');
- $sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'importance.sql');
- $sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'address_lookup.sql');
- $sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'interpolation.sql');
- if ($this->db()->tableExists('place')) {
- $sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'place_triggers.sql');
- }
- if ($this->db()->tableExists('placex')) {
- $sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'placex_triggers.sql');
- }
- if ($this->db()->tableExists('location_postcode')) {
- $sTemplate .= file_get_contents($sBasePath.'postcode_triggers.sql');
- }
- $sTemplate = str_replace('{modulepath}', $this->sModulePath, $sTemplate);
- if ($this->bEnableDiffUpdates) {
- $sTemplate = str_replace('RETURN NEW; -- %DIFFUPDATES%', '--', $sTemplate);
+ $oCmd = (clone($this->oNominatimCmd))
+ ->addParams('refresh', '--functions');
+ if (!$this->bEnableDiffUpdates) {
+ $oCmd->addParams('--no-diff-updates');
if ($this->bEnableDebugStatements) {
- $sTemplate = str_replace('--DEBUG:', '', $sTemplate);
- }
- if (getSettingBool('LIMIT_REINDEXING')) {
- $sTemplate = str_replace('--LIMIT INDEXING:', '', $sTemplate);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--enable-debug-statements');
- if (!getSettingBool('USE_US_TIGER_DATA')) {
- $sTemplate = str_replace('-- %NOTIGERDATA% ', '', $sTemplate);
- }
- if (!getSettingBool('USE_AUX_LOCATION_DATA')) {
- $sTemplate = str_replace('-- %NOAUXDATA% ', '', $sTemplate);
- }
- $sReverseOnly = $this->dbReverseOnly() ? 'true' : 'false';
- $sTemplate = str_replace('%REVERSE-ONLY%', $sReverseOnly, $sTemplate);
- $this->pgsqlRunScript($sTemplate);
+ $oCmd->run();
private function pgsqlRunPartitionScript($sTemplate)
import logging
from pathlib import Path
-import psycopg2
from .config import Configuration
from .tools.exec_utils import run_legacy_script, run_api_script
+from .db.connection import connect
LOG = logging.getLogger()
def run(args):
- import
+ from .tools import refresh
- conn = psycopg2.connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn())
+ conn = connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn())
if args.postcodes:
LOG.warning("Update postcodes centroid")
-, args.data_dir)
+ refresh.update_postcodes(conn, args.data_dir)
if args.word_counts:
LOG.warning('Recompute frequency of full-word search terms')
-, args.data_dir)
+ refresh.recompute_word_counts(conn, args.data_dir)
if args.address_levels:
cfg = Path(args.config.ADDRESS_LEVEL_CONFIG)
LOG.warning('Updating address levels from %s', cfg)
-, cfg)
+ refresh.load_address_levels_from_file(conn, cfg)
if args.functions:
- params = ['setup.php', '--create-functions', '--create-partition-functions']
- if args.diffs:
- params.append('--enable-diff-updates')
- if args.enable_debug_statements:
- params.append('--enable-debug-statements')
- run_legacy_script(*params, nominatim_env=args, throw_on_fail=True)
+ LOG.warning('Create functions')
+ refresh.create_functions(conn, args.config, args.data_dir,
+ args.diffs, args.enable_debug_statements)
if args.wiki_data:
run_legacy_script('setup.php', '--import-wikipedia-articles',
nominatim_env=args, throw_on_fail=True)
def __init__(self, project_dir, config_dir):
+ self.project_dir = project_dir
self._config = dotenv_values(str((config_dir / 'env.defaults').resolve()))
if project_dir is not None:
self._config.update(dotenv_values(str((project_dir / '.env').resolve())))
return os.environ.get(name) or self._config[name]
+ def get_bool(self, name):
+ """ Return the given configuration parameters as a boolean.
+ Values of '1', 'yes' and 'true' are accepted as truthy values,
+ everything else is interpreted as false.
+ """
+ return self.__getattr__(name).lower() in ('1', 'yes', 'true')
def get_libpq_dsn(self):
""" Get configured database DSN converted into the key/value format
understood by libpq and psycopg.
Functions for bringing auxiliary data in the database up-to-date.
import json
+import re
from psycopg2.extras import execute_values
with'r') as fdesc:
load_address_levels(conn, 'address_levels', json.load(fdesc))
+ 'utils.sql',
+ 'normalization.sql',
+ 'ranking.sql',
+ 'importance.sql',
+ 'address_lookup.sql',
+ 'interpolation.sql'
+ ('place', 'place_triggers.sql'),
+ ('placex', 'placex_triggers.sql'),
+ ('location_postcode', 'postcode_triggers.sql')
+def _get_standard_function_sql(conn, config, sql_dir, enable_diff_updates, enable_debug):
+ """ Read all applicable SQLs containing PL/pgSQL functions, replace
+ placefolders and execute them.
+ """
+ sql_func_dir = sql_dir / 'functions'
+ sql = ''
+ # Get the basic set of functions that is always imported.
+ for sql_file in PLPGSQL_BASE_MODULES:
+ with (sql_func_dir / sql_file).open('r') as fdesc:
+ sql +=
+ # Some files require the presence of a certain table
+ for table, fname in PLPGSQL_TABLE_MODULES:
+ if conn.table_exists(table):
+ with (sql_func_dir / fname).open('r') as fdesc:
+ sql +=
+ # Replace placeholders.
+ sql = sql.replace('{modulepath}',
+ config.DATABASE_MODULE_PATH or str((config.project_dir / 'module').resolve()))
+ if enable_diff_updates:
+ sql = sql.replace('RETURN NEW; -- %DIFFUPDATES%', '--')
+ if enable_debug:
+ sql = sql.replace('--DEBUG:', '')
+ if config.get_bool('LIMIT_REINDEXING'):
+ sql = sql.replace('--LIMIT INDEXING:', '')
+ if not config.get_bool('USE_US_TIGER_DATA'):
+ sql = sql.replace('-- %NOTIGERDATA% ', '')
+ if not config.get_bool('USE_AUX_LOCATION_DATA'):
+ sql = sql.replace('-- %NOAUXDATA% ', '')
+ reverse_only = 'false' if conn.table_exists('search_name') else 'true'
+ return sql.replace('%REVERSE-ONLY%', reverse_only)
+def replace_partition_string(sql, partitions):
+ """ Replace a partition template with the actual partition code.
+ """
+ for match in re.findall('^-- start(.*?)^-- end', sql, re.M | re.S):
+ repl = ''
+ for part in partitions:
+ repl += match.replace('-partition-', str(part))
+ sql = sql.replace(match, repl)
+ return sql
+def _get_partition_function_sql(conn, sql_dir):
+ """ Create functions that work on partition tables.
+ """
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute('SELECT distinct partition FROM country_name')
+ partitions = set([0])
+ for row in cur:
+ partitions.add(row[0])
+ with (sql_dir / 'partition-functions.src.sql').open('r') as fdesc:
+ sql =
+ return replace_partition_string(sql, sorted(partitions))
+def create_functions(conn, config, data_dir,
+ enable_diff_updates=True, enable_debug=False):
+ """ (Re)create the PL/pgSQL functions.
+ """
+ sql_dir = data_dir / 'sql'
+ sql = _get_standard_function_sql(conn, config, sql_dir,
+ enable_diff_updates, enable_debug)
+ sql += _get_partition_function_sql(conn, sql_dir)
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute(sql)
+ conn.commit()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("command,params", [
- ('functions', ('setup.php',)),
('wiki-data', ('setup.php', '--import-wikipedia-articles')),
('importance', ('update.php', '--recompute-importance')),
('website', ('setup.php', '--setup-website')),
('postcodes', 'update_postcodes'),
('word-counts', 'recompute_word_counts'),
('address-levels', 'load_address_levels_from_file'),
+ ('functions', 'create_functions'),
def test_refresh_command(monkeypatch, command, func):
func_mock = MockParamCapture()
assert mock_run_legacy.called == 2
assert mock_run_legacy.last_args == ('update.php', '--recompute-importance')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("params", [
('search', '--query', 'new'),
('reverse', '--lat', '0', '--lon', '0'),
assert config.DATABASE_WEBUSER == 'www-data'
def test_prefer_project_setting_over_default():
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as project_dir:
with open(project_dir + '/.env', 'w') as envfile:
assert config.DATABASE_WEBUSER == 'apache'
def test_prefer_os_environ_over_project_setting(monkeypatch):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as project_dir:
with open(project_dir + '/.env', 'w') as envfile:
assert config.DATABASE_WEBUSER == 'nobody'
def test_get_os_env_add_defaults(monkeypatch):
config = Configuration(None, DEFCFG_DIR)
assert config.get_os_env()['NOMINATIM_DATABASE_WEBUSER'] == 'www-data'
def test_get_os_env_prefer_os_environ(monkeypatch):
config = Configuration(None, DEFCFG_DIR)
assert config.get_os_env()['NOMINATIM_DATABASE_WEBUSER'] == 'nobody'
def test_get_libpq_dsn_convert_default():
config = Configuration(None, DEFCFG_DIR)
assert config.get_libpq_dsn() == 'dbname=nominatim'
def test_get_libpq_dsn_convert_php(monkeypatch):
config = Configuration(None, DEFCFG_DIR)
assert config.get_libpq_dsn() == 'dbname=gis password=foo host=localhost'
def test_get_libpq_dsn_convert_libpq(monkeypatch):
config = Configuration(None, DEFCFG_DIR)
'host=localhost dbname=gis password=foo')
assert config.get_libpq_dsn() == 'host=localhost dbname=gis password=foo'
+ [(x, True) for x in ('1', 'true', 'True', 'yes', 'YES')] +
+ [(x, False) for x in ('0', 'false', 'no', 'NO', 'x')])
+def test_get_bool(monkeypatch, value, result):
+ config = Configuration(None, DEFCFG_DIR)
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_FOOBAR', value)
+ assert config.get_bool('FOOBAR') == result
+def test_get_bool_empty():
+ config = Configuration(None, DEFCFG_DIR)
+ assert config.DATABASE_MODULE_PATH == ''
+ assert config.get_bool('DATABASE_MODULE_PATH') == False
--- /dev/null
+Tests for specialised conenction and cursor classes.
+import pytest
+from nominatim.db.connection import connect
+def db(temp_db):
+ conn = connect('dbname=' + temp_db)
+ yield conn
+ conn.close()
+def test_connection_table_exists(db, temp_db_cursor):
+ assert db.table_exists('foobar') == False
+ temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE foobar (id INT)')
+ assert db.table_exists('foobar') == True
+def test_cursor_scalar(db, temp_db_cursor):
+ temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE dummy (id INT)')
+ with db.cursor() as cur:
+ assert cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM dummy') == 0
+def test_cursor_scalar_many_rows(db):
+ with db.cursor() as cur:
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ cur.scalar('SELECT * FROM pg_tables')
--- /dev/null
+Tests for creating PL/pgSQL functions for Nominatim.
+from pathlib import Path
+import pytest
+from nominatim.db.connection import connect
+from import _get_standard_function_sql, _get_partition_function_sql
+SQL_DIR = (Path(__file__) / '..' / '..' / '..' / 'sql').resolve()
+def db(temp_db):
+ conn = connect('dbname=' + temp_db)
+ yield conn
+ conn.close()
+def db_with_tables(db):
+ with db.cursor() as cur:
+ for table in ('place', 'placex', 'location_postcode'):
+ cur.execute('CREATE TABLE {} (place_id BIGINT)'.format(table))
+ return db
+def test_standard_functions_replace_module_default(db, def_config):
+ def_config.project_dir = Path('.')
+ sql = _get_standard_function_sql(db, def_config, SQL_DIR, False, False)
+ assert sql
+ assert sql.find('{modulepath}') < 0
+ assert sql.find("'{}'".format(Path('module/').resolve())) >= 0
+def test_standard_functions_replace_module_custom(monkeypatch, db, def_config):
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DATABASE_MODULE_PATH', 'custom')
+ sql = _get_standard_function_sql(db, def_config, SQL_DIR, False, False)
+ assert sql
+ assert sql.find('{modulepath}') < 0
+ assert sql.find("'custom/'") >= 0
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("enabled", (True, False))
+def test_standard_functions_enable_diff(db_with_tables, def_config, enabled):
+ def_config.project_dir = Path('.')
+ sql = _get_standard_function_sql(db_with_tables, def_config, SQL_DIR, enabled, False)
+ assert sql
+ assert (sql.find('%DIFFUPDATES%') < 0) == enabled
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("enabled", (True, False))
+def test_standard_functions_enable_debug(db_with_tables, def_config, enabled):
+ def_config.project_dir = Path('.')
+ sql = _get_standard_function_sql(db_with_tables, def_config, SQL_DIR, False, enabled)
+ assert sql
+ assert (sql.find('--DEBUG') < 0) == enabled
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("enabled", (True, False))
+def test_standard_functions_enable_limit_reindexing(monkeypatch, db_with_tables, def_config, enabled):
+ def_config.project_dir = Path('.')
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_LIMIT_REINDEXING', 'yes' if enabled else 'no')
+ sql = _get_standard_function_sql(db_with_tables, def_config, SQL_DIR, False, False)
+ assert sql
+ assert (sql.find('--LIMIT INDEXING') < 0) == enabled
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("enabled", (True, False))
+def test_standard_functions_enable_tiger(monkeypatch, db_with_tables, def_config, enabled):
+ def_config.project_dir = Path('.')
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_USE_US_TIGER_DATA', 'yes' if enabled else 'no')
+ sql = _get_standard_function_sql(db_with_tables, def_config, SQL_DIR, False, False)
+ assert sql
+ assert (sql.find('%NOTIGERDATA%') >= 0) == enabled
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("enabled", (True, False))
+def test_standard_functions_enable_aux(monkeypatch, db_with_tables, def_config, enabled):
+ def_config.project_dir = Path('.')
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_USE_AUX_LOCATION_DATA', 'yes' if enabled else 'no')
+ sql = _get_standard_function_sql(db_with_tables, def_config, SQL_DIR, False, False)
+ assert sql
+ assert (sql.find('%NOAUXDATA%') >= 0) == enabled
+def test_partition_function(temp_db_cursor, db, def_config):
+ temp_db_cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE country_name (partition SMALLINT)")
+ sql = _get_partition_function_sql(db, SQL_DIR)
+ assert sql
+ assert sql.find('-partition-') < 0