- TEST_SUITE=tests
- TEST_SUITE=monaco
+ - phpenv global 7.1
- vagrant/install-on-travis-ci.sh
- if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "tests" ]]; then phpcs --report-width=120 . ; fi
- cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/test/php
- - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "tests" ]]; then phpunit ./ ; fi
+ - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "tests" ]]; then /usr/bin/phpunit ./ ; fi
- cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/test/bdd
- # behave --format=progress3 api
- if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "tests" ]]; then behave -DREMOVE_TEMPLATE=1 --format=progress3 db ; fi
+ * zoom 17 in reverse now zooms in on minor streets
+ * fix use of postcode relations in address
+ * support for housenumber 0 on interpolations
+ * replace database abstraction DB with PDO and switch to using exceptions
+ * exclude line features at rank 30 from reverse geocoding
+ * remove self-reference and country from place_addressline
+ * make json output more readable (less escaping)
+ * update conversion scripts for postcodes
+ * scripts in utils/ are no longer executable (always use scripts in build dir)
+ * remove Natural Earth country fallback (OSM is complete enough)
+ * make rank assignments configurable
+ * allow accept languages with underscore
+ * new reverse-only import mode (without search index table)
+ * rely on boundaries only for states and countries
+ * update osm2pgsql, now using a configurable style
+ * provide multiple import styles
+ * improve search when house number and postcodes are dropped
+ * overhaul of setup code
+ * add support for PHPUnit 6
+ * update test database
+ * various documentation improvements
* complete rewrite of reverse search algorithm
2. `unzip codepo_gb.zip`
- Unpacked you'll see a directory of CSV files.
+ Unpacked you'll see a directory of CSV files.
- ```
- $ more codepo_gb/Data/CSV/n.csv
- "N1 0AA",10,530626,183961,"E92000001","E19000003","E18000007","","E09000019","E05000368"
- "N1 0AB",10,530559,183978,"E92000001","E19000003","E18000007","","E09000019","E05000368"
- ```
+ $ more codepo_gb/Data/CSV/n.csv
+ "N1 0AA",10,530626,183961,"E92000001","E19000003","E18000007","","E09000019","E05000368"
+ "N1 0AB",10,530559,183978,"E92000001","E19000003","E18000007","","E09000019","E05000368"
- The coordinates are "Northings" and "Eastings" in [OSGB 1936](http://epsg.io/1314) projection. They can be projected to WGS84 like this
+ The coordinates are "Northings" and "Eastings" in [OSGB 1936](http://epsg.io/1314) projection. They can be projected to WGS84 like this
- ```
- SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID('POINT(530626 183961)'::geometry,27700), 4326));
- POINT(-0.117872733220225 51.5394424719303)
- ```
- [-0.117872733220225 51.5394424719303 on OSM map](https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlon=-0.117872733220225&mlat=51.5394424719303&zoom=16)
+ SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID('POINT(530626 183961)'::geometry,27700), 4326));
+ POINT(-0.117872733220225 51.5394424719303)
+ [-0.117872733220225 51.5394424719303 on OSM map](https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlon=-0.117872733220225&mlat=51.5394424719303&zoom=16)
3. Create database, import CSV files, add geometry column, dump into file
- ```
- DBNAME=create_gb_postcode_file
- createdb $DBNAME
- echo 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis' | psql $DBNAME
- cat data/gb_postcode_table.sql | psql $DBNAME
- cat codepo_gb/Data/CSV/*.csv | ./data-sources/gb-postcodes/convert_codepoint.php | psql $DBNAME
- cat codepo_gb/Doc/licence.txt | iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 | dos2unix | sed 's/^/-- /g' > gb_postcode_data.sql
- pg_dump -a -t gb_postcode $DBNAME | grep -v '^--' >> gb_postcode_data.sql
- gzip -9 -f gb_postcode_data.sql
- ls -lah gb_postcode_data.*
- # dropdb $DBNAME
- ```
+ DBNAME=create_gb_postcode_file
+ createdb $DBNAME
+ echo 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis' | psql $DBNAME
+ cat data/gb_postcode_table.sql | psql $DBNAME
+ cat codepo_gb/Data/CSV/*.csv | ./data-sources/gb-postcodes/convert_codepoint.php | psql $DBNAME
+ cat codepo_gb/Doc/licence.txt | iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 | dos2unix | sed 's/^/-- /g' > gb_postcode_data.sql
+ pg_dump -a -t gb_postcode $DBNAME | grep -v '^--' >> gb_postcode_data.sql
+ gzip -9 -f gb_postcode_data.sql
+ ls -lah gb_postcode_data.*
+ # dropdb $DBNAME
`psql nominatim` to enter command line mode.
-## 3.2.0 -> master
+## 3.2.0 -> 3.3.0
### New database connection string (DSN) format
8 | county
10 | city
14 | suburb
- 16 | street
+ 16 | major streets
+ 17 | major and minor streets
18 | building
$mLangPref = 'ARRAY['.join(',', array_map('getDBQuoted', $mLangPref)).']';
- if (!$sHousenumber) {
+ if (!isset($sHousenumber)) {
$sHousenumber = -1;
public function getRow($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed')
try {
- if (isset($aInputVars)) {
- $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sSQL);
- $stmt->execute($aInputVars);
- } else {
- $stmt = $this->connection->query($sSQL);
- }
+ $stmt = $this->getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars, $sErrMessage);
$row = $stmt->fetch();
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
throw new \Nominatim\DatabaseError($sErrMessage, 500, null, $e, $sSQL);
public function getOne($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed')
try {
- if (isset($aInputVars)) {
- $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sSQL);
- $stmt->execute($aInputVars);
- } else {
- $stmt = $this->connection->query($sSQL);
- }
+ $stmt = $this->getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars, $sErrMessage);
$row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM);
if ($row === false) return false;
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
public function getAll($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed')
try {
- if (isset($aInputVars)) {
- $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sSQL);
- $stmt->execute($aInputVars);
- } else {
- $stmt = $this->connection->query($sSQL);
- }
+ $stmt = $this->getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars, $sErrMessage);
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll();
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
throw new \Nominatim\DatabaseError($sErrMessage, 500, null, $e, $sSQL);
$aVals = array();
try {
- if (isset($aInputVars)) {
- $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sSQL);
- $stmt->execute($aInputVars);
- } else {
- $stmt = $this->connection->query($sSQL);
- }
+ $stmt = $this->getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars, $sErrMessage);
while ($val = $stmt->fetchColumn(0)) { // returns first column or false
$aVals[] = $val;
public function getAssoc($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed')
try {
- if (isset($aInputVars)) {
- $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sSQL);
- $stmt->execute($aInputVars);
- } else {
- $stmt = $this->connection->query($sSQL);
- }
+ $stmt = $this->getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars, $sErrMessage);
$aList = array();
while ($aRow = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
$aList[$aRow[0]] = $aRow[1];
return $aList;
+ /**
+ * Executes query. Returns a PDO statement to iterate over.
+ *
+ * @param string $sSQL
+ *
+ * @return PDOStatement
+ */
+ public function getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed')
+ {
+ try {
+ if (isset($aInputVars)) {
+ $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sSQL);
+ $stmt->execute($aInputVars);
+ } else {
+ $stmt = $this->connection->query($sSQL);
+ }
+ } catch (\PDOException $e) {
+ throw new \Nominatim\DatabaseError($sErrMessage, 500, null, $e, $sSQL);
+ }
+ return $stmt;
+ }
* St. John's Way => 'St. John\'s Way'
$aPlaces = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL, null, 'Could not lookup place');
foreach ($aPlaces as &$aPlace) {
+ $aPlace['importance'] = (float) $aPlace['importance'];
if ($this->bAddressDetails) {
// to get addressdetails for tiger data, the housenumber is needed
$aPlace['address'] = new AddressDetails(
private function pgsqlRunDropAndRestore($sDumpFile)
- $sCMD = 'pg_restore -p '.$this->aDSNInfo['port'].' -d '.$this->aDSNInfo['database'].' -Fc --clean '.$sDumpFile;
+ $sCMD = 'pg_restore -p '.$this->aDSNInfo['port'].' -d '.$this->aDSNInfo['database'].' --no-owner -Fc --clean '.$sDumpFile;
+ if ($this->oDB->getPostgresVersion() >= 9.04) {
+ $sCMD .= ' --if-exists';
+ }
if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['hostspec'])) {
$sCMD .= ' -h '.$this->aDSNInfo['hostspec'];
When importing
Then W1 expands to no interpolation
+ Scenario: Two point interpolation starting at 0
+ Given the places
+ | osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
+ | N1 | place | house | 0 | 1 1 |
+ | N2 | place | house | 2 | 1 1.001 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
+ | W1 | place | houses | even | 1 1, 1 1.001 |
+ And the ways
+ | id | nodes |
+ | 1 | 1,2 |
+ When importing
+ Then W1 expands to interpolation
+ | start | end | geometry |
+ | 0 | 2 | 1 1, 1 1.001 |
+ When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 1,1
+ Then results contain
+ | ID | osm_type | osm_id | type | display_name |
+ | 0 | way | 1 | house | 0 |
$sOsmId = $aCMDResult['restrict-to-osm-relation'];
if ($sOsmType) {
- $sSQL = 'select place_id from placex where';
- $sSQL .= ' osm_type = '.$oDB->getDBQuoted($sOsmType);
- $sSQL .= ' and osm_id = '.$sOsmId;
- $sParentId = $oDB->getOne($sSQL);
+ $sSQL = 'select place_id from placex where osm_type = :osm_type and osm_id = :osm_id';
+ $sParentId = $oDB->getOne($sSQL, array('osm_type' => $sOsmType, 'osm_id' => $sOsmId));
if (!$sParentId) fail('Could not find place '.$sOsmType.' '.$sOsmId);
if ($sParentId) {
// Iterate over placeids
// to get further hierarchical information
- $aRes =& $oDB->query($sPlacexSQL);
+ $oResults = $oDB->getQueryStatement($sPlacexSQL);
$fOutstream = fopen('php://output', 'w');
- while ($aRes->fetchInto($aRow)) {
- //var_dump($aRow);
+ while ($aRow = $oResults->fetch()) {
+ //var_dump($aRow);
$iPlaceID = $aRow['place_id'];
- $sSQL = "select rank_address,get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname from get_addressdata($iPlaceID, -1)";
+ $sSQL = "select rank_address,get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname from get_addressdata(:place_id, -1)";
$sSQL .= ' WHERE isaddress';
$sSQL .= ' order by rank_address desc,isaddress desc';
- $aAddressLines = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ $aAddressLines = $oDB->getAll($sSQL, array('place_id' => $iPlaceID));
$aOutput = array_fill(0, $iNumCol, '');
// output address parts
$sSQL = 'select array_agg(px.postcode) from placex px join place_addressline pa ';
$sSQL .= 'on px.place_id = pa.address_place_id ';
$sSQL .= 'where pa.cached_rank_address in (5,11) ';
- $sSQL .= 'and pa.place_id in (select place_id from place_addressline where address_place_id in ('.substr($aRow['place_ids'], 1, -1).')) ';
+ $sSQL .= 'and pa.place_id in (select place_id from place_addressline where address_place_id in (:first_place_id)) ';
$sSQL .= 'group by postcode order by count(*) desc limit 1';
- $sRes = $oDB->getOne($sSQL);
+ $sRes = $oDB->getOne($sSQL, array('first_place_id' => substr($aRow['place_ids'], 1, -1)));
$aOutput[$aColumnMapping['postcode']] = substr($sRes, 1, -1);
} else {
composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"
sudo ln -s /home/travis/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpcs /usr/bin/
+composer global require "phpunit/phpunit=7.*"
+sudo ln -s /home/travis/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpunit /usr/bin/
sudo -u postgres createuser -S www-data
# Make sure that system servers can read from the home directory: