PERFORM create_country(, lower(NEW.country_code));
--DEBUG: RAISE WARNING 'Country names updated';
+ -- Also update the list of country names. Adding an additional sanity
+ -- check here: make sure the country does overlap with the area where
+ -- we expect it to be as per static country grid.
+ FOR location IN
+ SELECT country_code FROM country_osm_grid
+ WHERE ST_Covers(geometry, NEW.centroid) and country_code = NEW.country_code
+ --DEBUG: RAISE WARNING 'Updating names for country '%' with: %', NEW.country_code,;
+ UPDATE country_name SET name = name || WHERE country_code = NEW.country_code;
-- For linear features we need the full geometry for determining the address
--- /dev/null
+Feature: Country handling
+ Tests for import and use of country information
+ Scenario: Country names from OSM country relations are added
+ Given the places
+ | osm | class | type | admin | name+name:xy | country | geometry |
+ | R1 | boundary | administrative | 2 | Loudou | de | (9 52, 9 53, 10 52, 9 52) |
+ Given the places
+ | osm | class | type | name | geometry |
+ | N1 | place | town | Wenig | country:de |
+ When importing
+ When searching for "Wenig, Loudou"
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | name |
+ | N | 1 | Wenig, Deutschland |
+ When searching for "Wenig"
+ | accept-language |
+ | xy,en |
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | name |
+ | N | 1 | Wenig, Loudou |
+ Scenario: OSM country relations outside expected boundaries are ignored
+ Given the places
+ | osm | class | type | admin | name+name:xy | country | geometry |
+ | R1 | boundary | administrative | 2 | Loudou | de | poly-area:0.1 |
+ Given the places
+ | osm | class | type | name | geometry |
+ | N1 | place | town | Wenig | country:de |
+ When importing
+ When searching for "Wenig"
+ | accept-language |
+ | xy,en |
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | name |
+ | N | 1 | Wenig, Germany |
+ Scenario: Pre-defined country names are used
+ Given the places
+ | osm | class | type | name | geometry |
+ | N1 | place | town | Ingb | country:ch |
+ When importing
+ And searching for "Ingb"
+ | accept-language |
+ | en,de |
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | name |
+ | N | 1 | Ingb, Switzerland |