diameter := 0.001; -- 50 to 100 meters
IF diameter > 0 THEN
- IF NEW.rank_search >= 26 THEN
+ IF rank >= 26 THEN
-- roads may cause reparenting for >27 rank places
update placex set indexed_status = 2 where indexed_status = 0 and rank_search > rank and ST_DWithin(placex.geometry, placegeom, diameter);
- ELSEIF NEW.rank_search >= 16 THEN
+ ELSEIF rank >= 16 THEN
-- up to rank 16, street-less addresses may need reparenting
update placex set indexed_status = 2 where indexed_status = 0 and rank_search > rank and ST_DWithin(placex.geometry, placegeom, diameter) and (rank_search < 28 or name is not null or addr_place is not null);