if ($this->bNameDetails) $sSQL .= " null as names,";
$sSQL .= " ST_X(point) as lon, ST_Y(point) as lat from (select *, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(linegeo, (housenumber-startnumber::float)/(endnumber-startnumber)::float) as point from ";
$sSQL .= " (select *, ";
- $sSQL .= " GREATEST(startnumber, LEAST(endnumber, CASE WHEN interpolationtype='odd' THEN floor((".$fInterpolFraction."*(endnumber-startnumber)+startnumber)/2)::int*2+1";
+ $sSQL .= " CASE WHEN interpolationtype='odd' THEN floor((".$fInterpolFraction."*(endnumber-startnumber)+startnumber)/2)::int*2+1";
$sSQL .= " WHEN interpolationtype='even' THEN ((".$fInterpolFraction."*(endnumber-startnumber)+startnumber)/2)::int*2";
$sSQL .= " WHEN interpolationtype='all' THEN (".$fInterpolFraction."*(endnumber-startnumber)+startnumber)::int";
- $sSQL .= " END)) as housenumber";
+ $sSQL .= " END as housenumber";
$sSQL .= " from location_property_tiger where place_id = ".$iPlaceID.") as blub1) as blub2";
} elseif ($bIsInterpolation) {
$sSQL = "select place_id, partition, 'W' as osm_type, osm_id, 'place' as class, 'house' as type, null admin_level, housenumber, null as street, null as isin, postcode,";
if ($this->bNameDetails) $sSQL .= " null as names,";
$sSQL .= " ST_X(point) as lon, ST_Y(point) as lat from (select *, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(linegeo, (housenumber-startnumber::float)/(endnumber-startnumber)::float) as point from ";
$sSQL .= " (select *, ";
- $sSQL .= " GREATEST(startnumber, LEAST(endnumber, CASE WHEN interpolationtype='odd' THEN floor((".$fInterpolFraction."*(endnumber-startnumber)+startnumber)/2)::int*2+1";
+ $sSQL .= " CASE WHEN interpolationtype='odd' THEN floor((".$fInterpolFraction."*(endnumber-startnumber)+startnumber)/2)::int*2+1";
$sSQL .= " WHEN interpolationtype='even' THEN ((".$fInterpolFraction."*(endnumber-startnumber)+startnumber)/2)::int*2";
$sSQL .= " WHEN interpolationtype='all' THEN (".$fInterpolFraction."*(endnumber-startnumber)+startnumber)::int";
- $sSQL .= " END)) as housenumber";
+ $sSQL .= " END as housenumber";
$sSQL .= " from location_property_osmline where place_id = ".$iPlaceID.") as blub1) as blub2";
// testcase: interpolationtype=odd, startnumber=1000, endnumber=1006, fInterpolFraction=1 => housenumber=1007 => error in st_lineinterpolatepoint
// but this will never happen, because if the searched point is that close to the endnumber, the endnumber house will be directly taken from placex (in ReverseGeocode.php line 220)