+namespace Nominatim;
+ * Operators describing special searches.
+ */
+abstract final class Operator
+ /// No operator selected.
+ const NONE = -1;
+ /// Search for POIs near the given place.
+ const NEAR = 0;
+ /// Search for POIS in the given place.
+ const IN = 1;
+ /// Search for POIS named as given.
+ const NAME = 3;
+ /// Search for postcodes.
+ const POSTCODE = 4;
+ * Description of a single interpretation of a search query.
+ */
+class SearchDescription
+ /// Ranking how well the description fits the query.
+ private $iSearchRank = 0;
+ /// Country code of country the result must belong to.
+ private $sCountryCode = '';
+ /// List of word ids making up the name of the object.
+ private $aName = array();
+ /// List of word ids making up the address of the object.
+ private $aAddress = array();
+ /// Subset of word ids of full words making up the address.
+ private $aFullNameAddress = array();
+ /// List of word ids that appear in the name but should be ignored.
+ private $aNameNonSearch = array();
+ /// List of word ids that appear in the address but should be ignored.
+ private $aAddressNonSearch = array();
+ /// Kind of search for special searches, see Nominatim::Operator.
+ private $iOperator = Operator::NONE;
+ /// Class of special feature to search for.
+ private $sClass = '';
+ /// Type of special feature to search for.
+ private $sType = '';
+ /// Housenumber of the object.
+ private $sHouseNumber = '';
+ /// Postcode for the object.
+ private $sPostcode = '';
+ /// Geographic search area.
+ private $oNearPoint = false;
+ // Temporary values used while creating the search description.
+ /// Index of phrase currently processed
+ private $iNamePhrase = -1;