and ( relation_members[i+1] != 'side_stream' or>'name' = name->'name')
UPDATE placex SET linked_place_id = NEW.place_id WHERE place_id = linked_node_id;
+ DELETE FROM search_name WHERE place_id = linked_node_id;
-- mark the linked place (excludes from search results)
UPDATE placex set linked_place_id = NEW.place_id
WHERE place_id = location.place_id;
+ -- ensure that those places are not found anymore
+ DELETE FROM search_name WHERE place_id = location.place_id;
SELECT wikipedia, importance
FROM compute_importance(location.extratags, NEW.country_code,
| object | nameaddress_vector |
| W1 | bonn, new york, smalltown |
+ Scenario: a linked place does not show up in search name
+ Given the named places
+ | osm | class | type | admin | geometry |
+ | R13 | boundary | administrative | 9 | poly-area:0.01 |
+ And the named places
+ | osm | class | type | geometry |
+ | N2 | place | city | 0.1 0.1 |
+ And the relations
+ | id | members | tags+type |
+ | 13 | N2:label | boundary |
+ When importing
+ Then placex contains
+ | object | linked_place_id |
+ | N2 | R13 |
+ And search_name has no entry for N2
+ Scenario: a linked waterway does not show up in search name
+ Given the scene split-road
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | name | geometry |
+ | W1 | waterway | river | Rhein | :w-2 |
+ | W2 | waterway | river | Rhein | :w-3 |
+ | R13 | waterway | river | Rhein | :w-1 + :w-2 + :w-3 |
+ And the relations
+ | id | members | tags+type |
+ | 13 | W1,W2:main_stream | waterway |
+ When importing
+ Then placex contains
+ | object | linked_place_id |
+ | W1 | R13 |
+ | W2 | R13 |
+ And search_name has no entry for W1
+ And search_name has no entry for W2