+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# For a full list of authors see the git log.
+Test for loading extra Python modules.
+from pathlib import Path
+import sys
+import pytest
+from nominatim.config import Configuration
+def test_config(src_dir, tmp_path):
+ """ Create a configuration object with project and config directories
+ in a temporary directory.
+ """
+ (tmp_path / 'project').mkdir()
+ (tmp_path / 'config').mkdir()
+ conf = Configuration(tmp_path / 'project', src_dir / 'settings')
+ conf.config_dir = tmp_path / 'config'
+ return conf
+def test_load_default_module(test_config):
+ module = test_config.load_plugin_module('version', 'nominatim')
+ assert isinstance(module.NOMINATIM_VERSION, tuple)
+def test_load_plugin_module(test_config, tmp_path):
+ (tmp_path / 'project' / 'testpath').mkdir()
+ (tmp_path / 'project' / 'testpath' / 'mymod.py')\
+ .write_text("def my_test_function():\n return 'gjwitlsSG42TG%'")
+ module = test_config.load_plugin_module('testpath/mymod.py', 'private.something')
+ assert module.my_test_function() == 'gjwitlsSG42TG%'
+ # also test reloading module
+ (tmp_path / 'project' / 'testpath' / 'mymod.py')\
+ .write_text("def my_test_function():\n return 'hjothjorhj'")
+ module = test_config.load_plugin_module('testpath/mymod.py', 'private.something')
+ assert module.my_test_function() == 'gjwitlsSG42TG%'
+def test_load_external_library_module(test_config, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
+ MODULE_NAME = 'foogurenqodr4'
+ pythonpath = tmp_path / 'priv-python'
+ pythonpath.mkdir()
+ (pythonpath / MODULE_NAME).mkdir()
+ (pythonpath / MODULE_NAME / '__init__.py').write_text('')
+ (pythonpath / MODULE_NAME / 'tester.py')\
+ .write_text("def my_test_function():\n return 'gjwitlsSG42TG%'")
+ monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(pythonpath)
+ module = test_config.load_plugin_module(f'{MODULE_NAME}.tester', 'private.something')
+ assert module.my_test_function() == 'gjwitlsSG42TG%'
+ # also test reloading module
+ (pythonpath / MODULE_NAME / 'tester.py')\
+ .write_text("def my_test_function():\n return 'dfigjreigj'")
+ module = test_config.load_plugin_module(f'{MODULE_NAME}.tester', 'private.something')
+ assert module.my_test_function() == 'gjwitlsSG42TG%'
+ del sys.modules[f'{MODULE_NAME}.tester']