--- /dev/null
+name: 'Build Nominatim'
+ using: "composite"
+ steps:
+ - name: Install prerequisits
+ run: sudo apt-get install -y -qq libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libexpat1-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libpq-dev libproj-dev postgresql-13-postgis-3 postgresql-13-postgis-3-scripts postgresql-server-dev-13 python3-psycopg2 python3-pyosmium
+ shell: bash
+ - name: Configure
+ run: mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
+ shell: bash
+ - name: Build
+ run: |
+ make -j2 all
+ ./utils/setup.php --setup-website
+ shell: bash
+ working-directory: build
+ - name: Download dependencies
+ run: wget -O data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz https://www.nominatim.org/data/country_grid.sql.gz
+ shell: bash
--- /dev/null
+name: CI Tests
+on: [ push, pull_request ]
+ tests:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ submodules: true
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/build-nominatim
+ - name: Install test prerequsites
+ run: |
+ sudo apt-get install -y -qq php-codesniffer python3-tidylib
+ sudo pip3 install behave nose
+ - name: PHP linting
+ run: phpcs --report-width=120 .
+ - name: Setup database
+ run: |
+ sudo systemctl start postgresql
+ sudo -u postgres createuser -S www-data
+ sudo -u postgres createuser -s runner
+ shell: bash
+ - name: PHP unit tests
+ run: phpunit ./
+ working-directory: test/php
+ - name: BDD tests
+ run: behave -DREMOVE_TEMPLATE=1 --format=progress3 db osm2pgsql
+ working-directory: test/bdd
+ import:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ submodules: true
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/build-nominatim
+ - name: Download test extract
+ run: wget --no-verbose https://download.geofabrik.de/europe/monaco-latest.osm.pbf
+ - name: Setup database
+ run: |
+ sudo systemctl start postgresql
+ sudo -u postgres createuser -S www-data
+ sudo -u postgres createuser -s runner
+ shell: bash
+ - name: Create configuartion
+ run: |
+ echo '<?php' > settings/local.php
+ echo " @define('CONST_Pyosmium_Binary', '/usr/lib/python3-pyosmium/pyosmium-get-changes');" >> settings/local.php
+ working-directory: build
+ - name: Import
+ run: php ./utils/setup.php --osm-file ../monaco-latest.osm.pbf --osm2pgsql-cache 500 --all
+ working-directory: build
+ - name: Import special phrases
+ run: php ./utils/specialphrases.php --wiki-import | psql -d nominatim
+ working-directory: build
+ - name: Check import
+ run: php ./utils/check_import_finished.php
+ working-directory: build
+ - name: Run update
+ run: |
+ php ./utils/update.php --init-updates
+ php ./utils/update.php --import-osmosis
+ working-directory: build
+++ /dev/null
-os: linux
-dist: focal
- postgresql: "12"
- apt:
- packages:
- - postgresql-server-dev-12
- - postgresql-12-postgis-3
- depth: 3
- - TEST_SUITE=tests
- - TEST_SUITE=monaco
- - phpenv global 7.4
- - vagrant/Install-on-Travis-CI.sh
- - psql -U postgres -c "create extension postgis"
- - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "tests" ]]; then phpcs --report-width=120 . ; fi
- - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/test/php
- - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "tests" ]]; then /usr/bin/phpunit ./ ; fi
- - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build
- - /usr/bin/env php ./utils/setup.php --setup-website
- - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/test/bdd
- - # behave --format=progress3 api
- - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "tests" ]]; then behave -DREMOVE_TEMPLATE=1 --format=progress3 db ; fi
- - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "tests" ]]; then behave --format=progress3 osm2pgsql ; fi
- - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build
- - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "monaco" ]]; then wget --no-verbose --output-document=../data/monaco.osm.pbf http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/monaco-latest.osm.pbf; fi
- - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "monaco" ]]; then /usr/bin/env php ./utils/setup.php --osm-file ../data/monaco.osm.pbf --osm2pgsql-cache 1000 --all 2>&1 | grep -v 'ETA (seconds)'; fi
- - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "monaco" ]]; then /usr/bin/env php ./utils/specialphrases.php --wiki-import | psql -d test_api_nominatim >/dev/null; fi
- - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "monaco" ]]; then /usr/bin/env php ./utils/check_import_finished.php; fi
- - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "monaco" ]]; then /usr/bin/env php ./utils/update.php --init-updates; fi
- - if [[ $TEST_SUITE == "monaco" ]]; then /usr/bin/env php ./utils/update.php --import-osmosis; fi
- email: false
+++ /dev/null
-# This script runs in a travis-ci.org virtual machine
-# https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/reference/focal/
-# Ubuntu 20 (focal)
-# user 'travis'
-# $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR is /home/travis/build/openstreetmap/Nominatim/, for others see
-# https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#Default-Environment-Variables
-# Postgres 12 installed and started. role 'travis' already superuser
-# Python 3.8
-# Travis has a 4 MB, 10000 line output limit, so where possible we run script --quiet
-sudo apt-get update -qq
-sudo apt-get install -y -qq build-essential cmake g++ libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \
- libboost-filesystem-dev libexpat1-dev zlib1g-dev \
- libbz2-dev libpq-dev libproj-dev \
- postgresql-server-dev-12 postgresql-12-postgis-3 \
- postgresql-contrib postgresql-12-postgis-3-scripts \
- php php-pgsql \
- php-intl python3-setuptools python3-dev python3-pip \
- python3-psycopg2 python3-tidylib git
-sudo apt-get install -y -qq php-cgi
-pip3 install --quiet behave nose osmium
-# https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer
-composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"
-sudo ln -s /home/travis/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpcs /usr/bin/
-composer global require "phpunit/phpunit=7.*"
-sudo ln -s /home/travis/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpunit /usr/bin/
-sudo -u postgres createuser -S www-data
-# Make sure that system servers can read from the home directory:
-chmod a+x $HOME
-chmod a+x $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR
-wget -O $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz https://www.nominatim.org/data/country_grid.sql.gz
-mkdir build
-cd build
-tee settings/local.php << EOF
- @define('CONST_Database_DSN', 'pgsql:dbname=test_api_nominatim');
- @define('CONST_Wikipedia_Data_Path', CONST_BasePath.'/test/testdb');
- @define('CONST_Replication_Max_Diff_size', '3');