IF st_area(NEW.geometry) < 1 THEN
-- mark items within the geometry for re-indexing
-- RAISE WARNING 'placex poly insert: % % % %',NEW.osm_type,NEW.osm_id,NEW.class,NEW.type;
--- work around bug in postgis
+ -- work around bug in postgis, this may have been fixed in 2.0.0 (see http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/547)
update placex set indexed_status = 2 where (ST_Contains(NEW.geometry, placex.geometry) OR ST_Intersects(NEW.geometry, placex.geometry))
- AND rank_search > NEW.rank_search and indexed_status = 0 and ST_geometrytype(placex.geometry) = 'ST_Point';
+ AND rank_search > NEW.rank_search and indexed_status = 0 and ST_geometrytype(placex.geometry) = 'ST_Point' and (rank_search < 28 or name is not null);
update placex set indexed_status = 2 where (ST_Contains(NEW.geometry, placex.geometry) OR ST_Intersects(NEW.geometry, placex.geometry))
- AND rank_search > NEW.rank_search and indexed_status = 0 and ST_geometrytype(placex.geometry) != 'ST_Point';
+ AND rank_search > NEW.rank_search and indexed_status = 0 and ST_geometrytype(placex.geometry) != 'ST_Point' and (rank_search < 28 or name is not null);
-- mark nearby items for re-indexing, where 'nearby' depends on the features rank_search and is a complete guess :(