+++ /dev/null
-import numpy as np
-import urllib2 as url
-import json as json
-import random_points_bbox
-import time
-def test(num):
- #first get some random points in the bbox
- aPoints = random_points_bbox.getPoints(num, -100.815, 46.789, -100.717, 46.84)
- #get the addresses
- sReverseUrl = "http://localhost/nominatim/reverse.php?format=json&lat=%f&lon=%f"
- aAddresses = []
- for point in aPoints:
- response = url.urlopen(sReverseUrl % (point[1], point[0]))
- aAddresses.append(json.load(response)['address'])
- #print aAddresses
- # now we have all the addresses of the points in a list
- # lets forward geocode this list
- sOldUrl = "http://localhost/nominatim_old/search.php?format=json&city=%s&street=%s&addressdetails=1"
- sLineUrl = "http://localhost/nominatim/search.php?format=json&city=%s&street=%s&addressdetails=1"
- diff_lat =0
- diff_lon =0
- points =0
- for address in aAddresses:
- if 'house_number' in address and 'road' in address:
- responseOld = url.urlopen(sOldUrl % (address['city'], address['house_number']+' '+address['road']))
- dataOld = json.load(responseOld)
- print dataOld[0]['display_name']
- responseLine = url.urlopen(sLineUrl % (address['city'], address['house_number']+' '+address['road']))
- dataLine = json.load(responseLine)
- print dataLine[0]['display_name']
- temp_diff_lat = np.abs(float(dataOld[0]['lat'])-float(dataLine[0]['lat']))
- temp_diff_lon = np.abs(float(dataOld[0]['lon'])-float(dataLine[0]['lon']))
- print "diff lat: "+str(temp_diff_lat*111166)+", diff lon: "+str(temp_diff_lon*250456)
- diff_lat += temp_diff_lat
- diff_lon += temp_diff_lon
- points +=1
- print "Average difference in lat degrees with %d elements: %f (meters: %f)" % (points, diff_lat/points, diff_lat/points*111166)
- print "Average difference in lon degrees with %d elements: %f (meters: %f)" % (points, diff_lon/points, diff_lon/points*250456)
- # at 46.8 deg: 1 deg lat=111.166, 1 deg lon=250.456
+++ /dev/null
-import numpy as np
-import urllib2 as url
-import json as json
-import random_points_bbox
-import time
-def test(num):
- #first get some random points in the bbox
- aPoints = random_points_bbox.getPoints(num, -100.815, 46.789, -100.717, 46.84)
- #get the addresses
- sReverseUrl = "http://localhost/nominatim_old/reverse.php?format=json&lat=%f&lon=%f"
- aAddresses = []
- for point in aPoints:
- response = url.urlopen(sReverseUrl % (point[1], point[0]))
- aAddresses.append(json.load(response)['address'])
- #print aAddresses
- # now we have all the addresses of the points in a list
- # lets forward geocode this list
- sOldUrl = "http://localhost/nominatim_old/search.php?format=json&city=%s&street=%s&addressdetails=1"
- sLineUrl = "http://localhost/nominatim/search.php?format=json&city=%s&street=%s&addressdetails=1"
- start_old = time.time()
- for address in aAddresses:
- if 'house_number' in address and 'road' in address:
- responseOld = url.urlopen(sOldUrl % (address['city'], address['house_number']+' '+address['road']))
- #dataOld = json.load(responseOld)
- #print dataOld[0]['display_name']
- elif 'road' in address:
- responseOld = url.urlopen(sOldUrl % (address['city'], address['road']))
- #dataOld = json.load(responseOld)
- #print dataOld[0]['display_name']
- end_old = time.time()
- for address in aAddresses:
- if 'house_number' in address and 'road' in address:
- responseLine = url.urlopen(sLineUrl % (address['city'], address['house_number']+' '+address['road']))
- elif 'road' in address:
- responseLine = url.urlopen(sLineUrl % (address['city'], address['road']))
- end_line = time.time()
- print "Seconds old search for %d elements: %f" % (num,end_old-start_old)
- print "Seconds line search for %d elements: %f" % (num,end_line-end_old)
-# 100 points: old: 7.11 sec, new: 7.47 sec
-# 1000 points: old: 65.69 sec, new: 66.96 sec
+++ /dev/null
-import numpy as np
-def getPoints(num, sw_lng, sw_lat, ne_lng, ne_lat):
- aResult = np.empty(shape=(num,2))
- for i in range(0,num):
- aResult[i] = [np.random.uniform(ne_lng, sw_lng), np.random.uniform(sw_lat, ne_lat)]
- return aResult
+++ /dev/null
-import numpy as np
-import urllib2 as url
-import json as json
-import random_points_bbox
-def test_compare(strUrl1, strUrl2, iPoints):
- #define bounding box for test
- # sw: left-lower corner
- sw_lng= -100.815
- sw_lat= 46.789
- # ne right-top corner
- ne_lng= -100.717
- ne_lat= 46.84
- #first get some random points in the bbox
- aPoints = random_points_bbox.getPoints(iPoints, -100.815, 46.789, -100.717, 46.84)
- same = 0
- differ = 0
- differ_street=0
- missing_housenumber_1=0
- missing_housenumber_2=0
- for point in aPoints:
- response = url.urlopen( strUrl1 % (point[1],point[0]))
- data1 = json.load(response)
- response = url.urlopen(strUrl2 % (point[1],point[0]))
- data2 = json.load(response)
- if data1['address'] == data2['address']:
- same+=1
- elif 'road' in data1['address'] and 'road' in data2['address']:
- differ+=1
- print 'different: '+str(data1['address'])+' - ' + str(data2['address'])
- if data1['address']['road'] != data2['address']['road']:
- differ_street +=1
- if 'house_number' not in data1['address']:
- missing_housenumber_1 +=1
- print 'missing housenumber in Line: '+str(data1['address'])
- if 'house_number' not in data2['address']:
- missing_housenumber_2 +=1
- print 'missing housenumber in Old: '+str(data2['address'])
- print 'Number of same values: '+str(same)
- print 'Number of different values: '+str(differ)
- print 'Number of different streets: '+str(differ_street)
- print 'Points without housenumber in Line: '+str(missing_housenumber_1)
- print 'Points without housenumber in Old: '+str(missing_housenumber_2)
-strUrlLine = "http://localhost/nominatim/reverse.php?format=json&lat=%f&lon=%f"
-strUrlOld = "http://localhost/nominatim_old/reverse.php?format=json&lat=%f&lon=%f"
-test_compare(strUrlLine,strUrlOld, 100)
+++ /dev/null
-import numpy as np
-import urllib2 as url
-import time
-def test(strUrl, iPoints):
- #define bounding box for test
- # sw: left-lower corner
- sw_lng= -100.815
- sw_lat= 46.789
- # ne right-top corner
- ne_lng= -100.717
- ne_lat= 46.84
- aXvalues = np.linspace(ne_lng, sw_lng, num=iPoints)
- aYvalues = np.linspace(sw_lat, ne_lat, num=iPoints)
- for x in aXvalues:
- for y in aYvalues:
- url.urlopen( strUrl % (y,x))
-strUrlLine = "http://localhost/nominatim/reverse.php?format=json&lat=%f&lon=%f"
-test(strUrlLine, 10)
-strUrlOld = "http://localhost/nominatim_old/reverse.php?format=json&lat=%f&lon=%f"
-test(strUrlOld, 10)
-print("Line: --- %s seconds ---" % (end_time_line-start_time_line))
-print("Old: --- %s seconds ---" % (end_time_old-start_time_old))
-#tested on 9th March 2016: Line: 354 seconds, Old: 363 seconds (with iPoints=100 => 10.000 single points)
-# Line: 3.586 sec, Old: 3.643 sec (witch iPoints=10 => 100 single points)
// General settings
@define('CONST_Debug', false);
- @define('CONST_Database_DSN', 'pgsql://@/nominatim_lines'); // <driver>://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>
+ @define('CONST_Database_DSN', 'pgsql://@/nominatim'); // <driver>://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>
@define('CONST_Database_Web_User', 'www-data');
@define('CONST_Max_Word_Frequency', '50000');
@define('CONST_Limit_Reindexing', true);
@define('CONST_BulkUserIPs', '');
@define('CONST_BlockMessage', ''); // additional info to show for blocked IPs
- @define('CONST_Website_BaseURL', 'http://localhost/nominatim/');
+ @define('CONST_Website_BaseURL', 'http://'.php_uname('n').'/');
@define('CONST_Tile_Default', 'Mapnik');
@define('CONST_Default_Language', false);