Importance is weighed against a viewbox factor which disappears
when the importance is 0.
$aResult['importance'] = 0.001;
$aResult['foundorder'] = $aResult['addressimportance'];
} else {
- // Adjust importance for the number of exact string matches in the result
+ $aResult['importance'] = max(0.001, $aResult['importance']);
$aResult['importance'] *= $this->viewboxImportanceFactor(
- $aResult['importance'] = max(0.001, $aResult['importance']);
+ // Adjust importance for the number of exact string matches in the result
$iCountWords = 0;
$sAddress = $aResult['langaddress'];
foreach ($aRecheckWords as $i => $sWord) {
if ($this->sHouseNumber) {
$sImportanceSQL = '- abs(26 - address_rank) + 3';
} else {
- $sImportanceSQL = '(CASE WHEN importance = 0 OR importance IS NULL THEN 0.75-(search_rank::float/40) ELSE importance END)';
+ $sImportanceSQL = '(CASE WHEN importance = 0 OR importance IS NULL THEN 0.75001-(search_rank::float/40) ELSE importance END)';
$sImportanceSQL .= $this->oContext->viewboxImportanceSQL('centroid');
$aOrder[] = "$sImportanceSQL DESC";