+# Install Nominatim in a virtual machine for development and testing
+This document describes how you can install Nominatim inside a Ubuntu 14
+virtual machine on your desktop/laptop (host machine). The goal is to give
+you a development environment to easily edit code and run the test suite
+without affecting the rest of your system.
+The installation can run largely unsupervised. You should expect 1-2h from
+start to finish depending on how fast your computer and download speed
+## Prerequisites
+1. [Virtualbox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads)
+2. [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html)
+3. Nominatim
+ git clone --recursive https://github.com/twain47/Nominatim.git
+ If you haven't used `--recursive`, then you can load the submodules using
+ git submodule init
+ git submodule update
+## Installation
+1. Start the virtual machine
+ vagrant up
+2. Log into the virtual machine
+ vagrant ssh
+3. Import a small country (Monaco)
+ You need to give the virtual machine more memory (2GB) for an import, see `Vagrantfile`.
+ See the FAQ how to skip this step and point Nominatim to an existing database.
+ ```
+ # inside the virtual machine:
+ cd Nominatim
+ wget --no-verbose --output-document=data/monaco.osm.pbf http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/monaco-latest.osm.pbf
+ utils/setup.php --osm-file data/monaco.osm.pbf --osm2pgsql-cache 1000 --all | tee monaco.$$.log
+ ./utils/specialphrases.php --countries > data/specialphrases_countries.sql
+ psql -d nominatim -f data/specialphrases_countries.sql
+ ```
+ To repeat an import you'd need to delete the database first
+ dropdb --username postgres -if-exists nominatim
+## Development
+Vagrant maps the virtual machine's port 8089 to your host machine. Thus you can
+see Nominatim in action on [locahost:8089](http://localhost:8089/nominatim/).
+You edit code on your host machine in any editor you like. There is no need to
+restart any software: just refresh your browser window.
+PHP errors are written to `/var/log/apache2/error.log`.
+With `echo` and `var_dump()` you write into the output (HTML/XML/JSON) when
+you either add `&debug=1` to the URL (preferred) or set
+`@define('CONST_Debug', true);` in `settings/local.php`.
+## Running functional tests
+Tests in `/features/db` and `/features/osm2pgsql` have to pass 100%. Other
+tests might require full planet-wide data. Sadly even if you have your own
+planet-wide data there will be enough differences to the openstreetmap.org
+installation to cause false positives in the other tests (see FAQ).
+To run the full test suite
+ cd ~/Nominatim/tests
+ NOMINATIM_SERVER=http://localhost:8089/nominatim lettuce features
+To run a single file
+ NOMINATIM_SERVER=http://localhost:8089/nominatim lettuce features/api/reverse.feature
+To run specific tests you can add tags just before the `Scenario line`, e.g.
+ @bug-34
+ Scenario: address lookup for non-existing or invalid node, way, relation
+and then
+ NOMINATIM_SERVER=http://localhost:8089/nominatim lettuce -t bug-34
+## Running unit tests
+ cd ~/Nominatim/tests
+ phpunit
+## FAQ
+##### Will it run on Windows?
+Yes, Vagrant and Virtualbox can be installed on MS Windows just fine. You need a 64bit
+version of Windows.
+##### Why Monaco, can I use another country?
+Of course! The Monaco import takes less than 30 minutes and works with 2GB RAM.
+##### Will the results be the same as those from nominatim.openstreetmap.org?
+No. Long running Nominatim installations will differ once new import features (or
+bug fixes) get added since those usually only get applied to new/changed data.
+Also this document skips the optional Wikipedia data import which affects ranking
+of search results. See [Nominatim instllation](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim/Installation) for details.
+##### Why Ubuntu, can I test CentOS/CoreOS/FreeBSD?
+In general Nominatim will run in all these environment. The installation steps
+are slightly different, e.g. the name of the package manager, Apache2 package
+name, location of files. We chose Ubuntu because that is closest to the
+nominatim.openstreetmap.org production environment.
+You can configure/download other Vagrant boxes from [vagrantbox.es](http://www.vagrantbox.es/).
+##### How can I connect to an existing database?
+Let's say you have a Postgres database named `nominatim_it` on server `your-server.com` and port `5432`. The Postgres username is `postgres`. You can edit `settings/local.php` and point Nominatim to it.
+ pgsql://postgres@your-server.com:5432/nominatim_it
+No data import necessary, no restarting necessary.
+If the Postgres installation is behind a firewall, you can try
+ ssh -L 9999:localhost:5432 your-username@your-server.com
+inside the virtual machine. It will map the port to `localhost:9999` and then
+you edit `settings/local.php` with
+ pgsql://postgres@localhost:9999/nominatim_it
+##### My computer is slow and the import takes too long. Can I start the virtual machine "in the cloud"?
+Yes. It's possible to start the virtual machine on [Amazon AWS (plugin)](https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant-aws) or [DigitalOcean (plugin)](https://github.com/smdahlen/vagrant-digitalocean).