NEW.indexed_date := now();
IF NEW.indexed_status IS NULL THEN
- IF NOT NEW.address ? 'interpolation'
+ IF NEW.address is NULL OR NOT NEW.address ? 'interpolation'
OR NEW.address->'interpolation' NOT IN ('odd', 'even', 'all') THEN
-- other interpolation types than odd/even/all (e.g. numeric ones) are not supported
-- By doing in postgres we have the country available to us - currently only used for postcode
IF NEW.class in ('place','boundary') AND NEW.type in ('postcode','postal_code') THEN
- IF NOT NEW.address ? 'postcode' THEN
+ IF NEW.address IS NULL OR NOT NEW.address ? 'postcode' THEN
-- most likely just a part of a multipolygon postcode boundary, throw it away
street TEXT;
addr_place TEXT;
postcode TEXT;
+ seg_street TEXT;
+ seg_place TEXT;
+ seg_postcode TEXT;
-- deferred delete
IF OLD.indexed_status = 100 THEN
NEW.interpolationtype = NEW.address->'interpolation';
- IF NEW.address ? 'street' THEN
- NEW.street = NEW.address->'street';
+ IF NEW.address is not NULL THEN
+ IF NEW.address ? 'street' THEN
+ NEW.street = NEW.address->'street';
- IF NEW.address ? 'place' THEN
- NEW.addr_place = NEW.address->'place';
+ IF NEW.address ? 'place' THEN
+ NEW.addr_place = NEW.address->'place';
- IF NEW.address ? 'postcode' THEN
- NEW.addr_place = NEW.address->'postcode';
+ IF NEW.address ? 'postcode' THEN
+ NEW.addr_place = NEW.address->'postcode';
- -- do the reparenting: (finally here, because ALL places in placex,
- -- that are needed for reparenting, need to be up to date)
- -- (the osm interpolationline in location_property_osmline was marked for
- -- reparenting in placex_insert/placex_delete with index_status = 1 or 2 (1 inset, 2 delete)
- -- => index.c: sets index_status back to 0
- -- => triggers this function)
- place_centroid := ST_PointOnSurface(NEW.linegeo);
- -- marking descendants for reparenting is not needed, because there are
- -- actually no descendants for interpolation lines
- NEW.parent_place_id = get_interpolation_parent(NEW.osm_id, NEW.street, NEW.addr_place,
- NEW.partition, place_centroid, NEW.linegeo);
+ -- if the line was newly inserted, split the line as necessary
+ IF OLD.indexed_status = 1 THEN
+ select nodes from planet_osm_ways where id = NEW.osm_id INTO waynodes;
- -- if we are just updating then our work is done
- IF OLD.indexed_status != 1 THEN
- return NEW;
+ IF array_upper(waynodes, 1) IS NULL THEN
- -- otherwise split the line as necessary
- select nodes from planet_osm_ways where id = NEW.osm_id INTO waynodes;
+ linegeo := NEW.linegeo;
+ startnumber := NULL;
+ street := NEW.street;
+ addr_place := NEW.addr_place;
+ postcode := NEW.postcode;
+ FOR nodeidpos in 1..array_upper(waynodes, 1) LOOP
+ select osm_id, address, geometry
+ from place where osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = waynodes[nodeidpos]::BIGINT
+ and address is not NULL and address ? 'housenumber' limit 1 INTO nextnode;
+ --RAISE NOTICE 'Nextnode.place_id: %s', nextnode.place_id;
+ IF nextnode.osm_id IS NOT NULL THEN
+ --RAISE NOTICE 'place_id is not null';
+ IF nodeidpos > 1 and nodeidpos < array_upper(waynodes, 1) THEN
+ -- Make sure that the point is actually on the line. That might
+ -- be a bit paranoid but ensures that the algorithm still works
+ -- should osm2pgsql attempt to repair geometries.
+ splitline := split_line_on_node(linegeo, nextnode.geometry);
+ sectiongeo := ST_GeometryN(splitline, 1);
+ linegeo := ST_GeometryN(splitline, 2);
+ sectiongeo = linegeo;
+ endnumber := substring(nextnode.address->'housenumber','[0-9]+')::integer;
- IF array_upper(waynodes, 1) IS NULL THEN
+ IF startnumber IS NOT NULL AND endnumber IS NOT NULL
+ AND startnumber != endnumber
+ AND ST_GeometryType(sectiongeo) = 'ST_LineString' THEN
- linegeo := NEW.linegeo;
- startnumber := NULL;
- street := NEW.street;
- addr_place := NEW.addr_place;
- postcode := NEW.postcode;
- FOR nodeidpos in 1..array_upper(waynodes, 1) LOOP
- select * from place where osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = waynodes[nodeidpos]::BIGINT
- and housenumber is not NULL limit 1 INTO nextnode;
- --RAISE NOTICE 'Nextnode.place_id: %s', nextnode.place_id;
- IF nextnode.osm_id IS NOT NULL THEN
- --RAISE NOTICE 'place_id is not null';
- IF nodeidpos > 1 and nodeidpos < array_upper(waynodes, 1) THEN
- -- Make sure that the point is actually on the line. That might
- -- be a bit paranoid but ensures that the algorithm still works
- -- should osm2pgsql attempt to repair geometries.
- splitline := split_line_on_node(linegeo, nextnode.geometry);
- sectiongeo := ST_GeometryN(splitline, 1);
- linegeo := ST_GeometryN(splitline, 2);
- sectiongeo = linegeo;
- endnumber := substring(nextnode.housenumber,'[0-9]+')::integer;
- IF startnumber IS NOT NULL AND endnumber IS NOT NULL
- AND startnumber != endnumber
- AND ST_GeometryType(sectiongeo) = 'ST_LineString' THEN
+ IF (startnumber > endnumber) THEN
+ housenum := endnumber;
+ endnumber := startnumber;
+ startnumber := housenum;
+ sectiongeo := ST_Reverse(sectiongeo);
- IF (startnumber > endnumber) THEN
- housenum := endnumber;
- endnumber := startnumber;
- startnumber := housenum;
- sectiongeo := ST_Reverse(sectiongeo);
+ seg_street := coalesce(street,
+ prevnode.address->'street',
+ nextnode.address->'street');
+ seg_place := coalesce(addr_place,
+ prevnode.address->'place',
+ nextnode.address->'place');
+ seg_postcode := coalesce(postcode,
+ prevnode.address->'postcode',
+ nextnode.address->'postcode');
+ IF NEW.startnumber IS NULL THEN
+ NEW.startnumber := startnumber;
+ NEW.endnumber := endnumber;
+ NEW.linegeo := sectiongeo;
+ NEW.street := seg_street;
+ NEW.addr_place := seg_place;
+ NEW.postcode := seg_postcode;
+ insert into location_property_osmline
+ (linegeo, partition, osm_id, parent_place_id,
+ startnumber, endnumber, interpolationtype,
+ address, street, addr_place, postcode, country_code,
+ geometry_sector, indexed_status)
+ values (sectiongeo, NEW.partition, NEW.osm_id, NEW.parent_place_id,
+ startnumber, endnumber, NEW.interpolationtype,
+ NEW.address, seg_street, seg_place, seg_postcode,
+ NEW.country_code, NEW.geometry_sector, 0);
- IF NEW.startnumber IS NULL THEN
- NEW.startnumber := startnumber;
- NEW.endnumber := endnumber;
- NEW.linegeo := sectiongeo;
- NEW.street := coalesce(street, prevnode.street, nextnode.street);
- NEW.addr_place := coalesce(addr_place, prevnode.addr_place, nextnode.addr_place);
- NEW.postcode := coalesce(postcode, prevnode.postcode, nextnode.postcode);
- insert into location_property_osmline
- (linegeo, partition, osm_id, parent_place_id,
- startnumber, endnumber, interpolationtype,
- address, street, addr_place, postcode, country_code,
- geometry_sector, indexed_status)
- values (sectiongeo, NEW.partition, NEW.osm_id, NEW.parent_place_id,
- startnumber, endnumber, NEW.interpolationtype,
- address, coalesce(street, prevnode.street, nextnode.street),
- coalesce(addr_place, prevnode.addr_place, nextnode.addr_place),
- coalesce(postcode, prevnode.postcode, nextnode.postcode),
- NEW.country_code, NEW.geometry_sector, 0);
+ -- early break if we are out of line string,
+ -- might happen when a line string loops back on itself
+ IF ST_GeometryType(linegeo) != 'ST_LineString' THEN
- -- early break if we are out of line string,
- -- might happen when a line string loops back on itself
- IF ST_GeometryType(linegeo) != 'ST_LineString' THEN
+ startnumber := substring(nextnode.address->'housenumber','[0-9]+')::integer;
+ prevnode := nextnode;
- startnumber := substring(nextnode.housenumber,'[0-9]+')::integer;
- prevnode := nextnode;
+ place_centroid := ST_PointOnSurface(NEW.linegeo);
+ NEW.parent_place_id = get_interpolation_parent(NEW.osm_id, NEW.street, NEW.addr_place,
+ NEW.partition, place_centroid, NEW.linegeo);
+ -- marking descendants for reparenting is not needed, because there are
+ -- actually no descendants for interpolation lines
- IF NEW.address ? 'conscriptionnumber' THEN
- i := getorcreate_housenumber_id(make_standard_name(NEW.address->'conscriptionnumber'));
- IF NEW.address ? 'streetnumber' THEN
+ IF NEW.address is not NULL THEN
+ IF NEW.address ? 'conscriptionnumber' THEN
+ i := getorcreate_housenumber_id(make_standard_name(NEW.address->'conscriptionnumber'));
+ IF NEW.address ? 'streetnumber' THEN
+ i := getorcreate_housenumber_id(make_standard_name(NEW.address->'streetnumber'));
+ NEW.housenumber := NEW.address->'conscriptionnumber' || '/' || NEW.address->'streetnumber';
+ NEW.housenumber := NEW.address->'conscriptionnumber';
+ ELSEIF NEW.address ? 'streetnumber' THEN
+ NEW.housenumber := NEW.address->'streetnumber';
i := getorcreate_housenumber_id(make_standard_name(NEW.address->'streetnumber'));
- NEW.housenumber := NEW.address->'conscriptionnumber' || '/' || NEW.address->'streetnumber';
- NEW.housenumber := NEW.address->'conscriptionnumber'
- ELSEIF NEW.address ? 'streetnumber' THEN
- NEW.housenumber := NEW.address->'streetnumber';
- i := getorcreate_housenumber_id(make_standard_name(NEW.address->'streetnumber'));
- ELSEIF NEW.address ? 'housenumber' THEN
- NEW.housenumber := NEW.address->'housenumber';
- i := getorcreate_housenumber_id(make_standard_name(NEW.housenumber));
+ ELSEIF NEW.address ? 'housenumber' THEN
+ NEW.housenumber := NEW.address->'housenumber';
+ i := getorcreate_housenumber_id(make_standard_name(NEW.housenumber));
- IF NEW.address ? 'street' THEN
- NEW.street = NEW.address->'street';
+ IF NEW.address ? 'street' THEN
+ NEW.street = NEW.address->'street';
- IF NEW.address ? 'place' THEN
- NEW.addr_place = NEW.address->'place';
+ IF NEW.address ? 'place' THEN
+ NEW.addr_place = NEW.address->'place';
- IF NEW.address ? 'postcode' THEN
- NEW.addr_place = NEW.address->'postcode';
+ IF NEW.address ? 'postcode' THEN
+ NEW.addr_place = NEW.address->'postcode';
-- Speed up searches - just use the centroid of the feature
NEW.centroid := null;
-- recalculate country and partition
- IF NEW.rank_search = 4 AND NEW.address ? 'country' THEN
+ IF NEW.rank_search = 4 AND NEW.address is not NULL AND NEW.address ? 'country' THEN
-- for countries, believe the mapped country code,
-- so that we remain in the right partition if the boundaries
-- suddenly expand.
ELSE -- insert to placex
-- Patch in additional country names
- IF NEW.admin_level = 2 AND NEW.type = 'administrative' AND NEW.address ? 'country' THEN
+ IF NEW.admin_level = 2 AND NEW.type = 'administrative'
+ AND NEW.address is not NULL AND NEW.address ? 'country' THEN
SELECT name FROM country_name WHERE country_code = lower(NEW.address->'country') INTO existing;
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | 1 1 |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | 1 1.001 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | 1 1, 1 1.001 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | 1 1 |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | 1 1.001 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | 1 1.001, 1 1 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 1 | 1 1 |
| N2 | place | house | 11 | 1 1.001 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | odd | 1 1, 1 1.001 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 1 | 1 1 |
| N2 | place | house | 3 | 1 1.001 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | all | 1 1, 1 1.001 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | 1 1 |
| N2 | place | house | 10 | 1.001 1.001 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | 1 1, 1 1.001, 1.001 1.001 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | 1 1 |
| N2 | place | house | 10 | 1.001 1.001 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | 1 1, 1 1.001, 1.001 1.001 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | 1 1 |
| N2 | place | house | 14 | 1.001 1.001 |
| N3 | place | house | 10 | 1 1.001 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | 1 1, 1 1.001, 1.001 1.001 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| N2 | place | house | 14 | 1.001 1.001 |
| N3 | place | house | 10 | 1 1.001 |
| N4 | place | house | 18 | 1.001 1.002 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | 1 1, 1 1.001, 1.001 1.001, 1.001 1.002 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | 1 1 |
| N2 | place | house | 14 | 1.001 1.001 |
| N3 | place | house | 10 | 1 1.001 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | 1.001 1.001, 1 1.001, 1 1 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | 1 1 |
| N2 | place | house | 8 | 1.001 1.001 |
| N3 | place | house | 7 | 1 1.001 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | 1 1, 1 1.001, 1.001 1.001 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | 0 0 |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | 0 0.001 |
| N3 | place | house | 10 | 0 0.002 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | 0 0, 0 0.001, 0 0.002, 0 0.001 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | 0 0 |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | 0 0.001 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | 0 0, 0 0.001, 0 0.002, 0 0.001 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| N3 | place | house | 12 | :n-middle-w |
| N4 | place | house | 16 | :n-middle-e |
And the places
- | osm | class | type | housenr | street | geometry |
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | street | geometry |
| W10 | place | houses | even | | :w-middle |
| W11 | place | houses | even | Cloud Street | :w-middle |
And the places
| N3 | place | house | 12 | Cloud Street | :n-middle-w |
| N4 | place | house | 16 | Cloud Street | :n-middle-e |
And the places
- | osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
- | W10 | place | houses | even | :w-middle |
- | W11 | place | houses | even | :w-middle |
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
+ | W10 | place | houses | even | :w-middle |
+ | W11 | place | houses | even | :w-middle |
And the places
| osm | class | type | name | geometry |
| W2 | highway | tertiary | Sun Way | :w-north |
| N1 | place | house | 10 | 144.9632341 -37.76163 |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | 144.9630541 -37.7628174 |
| N3 | shop | supermarket | 2 | 144.9629794 -37.7630755 |
- | W1 | place | houses | even | 144.9632341 -37.76163,144.9630541 -37.7628172,144.9629794 -37.7630755 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
+ | W1 | place | houses | even | 144.9632341 -37.76163,144.9630541 -37.7628172,144.9629794 -37.7630755 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| 1 | 1,2,3 |
| 6 | 10 | 144.9630541 -37.7628174, 144.9632341 -37.76163 |
Scenario: Place with missing address information
- Given the places
- | osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
- | N1 | place | house | 23 | 0.0001 0.0001 |
- | N2 | amenity | school | | 0.0001 0.0002 |
- | N3 | place | house | 29 | 0.0001 0.0004 |
- | W1 | place | houses | odd | 0.0001 0.0001,0.0001 0.0002,0.0001 0.0004 |
+ Given the grid
+ | 1 | | 2 | | | 3 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | housenr |
+ | N1 | place | house | 23 |
+ | N2 | amenity | school | |
+ | N3 | place | house | 29 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | addr+interpolation | geometry |
+ | W1 | place | houses | odd | 1,2,3 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| 1 | 1,2,3 |
When importing
Then W1 expands to interpolation
| start | end | geometry |
- | 23 | 29 | 0.0001 0.0001, 0.0001 0.0002, 0.0001 0.0004 |
+ | 23 | 29 | 1,2,3 |
Scenario: Ways without node entries are ignored
Given the places
| N1 | place | locality | german | country:de |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | calculated_country_code | name+name |
- | N1 | de | german |
+ | object | country_code | name+name |
+ | N1 | de | german |
Scenario: Copying name tag to default language if it does not exist
Given the places
| N1 | place | locality | german | finnish | country:de |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | calculated_country_code | name | name+name:fi | name+name:de |
- | N1 | de | german | finnish | german |
+ | object | country_code | name | name+name:fi | name+name:de |
+ | N1 | de | german | finnish | german |
Scenario: Copying default language name tag to name if it does not exist
Given the places
| N1 | place | locality | german | finnish | country:de |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | calculated_country_code | name | name+name:fi | name+name:de |
- | N1 | de | german | finnish | german |
+ | object | country_code | name | name+name:fi | name+name:de |
+ | N1 | de | german | finnish | german |
Scenario: Do not overwrite default language with name tag
Given the places
| N1 | place | locality | german | finnish | local | country:de |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | calculated_country_code | name | name+name:fi | name+name:de |
- | N1 | de | german | finnish | local |
+ | object | country_code | name | name+name:fi | name+name:de |
+ | N1 | de | german | finnish | local |
| N1 | highway | primary | country:us |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | country_code | calculated_country_code |
- | N1 | None | us |
+ | object | addr+country | country_code |
+ | N1 | - | us |
Scenario: Location overwrites country code tag
Given the named places
| N1 | highway | primary | de | country:us |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | country_code | calculated_country_code |
- | N1 | de | us |
+ | object | addr+country | country_code |
+ | N1 | de | us |
Scenario: Country code tag overwrites location for countries
Given the named places
| R1 | boundary | administrative | 2 | de | (-100 40, -101 40, -101 41, -100 41, -100 40) |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | country_code | calculated_country_code |
- | R1 | de | de |
+ | object | addr+country | country_code |
+ | R1 | de | de |
Scenario: Illegal country code tag for countries is ignored
Given the named places
| R1 | boundary | administrative | 2 | xx | (-100 40, -101 40, -101 41, -100 41, -100 40) |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | country_code | calculated_country_code |
- | R1 | xx | us |
+ | object | addr+country | country_code |
+ | R1 | xx | us |
Scenario: admin level is copied over
Given the named places
| object | admin_level |
| N1 | 3 |
- Scenario: admin level is default 15
- Given the named places
- | osm | class | type |
- | N1 | amenity | prison |
- When importing
- Then placex contains
- | object | admin_level |
- | N1 | 15 |
- Scenario: admin level is never larger than 15
- Given the named places
- | osm | class | type | admin |
- | N1 | amenity | prison | 16 |
- When importing
- Then placex contains
- | object | admin_level |
- | N1 | 15 |
Scenario: postcode node without postcode is dropped
Given the places
| osm | class | type | name+ref |
| N3 | place | postcode | Y45 | country:gb |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | postcode | calculated_country_code | rank_search | rank_address |
- | N1 | E45 2CD | gb | 25 | 5 |
- | N2 | E45 2 | gb | 23 | 5 |
- | N3 | Y45 | gb | 21 | 5 |
+ | object | postcode | country_code | rank_search | rank_address |
+ | N1 | E45 2CD | gb | 25 | 5 |
+ | N2 | E45 2 | gb | 23 | 5 |
+ | N3 | Y45 | gb | 21 | 5 |
Scenario: wrongly formatted GB postcodes are down-ranked
Given the places
| N3 | place | postcode | y45 | country:gb |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | calculated_country_code | rank_search | rank_address |
- | N1 | gb | 30 | 30 |
- | N2 | gb | 30 | 30 |
- | N3 | gb | 30 | 30 |
+ | object | country_code | rank_search | rank_address |
+ | N1 | gb | 30 | 30 |
+ | N2 | gb | 30 | 30 |
+ | N3 | gb | 30 | 30 |
Scenario: search and address rank for DE postcodes correctly assigned
Given the places
| N4 | place | postcode | 564276 | country:de |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | calculated_country_code | rank_search | rank_address |
- | N1 | de | 21 | 11 |
- | N2 | de | 30 | 30 |
- | N3 | de | 30 | 30 |
- | N4 | de | 30 | 30 |
+ | object | country_code | rank_search | rank_address |
+ | N1 | de | 21 | 11 |
+ | N2 | de | 30 | 30 |
+ | N3 | de | 30 | 30 |
+ | N4 | de | 30 | 30 |
Scenario: search and address rank for other postcodes are correctly assigned
Given the places
| N9 | place | postcode | A1:bc10 | country:ca |
When importing
Then placex contains
- | object | calculated_country_code | rank_search | rank_address |
- | N1 | ca | 21 | 11 |
- | N2 | ca | 21 | 11 |
- | N3 | ca | 21 | 11 |
- | N4 | ca | 21 | 11 |
- | N5 | ca | 21 | 11 |
- | N6 | ca | 21 | 11 |
- | N7 | ca | 25 | 11 |
- | N8 | ca | 25 | 11 |
- | N9 | ca | 25 | 11 |
+ | object | country_code | rank_search | rank_address |
+ | N1 | ca | 21 | 11 |
+ | N2 | ca | 21 | 11 |
+ | N3 | ca | 21 | 11 |
+ | N4 | ca | 21 | 11 |
+ | N5 | ca | 21 | 11 |
+ | N6 | ca | 21 | 11 |
+ | N7 | ca | 25 | 11 |
+ | N8 | ca | 25 | 11 |
+ | N9 | ca | 25 | 11 |
Scenario: search and address ranks for places are correctly assigned
Given the named places
class PlaceColumn:
def __init__(self, context, force_name):
- self.columns = { 'admin_level' : 100}
+ self.columns = { 'admin_level' : 15}
self.force_name = force_name
self.context = context
self.geometry = None
elif key.startswith('extra+'):
self.add_hstore('extratags', key[6:], value)
elif key.startswith('addr+'):
- self.add_hstore('address', key[6:], value)
+ self.add_hstore('address', key[5:], value)
assert_in(key, ('class', 'type'))
self.columns[key] = None if value == '' else value
def set_key_housenr(self, value):
self.add_hstore('address', 'housenumber', None if value == '' else value)
+ def set_key_postcode(self, value):
+ self.add_hstore('address', 'postcode', None if value == '' else value)
def set_key_street(self, value):
self.add_hstore('address', 'street', None if value == '' else value)
cursor.execute(query, list(self.columns.values()))
+class LazyFmt(object):
+ def __init__(self, fmtstr, *args):
+ self.fmt = fmtstr
+ self.args = args
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.fmt % self.args
+class PlaceObjName(object):
+ def __init__(self, placeid, conn):
+ = placeid
+ self.conn = conn
+ def __str__(self):
+ if is None:
+ return "<null>"
+ self.conn.cursor().execute("""SELECT osm_type, osm_id, class
+ FROM placex WHERE place_id = %s""",
+ eq_(1, cur.rowcount, "No entry found for place id %s" %
+ return "%s%s:%s" % cur.fetchone()
+def compare_place_id(expected, result, column, context):
+ if expected == '0':
+ eq_(0, result,
+ LazyFmt("Bad place id in column %s. Expected: 0, got: %s.",
+ column, PlaceObjName(result, context.db)))
+ elif expected == '-':
+ assert_is_none(result,
+ LazyFmt("bad place id in column %s: %s.",
+ column, PlaceObjName(result, context.db)))
+ else:
+ eq_(NominatimID(expected).get_place_id(context.db.cursor()), result,
+ LazyFmt("Bad place id in column %s. Expected: %s, got: %s.",
+ column, expected, PlaceObjName(result, context.db)))
class NominatimID:
""" Splits a unique identifier for places into its components.
As place_ids cannot be used for testing, we use a unique
eq_(res['name'][name], row[h])
elif h.startswith('extratags+'):
eq_(res['extratags'][h[10:]], row[h])
- elif h in ('linked_place_id', 'parent_place_id'):
- if row[h] == '0':
- eq_(0, res[h])
- elif row[h] == '-':
- assert_is_none(res[h])
+ elif h.startswith('addr+'):
+ if row[h] == '-':
+ if res['address'] is not None:
+ assert_not_in(h[5:], res['address'])
- eq_(NominatimID(row[h]).get_place_id(context.db.cursor()),
- res[h])
+ assert_in(h[5:], res['address'], "column " + h)
+ assert_equals(res['address'][h[5:]], row[h],
+ "column %s" % h)
+ elif h in ('linked_place_id', 'parent_place_id'):
+ compare_place_id(row[h], res[h], h, context)
assert_db_column(res, h, row[h], context)
assert_equals(res['address'][h[5:]], row[h], msg)
elif h in ('linked_place_id', 'parent_place_id'):
- if row[h] == '0':
- assert_equals(0, res[h], msg)
- elif row[h] == '-':
- assert_is_none(res[h], msg)
- else:
- assert_equals(NominatimID(row[h]).get_place_id(context.db.cursor()),
- res[h], msg)
+ compare_place_id(row[h], res[h], h, context)
assert_db_column(res, h, row[h], context)
if h in ('start', 'end'):
elif h == 'parent_place_id':
- if row[h] == '0':
- eq_(0, res[h])
- elif row[h] == '-':
- assert_is_none(res[h])
- else:
- eq_(NominatimID(row[h]).get_place_id(context.db.cursor()),
- res[h])
+ compare_place_id(row[h], res[h], h, context)
assert_db_column(res, h, row[h], context)