- default: Filters to be used, when the 'filter-kind' parameter
- is not specified. If omitted then the default is to
- let all names pass.
+ param: The parameter for which the filter function
+ will be created.
+ default: Defines the behaviour of filter function if
+ parameter is missing in the sanitizer configuration.
+ Takes a string(PASS_ALL or FAIL_ALL) or a list of strings.
+ Any other value of string or an empty list is not allowed,
+ and will raise a ValueError. If the value is PASS_ALL, the filter
+ function will let all strings to pass, if the value is FAIL_ALL,
+ filter function will let no strings to pass.
+ If value provided is a list of strings each string
+ is treated as a regular expression. In this case these regular
+ expressions will be used by the filter function.
+ By default allow filter function to let all strings pass.