if ($aResult['check-for-updates']) {
- $aLastState = $oDB->getRow('SELECT sequence_id FROM import_status');
- if (!$aLastState['sequence_id']) {
- fail('Updates not set up. Please run ./utils/update.php --init-updates.');
- }
- $oCmd = (new \Nominatim\Shell(CONST_BinDir.'/check_server_for_updates.py'))
- ->addParams($sBaseURL)
- ->addParams($aLastState['sequence_id']);
- $iRet = $oCmd->run();
- exit($iRet);
+ exit((clone($oNominatimCmd))->addParams('replication', '--check-for-updates')->run());
if (isset($aResult['import-diff']) || isset($aResult['import-file'])) {
return 0
if args.check_for_updates:
- params.append('--check-for-updates')
+ ret = replication.check_for_updates(conn, args.config.REPLICATION_URL)
+ conn.close()
+ return ret
+ if args.once:
+ params.append('--import-osmosis')
- if args.once:
- params.append('--import-osmosis')
- else:
- params.append('--import-osmosis-all')
- if not args.do_index:
- params.append('--no-index')
+ params.append('--import-osmosis-all')
+ if not args.do_index:
+ params.append('--no-index')
return run_legacy_script(*params, nominatim_env=args)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""", (date, seq, indexed))
+def get_status(conn):
+ """ Return the current status as a triple of (date, sequence, indexed).
+ If status has not been set up yet, a triple of None is returned.
+ """
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("SELECT * FROM import_status LIMIT 1")
+ if cur.rowcount < 1:
+ return None, None, None
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ return row['lastimportdate'], row['sequence_id'], row['indexed']
status.set_status(conn, date=date, seq=seq)
LOG.warning("Updates intialised at sequence %s (%s)", seq, date)
+def check_for_updates(conn, base_url):
+ """ Check if new data is available from the replication service at the
+ given base URL.
+ """
+ _, seq, _ = status.get_status(conn)
+ if seq is None:
+ LOG.error("Replication not set up. "
+ "Please run 'nominatim replication --init' first.")
+ return 254
+ state = ReplicationServer(base_url).get_state_info()
+ if state is None:
+ LOG.error("Cannot get state for URL %s.", base_url)
+ return 253
+ if state.sequence <= seq:
+ LOG.warning("Database is up to date.")
+ return 1
+ LOG.warning("New data available (%i => %i).", seq, state.sequence)
+ return 0
monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.tools.refresh, func, func_mock)
assert 0 == call_nominatim('refresh', '--' + command)
assert func_mock.called == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("params,func", [
- (('--init', '--no-update-functions'), 'init_replication')
+ (('--init', '--no-update-functions'), 'init_replication'),
+ (('--check-for-updates',), 'check_for_updates')
def test_replication_command(monkeypatch, temp_db, params, func):
func_mock = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.tools.replication, func, func_mock)
assert 0 == call_nominatim('replication', *params)
assert func_mock.called == 1
assert temp_db_cursor.rowcount == 1
assert temp_db_cursor.fetchone() == [date, 456, False]
+def test_get_status_empty_table(status_table, temp_db_conn):
+ assert nominatim.db.status.get_status(temp_db_conn) == (None, None, None)
+def test_get_status_success(status_table, temp_db_conn):
+ date = dt.datetime.fromordinal(1000000).replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc)
+ nominatim.db.status.set_status(temp_db_conn, date=date, seq=667, indexed=False)
+ assert nominatim.db.status.get_status(temp_db_conn) == \
+ (date, 667, False)
import datetime as dt
import pytest
+from osmium.replication.server import OsmosisState
import nominatim.tools.replication
+import nominatim.db.status as status
<osm version="0.6" generator="OpenStreetMap server" copyright="OpenStreetMap and contributors" attribution="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" license="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/">
expected_date = dt.datetime.fromisoformat('2006-01-27T19:09:10').replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc)
assert temp_db_cursor.rowcount == 1
assert temp_db_cursor.fetchone() == [expected_date, 234, True]
+def test_check_for_updates_empty_status_table(status_table, temp_db_conn):
+ assert nominatim.tools.replication.check_for_updates(temp_db_conn, 'https://test.io') == 254
+def test_check_for_updates_seq_not_set(status_table, temp_db_conn):
+ status.set_status(temp_db_conn, dt.datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc))
+ assert nominatim.tools.replication.check_for_updates(temp_db_conn, 'https://test.io') == 254
+def test_check_for_updates_no_state(monkeypatch, status_table, temp_db_conn):
+ status.set_status(temp_db_conn,
+ dt.datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc),
+ seq=345)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.tools.replication.ReplicationServer,
+ "get_state_info", lambda self: None)
+ assert nominatim.tools.replication.check_for_updates(temp_db_conn, 'https://test.io') == 253
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("server_sequence,result", [(344, 1), (345, 1), (346, 0)])
+def test_check_for_updates_no_new_data(monkeypatch, status_table, temp_db_conn,
+ server_sequence, result):
+ date = dt.datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc)
+ status.set_status(temp_db_conn, date, seq=345)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.tools.replication.ReplicationServer,
+ "get_state_info",
+ lambda self: OsmosisState(server_sequence, date))
+ assert nominatim.tools.replication.check_for_updates(temp_db_conn, 'https://test.io') == result
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import sys
-from osmium.replication import server
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) != 3:
- print("Usage: python check_server_for_updates.py <server url> <sequence id>")
- sys.exit(254)
- seqid = int(sys.argv[2])
- state = server.ReplicationServer(sys.argv[1]).get_state_info()
- if state is None:
- print("ERROR: Cannot get state from URL %s." % (sys.argv[1], ))
- sys.exit(253)
- if state.sequence <= seqid:
- print("Database up to date.")
- sys.exit(1)
- print("New data available (%i => %i)." % (seqid, state.sequence))
- sys.exit(0)