CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_search_name_centroid
ON search_name USING GIST (centroid) {{db.tablespace.search_index}};
- {% if postgres.has_index_non_key_column %}
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_placex_housenumber
- ON placex USING btree (parent_place_id)
- INCLUDE (housenumber) {{db.tablespace.search_index}}
- WHERE housenumber is not null;
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_osmline_parent_osm_id_with_hnr
- ON location_property_osmline USING btree(parent_place_id)
- INCLUDE (startnumber, endnumber) {{db.tablespace.search_index}}
- WHERE startnumber is not null;
- {% endif %}
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_placex_housenumber
+ ON placex USING btree (parent_place_id)
+ INCLUDE (housenumber) {{db.tablespace.search_index}}
+ WHERE housenumber is not null;
+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_osmline_parent_osm_id_with_hnr
+ ON location_property_osmline USING btree(parent_place_id)
+ INCLUDE (startnumber, endnumber) {{db.tablespace.search_index}}
+ WHERE startnumber is not null;
{% endif %}
-- Usage: - POI is within building with housenumber
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry_buildings ON placex
- USING {{postgres.spgist_geom}} (geometry) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}
+ USING SPGIST (geometry) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}
WHERE address is not null and rank_search = 30
and ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon');
-- Usage: - linking of similar named places to boundaries
-- - linking of place nodes with same type to boundaries
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry_placenode ON placex
- USING {{postgres.spgist_geom}} (geometry) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}
+ USING SPGIST (geometry) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}
WHERE osm_type = 'N' and rank_search < 26
and class = 'place' and type != 'postcode';
-- Usage: - is node part of a way?
-- - find parent of interpolation spatially
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry_lower_rank_ways ON placex
- USING {{postgres.spgist_geom}} (geometry) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}
+ USING SPGIST (geometry) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}
WHERE osm_type = 'W' and rank_search >= 26;
-- Usage: - linking place nodes by wikidata tag to boundaries
--index only on parent_place_id
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_location_property_tiger_parent_place_id_imp
ON location_property_tiger_import (parent_place_id)
-{% if postgres.has_index_non_key_column %}
INCLUDE (startnumber, endnumber, step)
-{% endif %}
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_location_property_tiger_place_id_imp
ON location_property_tiger_import (place_id) {{db.tablespace.aux_index}};
async with engine.begin() as conn:
result = await conn.scalar(sa.text('SHOW server_version_num'))
server_version = int(result)
- if server_version >= 110000:
- await conn.execute(sa.text("SET jit_above_cost TO '-1'"))
- await conn.execute(sa.text(
- "SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO '0'"))
+ await conn.execute(sa.text("SET jit_above_cost TO '-1'"))
+ await conn.execute(sa.text(
+ "SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO '0'"))
except (PGCORE_ERROR, sa.exc.OperationalError):
server_version = 0
- if server_version >= 110000:
- @sa.event.listens_for(engine.sync_engine, "connect")
- def _on_connect(dbapi_con: Any, _: Any) -> None:
- cursor = dbapi_con.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SET jit_above_cost TO '-1'")
- cursor.execute("SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO '0'")
+ @sa.event.listens_for(engine.sync_engine, "connect")
+ def _on_connect(dbapi_con: Any, _: Any) -> None:
+ cursor = dbapi_con.cursor()
+ cursor.execute("SET jit_above_cost TO '-1'")
+ cursor.execute("SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO '0'")
self._property_cache['DB:server_version'] = server_version
import jinja2
-from .connection import Connection, server_version_tuple, postgis_version_tuple
+from .connection import Connection
from ..config import Configuration
from ..db.query_pool import QueryPool
""" Set up a dictionary with various optional Postgresql/Postgis features that
depend on the database version.
- pg_version = server_version_tuple(conn)
- postgis_version = postgis_version_tuple(conn)
- pg11plus = pg_version >= (11, 0, 0)
- ps3 = postgis_version >= (3, 0)
- return {
- 'has_index_non_key_column': pg11plus,
- 'spgist_geom': 'SPGIST' if pg11plus and ps3 else 'GIST'
- }
+ return {}
class SQLPreprocessor:
from psycopg.types.json import Jsonb
from psycopg import sql as pysql
-from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, Cursor, server_version_tuple, \
+from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, Cursor, \
drop_tables, table_exists, execute_scalar
from ..config import Configuration
from ..db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
cur.execute(pysql.SQL('SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO {}')
.format(pysql.Literal(min(threads, 6),)))
- if server_version_tuple(conn) < (12, 0):
- LOG.info('Computing word frequencies')
- drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies', 'addressword_frequencies')
- cur.execute("""CREATE TEMP TABLE word_frequencies AS
- SELECT unnest(name_vector) as id, count(*)
- FROM search_name GROUP BY id""")
- cur.execute('CREATE INDEX ON word_frequencies(id)')
- cur.execute("""CREATE TEMP TABLE addressword_frequencies AS
- SELECT unnest(nameaddress_vector) as id, count(*)
- FROM search_name GROUP BY id""")
- cur.execute('CREATE INDEX ON addressword_frequencies(id)')
- cur.execute("""
- AS $$
- IF info is null THEN
- info = '{}'::jsonb;
- FOR rec IN SELECT count FROM word_frequencies WHERE id = wid
- info = info || jsonb_build_object('count', rec.count);
- FOR rec IN SELECT count FROM addressword_frequencies WHERE id = wid
- info = info || jsonb_build_object('addr_count', rec.count);
- IF info = '{}'::jsonb THEN
- info = null;
- END;
- """)
- LOG.info('Update word table with recomputed frequencies')
- drop_tables(conn, 'tmp_word')
- cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE tmp_word AS
- SELECT word_id, word_token, type, word,
- word_freq_update(word_id, info) as info
- FROM word
- """)
- drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies', 'addressword_frequencies')
- else:
- LOG.info('Computing word frequencies')
- drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies')
- cur.execute("""
- CREATE TEMP TABLE word_frequencies AS
- SELECT unnest(name_vector) as id, count(*)
- FROM search_name GROUP BY id),
- addr_freq AS MATERIALIZED (
- SELECT unnest(nameaddress_vector) as id, count(*)
- FROM search_name GROUP BY id)
- SELECT coalesce(a.id, w.id) as id,
- (CASE WHEN w.count is null THEN '{}'::JSONB
- ELSE jsonb_build_object('count', w.count) END
- ||
- CASE WHEN a.count is null THEN '{}'::JSONB
- ELSE jsonb_build_object('addr_count', a.count) END) as info
- FROM word_freq w FULL JOIN addr_freq a ON a.id = w.id;
- """)
- cur.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON word_frequencies(id) INCLUDE(info)')
- cur.execute('ANALYSE word_frequencies')
- LOG.info('Update word table with recomputed frequencies')
- drop_tables(conn, 'tmp_word')
- cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE tmp_word AS
- SELECT word_id, word_token, type, word,
- (CASE WHEN wf.info is null THEN word.info
- ELSE coalesce(word.info, '{}'::jsonb) || wf.info
- END) as info
- FROM word LEFT JOIN word_frequencies wf
- ON word.word_id = wf.id
- """)
- drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies')
+ LOG.info('Computing word frequencies')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies')
+ cur.execute("""
+ CREATE TEMP TABLE word_frequencies AS
+ SELECT unnest(name_vector) as id, count(*)
+ FROM search_name GROUP BY id),
+ addr_freq AS MATERIALIZED (
+ SELECT unnest(nameaddress_vector) as id, count(*)
+ FROM search_name GROUP BY id)
+ SELECT coalesce(a.id, w.id) as id,
+ (CASE WHEN w.count is null THEN '{}'::JSONB
+ ELSE jsonb_build_object('count', w.count) END
+ ||
+ CASE WHEN a.count is null THEN '{}'::JSONB
+ ELSE jsonb_build_object('addr_count', a.count) END) as info
+ FROM word_freq w FULL JOIN addr_freq a ON a.id = w.id;
+ """)
+ cur.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON word_frequencies(id) INCLUDE(info)')
+ cur.execute('ANALYSE word_frequencies')
+ LOG.info('Update word table with recomputed frequencies')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'tmp_word')
+ cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE tmp_word AS
+ SELECT word_id, word_token, type, word,
+ (CASE WHEN wf.info is null THEN word.info
+ ELSE coalesce(word.info, '{}'::jsonb) || wf.info
+ END) as info
+ FROM word LEFT JOIN word_frequencies wf
+ ON word.word_id = wf.id
+ """)
+ drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies')
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute('SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO 0')
from textwrap import dedent
from ..config import Configuration
-from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, server_version_tuple, \
+from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, \
index_exists, table_exists, execute_scalar
from ..db import properties
from ..errors import UsageError
if table_exists(conn, 'search_name'):
- 'idx_search_name_centroid'))
- if server_version_tuple(conn) >= (11, 0, 0):
- indexes.extend(('idx_placex_housenumber',
- 'idx_osmline_parent_osm_id_with_hnr'))
+ 'idx_search_name_centroid',
+ 'idx_placex_housenumber',
+ 'idx_osmline_parent_osm_id_with_hnr'))
# These won't exist if --no-updates import was used
if table_exists(conn, 'place'):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore')
cur.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis')
- postgis_version = postgis_version_tuple(conn)
- if postgis_version[0] >= 3:
- cur.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis_raster')
+ cur.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis_raster')
from psycopg import sql as pysql
from ..config import Configuration
-from ..db.connection import Connection, connect, postgis_version_tuple, \
- drop_tables
+from ..db.connection import Connection, connect, drop_tables
from ..db.utils import execute_file
from ..db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
if not datafile.exists():
return 1
- with connect(dsn) as conn:
- postgis_version = postgis_version_tuple(conn)
- if postgis_version[0] < 3:
- LOG.error('PostGIS version is too old for using OSM raster data.')
- return 2
execute_file(dsn, datafile, ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
return 0
from ..errors import UsageError
from ..db import status
-from ..db.connection import Connection, connect, server_version_tuple
+from ..db.connection import Connection, connect
from .exec_utils import run_osm2pgsql
# Consume updates with osm2pgsql.
options['append'] = True
- options['disable_jit'] = server_version_tuple(conn) >= (11, 0)
+ options['disable_jit'] = True
# Handle deletions