Convertion from token assignment to an abstract DB search.
-from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Iterator
+from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Iterator, Dict
import heapq
from nominatim.api.types import SearchDetails, DataLayer
Returns None if no category search is requested.
if assignment.category:
- tokens = [t for t in self.query.get_tokens(assignment.category,
- TokenType.CATEGORY)
- if not self.details.categories
- or t.get_category() in self.details.categories]
- return dbf.WeightedCategories([t.get_category() for t in tokens],
- [t.penalty for t in tokens])
+ tokens: Dict[Tuple[str, str], float] = {}
+ for t in self.query.get_tokens(assignment.category, TokenType.CATEGORY):
+ cat = t.get_category()
+ if (not self.details.categories or cat in self.details.categories)\
+ and t.penalty < tokens.get(cat, 1000.0):
+ tokens[cat] = t.penalty
+ return dbf.WeightedCategories(list(tokens.keys()), list(tokens.values()))
if self.details.categories:
return dbf.WeightedCategories(self.details.categories,
Data structures for more complex fields in abstract search descriptions.
-from typing import List, Tuple, Iterator, cast
+from typing import List, Tuple, Iterator, cast, Dict
import dataclasses
import sqlalchemy as sa
""" Set the qulaifier field from the given tokens.
if tokens:
- min_penalty = min(t.penalty for t in tokens)
+ categories: Dict[Tuple[str, str], float] = {}
+ min_penalty = 1000.0
+ for t in tokens:
+ if t.penalty < min_penalty:
+ min_penalty = t.penalty
+ cat = t.get_category()
+ if t.penalty < categories.get(cat, 1000.0):
+ categories[cat] = t.penalty
self.penalty += min_penalty
- self.qualifiers = WeightedCategories([t.get_category() for t in tokens],
- [t.penalty - min_penalty for t in tokens])
+ self.qualifiers = WeightedCategories(list(categories.keys()),
+ list(categories.values()))
def set_ranking(self, rankings: List[FieldRanking]) -> None:
t.c.class_, t.c.type,
t.c.address, t.c.extratags,
t.c.housenumber, t.c.postcode, t.c.country_code,
- t.c.importance, t.c.wikipedia,
+ t.c.wikipedia,
t.c.parent_place_id, t.c.rank_address, t.c.rank_search,
t.c.linked_place_id, t.c.admin_level,
place_ids: List[int],
details: SearchDetails) -> AsyncIterator[nres.SearchResult]:
t = conn.t.placex
- sql = _select_placex(t).where(t.c.place_id.in_(place_ids))
+ sql = _select_placex(t).add_columns(t.c.importance)\
+ .where(t.c.place_id.in_(place_ids))
if details.geometry_output:
sql = _add_geometry_columns(sql, t.c.geometry, details)
base.sort(key=lambda r: (r.accuracy, r.rank_search))
max_accuracy = base[0].accuracy + 0.5
+ if base[0].rank_address == 0:
+ min_rank = 0
+ max_rank = 0
+ elif base[0].rank_address < 26:
+ min_rank = 1
+ max_rank = min(25, base[0].rank_address + 4)
+ else:
+ min_rank = 26
+ max_rank = 30
base = nres.SearchResults(r for r in base if r.source_table == nres.SourceTable.PLACEX
and r.accuracy <= max_accuracy
- and r.bbox and r.bbox.area < 20)
+ and r.bbox and r.bbox.area < 20
+ and r.rank_address >= min_rank
+ and r.rank_address <= max_rank)
if base:
baseids = [b.place_id for b in base[:5] if b.place_id]
table = await conn.get_class_table(*category)
- t = conn.t.placex
tgeom = conn.t.placex.alias('pgeom')
- sql = _select_placex(t).where(tgeom.c.place_id.in_(ids))\
- .where(t.c.class_ == category[0])\
- .where(t.c.type == category[1])
if table is None:
# No classtype table available, do a simplified lookup in placex.
- sql = sql.join(tgeom, t.c.geometry.ST_DWithin(tgeom.c.centroid, 0.01))\
- .order_by(tgeom.c.centroid.ST_Distance(t.c.centroid))
+ table = conn.t.placex.alias('inner')
+ sql = sa.select(table.c.place_id,
+ sa.func.min(tgeom.c.centroid.ST_Distance(table.c.centroid))
+ .label('dist'))\
+ .join(tgeom, table.c.geometry.intersects(tgeom.c.centroid.ST_Expand(0.01)))\
+ .where(table.c.class_ == category[0])\
+ .where(table.c.type == category[1])
# Use classtype table. We can afford to use a larger
# radius for the lookup.
- sql = sql.join(table, t.c.place_id == table.c.place_id)\
- .join(tgeom,
- table.c.centroid.ST_CoveredBy(
- sa.case((sa.and_(tgeom.c.rank_address > 9,
+ sql = sa.select(table.c.place_id,
+ sa.func.min(tgeom.c.centroid.ST_Distance(table.c.centroid))
+ .label('dist'))\
+ .join(tgeom,
+ table.c.centroid.ST_CoveredBy(
+ sa.case((sa.and_(tgeom.c.rank_address > 9,
- tgeom.c.geometry),
- else_ = tgeom.c.centroid.ST_Expand(0.05))))\
- .order_by(tgeom.c.centroid.ST_Distance(table.c.centroid))
+ tgeom.c.geometry),
+ else_ = tgeom.c.centroid.ST_Expand(0.05))))
+ inner = sql.where(tgeom.c.place_id.in_(ids))\
+ .group_by(table.c.place_id).subquery()
+ t = conn.t.placex
+ sql = _select_placex(t).add_columns((-inner.c.dist).label('importance'))\
+ .join(inner, inner.c.place_id == t.c.place_id)\
+ .order_by(inner.c.dist)
sql = sql.where(no_index(t.c.rank_address).between(MIN_RANK_PARAM, MAX_RANK_PARAM))
if details.countries:
# simply search in placex table
def _base_query() -> SaSelect:
return _select_placex(t) \
+ .add_columns((-t.c.centroid.ST_Distance(NEAR_PARAM))
+ .label('importance'))\
.where(t.c.linked_place_id == None) \
.where(t.c.geometry.ST_DWithin(NEAR_PARAM, NEAR_RADIUS_PARAM)) \
.order_by(t.c.centroid.ST_Distance(NEAR_PARAM)) \
table = await conn.get_class_table(*category)
if table is not None:
sql = _select_placex(t)\
+ .add_columns(t.c.importance)\
.join(table, t.c.place_id == table.c.place_id)\
.where(t.c.class_ == category[0])\
.where(t.c.type == category[1])
ccodes = self.countries.values
sql = _select_placex(t)\
+ .add_columns(t.c.importance)\
.where(t.c.rank_address == 4)
tsearch = conn.t.search_name
sql: SaLambdaSelect = sa.lambda_stmt(lambda:
- sa.select(t.c.place_id, t.c.osm_type, t.c.osm_id, t.c.name,
- t.c.class_, t.c.type,
- t.c.address, t.c.extratags, t.c.admin_level,
- t.c.housenumber, t.c.postcode, t.c.country_code,
- t.c.wikipedia,
- t.c.parent_place_id, t.c.rank_address, t.c.rank_search,
- t.c.centroid,
- t.c.geometry.ST_Expand(0).label('bbox'))
- .where(t.c.place_id == tsearch.c.place_id))
+ _select_placex(t).where(t.c.place_id == tsearch.c.place_id))
if details.geometry_output:
for result in results:
- if not result.display_name:
+ # Negative importance indicates ordering by distance, which is
+ # more important than word matching.
+ if not result.display_name\
+ or (result.importance is not None and result.importance < 0):
distance = 0.0
norm = self.query_analyzer.normalize_text(result.display_name)
COUNTRY = enum.auto()
""" Contains the country name or code. """
- def compatible_with(self, ttype: TokenType) -> bool:
+ def compatible_with(self, ttype: TokenType,
+ is_full_phrase: bool) -> bool:
""" Check if the given token type can be used with the phrase type.
if self == PhraseType.NONE:
- return True
+ return not is_full_phrase or ttype != TokenType.QUALIFIER
if self == PhraseType.AMENITY:
- return ttype in (TokenType.WORD, TokenType.PARTIAL,
- TokenType.QUALIFIER, TokenType.CATEGORY)
+ return ttype in (TokenType.WORD, TokenType.PARTIAL)\
+ or (is_full_phrase and ttype == TokenType.CATEGORY)\
+ or (not is_full_phrase and ttype == TokenType.QUALIFIER)
if self == PhraseType.STREET:
return ttype in (TokenType.WORD, TokenType.PARTIAL, TokenType.HOUSENUMBER)
if self == PhraseType.POSTCODE:
be added to, then the token is silently dropped.
snode = self.nodes[trange.start]
- if snode.ptype.compatible_with(ttype):
+ full_phrase = snode.btype in (BreakType.START, BreakType.PHRASE)\
+ and self.nodes[trange.end].btype in (BreakType.PHRASE, BreakType.END)
+ if snode.ptype.compatible_with(ttype, full_phrase):
tlist = snode.get_tokens(trange.end, ttype)
if tlist is None:
snode.starting.append(TokenList(trange.end, ttype, [token]))
def test_phrase_compatible(ptype, ttype):
- assert query.PhraseType[ptype].compatible_with(query.TokenType[ttype])
+ assert query.PhraseType[ptype].compatible_with(query.TokenType[ttype], False)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ptype', ['COUNTRY', 'POSTCODE'])
def test_phrase_incompatible(ptype):
- assert not query.PhraseType[ptype].compatible_with(query.TokenType.PARTIAL)
+ assert not query.PhraseType[ptype].compatible_with(query.TokenType.PARTIAL, True)
def test_query_node_empty():
assert q.get_tokens(query.TokenRange(0, 1), query.TokenType.PARTIAL) == []
assert len(q.get_tokens(query.TokenRange(1, 2), query.TokenType.COUNTRY)) == 1
+def test_query_struct_amenity_single_word():
+ q = query.QueryStruct([query.Phrase(query.PhraseType.AMENITY, 'bar')])
+ q.add_node(query.BreakType.END, query.PhraseType.NONE)
+ q.add_token(query.TokenRange(0, 1), query.TokenType.PARTIAL, mktoken(1))
+ q.add_token(query.TokenRange(0, 1), query.TokenType.CATEGORY, mktoken(2))
+ q.add_token(query.TokenRange(0, 1), query.TokenType.QUALIFIER, mktoken(3))
+ assert len(q.get_tokens(query.TokenRange(0, 1), query.TokenType.PARTIAL)) == 1
+ assert len(q.get_tokens(query.TokenRange(0, 1), query.TokenType.CATEGORY)) == 1
+ assert len(q.get_tokens(query.TokenRange(0, 1), query.TokenType.QUALIFIER)) == 0
+def test_query_struct_amenity_two_words():
+ q = query.QueryStruct([query.Phrase(query.PhraseType.AMENITY, 'foo bar')])
+ q.add_node(query.BreakType.WORD, query.PhraseType.AMENITY)
+ q.add_node(query.BreakType.END, query.PhraseType.NONE)
+ for trange in [(0, 1), (1, 2)]:
+ q.add_token(query.TokenRange(*trange), query.TokenType.PARTIAL, mktoken(1))
+ q.add_token(query.TokenRange(*trange), query.TokenType.CATEGORY, mktoken(2))
+ q.add_token(query.TokenRange(*trange), query.TokenType.QUALIFIER, mktoken(3))
+ assert len(q.get_tokens(query.TokenRange(0, 1), query.TokenType.PARTIAL)) == 1
+ assert len(q.get_tokens(query.TokenRange(0, 1), query.TokenType.CATEGORY)) == 0
+ assert len(q.get_tokens(query.TokenRange(0, 1), query.TokenType.QUALIFIER)) == 1
+ assert len(q.get_tokens(query.TokenRange(1, 2), query.TokenType.PARTIAL)) == 1
+ assert len(q.get_tokens(query.TokenRange(1, 2), query.TokenType.CATEGORY)) == 0
+ assert len(q.get_tokens(query.TokenRange(1, 2), query.TokenType.QUALIFIER)) == 1
def make_query(*args):
- q = None
+ q = QueryStruct([Phrase(PhraseType.NONE, '')])
- for tlist in args:
- if q is None:
- q = QueryStruct([Phrase(PhraseType.NONE, '')])
- else:
- q.add_node(BreakType.WORD, PhraseType.NONE)
+ for _ in range(max(inner[0] for tlist in args for inner in tlist)):
+ q.add_node(BreakType.WORD, PhraseType.NONE)
+ q.add_node(BreakType.END, PhraseType.NONE)
- start = len(q.nodes) - 1
+ for start, tlist in enumerate(args):
for end, ttype, tinfo in tlist:
for tid, word in tinfo:
q.add_token(TokenRange(start, end), ttype,
MyToken(0.5 if ttype == TokenType.PARTIAL else 0.0, tid, 1, word, True))
- q.add_node(BreakType.END, PhraseType.NONE)
return q
def make_query(*args):
- q = None
+ q = QueryStruct([Phrase(args[0][1], '')])
dummy = MyToken(3.0, 45, 1, 'foo', True)
- for btype, ptype, tlist in args:
- if q is None:
- q = QueryStruct([Phrase(ptype, '')])
- else:
- q.add_node(btype, ptype)
+ for btype, ptype, _ in args[1:]:
+ q.add_node(btype, ptype)
+ q.add_node(BreakType.END, PhraseType.NONE)
- start = len(q.nodes) - 1
- for end, ttype in tlist:
+ for start, t in enumerate(args):
+ for end, ttype in t[2]:
q.add_token(TokenRange(start, end), ttype, dummy)
- q.add_node(BreakType.END, PhraseType.NONE)
return q