$sCountryCodesSQL = join(',', array_map('addQuotes', $this->aCountryCodes));
- // Hack to make it handle "new york, ny" (and variants) correctly
- //$sQuery = str_ireplace(array('New York, ny','new york, new york', 'New York ny','new york new york'), 'new york city, ny', $this->sQuery);
$sQuery = $this->sQuery;
// Conflicts between US state abreviations and various words for 'the' in different languages
// View Box SQL
- $sViewboxCentreSQL;
+ $sViewboxCentreSQL = false;
$bBoundingBoxSearch = false;
if ($this->aViewBox)
-- Note that addr:street links can only be indexed once the street itself is indexed
IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND NEW.osm_type = 'N' THEN
+ -- if there is no address information, see if we can get it from a surrounding building
+ IF NEW.street IS NULL AND NEW.addr_place IS NULL AND NEW.housenumber IS NULL THEN
+ FOR location IN select * from placex where ST_Covers(geometry, place_centroid) and rank_search > 28 and (housenumber is not null or street is not null or addr_place is not null) AND ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon')
+ NEW.housenumber := location.housenumber;
+ NEW.street := location.street;
+ NEW.addr_place := location.addr_place;
-- Is this node part of a relation?
FOR relation IN select * from planet_osm_rels where parts @> ARRAY[NEW.osm_id] and members @> ARRAY['n'||NEW.osm_id]