## What result did you expect?
-**When the result in the right place and just named wrongly:**
+**When the result is in the right place and just named wrongly:**
<!-- Please tell us the display name you expected. -->
-**When the result missing completely:**
+**When the result is missing completely:**
<!-- Make sure that the data you are looking for is in OpenStreetMap. Provide a link to the OpenStreetMap object or if you cannot get it, a link to the map on https://openstreetmap.org where you expect the result to be.
class LookupCollector:
""" Result collector for the simple lookup.
- Allows for lookup of multiple places simultaniously.
+ Allows for lookup of multiple places simultaneously.
def __init__(self, places: Iterable[ntyp.PlaceRef],
- osm_ids = [{'i': i, 'ot': p.osm_type, 'oi': p.osm_id, 'oc': p.osm_class or ''}
- for i, p in collector.enumerate_free_osm_ids()]
- if osm_ids:
- oid_tab = sa.func.JsonArrayEach(sa.type_coerce(osm_ids, sa.JSON))\
- .table_valued(sa.column('value', type_=sa.JSON))
- psql = sql.add_columns(oid_tab.c.value['i'].as_integer().label('_idx'))\
- .where(t.c.osm_type == oid_tab.c.value['ot'].as_string())\
- .where(t.c.osm_id == oid_tab.c.value['oi'].as_string().cast(sa.BigInteger))\
- .where(sa.or_(oid_tab.c.value['oc'].as_string() == '',
- oid_tab.c.value['oc'].as_string() == t.c.class_))\
- .order_by(t.c.class_)
- if await collector.add_rows_from_sql(conn, psql, t.c.geometry,
- nres.create_from_placex_row):
- return True
+ for osm_type in ('N', 'W', 'R'):
+ osm_ids = [{'i': i, 'oi': p.osm_id, 'oc': p.osm_class or ''}
+ for i, p in collector.enumerate_free_osm_ids()
+ if p.osm_type == osm_type]
+ if osm_ids:
+ oid_tab = sa.func.JsonArrayEach(sa.type_coerce(osm_ids, sa.JSON))\
+ .table_valued(sa.column('value', type_=sa.JSON))
+ psql = sql.add_columns(oid_tab.c.value['i'].as_integer().label('_idx'))\
+ .where(t.c.osm_type == osm_type)\
+ .where(t.c.osm_id == oid_tab.c.value['oi'].as_string().cast(sa.BigInteger))\
+ .where(sa.or_(oid_tab.c.value['oc'].as_string() == '',
+ oid_tab.c.value['oc'].as_string() == t.c.class_))\
+ .order_by(t.c.class_)
+ if await collector.add_rows_from_sql(conn, psql, t.c.geometry,
+ nres.create_from_placex_row):
+ return True
place_ids = [{'i': i, 'id': p.place_id}
for i, p in collector.enumerate_free_place_ids()]
f'{resource.name} "{params}"\n')
-class APIShutdown:
- """ Middleware that closes any open database connections.
+class APIMiddleware:
+ """ Middleware managing the Nominatim database connection.
- def __init__(self, api: NominatimAPIAsync) -> None:
- self.api = api
+ def __init__(self, project_dir: Path, environ: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) -> None:
+ self.api = NominatimAPIAsync(project_dir, environ)
+ self.app: Optional[App] = None
+ @property
+ def config(self) -> Configuration:
+ """ Get the configuration for Nominatim.
+ """
+ return self.api.config
+ def set_app(self, app: App) -> None:
+ """ Set the Falcon application this middleware is connected to.
+ """
+ self.app = app
+ async def process_startup(self, *_: Any) -> None:
+ """ Process the ASGI lifespan startup event.
+ """
+ assert self.app is not None
+ legacy_urls = self.api.config.get_bool('SERVE_LEGACY_URLS')
+ formatter = load_format_dispatcher('v1', self.api.config.project_dir)
+ for name, func in await api_impl.get_routes(self.api):
+ endpoint = EndpointWrapper(name, func, self.api, formatter)
+ self.app.add_route(f"/{name}", endpoint)
+ if legacy_urls:
+ self.app.add_route(f"/{name}.php", endpoint)
async def process_shutdown(self, *_: Any) -> None:
"""Process the ASGI lifespan shutdown event.
environ: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None) -> App:
""" Create a Nominatim Falcon ASGI application.
- api = NominatimAPIAsync(project_dir, environ)
+ apimw = APIMiddleware(project_dir, environ)
- middleware: List[object] = [APIShutdown(api)]
- log_file = api.config.LOG_FILE
+ middleware: List[object] = [apimw]
+ log_file = apimw.config.LOG_FILE
if log_file:
- app = App(cors_enable=api.config.get_bool('CORS_NOACCESSCONTROL'),
+ app = App(cors_enable=apimw.config.get_bool('CORS_NOACCESSCONTROL'),
+ apimw.set_app(app)
app.add_error_handler(HTTPNominatimError, nominatim_error_handler)
app.add_error_handler(TimeoutError, timeout_error_handler)
# different from TimeoutError in Python <= 3.10
app.add_error_handler(asyncio.TimeoutError, timeout_error_handler) # type: ignore[arg-type]
- legacy_urls = api.config.get_bool('SERVE_LEGACY_URLS')
- formatter = load_format_dispatcher('v1', project_dir)
- for name, func in api_impl.ROUTES:
- endpoint = EndpointWrapper(name, func, api, formatter)
- app.add_route(f"/{name}", endpoint)
- if legacy_urls:
- app.add_route(f"/{name}.php", endpoint)
return app
Server implementation using the starlette webserver framework.
-from typing import Any, Optional, Mapping, Callable, cast, Coroutine, Dict, Awaitable
+from typing import Any, Optional, Mapping, Callable, cast, Coroutine, Dict, \
+ Awaitable, AsyncIterator
from pathlib import Path
import datetime as dt
import asyncio
+import contextlib
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.routing import Route
return cast(Configuration, self.request.app.state.API.config)
def formatting(self) -> FormatDispatcher:
- return cast(FormatDispatcher, self.request.app.state.API.formatter)
+ return cast(FormatDispatcher, self.request.app.state.formatter)
def _wrap_endpoint(func: EndpointFunc)\
config = Configuration(project_dir, environ)
- routes = []
- legacy_urls = config.get_bool('SERVE_LEGACY_URLS')
- for name, func in api_impl.ROUTES:
- endpoint = _wrap_endpoint(func)
- routes.append(Route(f"/{name}", endpoint=endpoint))
- if legacy_urls:
- routes.append(Route(f"/{name}.php", endpoint=endpoint))
middleware = []
if config.get_bool('CORS_NOACCESSCONTROL'):
asyncio.TimeoutError: timeout_error
- async def _shutdown() -> None:
+ @contextlib.asynccontextmanager
+ async def lifespan(app: Starlette) -> AsyncIterator[Any]:
+ app.state.API = NominatimAPIAsync(project_dir, environ)
+ config = app.state.API.config
+ legacy_urls = config.get_bool('SERVE_LEGACY_URLS')
+ for name, func in await api_impl.get_routes(app.state.API):
+ endpoint = _wrap_endpoint(func)
+ app.routes.append(Route(f"/{name}", endpoint=endpoint))
+ if legacy_urls:
+ app.routes.append(Route(f"/{name}.php", endpoint=endpoint))
+ yield
await app.state.API.close()
- app = Starlette(debug=debug, routes=routes, middleware=middleware,
+ app = Starlette(debug=debug, middleware=middleware,
- on_shutdown=[_shutdown])
+ lifespan=lifespan)
- app.state.API = NominatimAPIAsync(project_dir, environ)
app.state.formatter = load_format_dispatcher('v1', project_dir)
return app
Implementation of API version v1 (aka the legacy version).
-from .server_glue import ROUTES as ROUTES
+from .server_glue import get_routes as get_routes
Generic part of the server implementation of the v1 API.
Combine with the scaffolding provided for the various Python ASGI frameworks.
-from typing import Optional, Any, Type, Dict, cast
+from typing import Optional, Any, Type, Dict, cast, Sequence, Tuple
from functools import reduce
import dataclasses
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from ..localization import Locales
from . import helpers
from ..server import content_types as ct
-from ..server.asgi_adaptor import ASGIAdaptor
+from ..server.asgi_adaptor import ASGIAdaptor, EndpointFunc
+from ..sql.async_core_library import PGCORE_ERROR
def build_response(adaptor: ASGIAdaptor, output: str, status: int = 200,
return build_response(params, params.formatting().format_result(results, fmt, {}))
- ('status', status_endpoint),
- ('details', details_endpoint),
- ('reverse', reverse_endpoint),
- ('lookup', lookup_endpoint),
- ('search', search_endpoint),
- ('deletable', deletable_endpoint),
- ('polygons', polygons_endpoint),
+async def get_routes(api: NominatimAPIAsync) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, EndpointFunc]]:
+ routes = [
+ ('status', status_endpoint),
+ ('details', details_endpoint),
+ ('reverse', reverse_endpoint),
+ ('lookup', lookup_endpoint),
+ ('deletable', deletable_endpoint),
+ ('polygons', polygons_endpoint),
+ ]
+ def has_search_name(conn: sa.engine.Connection) -> bool:
+ insp = sa.inspect(conn)
+ return insp.has_table('search_name')
+ try:
+ async with api.begin() as conn:
+ if await conn.connection.run_sync(has_search_name):
+ routes.append(('search', search_endpoint))
+ except (PGCORE_ERROR, sa.exc.OperationalError):
+ pass # ignored
+ return routes