ELSE -- insert to placex
+ -- Pure postcodes are never queried from placex so we don't add them.
+ -- location_postcodes is filled from the place table directly.
+ IF NEW.class = 'place' AND NEW.type = 'postcode' THEN
-- Patch in additional country names
IF NEW.admin_level = 2 AND NEW.type = 'administrative'
AND NEW.address is not NULL AND NEW.address ? 'country' THEN
if args.postcodes:
- LOG.warning("Update postcodes centroid")
- tokenizer = self._get_tokenizer(args.config)
- postcodes.update_postcodes(args.config.get_libpq_dsn(),
- args.project_dir, tokenizer)
- indexer = Indexer(args.config.get_libpq_dsn(), tokenizer,
- args.threads or 1)
- indexer.index_postcodes()
+ if postcodes.can_compute(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()):
+ LOG.warning("Update postcodes centroid")
+ tokenizer = self._get_tokenizer(args.config)
+ postcodes.update_postcodes(args.config.get_libpq_dsn(),
+ args.project_dir, tokenizer)
+ indexer = Indexer(args.config.get_libpq_dsn(), tokenizer,
+ args.threads or 1)
+ indexer.index_postcodes()
+ else:
+ LOG.error("The place table doesn\'t exists. " \
+ "Postcode updates on a frozen database is not possible.")
if args.word_counts:
LOG.warning('Recompute frequency of full-word search terms')
conn.perform("""INSERT INTO placex ({0})
SELECT {0} FROM place
WHERE osm_id % {1} = {2}
- AND NOT (class='place' and type='houses')
+ AND NOT (class='place' and (type='houses' or type='postcode'))
AND ST_IsValid(geometry)
""".format(_COPY_COLUMNS, place_threads, imod))
sel.register(conn, selectors.EVENT_READ, conn)
# Recompute the list of valid postcodes from placex.
with conn.cursor(name="placex_postcodes") as cur:
- cur.execute("""SELECT country_code, pc, ST_X(centroid), ST_Y(centroid)
- FROM (
- SELECT country_code,
- token_normalized_postcode(address->'postcode') as pc,
- ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(ST_Centroid(geometry))) as centroid
- FROM placex
- WHERE address ? 'postcode' and geometry IS NOT null
- and country_code is not null
- GROUP BY country_code, pc) xx
- WHERE pc is not null
- ORDER BY country_code, pc""")
+ cur.execute("""
+ SELECT cc as country_code, pc, ST_X(centroid), ST_Y(centroid)
+ FROM (
+ COALESCE(plx.country_code, get_country_code(ST_Centroid(pl.geometry))) as cc,
+ token_normalized_postcode(pl.address->'postcode') as pc,
+ ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(ST_Centroid(pl.geometry))) as centroid
+ FROM place AS pl LEFT OUTER JOIN placex AS plx ON pl.osm_id = plx.osm_id AND pl.osm_type = plx.osm_type
+ WHERE pl.address ? 'postcode' AND pl.geometry IS NOT null
+ GROUP BY cc, pc
+ ) xx
+ WHERE pc IS NOT null AND cc IS NOT null
+ ORDER BY country_code, pc""")
collector = None
+def can_compute(dsn):
+ """
+ Check that the place table exists so that
+ postcodes can be computed.
+ """
+ with connect(dsn) as conn:
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("""
+ select exists(select 1 from information_schema.tables where table_name='place')
+ """)
+ return cur.fetchone()[0]