// Get the bounding box and outline polygon
$sSQL = 'select place_id,0 as numfeatures,st_area(geometry) as area,';
- if ($fLonReverse != null && $fLatReverse != null) {
- $sSQL .= ' ST_Y(closest_point) as centrelat,';
- $sSQL .= ' ST_X(closest_point) as centrelon,';
- } else {
- $sSQL .= ' ST_Y(centroid) as centrelat, ST_X(centroid) as centrelon,';
- }
+ $sSQL .= ' ST_Y(centroid) as centrelat, ST_X(centroid) as centrelon,';
$sSQL .= ' ST_YMin(geometry) as minlat,ST_YMax(geometry) as maxlat,';
$sSQL .= ' ST_XMin(geometry) as minlon,ST_XMax(geometry) as maxlon';
if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON) {
if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsText) {
$sSQL .= ',ST_AsText(geometry) as astext';
+ $sSQL .= ' FROM (SELECT place_id';
if ($fLonReverse != null && $fLatReverse != null) {
- $sFrom = ' from (SELECT * , CASE WHEN (class = \'highway\') AND (ST_GeometryType(geometry) = \'ST_LineString\') THEN ';
- $sFrom .=' ST_ClosestPoint(geometry, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point('.$fLatReverse.','.$fLonReverse.'),4326))';
- $sFrom .=' ELSE centroid END AS closest_point';
- $sFrom .= ' from placex where place_id = '.$iPlaceID.') as plx';
+ $sSQL .= ',CASE WHEN (class = \'highway\') AND (ST_GeometryType(geometry) = \'ST_LineString\') THEN ';
+ $sSQL .=' ST_ClosestPoint(geometry, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point('.$fLatReverse.','.$fLonReverse.'),4326))';
+ $sSQL .=' ELSE centroid END AS centroid';
} else {
- $sFrom = ' from placex where place_id = '.$iPlaceID;
+ $sSQL .= ',centroid';
if ($this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold > 0) {
- $sSQL .= ' from (select place_id,centroid,ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(geometry,'.$this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold.') as geometry'.$sFrom.') as plx';
+ $sSQL .= ',ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(geometry,'.$this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold.') as geometry';
} else {
- $sSQL .= $sFrom;
+ $sSQL .= ',geometry';
+ $sSQL .= ' FROM placex where place_id = '.$iPlaceID.') as plx';
$aPointPolygon = $this->oDB->getRow($sSQL, null, 'Could not get outline');
.compile(conn.sync_engine, compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}))
sqlstr = highlight(sqlstr, PostgresLexer(),
- HtmlFormatter(nowrap=True, lineseparator='<br>'))
+ HtmlFormatter(nowrap=True, lineseparator='<br />'))
self._write(f'<div class="highlight"><code class="lang-sql">{sqlstr}</code></div>')
self._write(f'<code class="lang-sql">{sqlstr}</code>')
Then the result is valid json
And result has attributes geometry
And result has not attributes keywords,address,linked_places,parentof
- And results contain
- | geometry+type |
- | Point |
+ And results contain in field geometry
+ | type |
+ | Point |
Scenario: JSON Details with pretty printing
When sending json details query for W297699560
| 1 |
Then the result is valid json
And result has attributes geometry
- And results contain
- | geometry+type |
- | <geometry> |
+ And results contain in field geometry
+ | type |
+ | <geometry> |
| osmid | geometry |
| category | type | admin_level |
| place | postcode | 15 |
And result has not attributes osm_type,osm_id
+ @v1-api-python-only
+ Scenario Outline: Details debug output returns no errors
+ When sending debug details query for <feature>
+ Then the result is valid html
+ Examples:
+ | feature |
+ | N5484325405 |
+ | W1 |
+ | 112820 |
+ | 112871 |
+++ /dev/null
-Feature: Parameters for Reverse API
- Testing correctness of geocodejson output.
- Scenario: City housenumber-level address with street
- When sending geocodejson reverse coordinates 47.1068011,9.52810091
- Then results contain
- | housenumber | street | postcode | city | country |
- | 8 | Im Winkel | 9495 | Triesen | Liechtenstein |
- Scenario: Town street-level address with street
- When sending geocodejson reverse coordinates 47.066,9.504
- | zoom |
- | 16 |
- Then results contain
- | name | city | postcode | country |
- | Gnetsch | Balzers | 9496 | Liechtenstein |
- Scenario: Poi street-level address with footway
- When sending geocodejson reverse coordinates 47.0653,9.5007
- Then results contain
- | street | city | postcode | country |
- | Burgweg | Balzers | 9496 | Liechtenstein |
- Scenario: City address with suburb
- When sending geocodejson reverse coordinates 47.146861,9.511771
- Then results contain
- | housenumber | street | district | city | postcode | country |
- | 5 | Lochgass | Ebenholz | Vaduz | 9490 | Liechtenstein |
--- /dev/null
+Feature: Geometries for reverse geocoding
+ Tests for returning geometries with reverse
+ Scenario: Polygons are returned fully by default
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.13803,9.52264
+ | polygon_text |
+ | 1 |
+ Then results contain
+ | geotext |
+ | POLYGON((9.5225302 47.138066,9.5225348 47.1379282,9.5226142 47.1379294,9.5226143 47.1379257,9.522615 47.137917,9.5226225 47.1379098,9.5226334 47.1379052,9.5226461 47.1379037,9.5226588 47.1379056,9.5226693 47.1379107,9.5226762 47.1379181,9.5226762 47.1379268,9.5226761 47.1379308,9.5227366 47.1379317,9.5227352 47.1379753,9.5227608 47.1379757,9.5227595 47.1380148,9.5227355 47.1380145,9.5227337 47.1380692,9.5225302 47.138066)) |
+ Scenario: Polygons can be slightly simplified
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.13803,9.52264
+ | polygon_text | polygon_threshold |
+ | 1 | 0.00001 |
+ Then results contain
+ | geotext |
+ | POLYGON((9.5225302 47.138066,9.5225348 47.1379282,9.5226142 47.1379294,9.5226225 47.1379098,9.5226588 47.1379056,9.5226761 47.1379308,9.5227366 47.1379317,9.5227352 47.1379753,9.5227608 47.1379757,9.5227595 47.1380148,9.5227355 47.1380145,9.5227337 47.1380692,9.5225302 47.138066)) |
+ Scenario: Polygons can be much simplified
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.13803,9.52264
+ | polygon_text | polygon_threshold |
+ | 1 | 0.9 |
+ Then results contain
+ | geotext |
+ | POLYGON((9.5225302 47.138066,9.5225348 47.1379282,9.5227608 47.1379757,9.5227337 47.1380692,9.5225302 47.138066)) |
+ Scenario: For polygons return the centroid as center point
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.13836,9.52304
+ Then results contain
+ | centroid |
+ | 9.52271080 47.13818045 |
+ Scenario: For streets return the closest point as center point
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.13368,9.52942
+ Then results contain
+ | centroid |
+ | 9.529431527 47.13368172 |
Feature: Localization of reverse search results
Scenario: default language
- When sending json reverse coordinates 47.14,9.55
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14,9.55
Then result addresses contain
| ID | country |
| 0 | Liechtenstein |
Scenario: accept-language parameter
- When sending json reverse coordinates 47.14,9.55
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14,9.55
| accept-language |
| ja,en |
Then result addresses contain
Given the HTTP header
| accept-language |
| fo-ca,fo;q=0.8,en-ca;q=0.5,en;q=0.3 |
- When sending json reverse coordinates 47.14,9.55
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14,9.55
Then result addresses contain
| ID | country |
| 0 | Liktinstein |
Given the HTTP header
| accept-language |
| fo-ca,fo;q=0.8,en-ca;q=0.5,en;q=0.3 |
- When sending json reverse coordinates 47.14,9.55
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14,9.55
| accept-language |
| en |
Then result addresses contain
+++ /dev/null
-Feature: Parameters for Reverse API
- Testing different parameter options for reverse API.
- Scenario Outline: Reverse-geocoding without address
- When sending <format> reverse coordinates 47.13,9.56
- | addressdetails |
- | 0 |
- Then exactly 1 result is returned
- And result has not attributes address
- Examples:
- | format |
- | json |
- | jsonv2 |
- | geojson |
- | xml |
- Scenario Outline: Coordinates must be floating-point numbers
- When sending reverse coordinates <coords>
- Then a HTTP 400 is returned
- Examples:
- | coords |
- | -45.3,; |
- | gkjd,50 |
- Scenario Outline: Zoom levels between 4 and 18 are allowed
- When sending reverse coordinates 47.14122383,9.52169581334
- | zoom |
- | <zoom> |
- Then exactly 1 result is returned
- And result addresses contain
- | country_code |
- | li |
- Examples:
- | zoom |
- | 4 |
- | 5 |
- | 6 |
- | 7 |
- | 8 |
- | 9 |
- | 10 |
- | 11 |
- | 12 |
- | 13 |
- | 14 |
- | 15 |
- | 16 |
- | 17 |
- | 18 |
- Scenario: Non-numerical zoom levels return an error
- When sending reverse coordinates 47.14122383,9.52169581334
- | zoom |
- | adfe |
- Then a HTTP 400 is returned
- Scenario Outline: Reverse Geocoding with extratags
- When sending <format> reverse coordinates 47.1395013150811,9.522098077031046
- | extratags |
- | 1 |
- Then result 0 has attributes extratags
- Examples:
- | format |
- | xml |
- | json |
- | jsonv2 |
- | geojson |
- Scenario Outline: Reverse Geocoding with namedetails
- When sending <format> reverse coordinates 47.1395013150811,9.522098077031046
- | namedetails |
- | 1 |
- Then result 0 has attributes namedetails
- Examples:
- | format |
- | xml |
- | json |
- | jsonv2 |
- | geojson |
- Scenario Outline: Reverse Geocoding contains TEXT geometry
- When sending <format> reverse coordinates 47.165989816710066,9.515774846076965
- | polygon_text |
- | 1 |
- Then result 0 has attributes <response_attribute>
- Examples:
- | format | response_attribute |
- | xml | geotext |
- | json | geotext |
- | jsonv2 | geotext |
- Scenario Outline: Reverse Geocoding contains SVG geometry
- When sending <format> reverse coordinates 47.165989816710066,9.515774846076965
- | polygon_svg |
- | 1 |
- Then result 0 has attributes <response_attribute>
- Examples:
- | format | response_attribute |
- | xml | geosvg |
- | json | svg |
- | jsonv2 | svg |
- Scenario Outline: Reverse Geocoding contains KML geometry
- When sending <format> reverse coordinates 47.165989816710066,9.515774846076965
- | polygon_kml |
- | 1 |
- Then result 0 has attributes <response_attribute>
- Examples:
- | format | response_attribute |
- | xml | geokml |
- | json | geokml |
- | jsonv2 | geokml |
- Scenario Outline: Reverse Geocoding contains GEOJSON geometry
- When sending <format> reverse coordinates 47.165989816710066,9.515774846076965
- | polygon_geojson |
- | 1 |
- Then result 0 has attributes <response_attribute>
- Examples:
- | format | response_attribute |
- | xml | geojson |
- | json | geojson |
- | jsonv2 | geojson |
- | geojson | geojson |
- Scenario Outline: Reverse Geocoding in geojson format contains no non-geojson geometry
- When sending geojson reverse coordinates 47.165989816710066,9.515774846076965
- | polygon_text | polygon_svg | polygon_geokml |
- | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- Then result 0 has not attributes <response_attribute>
- Examples:
- | response_attribute |
- | geotext |
- | polygonpoints |
- | svg |
- | geokml |
Feature: Reverse geocoding
Testing the reverse function
+ Scenario Outline: Simple reverse-geocoding with no results
+ When sending v1/reverse at <lat>,<lon>
+ Then exactly 0 results are returned
+ Examples:
+ | lat | lon |
+ | 0.0 | 0.0 |
+ | -34.830 | -56.105 |
+ | 45.174 | -103.072 |
+ | 21.156 | -12.2744 |
+ | 91.3 | 0.4 |
+ | -700 | 0.4 |
+ | 0.2 | 324.44 |
+ | 0.2 | -180.4 |
Scenario: TIGER house number
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 32.4752389363,-86.4810198619
+ When sending v1/reverse at 32.4752389363,-86.4810198619
Then results contain
- | osm_type | category | type |
- | way | place | house |
+ | category | type |
+ | place | house |
And result addresses contain
| house_number | road | postcode | country_code |
| 707 | Upper Kingston Road | 36067 | us |
Scenario: No TIGER house number for zoom < 18
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 32.4752389363,-86.4810198619
+ When sending v1/reverse at 32.4752389363,-86.4810198619
| zoom |
| 17 |
Then results contain
| Upper Kingston Road | 30607 | us |
Scenario: Interpolated house number
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 47.118533,9.57056562
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.118533,9.57056562
Then results contain
| osm_type | category | type |
| way | place | house |
| 1019 | Grosssteg |
Scenario: Address with non-numerical house number
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 47.107465,9.52838521614
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.107465,9.52838521614
Then result addresses contain
| house_number | road |
| 39A/B | Dorfstrasse |
Scenario: Address with numerical house number
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 47.168440329479594,9.511551699184338
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.168440329479594,9.511551699184338
Then result addresses contain
| house_number | road |
| 6 | Schmedgässle |
Scenario Outline: Zoom levels below 5 result in country
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 47.16,9.51
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.16,9.51
| zoom |
| <zoom> |
Then results contain
| 4 |
Scenario: When on a street, the closest interpolation is shown
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 47.118457166193245,9.570678289621355
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.118457166193245,9.570678289621355
| zoom |
| 18 |
Then results contain
# github 2214
Scenario: Interpolations do not override house numbers when they are closer
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 47.11778,9.57255
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.11778,9.57255
| zoom |
| 18 |
Then results contain
| 5, Grosssteg, Steg, Triesenberg, Oberland, 9497, Liechtenstein |
Scenario: Interpolations do not override house numbers when they are closer (2)
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 47.11834,9.57167
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.11834,9.57167
| zoom |
| 18 |
Then results contain
| 3, Grosssteg, Sücka, Triesenberg, Oberland, 9497, Liechtenstein |
Scenario: When on a street with zoom 18, the closest housenumber is returned
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 47.11755503977281,9.572722250405036
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.11755503977281,9.572722250405036
| zoom |
| 18 |
Then result addresses contain
+++ /dev/null
-Feature: Simple Reverse Tests
- Simple tests for internal server errors and response format.
- Scenario Outline: Simple reverse-geocoding
- When sending reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
- Then the result is valid xml
- When sending xml reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
- Then the result is valid xml
- When sending json reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
- Then the result is valid json
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
- Then the result is valid json
- When sending geojson reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
- Then the result is valid geojson
- Examples:
- | lat | lon |
- | 0.0 | 0.0 |
- | -34.830 | -56.105 |
- | 45.174 | -103.072 |
- | 21.156 | -12.2744 |
- Scenario Outline: Testing different parameters
- When sending reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
- | param | value |
- | <parameter> | <value> |
- Then the result is valid xml
- When sending xml reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
- | param | value |
- | <parameter> | <value> |
- Then the result is valid xml
- When sending json reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
- | param | value |
- | <parameter> | <value> |
- Then the result is valid json
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
- | param | value |
- | <parameter> | <value> |
- Then the result is valid json
- When sending geojson reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
- | param | value |
- | <parameter> | <value> |
- Then the result is valid geojson
- When sending geocodejson reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
- | param | value |
- | <parameter> | <value> |
- Then the result is valid geocodejson
- Examples:
- | parameter | value |
- | polygon_text | 1 |
- | polygon_text | 0 |
- | polygon_kml | 1 |
- | polygon_kml | 0 |
- | polygon_geojson | 1 |
- | polygon_geojson | 0 |
- | polygon_svg | 1 |
- | polygon_svg | 0 |
- Scenario Outline: Wrapping of legal jsonp requests
- When sending <format> reverse coordinates 67.3245,0.456
- | json_callback |
- | foo |
- Then the result is valid <outformat>
- Examples:
- | format | outformat |
- | json | json |
- | jsonv2 | json |
- | geojson | geojson |
- Scenario Outline: Boundingbox is returned
- When sending <format> reverse coordinates 47.11,9.57
- | zoom |
- | 8 |
- Then result has bounding box in 47,48,9,10
- Examples:
- | format |
- | json |
- | jsonv2 |
- | geojson |
- | xml |
- Scenario Outline: Reverse-geocoding with zoom
- When sending <format> reverse coordinates 47.11,9.57
- | zoom |
- | 10 |
- Then exactly 1 result is returned
- Examples:
- | format |
- | json |
- | jsonv2 |
- | geojson |
- | xml |
- Scenario: Missing lon parameter
- When sending reverse coordinates 52.52,
- Then a HTTP 400 is returned
- Scenario: Missing lat parameter
- When sending reverse coordinates ,52.52
- Then a HTTP 400 is returned
- Scenario: Missing osm_id parameter
- When sending reverse coordinates ,
- | osm_type |
- | N |
- Then a HTTP 400 is returned
- Scenario: Missing osm_type parameter
- When sending reverse coordinates ,
- | osm_id |
- | 3498564 |
- Then a HTTP 400 is returned
- Scenario Outline: Bad format for lat or lon
- When sending reverse coordinates ,
- | lat | lon |
- | <lat> | <lon> |
- Then a HTTP 400 is returned
- Examples:
- | lat | lon |
- | 48.9660 | 8,4482 |
- | 48,9660 | 8.4482 |
- | 48,9660 | 8,4482 |
- | 48.966.0 | 8.4482 |
- | 48.966 | 8.448.2 |
- | Nan | 8.448 |
- | 48.966 | Nan |
- Scenario: Reverse Debug output returns no errors
- When sending debug reverse coordinates 47.11,9.57
- Then a HTTP 200 is returned
--- /dev/null
+Feature: Geocodejson for Reverse API
+ Testing correctness of geocodejson output (API version v1).
+ Scenario Outline: Simple OSM result
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.066,9.504 with format geocodejson
+ | addressdetails |
+ | <has_address> |
+ Then result has attributes place_id, accuracy
+ And result has <attributes> country,postcode,county,city,district,street,housenumber, admin
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | osm_key | osm_value | type |
+ | node | 6522627624 | shop | bakery | house |
+ And results contain
+ | name | label |
+ | Dorfbäckerei Herrmann | Dorfbäckerei Herrmann, 29, Gnetsch, Mäls, Balzers, Oberland, 9496, Liechtenstein |
+ And results contain in field geojson
+ | type | coordinates |
+ | Point | [9.5036065, 47.0660892] |
+ And results contain in field __geocoding
+ | version | licence | attribution |
+ | 0.1.0 | ODbL | Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright |
+ Examples:
+ | has_address | attributes |
+ | 1 | attributes |
+ | 0 | not attributes |
+ Scenario: City housenumber-level address with street
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.1068011,9.52810091 with format geocodejson
+ Then results contain
+ | housenumber | street | postcode | city | country |
+ | 8 | Im Winkel | 9495 | Triesen | Liechtenstein |
+ And results contain in field admin
+ | level6 | level8 |
+ | Oberland | Triesen |
+ Scenario: Town street-level address with street
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.066,9.504 with format geocodejson
+ | zoom |
+ | 16 |
+ Then results contain
+ | name | city | postcode | country |
+ | Gnetsch | Balzers | 9496 | Liechtenstein |
+ Scenario: Poi street-level address with footway
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06515,9.50083 with format geocodejson
+ Then results contain
+ | street | city | postcode | country |
+ | Burgweg | Balzers | 9496 | Liechtenstein |
+ Scenario: City address with suburb
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.146861,9.511771 with format geocodejson
+ Then results contain
+ | housenumber | street | district | city | postcode | country |
+ | 5 | Lochgass | Ebenholz | Vaduz | 9490 | Liechtenstein |
+ @Tiger
+ Scenario: Tiger address
+ When sending v1/reverse at 32.4752389363,-86.4810198619 with format geocodejson
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | osm_key | osm_value | type |
+ | way | 396009653 | place | house | house |
+ And results contain
+ | housenumber | street | city | county | postcode | country |
+ | 707 | Upper Kingston Road | Prattville | Autauga County | 36067 | United States |
+ Scenario: Interpolation address
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.118533,9.57056562 with format geocodejson
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | osm_key | osm_value | type |
+ | way | 1 | place | house | house |
+ And results contain
+ | label |
+ | 1019, Grosssteg, Sücka, Triesenberg, Oberland, 9497, Liechtenstein |
+ And result has not attributes name
+ Scenario: Line geometry output is supported
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format geocodejson
+ | param | value |
+ | polygon_geojson | 1 |
+ Then results contain in field geojson
+ | type |
+ | LineString |
+ Scenario Outline: Only geojson polygons are supported
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format geocodejson
+ | param | value |
+ | <param> | 1 |
+ Then results contain in field geojson
+ | type |
+ | Point |
+ Examples:
+ | param |
+ | polygon_text |
+ | polygon_svg |
+ | polygon_kml |
--- /dev/null
+Feature: Geojson for Reverse API
+ Testing correctness of geojson output (API version v1).
+ Scenario Outline: Simple OSM result
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.066,9.504 with format geojson
+ | addressdetails |
+ | <has_address> |
+ Then result has attributes place_id, importance, __licence
+ And result has <attributes> address
+ And results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | place_rank | category | type | addresstype |
+ | node | 6522627624 | 30 | shop | bakery | shop |
+ And results contain
+ | name | display_name |
+ | Dorfbäckerei Herrmann | Dorfbäckerei Herrmann, 29, Gnetsch, Mäls, Balzers, Oberland, 9496, Liechtenstein |
+ And results contain
+ | boundingbox |
+ | [47.0660392, 47.0661392, 9.5035565, 9.5036565] |
+ And results contain in field geojson
+ | type | coordinates |
+ | Point | [9.5036065, 47.0660892] |
+ Examples:
+ | has_address | attributes |
+ | 1 | attributes |
+ | 0 | not attributes |
+ @Tiger
+ Scenario: Tiger address
+ When sending v1/reverse at 32.4752389363,-86.4810198619 with format geojson
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | category | type | addresstype | place_rank |
+ | way | 396009653 | place | house | place | 30 |
+ Scenario: Interpolation address
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.118533,9.57056562 with format geojson
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | place_rank | category | type | addresstype |
+ | way | 1 | 30 | place | house | place |
+ And results contain
+ | boundingbox |
+ | [47.118495392, 47.118595392, 9.57049676, 9.57059676] |
+ And results contain
+ | display_name |
+ | 1019, Grosssteg, Sücka, Triesenberg, Oberland, 9497, Liechtenstein |
+ Scenario: Line geometry output is supported
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format geojson
+ | param | value |
+ | polygon_geojson | 1 |
+ Then results contain in field geojson
+ | type |
+ | LineString |
+ Scenario Outline: Only geojson polygons are supported
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format geojson
+ | param | value |
+ | <param> | 1 |
+ Then results contain in field geojson
+ | type |
+ | Point |
+ Examples:
+ | param |
+ | polygon_text |
+ | polygon_svg |
+ | polygon_kml |
--- /dev/null
+Feature: Json output for Reverse API
+ Testing correctness of json and jsonv2 output (API version v1).
+ Scenario Outline: OSM result with and without addresses
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.066,9.504 with format json
+ | addressdetails |
+ | <has_address> |
+ Then result has <attributes> address
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.066,9.504 with format jsonv2
+ | addressdetails |
+ | <has_address> |
+ Then result has <attributes> address
+ Examples:
+ | has_address | attributes |
+ | 1 | attributes |
+ | 0 | not attributes |
+ Scenario Outline: Siple OSM result
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.066,9.504 with format <format>
+ Then result has attributes place_id
+ And results contain
+ | licence |
+ | Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright |
+ And results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id |
+ | node | 6522627624 |
+ And results contain
+ | centroid | boundingbox |
+ | 9.5036065 47.0660892 | ['47.0660392', '47.0661392', '9.5035565', '9.5036565'] |
+ And results contain
+ | display_name |
+ | Dorfbäckerei Herrmann, 29, Gnetsch, Mäls, Balzers, Oberland, 9496, Liechtenstein |
+ And result has not attributes namedetails,extratags
+ Examples:
+ | format |
+ | json |
+ | jsonv2 |
+ Scenario: Extra attributes of jsonv2 result
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.066,9.504 with format jsonv2
+ Then result has attributes importance
+ Then results contain
+ | category | type | name | place_rank | addresstype |
+ | shop | bakery | Dorfbäckerei Herrmann | 30 | shop |
+ @Tiger
+ Scenario: Tiger address
+ When sending v1/reverse at 32.4752389363,-86.4810198619 with format jsonv2
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | category | type | addresstype |
+ | way | 396009653 | place | house | place |
+ Scenario Outline: Interpolation address
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.118533,9.57056562 with format <format>
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id |
+ | way | 1 |
+ And results contain
+ | centroid | boundingbox |
+ | 9.57054676 47.118545392 | ['47.118495392', '47.118595392', '9.57049676', '9.57059676'] |
+ And results contain
+ | display_name |
+ | 1019, Grosssteg, Sücka, Triesenberg, Oberland, 9497, Liechtenstein |
+ Examples:
+ | format |
+ | json |
+ | jsonv2 |
+ Scenario Outline: Output of geojson
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format <format>
+ | param | value |
+ | polygon_geojson | 1 |
+ Then results contain in field geojson
+ | type | coordinates |
+ | LineString | [[9.5039353, 47.0657546], [9.5040437, 47.0657781], [9.5040808, 47.065787], [9.5054298, 47.0661407]] |
+ Examples:
+ | format |
+ | json |
+ | jsonv2 |
+ Scenario Outline: Output of WKT
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format <format>
+ | param | value |
+ | polygon_text | 1 |
+ Then results contain
+ | geotext |
+ | LINESTRING(9.5039353 47.0657546,9.5040437 47.0657781,9.5040808 47.065787,9.5054298 47.0661407) |
+ Examples:
+ | format |
+ | json |
+ | jsonv2 |
+ Scenario Outline: Output of SVG
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format <format>
+ | param | value |
+ | polygon_svg | 1 |
+ Then results contain
+ | svg |
+ | M 9.5039353 -47.0657546 L 9.5040437 -47.0657781 9.5040808 -47.065787 9.5054298 -47.0661407 |
+ Examples:
+ | format |
+ | json |
+ | jsonv2 |
+ Scenario Outline: Output of KML
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format <format>
+ | param | value |
+ | polygon_kml | 1 |
+ Then results contain
+ | geokml |
+ | ^<LineString><coordinates>9.5039\d*,47.0657\d* 9.5040\d*,47.0657\d* 9.5040\d*,47.065\d* 9.5054\d*,47.0661\d*</coordinates></LineString> |
+ Examples:
+ | format |
+ | json |
+ | jsonv2 |
--- /dev/null
+Feature: v1/reverse Parameter Tests
+ Tests for parameter inputs for the v1 reverse endpoint.
+ This file contains mostly bad parameter input. Valid parameters
+ are tested in the format tests.
+ Scenario: Bad format
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334 with format sdf
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ Scenario: Missing lon parameter
+ When sending v1/reverse at 52.52,
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ Scenario: Missing lat parameter
+ When sending v1/reverse at ,52.52
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ @v1-api-php-only
+ Scenario: Missing osm_id parameter
+ When sending v1/reverse at ,
+ | osm_type |
+ | N |
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ @v1-api-php-only
+ Scenario: Missing osm_type parameter
+ When sending v1/reverse at ,
+ | osm_id |
+ | 3498564 |
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ Scenario Outline: Bad format for lat or lon
+ When sending v1/reverse at ,
+ | lat | lon |
+ | <lat> | <lon> |
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ Examples:
+ | lat | lon |
+ | 48.9660 | 8,4482 |
+ | 48,9660 | 8.4482 |
+ | 48,9660 | 8,4482 |
+ | 48.966.0 | 8.4482 |
+ | 48.966 | 8.448.2 |
+ | Nan | 8.448 |
+ | 48.966 | Nan |
+ | Inf | 5.6 |
+ | 5.6 | -Inf |
+ | <script></script> | 3.4 |
+ | 3.4 | <script></script> |
+ | -45.3 | ; |
+ | gkjd | 50 |
+ Scenario: Non-numerical zoom levels return an error
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334
+ | zoom |
+ | adfe |
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ Scenario Outline: Truthy values for boolean parameters
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334
+ | addressdetails |
+ | <value> |
+ Then exactly 1 result is returned
+ And result has attributes address
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334
+ | extratags |
+ | <value> |
+ Then exactly 1 result is returned
+ And result has attributes extratags
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334
+ | namedetails |
+ | <value> |
+ Then exactly 1 result is returned
+ And result has attributes namedetails
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334
+ | polygon_geojson |
+ | <value> |
+ Then exactly 1 result is returned
+ And result has attributes geojson
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334
+ | polygon_kml |
+ | <value> |
+ Then exactly 1 result is returned
+ And result has attributes geokml
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334
+ | polygon_svg |
+ | <value> |
+ Then exactly 1 result is returned
+ And result has attributes svg
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334
+ | polygon_text |
+ | <value> |
+ Then exactly 1 result is returned
+ And result has attributes geotext
+ Examples:
+ | value |
+ | yes |
+ | no |
+ | -1 |
+ | 100 |
+ | false |
+ | 00 |
+ Scenario: Only one geometry can be requested
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.165989816710066,9.515774846076965
+ | polygon_text | polygon_svg |
+ | 1 | 1 |
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ Scenario Outline: Wrapping of legal jsonp requests
+ When sending v1/reverse at 67.3245,0.456 with format <format>
+ | json_callback |
+ | foo |
+ Then the result is valid <outformat>
+ Examples:
+ | format | outformat |
+ | json | json |
+ | jsonv2 | json |
+ | geojson | geojson |
+ | geocodejson | geocodejson |
+ Scenario Outline: Illegal jsonp are not allowed
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.165989816710066,9.515774846076965
+ | param | value |
+ |json_callback | <data> |
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ Examples:
+ | data |
+ | 1asd |
+ | bar(foo) |
+ | XXX['bad'] |
+ | foo; evil |
+ @v1-api-python-only
+ Scenario Outline: Reverse debug mode produces valid HTML
+ When sending v1/reverse at , with format debug
+ | lat | lon |
+ | <lat> | <lon> |
+ Then the result is valid html
+ Examples:
+ | lat | lon |
+ | 0.0 | 0.0 |
+ | 47.06645 | 9.56601 |
+ | 47.14081 | 9.52267 |
+ Scenario Outline: Full address display for city housenumber-level address with street
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.1068011,9.52810091 with format <format>
+ Then address of result 0 is
+ | type | value |
+ | house_number | 8 |
+ | road | Im Winkel |
+ | neighbourhood | Oberdorf |
+ | village | Triesen |
+ | ISO3166-2-lvl8 | LI-09 |
+ | county | Oberland |
+ | postcode | 9495 |
+ | country | Liechtenstein |
+ | country_code | li |
+ Examples:
+ | format |
+ | json |
+ | jsonv2 |
+ | geojson |
+ | xml |
+ Scenario Outline: Results with name details
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14052,9.52202 with format <format>
+ | zoom | namedetails |
+ | 14 | 1 |
+ Then results contain in field namedetails
+ | name |
+ | Ebenholz |
+ Examples:
+ | format |
+ | json |
+ | jsonv2 |
+ | xml |
+ | geojson |
+ Scenario Outline: Results with extratags
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.14052,9.52202 with format <format>
+ | zoom | extratags |
+ | 14 | 1 |
+ Then results contain in field extratags
+ | wikidata |
+ | Q4529531 |
+ Examples:
+ | format |
+ | json |
+ | jsonv2 |
+ | xml |
+ | geojson |
--- /dev/null
+Feature: XML output for Reverse API
+ Testing correctness of xml output (API version v1).
+ Scenario Outline: OSM result with and without addresses
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.066,9.504 with format xml
+ | addressdetails |
+ | <has_address> |
+ Then result has attributes place_id
+ Then result has <attributes> address
+ And results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | place_rank | address_rank |
+ | node | 6522627624 | 30 | 30 |
+ And results contain
+ | centroid | boundingbox |
+ | 9.5036065 47.0660892 | 47.0660392,47.0661392,9.5035565,9.5036565 |
+ And results contain
+ | ref | display_name |
+ | Dorfbäckerei Herrmann | Dorfbäckerei Herrmann, 29, Gnetsch, Mäls, Balzers, Oberland, 9496, Liechtenstein |
+ Examples:
+ | has_address | attributes |
+ | 1 | attributes |
+ | 0 | not attributes |
+ @Tiger
+ Scenario: Tiger address
+ When sending v1/reverse at 32.4752389363,-86.4810198619 with format xml
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | place_rank | address_rank |
+ | way | 396009653 | 30 | 30 |
+ And results contain
+ | centroid | boundingbox |
+ | -86.4808553258 32.4753580256 | ^32.475308025\d*,32.475408025\d*,-86.480905325\d*,-86.480805325\d* |
+ And results contain
+ | display_name |
+ | 707, Upper Kingston Road, Upper Kingston, Prattville, Autauga County, 36067, United States |
+ Scenario: Interpolation address
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.118533,9.57056562 with format xml
+ Then results contain
+ | osm_type | osm_id | place_rank | address_rank |
+ | way | 1 | 30 | 30 |
+ And results contain
+ | centroid | boundingbox |
+ | 9.57054676 47.118545392 | 47.118495392,47.118595392,9.57049676,9.57059676 |
+ And results contain
+ | display_name |
+ | 1019, Grosssteg, Sücka, Triesenberg, Oberland, 9497, Liechtenstein |
+ Scenario: Output of geojson
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format xml
+ | param | value |
+ | polygon_geojson | 1 |
+ Then results contain
+ | geojson |
+ | {"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[9.5039353,47.0657546],[9.5040437,47.0657781],[9.5040808,47.065787],[9.5054298,47.0661407]]} |
+ Scenario: Output of WKT
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format xml
+ | param | value |
+ | polygon_text | 1 |
+ Then results contain
+ | geotext |
+ | LINESTRING(9.5039353 47.0657546,9.5040437 47.0657781,9.5040808 47.065787,9.5054298 47.0661407) |
+ Scenario: Output of SVG
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format xml
+ | param | value |
+ | polygon_svg | 1 |
+ Then results contain
+ | geosvg |
+ | M 9.5039353 -47.0657546 L 9.5040437 -47.0657781 9.5040808 -47.065787 9.5054298 -47.0661407 |
+ Scenario: Output of KML
+ When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format xml
+ | param | value |
+ | polygon_kml | 1 |
+ Then results contain
+ | geokml |
+ | ^<geokml><LineString><coordinates>9.5039\d*,47.0657\d* 9.5040\d*,47.0657\d* 9.5040\d*,47.065\d* 9.5054\d*,47.0661\d*</coordinates></LineString></geokml> |
| W3 | 14 | 14 |
When sending search query "16 Cloud Street"
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id |
- | 0 | N | 4 |
+ | ID | osm |
+ | 0 | N4 |
When sending search query "14 Cloud Street"
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id |
- | 0 | W | 11 |
+ | ID | osm |
+ | 0 | W11 |
Scenario: addr:street on housenumber way
Given the grid
| W3 | 14 | 14 |
When sending search query "16 Cloud Street"
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id |
- | 0 | N | 4 |
+ | ID | osm |
+ | 0 | N4 |
When sending search query "14 Cloud Street"
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id |
- | 0 | W | 11 |
+ | ID | osm |
+ | 0 | W11 |
Scenario: Geometry of points and way don't match (github #253)
Given the places
Then W1 expands to interpolation
| start | end | geometry |
| 2 | 8 | 10,11 |
- When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 1,1
+ When sending v1/reverse at 1,1
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id | type | display_name |
- | 0 | node | 1 | house | 0 |
+ | ID | osm | type | display_name |
+ | 0 | N1 | house | 0 |
Scenario: Parenting of interpolation with additional tags
Given the grid
| R23 | - |
When sending search query "rhein"
Then results contain
- | osm_type |
- | R |
+ | osm |
+ | R13 |
Scenario: Relations are not linked when in waterway relations
Given the grid
| R2 | - |
When sending search query "rhein"
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type |
- | 0 | R |
- | 1 | W |
+ | ID | osm |
+ | 0 | R1 |
+ | 1 | W2 |
Scenario: Empty waterway relations are handled correctly
| W2 | R1 |
When sending search query "rhein2"
Then results contain
- | osm_type |
- | W |
+ | osm |
+ | W1 |
# github #573
Scenario: Boundaries should only be linked to places
| city |
| Berlin |
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id |
- | 0 | R | 13 |
+ | ID | osm |
+ | 0 | R13 |
When sending search query ""
| state |
| Berlin |
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id |
- | 0 | R | 13 |
+ | ID | osm |
+ | 0 | R13 |
Scenario: Boundaries without place tags only link against same admin level
| state |
| Berlin |
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id |
- | 0 | R | 13 |
+ | ID | osm |
+ | 0 | R13 |
When sending search query ""
| city |
| Berlin |
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id |
- | 0 | N | 2 |
+ | ID | osm |
+ | 0 | N2 |
# github #1352
Scenario: Do not use linked centroid when it is outside the area
| N2 | W1 |
When sending search query "4 galoo"
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id | display_name |
- | 0 | N | 1 | 4, galoo, 12345, Deutschland |
+ | ID | osm | display_name |
+ | 0 | N1 | 4, galoo, 12345, Deutschland |
When sending search query "5 galoo"
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id | display_name |
- | 0 | N | 2 | 5, galoo, 99999, Deutschland |
+ | ID | osm | display_name |
+ | 0 | N2 | 5, galoo, 99999, Deutschland |
Scenario: Address without tags, closest street
Given the grid
| id | nodes |
| 1 | 1,3 |
When importing
- When sending jsonv2 reverse point 2
+ When sending v1/reverse N2
Then results contain
| ID | display_name |
| 0 | 3, Nickway |
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | 1 |
- | N3 | place | house | 16 | 3 |
+ | N3 | place | house | 18 | 3 |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| 1 | 1,3 |
When importing
- When sending jsonv2 reverse point 2
+ When sending v1/reverse N2
Then results contain
| ID | display_name | centroid |
| 0 | 10, Nickway | 2 |
| dups |
| 1 |
Then results contain
- | osm_type |
- | R |
+ | osm |
+ | R1 |
When updating places
| osm | class | type | name | admin | geometry |
| R1 | boundary | administrative | foobar | 8 | (10,11,12,13,10) |
| dups |
| 1 |
Then results contain
- | osm_type |
- | N |
+ | osm |
+ | N1 |
Scenario: Add linked place when linking relation is removed
Given the 0.1 grid
| dups |
| 1 |
Then results contain
- | osm_type |
- | R |
+ | osm |
+ | R1 |
When marking for delete R1
Then placex contains
| object | linked_place_id |
| dups |
| 1 |
Then results contain
- | osm_type |
- | N |
+ | osm |
+ | N1 |
Scenario: Remove linked place when linking relation is added
Given the 0.1 grid
| dups |
| 1 |
Then results contain
- | osm_type |
- | N |
+ | osm |
+ | N1 |
When updating places
| osm | class | type | name | admin | geometry |
| R1 | boundary | administrative | foo | 8 | (10,11,12,13,10) |
| dups |
| 1 |
Then results contain
- | osm_type |
- | R |
+ | osm |
+ | R1 |
Scenario: Remove linked place when linking relation is renamed
Given the 0.1 grid
| dups |
| 1 |
Then results contain
- | osm_type |
- | N |
+ | osm |
+ | N1 |
When updating places
| osm | class | type | name | admin | geometry |
| R1 | boundary | administrative | foo | 8 | (10,11,12,13,10) |
| dups |
| 1 |
Then results contain
- | osm_type |
- | R |
+ | osm |
+ | R1 |
Scenario: Update linking relation when linkee name is updated
Given the 0.1 grid
# This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
-# Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# Copyright (C) 2023 by the Nominatim developer community.
# For a full list of authors see the git log.
Collection of assertion functions used for the steps.
+import json
+import math
+import re
class Almost:
""" Compares a float value with a certain jitter.
def __eq__(self, other):
return abs(other - self.value) < self.offset
+OSM_TYPE = {'N' : 'node', 'W' : 'way', 'R' : 'relation',
+ 'n' : 'node', 'w' : 'way', 'r' : 'relation',
+ 'node' : 'n', 'way' : 'w', 'relation' : 'r'}
+class OsmType:
+ """ Compares an OSM type, accepting both N/R/W and node/way/relation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return other == self.value or other == OSM_TYPE[self.value]
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f"{self.value} or {OSM_TYPE[self.value]}"
+class Field:
+ """ Generic comparator for fields, which looks at the type of the
+ value compared.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(self.value, float):
+ return math.isclose(self.value, float(other))
+ if self.value.startswith('^'):
+ return re.fullmatch(self.value, other)
+ if isinstance(other, dict):
+ return other == eval('{' + self.value + '}')
+ return str(self.value) == str(other)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.value)
class Bbox:
""" Comparator for bounding boxes.
def __str__(self):
return str(self.coord)
+def check_for_attributes(obj, attrs, presence='present'):
+ """ Check that the object has the given attributes. 'attrs' is a
+ string with a comma-separated list of attributes. If 'presence'
+ is set to 'absent' then the function checks that the attributes do
+ not exist for the object
+ """
+ def _dump_json():
+ return json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
+ for attr in attrs.split(','):
+ attr = attr.strip()
+ if presence == 'absent':
+ assert attr not in obj, \
+ f"Unexpected attribute {attr}. Full response:\n{_dump_json()}"
+ else:
+ assert attr in obj, \
+ f"No attribute '{attr}'. Full response:\n{_dump_json()}"
Classes wrapping HTTP responses from the Nominatim API.
-from collections import OrderedDict
import re
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-from check_functions import Almost
-OSM_TYPE = {'N' : 'node', 'W' : 'way', 'R' : 'relation',
- 'n' : 'node', 'w' : 'way', 'r' : 'relation',
- 'node' : 'n', 'way' : 'w', 'relation' : 'r'}
-def _geojson_result_to_json_result(geojson_result):
- result = geojson_result['properties']
- result['geojson'] = geojson_result['geometry']
- if 'bbox' in geojson_result:
- # bbox is minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat
- # boundingbox is minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon
- result['boundingbox'] = [geojson_result['bbox'][1],
- geojson_result['bbox'][3],
- geojson_result['bbox'][0],
- geojson_result['bbox'][2]]
- return result
-class BadRowValueAssert:
- """ Lazily formatted message for failures to find a field content.
- """
- def __init__(self, response, idx, field, value):
- self.idx = idx
- self.field = field
- self.value = value
- self.row = response.result[idx]
- def __str__(self):
- return "\nBad value for row {} field '{}'. Expected: {}, got: {}.\nFull row: {}"""\
- .format(self.idx, self.field, self.value,
- self.row[self.field], json.dumps(self.row, indent=4))
+from check_functions import Almost, OsmType, Field, check_for_attributes
class GenericResponse:
code = m.group(2)
self.header['json_func'] = m.group(1)
- self.result = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict).decode(code)
- if isinstance(self.result, OrderedDict):
+ self.result = json.JSONDecoder().decode(code)
+ if isinstance(self.result, dict):
if 'error' in self.result:
self.result = []
self.result = [self.result]
def _parse_geojson(self):
if self.result:
- self.result = list(map(_geojson_result_to_json_result, self.result[0]['features']))
+ geojson = self.result[0]
+ # check for valid geojson
+ check_for_attributes(geojson, 'type,features')
+ assert geojson['type'] == 'FeatureCollection'
+ assert isinstance(geojson['features'], list)
+ self.result = []
+ for result in geojson['features']:
+ check_for_attributes(result, 'type,properties,geometry')
+ assert result['type'] == 'Feature'
+ new = result['properties']
+ check_for_attributes(new, 'geojson', 'absent')
+ new['geojson'] = result['geometry']
+ if 'bbox' in result:
+ check_for_attributes(new, 'boundingbox', 'absent')
+ # bbox is minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat
+ # boundingbox is minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon
+ new['boundingbox'] = [result['bbox'][1],
+ result['bbox'][3],
+ result['bbox'][0],
+ result['bbox'][2]]
+ for k, v in geojson.items():
+ if k not in ('type', 'features'):
+ check_for_attributes(new, '__' + k, 'absent')
+ new['__' + k] = v
+ self.result.append(new)
def _parse_geocodejson(self):
- if self.result is not None:
- self.result = [r['geocoding'] for r in self.result]
- def assert_field(self, idx, field, value):
- """ Check that result row `idx` has a field `field` with value `value`.
- Float numbers are matched approximately. When the expected value
- starts with a carat, regular expression matching is used.
- """
- assert field in self.result[idx], \
- "Result row {} has no field '{}'.\nFull row: {}"\
- .format(idx, field, json.dumps(self.result[idx], indent=4))
- if isinstance(value, float):
- assert Almost(value) == float(self.result[idx][field]), \
- BadRowValueAssert(self, idx, field, value)
- elif value.startswith("^"):
- assert re.fullmatch(value, self.result[idx][field]), \
- BadRowValueAssert(self, idx, field, value)
- elif isinstance(self.result[idx][field], OrderedDict):
- assert self.result[idx][field] == eval('{' + value + '}'), \
- BadRowValueAssert(self, idx, field, value)
- else:
- assert str(self.result[idx][field]) == str(value), \
- BadRowValueAssert(self, idx, field, value)
- def assert_subfield(self, idx, path, value):
- assert path
- field = self.result[idx]
- for p in path:
- assert isinstance(field, OrderedDict)
- assert p in field
- field = field[p]
- if isinstance(value, float):
- assert Almost(value) == float(field)
- elif value.startswith("^"):
- assert re.fullmatch(value, field)
- elif isinstance(field, OrderedDict):
- assert field, eval('{' + value + '}')
- else:
- assert str(field) == str(value)
+ if self.result:
+ for r in self.result:
+ assert set(r.keys()) == {'geocoding', 'geojson', '__geocoding'}, \
+ f"Unexpected keys in result: {r.keys()}"
+ check_for_attributes(r['geocoding'], 'geojson', 'absent')
+ inner = r.pop('geocoding')
+ r.update(inner)
def assert_address_field(self, idx, field, value):
todo = [int(idx)]
for idx in todo:
- assert 'address' in self.result[idx], \
- "Result row {} has no field 'address'.\nFull row: {}"\
- .format(idx, json.dumps(self.result[idx], indent=4))
+ self.check_row(idx, 'address' in self.result[idx], "No field 'address'")
address = self.result[idx]['address']
- assert field in address, \
- "Result row {} has no field '{}' in address.\nFull address: {}"\
- .format(idx, field, json.dumps(address, indent=4))
+ self.check_row_field(idx, field, value, base=address)
- assert address[field] == value, \
- "\nBad value for row {} field '{}' in address. Expected: {}, got: {}.\nFull address: {}"""\
- .format(idx, field, value, address[field], json.dumps(address, indent=4))
- def match_row(self, row, context=None):
+ def match_row(self, row, context=None, field=None):
""" Match the result fields against the given behave table row.
if 'ID' in row.headings:
todo = range(len(self.result))
for i in todo:
+ subdict = self.result[i]
+ if field is not None:
+ for key in field.split('.'):
+ self.check_row(i, key in subdict, f"Missing subfield {key}")
+ subdict = subdict[key]
+ self.check_row(i, isinstance(subdict, dict),
+ f"Subfield {key} not a dict")
for name, value in zip(row.headings, row.cells):
if name == 'ID':
elif name == 'osm':
- assert 'osm_type' in self.result[i], \
- "Result row {} has no field 'osm_type'.\nFull row: {}"\
- .format(i, json.dumps(self.result[i], indent=4))
- assert self.result[i]['osm_type'] in (OSM_TYPE[value[0]], value[0]), \
- BadRowValueAssert(self, i, 'osm_type', value)
- self.assert_field(i, 'osm_id', value[1:])
- elif name == 'osm_type':
- assert self.result[i]['osm_type'] in (OSM_TYPE[value[0]], value[0]), \
- BadRowValueAssert(self, i, 'osm_type', value)
+ self.check_row_field(i, 'osm_type', OsmType(value[0]), base=subdict)
+ self.check_row_field(i, 'osm_id', Field(value[1:]), base=subdict)
elif name == 'centroid':
if ' ' in value:
lon, lat = value.split(' ')
lon, lat = context.osm.grid_node(int(value))
raise RuntimeError("Context needed when using grid coordinates")
- self.assert_field(i, 'lat', float(lat))
- self.assert_field(i, 'lon', float(lon))
- elif '+' in name:
- self.assert_subfield(i, name.split('+'), value)
+ self.check_row_field(i, 'lat', Field(float(lat)), base=subdict)
+ self.check_row_field(i, 'lon', Field(float(lon)), base=subdict)
- self.assert_field(i, name, value)
+ self.check_row_field(i, name, Field(value), base=subdict)
+ def check_row(self, idx, check, msg):
+ """ Assert for the condition 'check' and print 'msg' on fail together
+ with the contents of the failing result.
+ """
+ class _RowError:
+ def __init__(self, row):
+ self.row = row
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f"{msg}. Full row {idx}:\n" \
+ + json.dumps(self.row, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
+ assert check, _RowError(self.result[idx])
+ def check_row_field(self, idx, field, expected, base=None):
+ """ Check field 'field' of result 'idx' for the expected value
+ and print a meaningful error if the condition fails.
+ When 'base' is set to a dictionary, then the field is checked
+ in that base. The error message will still report the contents
+ of the full result.
+ """
+ if base is None:
+ base = self.result[idx]
+ self.check_row(idx, field in base, f"No field '{field}'")
+ value = base[field]
+ self.check_row(idx, expected == value,
+ f"\nBad value for field '{field}'. Expected: {expected}, got: {value}")
- def property_list(self, prop):
- return [x[prop] for x in self.result]
class SearchResponse(GenericResponse):
if child.tag == 'result':
assert not self.result, "More than one result in reverse result"
+ check_for_attributes(self.result[0], 'display_name', 'absent')
+ self.result[0]['display_name'] = child.text
elif child.tag == 'addressparts':
+ assert 'address' not in self.result[0], "More than one address in result"
address = {}
for sub in child:
+ assert len(sub) == 0, f"Address element '{sub.tag}' has subelements"
address[sub.tag] = sub.text
self.result[0]['address'] = address
elif child.tag == 'extratags':
+ assert 'extratags' not in self.result[0], "More than one extratags in result"
self.result[0]['extratags'] = {}
for tag in child:
+ assert len(tag) == 0, f"Extratags element '{tag.attrib['key']}' has subelements"
self.result[0]['extratags'][tag.attrib['key']] = tag.attrib['value']
elif child.tag == 'namedetails':
+ assert 'namedetails' not in self.result[0], "More than one namedetails in result"
self.result[0]['namedetails'] = {}
for tag in child:
+ assert len(tag) == 0, f"Namedetails element '{tag.attrib['desc']}' has subelements"
self.result[0]['namedetails'][tag.attrib['desc']] = tag.text
elif child.tag == 'geokml':
- self.result[0][child.tag] = True
+ assert 'geokml' not in self.result[0], "More than one geokml in result"
+ self.result[0]['geokml'] = ET.tostring(child, encoding='unicode')
assert child.tag == 'error', \
- "Unknown XML tag {} on page: {}".format(child.tag, self.page)
+ f"Unknown XML tag {child.tag} on page: {self.page}"
class StatusResponse(GenericResponse):
import re
import logging
import asyncio
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from utils import run_script
from http_responses import GenericResponse, SearchResponse, ReverseResponse, StatusResponse
-from check_functions import Bbox
+from check_functions import Bbox, check_for_attributes
from table_compare import NominatimID
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def make_todo_list(context, result_id):
+ if result_id is None:
+ context.execute_steps("then at least 1 result is returned")
+ return range(len(context.response.result))
+ context.execute_steps(f"then more than {result_id}results are returned")
+ return (int(result_id.strip()), )
def compare(operator, op1, op2):
if operator == 'less than':
return op1 < op2
elif operator == 'at most':
return op1 <= op2
- raise Exception("unknown operator '%s'" % operator)
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown operator '{operator}'")
def send_api_query(endpoint, params, fmt, context):
- if fmt is not None and fmt.strip() != 'debug':
- params['format'] = fmt.strip()
+ if fmt is not None:
+ if fmt.strip() == 'debug':
+ params['debug'] = '1'
+ else:
+ params['format'] = fmt.strip()
if context.table:
if context.table.headings[0] == 'param':
for line in context.table:
env = dict(BASE_SERVER_ENV)
env['QUERY_STRING'] = urlencode(params)
- env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/%s.php' % endpoint
- env['REQUEST_URI'] = '%s?%s' % (env['SCRIPT_NAME'], env['QUERY_STRING'])
+ env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = f'/{endpoint}.php'
+ env['REQUEST_URI'] = f"{env['SCRIPT_NAME']}?{env['QUERY_STRING']}"
env['CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = os.path.join(context.nominatim.website_dir.name, 'website')
env['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = os.path.join(env['CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT'],
- '%s.php' % endpoint)
+ f'{endpoint}.php')
LOG.debug("Environment:" + json.dumps(env, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
env['XDEBUG_MODE'] = 'coverage'
env['COV_PHP_DIR'] = context.nominatim.src_dir
- env['COV_TEST_NAME'] = '%s:%s' % (context.scenario.filename, context.scenario.line)
+ env['COV_TEST_NAME'] = f"{context.scenario.filename}:{context.scenario.line}"
os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'cgi-with-coverage.php')
for k,v in params.items():
- cmd.append("%s=%s" % (k, v))
+ cmd.append(f"{k}={v}")
outp, err = run_script(cmd, cwd=context.nominatim.website_dir.name, env=env)
- assert len(err) == 0, "Unexpected PHP error: %s" % (err)
+ assert len(err) == 0, f"Unexpected PHP error: {err}"
if outp.startswith('Status: '):
status = int(outp[8:11])
params['q'] = query
if addr is not None:
params['addressdetails'] = '1'
- if fmt and fmt.strip() == 'debug':
- params['debug'] = '1'
outp, status = send_api_query('search', params, fmt, context)
context.response = SearchResponse(outp, fmt or 'json', status)
-@when(u'sending (?P<fmt>\S+ )?reverse coordinates (?P<lat>.+)?,(?P<lon>.+)?')
-def website_reverse_request(context, fmt, lat, lon):
+@when('sending v1/reverse at (?P<lat>[\d.-]*),(?P<lon>[\d.-]*)(?: with format (?P<fmt>.+))?')
+def api_endpoint_v1_reverse(context, lat, lon, fmt):
params = {}
if lat is not None:
params['lat'] = lat
if lon is not None:
params['lon'] = lon
- if fmt and fmt.strip() == 'debug':
- params['debug'] = '1'
+ if fmt is None:
+ fmt = 'jsonv2'
+ elif fmt == "''":
+ fmt = None
outp, status = send_api_query('reverse', params, fmt, context)
context.response = ReverseResponse(outp, fmt or 'xml', status)
-@when(u'sending (?P<fmt>\S+ )?reverse point (?P<nodeid>.+)')
-def website_reverse_request(context, fmt, nodeid):
+@when('sending v1/reverse N(?P<nodeid>\d+)(?: with format (?P<fmt>.+))?')
+def api_endpoint_v1_reverse_from_node(context, nodeid, fmt):
params = {}
- if fmt and fmt.strip() == 'debug':
- params['debug'] = '1'
params['lon'], params['lat'] = (f'{c:f}' for c in context.osm.grid_node(int(nodeid)))
outp, status = send_api_query('reverse', params, fmt, context)
context.response = ReverseResponse(outp, fmt or 'xml', status)
@when(u'sending (?P<fmt>\S+ )?details query for (?P<query>.*)')
def website_details_request(context, fmt, query):
params = {}
@step(u'(?P<operator>less than|more than|exactly|at least|at most) (?P<number>\d+) results? (?:is|are) returned')
def validate_result_number(context, operator, number):
- assert context.response.errorcode == 200
+ context.execute_steps("Then a HTTP 200 is returned")
numres = len(context.response.result)
assert compare(operator, numres, int(number)), \
- "Bad number of results: expected {} {}, got {}.".format(operator, number, numres)
+ f"Bad number of results: expected {operator} {number}, got {numres}."
@then(u'a HTTP (?P<status>\d+) is returned')
def check_http_return_status(context, status):
assert context.response.errorcode == int(status), \
- "Return HTTP status is {}.".format(context.response.errorcode)
+ f"Return HTTP status is {context.response.errorcode}."
@then(u'the page contents equals "(?P<text>.+)"')
def check_page_content_equals(context, text):
@then(u'the result is valid (?P<fmt>\w+)')
def step_impl(context, fmt):
context.execute_steps("Then a HTTP 200 is returned")
- assert context.response.format == fmt
+ if fmt.strip() == 'html':
+ try:
+ tree = ET.fromstring(context.response.page)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ assert False, f"Could not parse page:\n{context.response.page}"
+ assert tree.tag == 'html'
+ body = tree.find('./body')
+ assert body is not None
+ assert body.find('.//script') is None
+ else:
+ assert context.response.format == fmt
@then(u'a (?P<fmt>\w+) user error is returned')
def check_page_error(context, fmt):
@then(u'result header contains')
def check_header_attr(context):
for line in context.table:
- assert re.fullmatch(line['value'], context.response.header[line['attr']]) is not None, \
- "attribute '%s': expected: '%s', got '%s'" % (
- line['attr'], line['value'],
- context.response.header[line['attr']])
+ value = context.response.header[line['attr']]
+ assert re.fullmatch(line['value'], value) is not None, \
+ f"Attribute '{line['attr']}': expected: '{line['value']}', got '{value}'"
@then(u'result header has (?P<neg>not )?attributes (?P<attrs>.*)')
def check_header_no_attr(context, neg, attrs):
- for attr in attrs.split(','):
- if neg:
- assert attr not in context.response.header, \
- "Unexpected attribute {}. Full response:\n{}".format(
- attr, json.dumps(context.response.header, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
- else:
- assert attr in context.response.header, \
- "No attribute {}. Full response:\n{}".format(
- attr, json.dumps(context.response.header, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
+ check_for_attributes(context.response.header, attrs,
+ 'absent' if neg else 'present')
-@then(u'results contain')
-def step_impl(context):
+@then(u'results contain(?: in field (?P<field>.*))?')
+def step_impl(context, field):
context.execute_steps("then at least 1 result is returned")
for line in context.table:
- context.response.match_row(line, context=context)
+ context.response.match_row(line, context=context, field=field)
@then(u'result (?P<lid>\d+ )?has (?P<neg>not )?attributes (?P<attrs>.*)')
def validate_attributes(context, lid, neg, attrs):
- if lid is None:
- idx = range(len(context.response.result))
- context.execute_steps("then at least 1 result is returned")
- else:
- idx = [int(lid.strip())]
- context.execute_steps("then more than %sresults are returned" % lid)
- for i in idx:
- for attr in attrs.split(','):
- if neg:
- assert attr not in context.response.result[i],\
- "Unexpected attribute {}. Full response:\n{}".format(
- attr, json.dumps(context.response.result[i], sort_keys=True, indent=2))
- else:
- assert attr in context.response.result[i], \
- "No attribute {}. Full response:\n{}".format(
- attr, json.dumps(context.response.result[i], sort_keys=True, indent=2))
+ for i in make_todo_list(context, lid):
+ check_for_attributes(context.response.result[i], attrs,
+ 'absent' if neg else 'present')
@then(u'result addresses contain')
def step_impl(context):
@then(u'address of result (?P<lid>\d+) has(?P<neg> no)? types (?P<attrs>.*)')
def check_address(context, lid, neg, attrs):
- context.execute_steps("then more than %s results are returned" % lid)
+ context.execute_steps(f"then more than {lid} results are returned")
addr_parts = context.response.result[int(lid)]['address']
@then(u'address of result (?P<lid>\d+) (?P<complete>is|contains)')
def check_address(context, lid, complete):
- context.execute_steps("then more than %s results are returned" % lid)
+ context.execute_steps(f"then more than {lid} results are returned")
lid = int(lid)
addr_parts = dict(context.response.result[lid]['address'])
del addr_parts[line['type']]
if complete == 'is':
- assert len(addr_parts) == 0, "Additional address parts found: %s" % str(addr_parts)
+ assert len(addr_parts) == 0, f"Additional address parts found: {addr_parts!s}"
-@then(u'result (?P<lid>\d+ )?has bounding box in (?P<coords>[\d,.-]+)')
-def step_impl(context, lid, coords):
- if lid is None:
- context.execute_steps("then at least 1 result is returned")
- bboxes = context.response.property_list('boundingbox')
- else:
- context.execute_steps("then more than {}results are returned".format(lid))
- bboxes = [context.response.result[int(lid)]['boundingbox']]
+@then(u'result (?P<lid>\d+ )?has bounding box in (?P<coords>[\d,.-]+)')
+def check_bounding_box_in_area(context, lid, coords):
expected = Bbox(coords)
- for bbox in bboxes:
- assert bbox in expected, "Bbox {} is not contained in {}.".format(bbox, expected)
+ for idx in make_todo_list(context, lid):
+ res = context.response.result[idx]
+ check_for_attributes(res, 'boundingbox')
+ context.response.check_row(idx, res['boundingbox'] in expected,
+ f"Bbox is not contained in {expected}")
-@then(u'result (?P<lid>\d+ )?has centroid in (?P<coords>[\d,.-]+)')
-def step_impl(context, lid, coords):
- if lid is None:
- context.execute_steps("then at least 1 result is returned")
- centroids = zip(context.response.property_list('lon'),
- context.response.property_list('lat'))
- else:
- context.execute_steps("then more than %sresults are returned".format(lid))
- res = context.response.result[int(lid)]
- centroids = [(res['lon'], res['lat'])]
+@then(u'result (?P<lid>\d+ )?has centroid in (?P<coords>[\d,.-]+)')
+def check_centroid_in_area(context, lid, coords):
expected = Bbox(coords)
- for centroid in centroids:
- assert centroid in expected,\
- "Centroid {} is not inside {}.".format(centroid, expected)
+ for idx in make_todo_list(context, lid):
+ res = context.response.result[idx]
+ check_for_attributes(res, 'lat,lon')
+ context.response.check_row(idx, (res['lon'], res['lat']) in expected,
+ f"Centroid is not inside {expected}")
@then(u'there are(?P<neg> no)? duplicates')
def check_for_duplicates(context, neg):
if neg:
- assert not has_dupe, "Found duplicate for %s" % (dup, )
+ assert not has_dupe, f"Found duplicate for {dup}"
assert has_dupe, "No duplicates found"