$sSQL .= " order by importance desc";
if (CONST_Debug) { echo "<hr>"; var_dump($sSQL); }
- $aSearchResults = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aSearchResults))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not get details for place.", $sSQL, $aSearchResults);
- }
+ $aSearchResults = chksql($this->oDB->getAll($sSQL),
+ "Could not get details for place.");
return $aSearchResults;
$sViewboxCentreSQL .= ")'::geometry,4326)";
$sSQL = "select st_buffer(".$sViewboxCentreSQL.",".(float)($_GET['routewidth']/69).")";
- $this->sViewboxSmallSQL = $this->oDB->getOne($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::isError($this->sViewboxSmallSQL))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not get small viewbox.", $sSQL, $this->sViewboxSmallSQL);
- }
+ $this->sViewboxSmallSQL = chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL),
+ "Could not get small viewbox.");
$this->sViewboxSmallSQL = "'".$this->sViewboxSmallSQL."'::geometry";
$sSQL = "select st_buffer(".$sViewboxCentreSQL.",".(float)($_GET['routewidth']/30).")";
- $this->sViewboxLargeSQL = $this->oDB->getOne($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::isError($this->sViewboxLargeSQL))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not get large viewbox.", $sSQL, $this->sViewboxLargeSQL);
- }
+ $this->sViewboxLargeSQL = chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL),
+ "Could not get large viewbox.");
$this->sViewboxLargeSQL = "'".$this->sViewboxLargeSQL."'::geometry";
$bBoundingBoxSearch = $this->bBoundedSearch;
foreach($aSpecialTermsRaw as $aSpecialTerm)
$sQuery = str_replace($aSpecialTerm[0], ' ', $sQuery);
- $sToken = $this->oDB->getOne("select make_standard_name('".$aSpecialTerm[1]."') as string");
+ $sToken = chksql($this->oDB->getOne("select make_standard_name('".$aSpecialTerm[1]."') as string"));
$sSQL = 'select * from (select word_id,word_token, word, class, type, country_code, operator';
$sSQL .= ' from word where word_token in (\' '.$sToken.'\')) as x where (class is not null and class not in (\'place\')) or country_code is not null';
if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($sSQL);
- $aSearchWords = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ $aSearchWords = chksql($this->oDB->getAll($sSQL));
$aNewSearches = array();
foreach($aSearches as $aSearch)
$aTokens = array();
foreach($aPhrases as $iPhrase => $sPhrase)
- $aPhrase = $this->oDB->getRow("select make_standard_name('".pg_escape_string($sPhrase)."') as string");
- if (PEAR::isError($aPhrase))
- {
- userError("Illegal query string (not an UTF-8 string): ".$sPhrase);
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($aPhrase);
- exit;
- }
+ $aPhrase = chksql($this->oDB->getRow("select make_standard_name('".pg_escape_string($sPhrase)."') as string"),
+ "Cannot nomralize query string (is it an UTF-8 string?)");
if (trim($aPhrase['string']))
$aPhrases[$iPhrase] = $aPhrase;
if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($sSQL);
$aValidTokens = array();
- if (sizeof($aTokens)) $aDatabaseWords = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL);
- else $aDatabaseWords = array();
- if (PEAR::IsError($aDatabaseWords))
+ if (sizeof($aTokens))
- failInternalError("Could not get word tokens.", $sSQL, $aDatabaseWords);
+ $aDatabaseWords = chksql($this->oDB->getAll($sSQL),
+ "Could not get word tokens.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $aDatabaseWords = array();
$aPossibleMainWordIDs = array();
$aWordFrequencyScores = array();
$sSQL .= " and _st_intersects($this->sViewboxSmallSQL, geometry)";
$sSQL .= " order by st_area(geometry) desc limit 1";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
if (!$bBoundingBoxSearch && !$aSearch['fLon']) continue;
if (!$aSearch['sClass']) continue;
$sSQL = "select count(*) from pg_tables where tablename = 'place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']."'";
- if ($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL))
+ if (chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL)))
$sSQL = "select place_id from place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']." ct";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " join placex using (place_id)";
if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, ct.centroid) asc";
$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
// If excluded place IDs are given, it is fair to assume that
// there have been results in the small box, so no further
if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, ct.centroid) asc";
$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, centroid) asc";
$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
$sSQL .= " limit ".$this->iLimit;
if (CONST_Debug) { var_dump($sSQL); }
- $aViewBoxPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aViewBoxPlaceIDs))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not get places for search terms.", $sSQL, $aViewBoxPlaceIDs);
- }
+ $aViewBoxPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getAll($sSQL),
+ "Could not get places for search terms.");
// Did we have an viewbox matches?
$aPlaceIDs = array();
$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
// if nothing found, search in the interpolation line table
//$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
//get place IDs
- $aPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL, 0);
+ $aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL, 0));
// If nothing found try the aux fallback table
//$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
//if nothing was found in placex or location_property_aux, then search in Tiger data for this housenumber(location_property_tiger)
//$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
//get place IDs
- $aPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL, 0);
+ $aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL, 0));
// Fallback to the road (if no housenumber was found)
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and calculated_country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
$sSQL .= " order by rank_search asc limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aClassPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aClassPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
if (!$aSearch['sOperator'] || $aSearch['sOperator'] == 'near') // & in
$sSQL = "select count(*) from pg_tables where tablename = 'place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']."'";
- $bCacheTable = $this->oDB->getOne($sSQL);
+ $bCacheTable = chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL));
$sSQL = "select min(rank_search) from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs)";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $this->iMaxRank = ((int)$this->oDB->getOne($sSQL));
+ $this->iMaxRank = ((int)chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL)));
// For state / country level searches the normal radius search doesn't work very well
$sPlaceGeom = false;
// Try and get a polygon to search in instead
$sSQL = "select geometry from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and rank_search < $this->iMaxRank + 5 and st_geometrytype(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') order by rank_search asc limit 1";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $sPlaceGeom = $this->oDB->getOne($sSQL);
+ $sPlaceGeom = chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL));
if ($sPlaceGeom)
$this->iMaxRank += 5;
$sSQL = "select place_id from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and rank_search < $this->iMaxRank";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
$sPlaceIDs = join(',',$aPlaceIDs);
if ($this->iOffset) $sSQL .= " offset $this->iOffset";
$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aClassPlaceIDs = array_merge($aClassPlaceIDs, $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
+ $aClassPlaceIDs = array_merge($aClassPlaceIDs, chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL)));
if ($this->iOffset) $sSQL .= " offset $this->iOffset";
$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aClassPlaceIDs = array_merge($aClassPlaceIDs, $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
+ $aClassPlaceIDs = array_merge($aClassPlaceIDs, chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL)));
- if (PEAR::IsError($aPlaceIDs))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not get place IDs from tokens." ,$sSQL, $aPlaceIDs);
- }
if (CONST_Debug) { echo "<br><b>Place IDs:</b> "; var_Dump($aPlaceIDs); }
foreach($aPlaceIDs as $iPlaceID)
$sSQL .= ") UNION select place_id from location_property_osmline where place_id in (".join(',',array_keys($aResultPlaceIDs)).")";
$sSQL .= " and (30 between $this->iMinAddressRank and $this->iMaxAddressRank)";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aFilteredPlaceIDs = $this->oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+ $aFilteredPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
$tempIDs = array();
foreach($aFilteredPlaceIDs as $placeID)
function setOSMID($sType, $iID)
$sSQL = "select place_id from placex where osm_type = '".pg_escape_string($sType)."' and osm_id = ".(int)$iID." order by type = 'postcode' asc";
- $this->iPlaceID = $this->oDB->getOne($sSQL);
+ $this->iPlaceID = chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL));
function lookupPlace($details)
$sSQL .= " from placex where place_id = ".(int)$this->iPlaceID;
- $aPlace = $this->oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aPlace))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not lookup place.", $sSQL, $aPlace);
- }
+ $aPlace = chksql($this->oDB->getRow($sSQL), "Could not lookup place");
if (!$aPlace['place_id']) return null;
if (!$bAll) $sSQL .= " WHERE isaddress OR type = 'country_code'";
$sSQL .= " order by rank_address desc,isaddress desc";
- $aAddressLines = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aAddressLines))
- {
- var_dump($aAddressLines);
- exit;
- }
- return $aAddressLines;
+ return chksql($this->oDB->getAll($sSQL));
function getAddressNames($housenumber = -1)
$sSQL .= $sFrom;
- $aPointPolygon = $this->oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aPointPolygon))
- {
- echo var_dump($aPointPolygon);
- failInternalError("Could not get outline.", $sSQL, $aPointPolygon);
- }
+ $aPointPolygon = chksql($this->oDB->getRow($sSQL),
+ "Could not get outline");
if ($aPointPolygon['place_id'])
$sSQL .= ' OR ST_DWithin('.$sPointSQL.', centroid, '.$fSearchDiam.'))';
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY ST_distance('.$sPointSQL.', geometry) ASC limit 1';
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
- $aPlace = $this->oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aPlace))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not determine closest place.", $sSQL, $aPlace);
- }
+ $aPlace = chksql($this->oDB->getRow($sSQL),
+ "Could not determine closest place.");
$iPlaceID = $aPlace['place_id'];
$iParentPlaceID = $aPlace['parent_place_id'];
$bIsInUnitedStates = ($aPlace['calculated_country_code'] == 'us');
$sSQL = preg_replace('/limit 1/', 'limit 100', $sSQL);
- $aAllHouses = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ $aAllHouses = chksql($this->oDB->getAll($sSQL));
foreach($aAllHouses as $i)
echo $i['housenumber'] . ' | ' . $i['distance'] * 1000 . ' | ' . $i['lat'] . ' | ' . $i['lon']. ' | '. "<br>\n";
- $aPlaceLine = $this->oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aPlaceLine))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not determine closest housenumber on an osm interpolation line.", $sSQL, $aPlaceLine);
- }
+ $aPlaceLine = chksql($this->oDB->getRow($sSQL),
+ "Could not determine closest housenumber on an osm interpolation line.");
if ($aPlaceLine)
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump('found housenumber in interpolation lines table', $aPlaceLine);
// if the placex house or the interpolated house are closer to the searched point
// distance between point and placex house
$sSQL = 'SELECT ST_distance('.$sPointSQL.', house.geometry) as distance FROM placex as house WHERE house.place_id='.$iPlaceID;
- $aDistancePlacex = $this->oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aDistancePlacex))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not determine distance between searched point and placex house.", $sSQL, $aDistancePlacex);
- }
+ $aDistancePlacex = chksql($this->oDB->getRow($sSQL),
+ "Could not determine distance between searched point and placex house.");
$fDistancePlacex = $aDistancePlacex['distance'];
// distance between point and interpolated house (fraction on interpolation line)
$sSQL = 'SELECT ST_distance('.$sPointSQL.', ST_LineInterpolatePoint(linegeo, '.$aPlaceLine['fraction'].')) as distance';
$sSQL .= ' FROM location_property_osmline WHERE place_id = '.$aPlaceLine['place_id'];
- $aDistanceInterpolation = $this->oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aDistanceInterpolation))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not determine distance between searched point and interpolated house.", $sSQL, $aDistanceInterpolation);
- }
+ $aDistanceInterpolation = chksql($this->oDB->getRow($sSQL),
+ "Could not determine distance between searched point and interpolated house.");
$fDistanceInterpolation = $aDistanceInterpolation['distance'];
if ($fDistanceInterpolation < $fDistancePlacex)
$sSQL = preg_replace('/limit 1/', 'limit 100', $sSQL);
- $aAllHouses = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ $aAllHouses = chksql($this->oDB->getAll($sSQL));
foreach($aAllHouses as $i)
echo $i['housenumber'] . ' | ' . $i['distance'] * 1000 . ' | ' . $i['lat'] . ' | ' . $i['lon']. ' | '. "<br>\n";
- $aPlaceTiger = $this->oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aPlaceTiger))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not determine closest Tiger place.", $sSQL, $aPlaceTiger);
- }
+ $aPlaceTiger = chksql($this->oDB->getRow($sSQL),
+ "Could not determine closest Tiger place.");
if ($aPlaceTiger)
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump('found Tiger housenumber', $aPlaceTiger);
$sSQL .= " WHERE place_id = $iPlaceID";
$sSQL .= " ORDER BY abs(cached_rank_address - $iMaxRank) asc,cached_rank_address desc,isaddress desc,distance desc";
$sSQL .= ' LIMIT 1';
- $iPlaceID = $this->oDB->getOne($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($iPlaceID))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not get parent for place.", $sSQL, $iPlaceID);
- }
+ $iPlaceID = chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL),
+ "Could not get parent for place.");
if (!$iPlaceID)
$iPlaceID = $aPlace['place_id'];
function &getDB($bNew = false, $bPersistent = false)
// Get the database object
- $oDB = DB::connect(CONST_Database_DSN.($bNew?'?new_link=true':''), $bPersistent);
- if (PEAR::IsError($oDB))
- {
- var_dump(CONST_Database_DSN);
- var_Dump($oDB);
- fail($oDB->getMessage());
- }
+ $oDB = chksql(DB::connect(CONST_Database_DSN.($bNew?'?new_link=true':''), $bPersistent),
+ "Failed to establish database connection");
$oDB->query("SET DateStyle TO 'sql,european'");
$oDB->query("SET client_encoding TO 'utf-8'");
+ require_once('website.php');
if (CONST_NoAccessControl)
- function failInternalError($sError, $sSQL = false, $vDumpVar = false)
- {
- header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error');
- header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
- echo "<html><body><h1>Internal Server Error</h1>";
- echo '<p>Nominatim has encountered an internal error while processing your request. This is most likely because of a bug in the software.</p>';
- echo "<p><b>Details:</b> ".$sError,"</p>";
- echo '<p>Feel free to report the bug in the <a href="http://trac.openstreetmap.org">OSM bug database</a>. Please include the error message above and the URL you used.</p>';
- if (CONST_Debug)
- {
- echo "<hr><h2>Debugging Information</h2><br>";
- if ($sSQL)
- {
- echo "<h3>SQL query</h3><code>".$sSQL."</code>";
- }
- if ($vDumpVar)
- {
- echo "<h3>Result</h3> <code>";
- var_dump($vDumpVar);
- echo "</code>";
- }
- }
- echo "\n</body></html>\n";
- exit;
- }
- function userError($sError)
- {
- header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
- header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
- echo "<html><body><h1>Bad Request</h1>";
- echo '<p>Nominatim has encountered an error with your request.</p>';
- echo "<p><b>Details:</b> ".$sError,"</p>";
- echo '<p>If you feel this error is incorrect feel free to report the bug in the <a href="http://trac.openstreetmap.org">OSM bug database</a>. Please include the error message above and the URL you used.</p>';
- echo "\n</body></html>\n";
- exit;
- }
- function getParamBool($name, $default=false)
- {
- if (!isset($_GET[$name])) return $default;
- return (bool) $_GET[$name];
- }
function fail($sError, $sUserError = false)
if (!$sUserError) $sUserError = $sError;
// Try an exact match on the gb_postcode table
$sSQL = 'select \'AA\', ST_X(ST_Centroid(geometry)) as lon,ST_Y(ST_Centroid(geometry)) as lat from gb_postcode where postcode = \''.$sPostcode.'\'';
- $aNearPostcodes = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aNearPostcodes))
- {
- var_dump($sSQL, $aNearPostcodes);
- exit;
- }
+ $aNearPostcodes = chksql($oDB->getAll($sSQL));
if (sizeof($aNearPostcodes))
if (!$bRaw) $sSQL .= " WHERE isaddress OR type = 'country_code'";
$sSQL .= " order by rank_address desc,isaddress desc";
- $aAddressLines = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aAddressLines))
- {
- var_dump($aAddressLines);
- exit;
- }
+ $aAddressLines = chksql($oDB->getAll($sSQL));
if ($bRaw) return $aAddressLines;
//echo "<pre>";
$sSQL .= ' OR ST_DWithin('.$sPointSQL.', ST_Centroid(geometry), '.$fSearchDiam.'))';
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY ST_distance('.$sPointSQL.', geometry) ASC limit 1';
- $aPlace = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aPlace))
- {
- var_Dump($sSQL, $aPlace);
- exit;
- }
+ $aPlace = chksql($oDB->getRow($sSQL));
$iPlaceID = $aPlace['place_id'];
if ($iPlaceID)
$sSQL = "select address_place_id from place_addressline where cached_rank_address <= $iMaxRank and place_id = $iPlaceID order by cached_rank_address desc,isaddress desc,distance desc limit 1";
- $iPlaceID = $oDB->getOne($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($iPlaceID))
- {
- var_Dump($sSQL, $iPlaceID);
- exit;
- }
+ $iPlaceID = chksql($oDB->getOne($sSQL));
if ($iPlaceID && $aPlace['place_id'] && $iMaxRank < 28)
$sSQL = "select address_place_id from place_addressline where cached_rank_address <= $iMaxRank and place_id = ".$aPlace['place_id']." order by cached_rank_address desc,isaddress desc,distance desc";
- $iPlaceID = $oDB->getOne($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($iPlaceID))
- {
- var_Dump($sSQL, $iPlaceID);
- exit;
- }
+ $iPlaceID = chksql($oDB->getOne($sSQL));
if (!$iPlaceID)
--- /dev/null
+ function formatOSMType($sType, $bIncludeExternal=true)
+ {
+ if ($sType == 'N') return 'node';
+ if ($sType == 'W') return 'way';
+ if ($sType == 'R') return 'relation';
+ if (!$bIncludeExternal) return '';
+ if ($sType == 'T') return 'tiger';
+ if ($sType == 'I') return 'way';
+ return '';
+ }
+ function osmLink($aFeature, $sRefText=false)
+ {
+ $sOSMType = formatOSMType($aFeature['osm_type'], false);
+ if ($sOSMType)
+ {
+ return '<a href="//www.openstreetmap.org/'.$sOSMType.'/'.$aFeature['osm_id'].'">'.$sOSMType.' '.($sRefText?$sRefText:$aFeature['osm_id']).'</a>';
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ function wikipediaLink($aFeature)
+ {
+ if ($aFeature['wikipedia'])
+ {
+ list($sLanguage, $sArticle) = explode(':',$aFeature['wikipedia']);
+ return '<a href="https://'.$sLanguage.'.wikipedia.org/wiki/'.urlencode($sArticle).'" target="_blank">'.$aFeature['wikipedia'].'</a>';
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ function detailsLink($aFeature, $sTitle=false)
+ {
+ if (!$aFeature['place_id']) return '';
+ return '<a href="details.php?place_id='.$aFeature['place_id'].'">'.($sTitle?$sTitle:$aFeature['place_id']).'</a>';
+ }
if (isset($aPlace['place_id'])) $aFilteredPlaces['place_id'] = $aPlace['place_id'];
$aFilteredPlaces['licence'] = "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright";
- $sOSMType = ($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':
- ($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'T'?'tiger':($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'I'?'interpolation':'')))));
+ $sOSMType = formatOSMType($aPlace['osm_type']);
if ($sOSMType)
$aFilteredPlaces['osm_type'] = $sOSMType;
if (isset($aPlace['aBoundingBox']))
$aFilteredPlaces['boundingbox'] = $aPlace['aBoundingBox'];
- if (isset($aPlace['aPolyPoints']) && $bAsPoints)
- {
- $aFilteredPlaces['polygonpoints'] = $aPlace['aPolyPoints'];
- }
if (isset($aPlace['asgeojson']))
$aFilteredPlaces['geokml'] = $aPlace['askml'];
if ($aPlace['place_id']) $aFilteredPlaces['place_id'] = $aPlace['place_id'];
$aFilteredPlaces['licence'] = "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright";
- $sOSMType = ($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':
- ($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'T'?'tiger':($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'I'?'interpolation':'')))));
+ $sOSMType = formatOSMType($aPlace['osm_type']);
if ($sOSMType)
$aFilteredPlaces['osm_type'] = $sOSMType;
if (isset($aPlace['aBoundingBox']))
$aFilteredPlaces['boundingbox'] = $aPlace['aBoundingBox'];
- if (isset($aPlace['aPolyPoints']) && $bAsPoints)
- {
- $aFilteredPlaces['polygonpoints'] = $aPlace['aPolyPoints'];
- }
if (isset($aPlace['asgeojson']))
echo "<result";
if ($aPlace['place_id']) echo ' place_id="'.$aPlace['place_id'].'"';
- $sOSMType = ($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':
- ($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'T'?'tiger':($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'I'?'interpolation':'')))));
+ $sOSMType = formatOSMType($aPlace['osm_type']);
if ($sOSMType) echo ' osm_type="'.$sOSMType.'"'.' osm_id="'.$aPlace['osm_id'].'"';
if ($aPlace['ref']) echo ' ref="'.htmlspecialchars($aPlace['ref']).'"';
if (isset($aPlace['lat'])) echo ' lat="'.htmlspecialchars($aPlace['lat']).'"';
echo ' boundingbox="';
echo join(',', $aPlace['aBoundingBox']);
echo '"';
- if ($bAsPoints && isset($aPlace['aPolyPoints']))
- {
- echo ' polygonpoints=\'';
- echo json_encode($aPlace['aPolyPoints']);
- echo '\'';
- }
if (isset($aPlace['asgeojson']))
- function osm_link($aFeature)
+ function osmMapUrl($aFeature)
- $sOSMType = ($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':'')));
- if ($sOSMType) {
- return '<a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/'.$sOSMType.'/'.$aFeature['osm_id'].'">'.$sOSMType.' '.$aFeature['osm_id'].'</a>';
- }
- return '';
- }
- function osm_map_url($aFeature)
- {
- $sLon = $aFeature['error_x'];
- $sLat = $aFeature['error_y'];
- if (isset($sLat))
+ if (isset($sFeature['error_x']) && isset($sFeature['error_y']))
- $sOSMType = ($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':'')));
+ $sBaseUrl = '//www.openstreetmap.org/';
+ $sOSMType = formatOSMType($aFeature['osm_type'], false);
if ($sOSMType)
- return "http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=".$sLat."&lon=".$sLon."&zoom=18&layers=M&".$sOSMType."=".$aFeature['osm_id'];
+ $sBaseUrl += $sOSMType.'/'.$aFeature['osm_id'];
+ return '<a href="'.$sBaseUrl.'?mlat='.$aFeature['error_y'].'&mlon='.$aFeature['error_x'].'">view on osm.org</a>';
return '';
return "http://localhost:8111/load_and_zoom?left=".($sLon-$fWidth)."&right=".($sLon+$fWidth)."&top=".($sLat+$fWidth)."&bottom=".($sLat-$fWidth);
- $sOSMType = ($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':'')));
+ $sOSMType = formatOSMType($aFeature['osm_type'], false);
if ($sOSMType)
return 'http://localhost:8111/import?url=http://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/'.$sOSMType.'/'.$aFeature['osm_id'].'/full';
if (isset($sLat))
- return "http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=potlatch2&bbox=".($sLon-$fWidth).",".($sLat-$fWidth).",".($sLon+$fWidth).",".($sLat+$fWidth);
+ return "//www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=potlatch2&bbox=".($sLon-$fWidth).",".($sLat-$fWidth).",".($sLon+$fWidth).",".($sLat+$fWidth);
return '';
- OSM: <span class="label"><?php echo osm_link($aPointDetails); ?><span>
+ OSM: <span class="label"><?php echo osmLink($aPointDetails); ?><span>
<?php echo $aPointDetails['errormessage']?$aPointDetails['errormessage']:'unknown'; ?>
- <?php if (osm_map_url($aPointDetails)) { ?>
- <a href="<?php echo osm_map_url($aPointDetails); ?>">view on osm.org</a>
- <?php } ?>
+ <?php echo osmMapUrl($aPointDetails); ?>
<?php include(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/template/includes/html-footer.php'); ?>
\ No newline at end of file
function headline($sTitle)
echo "<tr class='all-columns'><td colspan='6'><h3>".$sTitle."</h3></td></tr>\n";
- function osm_link($aFeature)
- {
- $sOSMType = ($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aFeature['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':'')));
- if ($sOSMType)
- {
- return '<a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/'.$sOSMType.'/'.$aFeature['osm_id'].'">'.$sOSMType.' '.$aFeature['osm_id'].'</a>';
- }
- return '';
- }
- function wikipedia_link($aFeature)
- {
- if ($aFeature['wikipedia'])
- {
- list($sWikipediaLanguage,$sWikipediaArticle) = explode(':',$aFeature['wikipedia']);
- return '<a href="https://'.$sWikipediaLanguage.'.wikipedia.org/wiki/'.urlencode($sWikipediaArticle).'" target="_blank">'.$aFeature['wikipedia'].'</a>';
- }
- return '';
- }
- function nominatim_link($aFeature, $sTitle)
- {
- return '<a href="details.php?place_id='.$aFeature['place_id'].'">'.$sTitle.'</a>';
- }
function format_distance($fDistance)
echo '<tr class="' . ($bNotUsed?'notused':'') . '">'."\n";
echo ' <td class="name">'.(trim($aAddressLine['localname'])?$aAddressLine['localname']:'<span class="noname">No Name</span>')."</td>\n";
echo ' <td>' . $aAddressLine['class'].':'.$aAddressLine['type'] . "</td>\n";
- echo ' <td>' . osm_link($aAddressLine) . "</td>\n";
+ echo ' <td>' . osmLink($aAddressLine) . "</td>\n";
echo ' <td>' . (isset($aAddressLine['admin_level']) ? $aAddressLine['admin_level'] : '') . "</td>\n";
echo ' <td>' . format_distance($aAddressLine['distance'])."</td>\n";
- echo ' <td>' . nominatim_link($aAddressLine,'details >') . "</td>\n";
+ echo ' <td>' . detailsLink($aAddressLine,'details >') . "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
kv('Coverage' , ($aPointDetails['isarea']=='t'?'Polygon':'Point') );
kv('Centre Point' , $aPointDetails['lat'].','.$aPointDetails['lon'] );
- kv('OSM' , osm_link($aPointDetails) );
+ kv('OSM' , osmLink($aPointDetails) );
if ($aPointDetails['wikipedia'])
- kv('Wikipedia Calculated' , wikipedia_link($aPointDetails) );
+ kv('Wikipedia Calculated' , wikipediaLink($aPointDetails) );
kv('Extra Tags' , hash_to_subtable($aPointDetails['aExtraTags']) );
- $sOSMType = ($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':'')));
+ $sOSMType = formatOSMType($aPointDetails['osm_type']);
if ($sOSMType)
$aPlace['osm_type'] = $sOSMType;
'licence'=>"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright",
- $sOSMType = ($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'R'?
- 'relation':($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'T'?'tiger':($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'I'?'interpolation':'')))));
+ $sOSMType = formatOSMType($aPointDetails['osm_type']);
if ($sOSMType)
$aPlace['osm_type'] = $sOSMType;
'licence'=>"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright",
- $sOSMType = ($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'T'?'tiger':($aPointDetails['osm_type'] == 'I'?'interpolation':'')))));
+ $sOSMType = formatOSMType($aPointDetails['osm_type']);
if ($sOSMType)
$aPlace['osm_type'] = $sOSMType;
foreach($aSearchResults as $iResNum => $aResult)
echo "<place place_id='".$aResult['place_id']."'";
- $sOSMType = ($aResult['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aResult['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aResult['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':
- ($aResult['osm_type'] == 'T'?'tiger':($aResult['osm_type'] == 'I'?'interpolation':'')))));
+ $sOSMType = formatOSMType($aResult['osm_type']);
if ($sOSMType)
echo " osm_type='$sOSMType'";
--- /dev/null
+ *
+ * Error handling functions
+ *
+ */
+ function chksql($oSql, $sMsg = "Database request failed")
+ {
+ if (!PEAR::isError($oSql)) return $oSql;
+ header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error');
+ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
+ $sSqlError = $oSql->getMessage();
+ <html>
+ <head><title>Internal Server Error</title></head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>Internal Server Error</h1>
+ <p>Nominatim has encountered an internal error while accessing the database.
+ This may happen because the database is broken or because of a bug in
+ the software. If you think it is a bug, feel free to report
+ it over on <a href="https://github.com/twain47/Nominatim/issues">
+ Github</a>. Please include the URL that caused the problem and the
+ complete error details below.</p>
+ <p><b>Message:</b> $sMsg</p>
+ <p><b>SQL Error:</b> $sSqlError</p>
+ <p><b>Details:</b> <pre>
+ if (CONST_Debug)
+ {
+ var_dump($oSql);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo "<pre>\n".$oSql->getUserInfo()."</pre>";
+ }
+ echo "</pre></p></body></html>";
+ exit;
+ }
+ function failInternalError($sError, $sSQL = false, $vDumpVar = false)
+ {
+ header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error');
+ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
+ echo "<html><body><h1>Internal Server Error</h1>";
+ echo '<p>Nominatim has encountered an internal error while processing your request. This is most likely because of a bug in the software.</p>';
+ echo "<p><b>Details:</b> ".$sError,"</p>";
+ echo '<p>Feel free to file an issue on <a href="https://github.com/twain47/Nominatim/issues">Github</a>. Please include the error message above and the URL you used.</p>';
+ if (CONST_Debug)
+ {
+ echo "<hr><h2>Debugging Information</h2><br>";
+ if ($sSQL)
+ {
+ echo "<h3>SQL query</h3><code>".$sSQL."</code>";
+ }
+ if ($vDumpVar)
+ {
+ echo "<h3>Result</h3> <code>";
+ var_dump($vDumpVar);
+ echo "</code>";
+ }
+ }
+ echo "\n</body></html>\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ function userError($sError)
+ {
+ header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
+ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
+ echo "<html><body><h1>Bad Request</h1>";
+ echo '<p>Nominatim has encountered an error with your request.</p>';
+ echo "<p><b>Details:</b> ".$sError."</p>";
+ echo '<p>If you feel this error is incorrect feel file an issue on <a href="https://github.com/twain47/Nominatim/issues">Github</a>. Please include the error message above and the URL you used.</p>';
+ echo "\n</body></html>\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ *
+ * Functions for parsing URL parameters
+ *
+ */
+ function getParamBool($sName, $bDefault=false)
+ {
+ if (!isset($_GET[$sName]) || strlen($_GET[$sName]) == 0) return $bDefault;
+ return (bool) $_GET[$sName];
+ }
+ function getParamInt($sName, $bDefault=false)
+ {
+ if (!isset($_GET[$sName]) || strlen($_GET[$sName]) == 0) return $bDefault;
+ if (!preg_match('/^[+-]?[0-9]+$/', $_GET[$sName]))
+ {
+ userError("Integer number expected for parameter '$sName'");
+ }
+ return (int) $_GET[$sName];
+ }
+ function getParamFloat($sName, $bDefault=false)
+ {
+ if (!isset($_GET[$sName]) || strlen($_GET[$sName]) == 0) return $bDefault;
+ if (!preg_match('/^[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/', $_GET[$sName]))
+ {
+ userError("Floating-point number expected for parameter '$sName'");
+ }
+ return (float) $_GET[$sName];
+ }
+ function getParamString($sName, $bDefault=false)
+ {
+ if (!isset($_GET[$sName]) || strlen($_GET[$sName]) == 0) return $bDefault;
+ return $_GET[$sName];
+ }
+ function getParamSet($sName, $aValues, $sDefault=false)
+ {
+ if (!isset($_GET[$sName]) || strlen($_GET[$sName]) == 0) return $sDefault;
+ if (!in_array($_GET[$sName], $aValues))
+ {
+ userError("Parameter '$sName' must be one of: ".join(', ', $aValues));
+ }
+ return $_GET[$sName];
+ }
| lat
| 51.51
When sending an API call reverse
- Then exactly 0 results are returned
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
Scenario: Missing lat parameter
Given the request parameters
| lon
| -79.39114
When sending an API call reverse
- Then exactly 0 results are returned
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
Scenario: Missing osm_id parameter
Given the request parameters
| osm_type
| N
When sending an API call reverse
- Then exactly 0 results are returned
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
Scenario: Missing osm_type parameter
Given the request parameters
| osm_id
| 3498564
When sending an API call reverse
- Then exactly 0 results are returned
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
Scenario Outline: Bad format for lat or lon
Given the request parameters
| lat | lon |
| <lat> | <lon> |
When sending an API call reverse
- Then exactly 0 results are returned
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
| lat | lon
| 48.966.0 | 8.4482
| 48.966 | 8.448.2
| Nan | 8.448
- | 48.966 | Nan
\ No newline at end of file
+ | 48.966 | Nan
| 0.0
| 0.5
| 999
- | nan
Scenario Outline: Search with polygon threshold (xml)
Given the request parameters
| 0.0
| 0.5
| 999
- | nan
+ Scenario Outline: Search with invalid polygon threshold (xml)
+ Given the request parameters
+ | polygon_geojson | polygon_threshold
+ | 1 | <th>
+ When sending xml search query "switzerland"
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
Scenario Outline: Search with extratags
Given the request parameters
| format
| fd$#
When sending search query "Berlin"
- Then the result is valid html
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
Scenario Outline: Simple Searches
When sending search query "<query>"
+ require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/output.php');
$sOutputFormat = 'html';
ini_set('memory_limit', '200M');
$oDB =& getDB();
$sSQL = "select placex.place_id, calculated_country_code as country_code, name->'name' as name, i.* from placex, import_polygon_delete i where placex.osm_id = i.osm_id and placex.osm_type = i.osm_type and placex.class = i.class and placex.type = i.type";
- $aPolygons = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::isError($aPolygons))
+ $aPolygons = chksql($oDB->getAll($sSQL),
+ "Could not get list of deleted OSM elements.");
- failInternalError("Could not get list of deleted OSM elements.", $sSQL, $aPolygons);
+ var_dump($aPolygons);
+ exit;
<!DOCTYPE html>
+ if (!$aPolygons) exit;
echo "<tr>";
foreach($aPolygons[0] as $sCol => $sVal)
case 'osm_id':
- $sOSMType = ($aRow['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aRow['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aRow['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':'')));
- echo '<td><a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/'.$sOSMType.'/'.$sVal.'" target="_new">'.$sVal.'</a></td>';
+ echo '<td>'.osmLink($aRow).'</td>';
case 'place_id':
- echo '<td><a href="'.CONST_Website_BaseURL.'details?place_id='.$sVal.'">'.$sVal.'</a></td>';
+ echo '<td>'.detailsLink($aRow).'</td>';
echo "<td>".($sVal?$sVal:' ')."</td>";
+ require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/output.php');
$sOutputFormat = 'html';
$aLangPrefOrder = getPreferredLanguages();
$sLanguagePrefArraySQL = "ARRAY[".join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$aLangPrefOrder))."]";
- if (isset($_GET['osmtype']) && isset($_GET['osmid']) && (int)$_GET['osmid'] && ($_GET['osmtype'] == 'N' || $_GET['osmtype'] == 'W' || $_GET['osmtype'] == 'R'))
+ $sPlaceId = getParamString('place_id');
+ $sOsmType = getParamSet('osmtype', array('N', 'W', 'R'));
+ $iOsmId = getParamInt('osmid', -1);
+ if ($sOsmType && $iOsmId > 0)
- $_GET['place_id'] = $oDB->getOne("select place_id from placex where osm_type = '".$_GET['osmtype']."' and osm_id = ".(int)$_GET['osmid']." order by type = 'postcode' asc");
+ $sPlaceId = chksql($oDB->getOne("select place_id from placex where osm_type = '".$sOsmType."' and osm_id = ".$iOsmId." order by type = 'postcode' asc"));
// Be nice about our error messages for broken geometry
- if (!$_GET['place_id'])
+ if (!$sPlaceId)
- $aPointDetails = $oDB->getRow("select osm_type, osm_id, errormessage, class, type, get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname, ST_AsText(prevgeometry) as prevgeom, ST_AsText(newgeometry) as newgeom from import_polygon_error where osm_type = '".$_GET['osmtype']."' and osm_id = ".(int)$_GET['osmid']." order by updated desc limit 1");
+ $aPointDetails = chksql($oDB->getRow("select osm_type, osm_id, errormessage, class, type, get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname, ST_AsText(prevgeometry) as prevgeom, ST_AsText(newgeometry) as newgeom from import_polygon_error where osm_type = '".$sOsmType."' and osm_id = ".$iOsmId." order by updated desc limit 1"));
if (!PEAR::isError($aPointDetails) && $aPointDetails) {
if (preg_match('/\[(-?\d+\.\d+) (-?\d+\.\d+)\]/', $aPointDetails['errormessage'], $aMatches))
- if (!isset($_GET['place_id']))
- {
- echo "Please select a place id";
- exit;
- }
+ if (!$sPlaceId) userError("Please select a place id");
- $iPlaceID = (int)$_GET['place_id'];
+ $iPlaceID = (int)$sPlaceId;
if (CONST_Use_US_Tiger_Data)
- $iParentPlaceID = $oDB->getOne('select parent_place_id from location_property_tiger where place_id = '.$iPlaceID);
+ $iParentPlaceID = chksql($oDB->getOne('select parent_place_id from location_property_tiger where place_id = '.$iPlaceID));
if ($iParentPlaceID) $iPlaceID = $iParentPlaceID;
if (CONST_Use_Aux_Location_data)
- $iParentPlaceID = $oDB->getOne('select parent_place_id from location_property_aux where place_id = '.$iPlaceID);
+ $iParentPlaceID = chksql($oDB->getOne('select parent_place_id from location_property_aux where place_id = '.$iPlaceID));
if ($iParentPlaceID) $iPlaceID = $iParentPlaceID;
$hLog = logStart($oDB, 'details', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $aLangPrefOrder);
- // Make sure the point we are reporting on is fully indexed
- //$sSQL = "UPDATE placex set indexed = true where indexed = false and place_id = $iPlaceID";
- //$oDB->query($sSQL);
// Get the details for this point
$sSQL = "select place_id, osm_type, osm_id, class, type, name, admin_level, housenumber, street, isin, postcode, calculated_country_code as country_code, importance, wikipedia,";
$sSQL .= " to_char(indexed_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') as indexed_date, parent_place_id, rank_address, rank_search, get_searchrank_label(rank_search) as rank_search_label, get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname, ";
$sSQL .= " case when importance = 0 OR importance IS NULL then 0.75-(rank_search::float/40) else importance end as calculated_importance, ";
$sSQL .= " ST_AsText(CASE WHEN ST_NPoints(geometry) > 5000 THEN ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(geometry, 0.0001) ELSE geometry END) as outlinestring";
$sSQL .= " from placex where place_id = $iPlaceID";
- $aPointDetails = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aPointDetails))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not get details of place object.", $sSQL, $aPointDetails);
- }
+ $aPointDetails = chksql($oDB->getRow($sSQL),
+ "Could not get details of place object.");
$aPointDetails['localname'] = $aPointDetails['localname']?$aPointDetails['localname']:$aPointDetails['housenumber'];
$aClassType = getClassTypesWithImportance();
$aPlaceSearchNameKeywords = false;
$aPlaceSearchAddressKeywords = false;
- if (isset($_GET['keywords']) && $_GET['keywords'])
+ if (getParamBool('keywords'))
$sSQL = "select * from search_name where place_id = $iPlaceID";
$aPlaceSearchName = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
if ($sOutputFormat=='html')
- $sDataDate = $oDB->getOne("select TO_CHAR(lastimportdate - '2 minutes'::interval,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI')||' GMT' from import_status limit 1");
+ $sDataDate = chksql($oDB->getOne("select TO_CHAR(lastimportdate - '2 minutes'::interval,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI')||' GMT' from import_status limit 1"));
$sTileURL = CONST_Map_Tile_URL;
$sTileAttribution = CONST_Map_Tile_Attribution;
- $sOutputFormat = 'html';
- if (isset($_GET['format']) && ($_GET['format'] == 'html' || $_GET['format'] == 'xml' || $_GET['format'] == 'json' || $_GET['format'] == 'jsonv2'))
- {
- $sOutputFormat = $_GET['format'];
- }
+ require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/output.php');
ini_set('memory_limit', '200M');
$oDB =& getDB();
+ $sOutputFormat = getParamSet('format', array('html', 'json'), 'html');
$aLangPrefOrder = getPreferredLanguages();
$sLanguagePrefArraySQL = "ARRAY[".join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$aLangPrefOrder))."]";
- if (isset($_GET['osmtype']) && isset($_GET['osmid']) && (int)$_GET['osmid'] && ($_GET['osmtype'] == 'N' || $_GET['osmtype'] == 'W' || $_GET['osmtype'] == 'R'))
+ $sPlaceId = getParamString('place_id');
+ $sOsmType = getParamSet('osmtype', array('N', 'W', 'R'));
+ $iOsmId = getParamInt('osmid', -1);
+ if ($sOsmType && $iOsmId > 0)
- $_GET['place_id'] = $oDB->getOne("select place_id from placex where osm_type = '".$_GET['osmtype']."' and osm_id = ".(int)$_GET['osmid']." order by type = 'postcode' asc");
+ $sPlaceId = chksql($oDB->getOne("select place_id from placex where osm_type = '".$sOsmType."' and osm_id = ".$iOsmId." order by type = 'postcode' asc"));
// Be nice about our error messages for broken geometry
- if (!$_GET['place_id'])
+ if (!$sPlaceId)
- $aPointDetails = $oDB->getRow("select osm_type, osm_id, errormessage, class, type, get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname, ST_AsText(prevgeometry) as prevgeom, ST_AsText(newgeometry) as newgeom from import_polygon_error where osm_type = '".$_GET['osmtype']."' and osm_id = ".(int)$_GET['osmid']." order by updated desc limit 1");
- if (!PEAR::isError($aPointDetails) && $aPointDetails) {
+ $aPointDetails = chksql($oDB->getRow("select osm_type, osm_id, errormessage, class, type, get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname, ST_AsText(prevgeometry) as prevgeom, ST_AsText(newgeometry) as newgeom from import_polygon_error where osm_type = '".$sOsmType."' and osm_id = ".$iOsmId." order by updated desc limit 1"));
+ if ($aPointDetails) {
if (preg_match('/\[(-?\d+\.\d+) (-?\d+\.\d+)\]/', $aPointDetails['errormessage'], $aMatches))
$aPointDetails['error_x'] = $aMatches[1];
- if (!isset($_GET['place_id']))
- {
- echo "Please select a place id";
- exit;
- }
+ if (!$sPlaceId) userError("Please select a place id");
- $iPlaceID = (int)$_GET['place_id'];
+ $iPlaceID = (int)$sPlaceId;
if (CONST_Use_US_Tiger_Data)
- $iParentPlaceID = $oDB->getOne('select parent_place_id from location_property_tiger where place_id = '.$iPlaceID);
+ $iParentPlaceID = chksql($oDB->getOne('select parent_place_id from location_property_tiger where place_id = '.$iPlaceID));
if ($iParentPlaceID) $iPlaceID = $iParentPlaceID;
if (CONST_Use_Aux_Location_data)
- $iParentPlaceID = $oDB->getOne('select parent_place_id from location_property_aux where place_id = '.$iPlaceID);
+ $iParentPlaceID = chksql($oDB->getOne('select parent_place_id from location_property_aux where place_id = '.$iPlaceID));
if ($iParentPlaceID) $iPlaceID = $iParentPlaceID;
$aPlaceAddress = array_reverse($oPlaceLookup->getAddressDetails());
- if (!sizeof($aPlaceAddress))
- {
- echo "Unknown place id.";
- exit;
- }
+ if (!sizeof($aPlaceAddress)) userError("Unknown place id.");
$aBreadcrums = array();
foreach($aPlaceAddress as $i => $aPlace)
if (!$aPlace['place_id']) continue;
- $aBreadcrums[] = array('placeId'=>$aPlace['place_id'], 'osmType'=>$aPlace['osm_type'], 'osmId'=>$aPlace['osm_id'], 'localName'=>$aPlace['localname']);
- $sPlaceUrl = 'hierarchy.php?place_id='.$aPlace['place_id'];
- $sOSMType = ($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aPlace['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':'')));
- $sOSMUrl = 'http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/'.$sOSMType.'/'.$aPlace['osm_id'];
- if ($sOutputFormat == 'html') if ($i) echo " > ";
- if ($sOutputFormat == 'html') echo '<a href="'.$sPlaceUrl.'">'.$aPlace['localname'].'</a> (<a href="'.$sOSMUrl.'">osm</a>)';
+ $aBreadcrums[] = array('placeId' => $aPlace['place_id'],
+ 'osmType' => $aPlace['osm_type'],
+ 'osmId' => $aPlace['osm_id'],
+ 'localName' => $aPlace['localname']);
+ if ($sOutputFormat == 'html')
+ {
+ $sPlaceUrl = 'hierarchy.php?place_id='.$aPlace['place_id'];
+ if ($i) echo " > ";
+ echo '<a href="'.$sPlaceUrl.'">'.$aPlace['localname'].'</a> ('.osmLink($aPlace).')';
+ }
- $aDetails = array();
- $aDetails['breadcrumbs'] = $aBreadcrums;
if ($sOutputFormat == 'json')
header("content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
+ $aDetails = array();
+ $aDetails['breadcrumbs'] = $aBreadcrums;
- $aRelatedPlaceIDs = $oDB->getCol($sSQL = "select place_id from placex where linked_place_id = $iPlaceID or place_id = $iPlaceID");
+ $aRelatedPlaceIDs = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL = "select place_id from placex where linked_place_id = $iPlaceID or place_id = $iPlaceID"));
$sSQL = "select obj.place_id, osm_type, osm_id, class, type, housenumber, admin_level, rank_address, ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') as isarea, st_area(geometry) as area, ";
$sSQL .= " get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname, length(name::text) as namelength ";
$sSQL .= " from (select placex.place_id, osm_type, osm_id, class, type, housenumber, admin_level, rank_address, rank_search, geometry, name from placex ";
$sSQL .= " where parent_place_id in (".join(',',$aRelatedPlaceIDs).") and name is not null order by rank_address asc,rank_search asc limit 500) as obj";
$sSQL .= " order by rank_address asc,rank_search asc,localname,class, type,housenumber";
- $aParentOfLines = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ $aParentOfLines = chksql($oDB->getAll($sSQL));
if (sizeof($aParentOfLines))
if (!isset($aGroupedAddressLines[$aAddressLine['label']])) $aGroupedAddressLines[$aAddressLine['label']] = array();
$aGroupedAddressLines[$aAddressLine['label']][] = $aAddressLine;
- }
- foreach($aGroupedAddressLines as $sGroupHeading => $aParentOfLines)
+ }
+ foreach($aGroupedAddressLines as $sGroupHeading => $aParentOfLines)
+ {
+ echo "<h3>$sGroupHeading</h3>";
+ foreach($aParentOfLines as $aAddressLine)
- echo "<h3>$sGroupHeading</h3>";
- foreach($aParentOfLines as $aAddressLine)
- {
- $aAddressLine['localname'] = $aAddressLine['localname']?$aAddressLine['localname']:$aAddressLine['housenumber'];
- $sOSMType = ($aAddressLine['osm_type'] == 'N'?'node':($aAddressLine['osm_type'] == 'W'?'way':($aAddressLine['osm_type'] == 'R'?'relation':'')));
- echo '<div class="line">';
- echo '<span class="name">'.(trim($aAddressLine['localname'])?$aAddressLine['localname']:'<span class="noname">No Name</span>').'</span>';
- echo ' (';
- echo '<span class="area">'.($aAddressLine['isarea']=='t'?'Polygon':'Point').'</span>';
- if ($sOSMType) echo ', <span class="osm"><span class="label"></span>'.$sOSMType.' <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/'.$sOSMType.'/'.$aAddressLine['osm_id'].'">'.$aAddressLine['osm_id'].'</a></span>';
- echo ', <a href="hierarchy.php?place_id='.$aAddressLine['place_id'].'">GOTO</a>';
- echo ', '.$aAddressLine['area'];
- echo ')';
- echo '</div>';
- }
- }
- if (sizeof($aParentOfLines) >= 500) {
- echo '<p>There are more child objects which are not shown.</p>';
+ $aAddressLine['localname'] = $aAddressLine['localname']?$aAddressLine['localname']:$aAddressLine['housenumber'];
+ $sOSMType = formatOSMType($aAddressLine['osm_type'], false);
+ echo '<div class="line">';
+ echo '<span class="name">'.(trim($aAddressLine['localname'])?$aAddressLine['localname']:'<span class="noname">No Name</span>').'</span>';
+ echo ' (';
+ echo '<span class="area">'.($aAddressLine['isarea']=='t'?'Polygon':'Point').'</span>';
+ if ($sOSMType) echo ', <span class="osm"><span class="label"></span>'.$sOSMType.' '.osmLink($aAddressLine).'</span>';
+ echo ', <a href="hierarchy.php?place_id='.$aAddressLine['place_id'].'">GOTO</a>';
+ echo ', '.$aAddressLine['area'];
+ echo ')';
+ echo '</div>';
- echo '</div>';
+ if (sizeof($aParentOfLines) >= 500) {
+ echo '<p>There are more child objects which are not shown.</p>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/output.php');
if (strpos(CONST_BulkUserIPs, ','.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].',') !== false)
ini_set('memory_limit', '200M');
// Format for output
- $sOutputFormat = 'xml';
- if (isset($_GET['format']) && ($_GET['format'] == 'xml' || $_GET['format'] == 'json'))
- {
- $sOutputFormat = $_GET['format'];
- }
+ $sOutputFormat = getParamSet('format', array('xml', 'json'), 'xml');
// Preferred language
$aLangPrefOrder = getPreferredLanguages();
$aSearchResults = array();
$aCleanedQueryParts = array();
- if (isset($_GET['osm_ids']))
+ $oPlaceLookup = new PlaceLookup($oDB);
+ $oPlaceLookup->setLanguagePreference($aLangPrefOrder);
+ $oPlaceLookup->setIncludeAddressDetails(getParamBool('addressdetails', true));
+ $oPlaceLookup->setIncludeExtraTags(getParamBool('extratags', false));
+ $oPlaceLookup->setIncludeNameDetails(getParamBool('namedetails', false));
+ $aOsmIds = explode(',', getParamString('osm_ids', ''));
+ if (count($aOsmIds) > CONST_Places_Max_ID_count)
- $oPlaceLookup = new PlaceLookup($oDB);
- $oPlaceLookup->setLanguagePreference($aLangPrefOrder);
- $oPlaceLookup->setIncludeAddressDetails(getParamBool('addressdetails', true));
- $oPlaceLookup->setIncludeExtraTags(getParamBool('extratags', false));
- $oPlaceLookup->setIncludeNameDetails(getParamBool('namedetails', false));
- $aOsmIds = explode(',', $_GET['osm_ids']);
- if ( count($aOsmIds) > CONST_Places_Max_ID_count )
- {
- userError('Bulk User: Only ' . CONST_Places_Max_ID_count . " ids are allowed in one request.");
- exit;
- }
+ userError('Bulk User: Only ' . CONST_Places_Max_ID_count . " ids are allowed in one request.");
+ }
+ foreach ($aOsmIds AS $sItem)
+ {
+ // Skip empty sItem
+ if (empty($sItem)) continue;
- foreach ($aOsmIds AS $sItem)
+ $sType = $sItem[0];
+ $iId = (int) substr($sItem, 1);
+ if ( $iId > 0 && ($sType == 'N' || $sType == 'W' || $sType == 'R') )
- // Skip empty sItem
- if (empty($sItem)) continue;
- $sType = $sItem[0];
- $iId = (int) substr($sItem, 1);
- if ( $iId > 0 && ($sType == 'N' || $sType == 'W' || $sType == 'R') )
- {
- $aCleanedQueryParts[] = $sType . $iId;
- $oPlaceLookup->setOSMID($sType, $iId);
- $oPlace = $oPlaceLookup->lookup();
- if ($oPlace){
- // we want to use the search-* output templates, so we need to fill
- // $aSearchResults and slightly change the (reverse search) oPlace
- // key names
- $oResult = $oPlace;
- unset($oResult['aAddress']);
- if (isset($oPlace['aAddress'])) $oResult['address'] = $oPlace['aAddress'];
- unset($oResult['langaddress']);
- $oResult['name'] = $oPlace['langaddress'];
- $aSearchResults[] = $oResult;
- }
+ $aCleanedQueryParts[] = $sType . $iId;
+ $oPlaceLookup->setOSMID($sType, $iId);
+ $oPlace = $oPlaceLookup->lookup();
+ if ($oPlace){
+ // we want to use the search-* output templates, so we need to fill
+ // $aSearchResults and slightly change the (reverse search) oPlace
+ // key names
+ $oResult = $oPlace;
+ unset($oResult['aAddress']);
+ if (isset($oPlace['aAddress'])) $oResult['address'] = $oPlace['aAddress'];
+ unset($oResult['langaddress']);
+ $oResult['name'] = $oPlace['langaddress'];
+ $aSearchResults[] = $oResult;
- $sOutputFormat = 'html';
+ require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/output.php');
ini_set('memory_limit', '200M');
$oDB =& getDB();
- if (!isset($_GET['days'])) $_GET['days'] = 1;
- $bReduced = false;
- if (isset($_GET['reduced'])) $bReduced = true;
- $sClass = false;
- if (isset($_GET['class'])) $sClass = $_GET['class'];
- $iTotalBroken = (int) $oDB->getOne('select count(*) from import_polygon_error');
+ $sOutputFormat = 'html';
+ $iDays = getParamInt('days', 1);
+ $bReduced = getParamBool('reduced', false);
+ $sClass = getParamString('class', false);
+ $iTotalBroken = (int) chksql($oDB->getOne('select count(*) from import_polygon_error'));
$aPolygons = array();
while($iTotalBroken && !sizeof($aPolygons))
$sSQL = 'select osm_type as "type",osm_id as "id",class as "key",type as "value",name->\'name\' as "name",';
$sSQL .= 'country_code as "country",errormessage as "error message",updated';
$sSQL .= " from import_polygon_error";
- if ($_GET['days'])
- {
- $sSQL .= " where updated > 'now'::timestamp - '".(int)$_GET['days']." day'::interval";
- $_GET['days']++;
- }
- if ($bReduced)
- {
- $sSQL .= " and errormessage like 'Area reduced%'";
- }
- if ($sClass)
- {
- $sSQL .= " and class = '".pg_escape_string($sClass)."'";
- }
+ $sSQL .= " where updated > 'now'::timestamp - '".$iDays." day'::interval";
+ $iDays++;
+ if ($bReduced) $sSQL .= " and errormessage like 'Area reduced%'";
+ if ($sClass) $sSQL .= " and class = '".pg_escape_string($sClass)."'";
$sSQL .= " order by updated desc limit 1000";
- $aPolygons = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
+ $aPolygons = chksql($oDB->getAll($sSQL));
+ }
+ if (CONST_Debug)
+ {
+ var_dump($aPolygons);
+ exit;
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo "<p>Total number of broken polygons: $iTotalBroken</p>";
+ if (!$aPolygons) exit;
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr>";
case 'id':
- $sOSMType = ($aRow['type'] == 'N'?'node':($aRow['type'] == 'W'?'way':($aRow['type'] == 'R'?'relation':'')));
- echo '<td><a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/'.$sOSMType.'/'.$aRow['id'].'" target="_new">'.$aRow['id'].'</a></td>';
+ echo '<td>'.osmLink($aRow).'</td>';
echo "<td>".($sVal?$sVal:' ')."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
-// include(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/template/details-'.$sOutputFormat.'.php');
+ require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/output.php');
if (strpos(CONST_BulkUserIPs, ','.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].',') !== false)
- $bAsPoints = false;
- $bAsGeoJSON = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_geojson']) && $_GET['polygon_geojson'];
- $bAsKML = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_kml']) && $_GET['polygon_kml'];
- $bAsSVG = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_svg']) && $_GET['polygon_svg'];
- $bAsText = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_text']) && $_GET['polygon_text'];
- if ( ( ($bAsGeoJSON?1:0)
- + ($bAsKML?1:0)
- + ($bAsSVG?1:0)
- + ($bAsText?1:0)
- + ($bAsPoints?1:0)
- ) > CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes)
+ $bAsGeoJSON = getParamBool('polygon_geojson');
+ $bAsKML = getParamBool('polygon_kml');
+ $bAsSVG = getParamBool('polygon_svg');
+ $bAsText = getParamBool('polygon_text');
+ if ((($bAsGeoJSON?1:0) + ($bAsKML?1:0) + ($bAsSVG?1:0)
+ + ($bAsText?1:0)) > CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes)
if (CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes)
// Polygon simplification threshold (optional)
- $fThreshold = 0.0;
- if (isset($_GET['polygon_threshold'])) $fThreshold = (float)$_GET['polygon_threshold'];
+ $fThreshold = getParamFloat('polygon_threshold', 0.0);
$oDB =& getDB();
ini_set('memory_limit', '200M');
// Format for output
- $sOutputFormat = 'xml';
- if (isset($_GET['format']) && ( $_GET['format'] == 'html' || $_GET['format'] == 'xml' || $_GET['format'] == 'json' || $_GET['format'] == 'jsonv2'))
- {
- $sOutputFormat = $_GET['format'];
- }
+ $sOutputFormat = getParamSet('format', array('html', 'xml', 'json', 'jsonv2'), 'xml');
// Preferred language
$aLangPrefOrder = getPreferredLanguages();
$hLog = logStart($oDB, 'reverse', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $aLangPrefOrder);
- if (isset($_GET['osm_type']) && isset($_GET['osm_id']) && (int)$_GET['osm_id'] && ($_GET['osm_type'] == 'N' || $_GET['osm_type'] == 'W' || $_GET['osm_type'] == 'R'))
+ $sOsmType = getParamSet('osm_type', array('N', 'W', 'R'));
+ $iOsmId = getParamInt('osm_id', -1);
+ $fLat = getParamFloat('lat');
+ $fLon = getParamFloat('lon');
+ if ($sOsmType && $iOsmId > 0)
- $aLookup = array('osm_type' => $_GET['osm_type'], 'osm_id' => $_GET['osm_id']);
+ $aLookup = array('osm_type' => $sOsmType, 'osm_id' => $iOsmId);
- else if (isset($_GET['lat']) && isset($_GET['lon']) && preg_match('/^[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/', $_GET['lat']) && preg_match('/^[+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/', $_GET['lon']))
+ else if ($fLat !== false && $fLon !==false)
$oReverseGeocode = new ReverseGeocode($oDB);
- $oReverseGeocode->setLatLon($_GET['lat'], $_GET['lon']);
- $oReverseGeocode->setZoom(@$_GET['zoom']);
+ $oReverseGeocode->setLatLon($fLat, $fLon);
+ $oReverseGeocode->setZoom(getParamInt('zoom', 18));
$aLookup = $oReverseGeocode->lookup();
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($aLookup);
- else
+ else if ($sOutputFormat != 'html')
- $aLookup = null;
+ userError("Need coordinates or OSM object to lookup.");
if ($aLookup)
$aPlace = $oPlaceLookup->lookupPlace($aLookup);
- $oPlaceLookup->setIncludePolygonAsPoints($bAsPoints);
+ $oPlaceLookup->setIncludePolygonAsPoints(false);
if ($sOutputFormat=='html')
- $sDataDate = $oDB->getOne("select TO_CHAR(lastimportdate - '2 minutes'::interval,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI')||' GMT' from import_status limit 1");
+ $sDataDate = chksql($oDB->getOne("select TO_CHAR(lastimportdate - '2 minutes'::interval,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI')||' GMT' from import_status limit 1"));
$sTileURL = CONST_Map_Tile_URL;
$sTileAttribution = CONST_Map_Tile_Attribution;
+ require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/output.php');
ini_set('memory_limit', '200M');
// Format for output
- $sOutputFormat = 'html';
- if (isset($_GET['format']) && ($_GET['format'] == 'html' || $_GET['format'] == 'xml' || $_GET['format'] == 'json' || $_GET['format'] == 'jsonv2'))
- {
- $sOutputFormat = $_GET['format'];
- }
+ $sOutputFormat = getParamSet('format', array('html', 'xml', 'json', 'jsonv2'), 'html');
// Show / use polygons
if ($sOutputFormat == 'html')
- if (isset($_GET['polygon'])) $oGeocode->setIncludePolygonAsText((bool)$_GET['polygon']);
+ $oGeocode->setIncludePolygonAsText(getParamBool('polygon'));
- $bAsPoints = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon']) && $_GET['polygon'];
- $bAsGeoJSON = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_geojson']) && $_GET['polygon_geojson'];
- $bAsKML = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_kml']) && $_GET['polygon_kml'];
- $bAsSVG = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_svg']) && $_GET['polygon_svg'];
- $bAsText = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_text']) && $_GET['polygon_text'];
+ $bAsPoints = getParamBool('polygon');
+ $bAsGeoJSON = getParamBool('polygon_geojson');
+ $bAsKML = getParamBool('polygon_kml');
+ $bAsSVG = getParamBool('polygon_svg');
+ $bAsText = getParamBool('polygon_text');
if ( ( ($bAsGeoJSON?1:0)
+ ($bAsKML?1:0)
+ ($bAsSVG?1:0)
// Polygon simplification threshold (optional)
- $fThreshold = 0.0;
- if (isset($_GET['polygon_threshold'])) $fThreshold = (float)$_GET['polygon_threshold'];
- $oGeocode->setPolygonSimplificationThreshold($fThreshold);
+ $oGeocode->setPolygonSimplificationThreshold(getParamFloat('polygon_threshold', 0.0));
- if (!(isset($_GET['q']) && $_GET['q']) && isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'][0] == '/')
+ if (!getParamString('q') && isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'][0] == '/')
$sQuery = substr(rawurldecode($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']), 1);
if ($sOutputFormat=='html')
- $sDataDate = $oDB->getOne("select TO_CHAR(lastimportdate - '2 minutes'::interval,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI')||' GMT' from import_status limit 1");
+ $sDataDate = chksql($oDB->getOne("select TO_CHAR(lastimportdate - '2 minutes'::interval,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI')||' GMT' from import_status limit 1"));
logEnd($oDB, $hLog, sizeof($aSearchResults));