Then the result is valid json
And result has attributes geometry
And result has not attributes keywords,address,linked_places,parentof
+ And results contain
+ | geometry+type |
+ | Point |
Scenario: JSON Details with pretty printing
When sending json details query for W297699560
| keywords |
| 1 |
Then the result is valid json
+ And result has attributes keywords
Scenario Outline: JSON details with full geometry
When sending json details query for <osmid>
| 1 |
Then the result is valid json
And result has attributes geometry
+ And results contain
+ | geometry+type |
+ | <geometry> |
- | osmid |
- | W297699560 |
- | W243055645 |
- | W243055716 |
- | W43327921 |
+ | osmid | geometry |
+ | W297699560 | LineString |
+ | W243055645 | Polygon |
+ | W243055716 | Polygon |
+ | W43327921 | LineString |
| place_id |
| 107077 |
Scenario Outline: Details via OSM id
When sending details query for <type><id>
Then the result is valid json
| W | 43327921 |
| R | 123924 |
- Scenario: Details for interpolation way just return the dependent street
- When sending details query for W1
- Then the result is valid json
- And results contain
- | category |
- | highway |
Scenario Outline: Details for different class types for the same OSM id
When sending details query for N300209696:<class>
| natural |
| mountain_pass |
Scenario Outline: Details via unknown OSM id
When sending details query for <object>
Then a HTTP 404 is returned
| N300209696:highway |
+ @v1-api-php-only
+ Scenario: Details for interpolation way just return the dependent street
+ When sending details query for W1
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category |
+ | highway |
+ @v1-api-python-only
+ Scenario: Details for interpolation way return the interpolation
+ When sending details query for W1
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category | type | osm_type | osm_id | admin_level |
+ | place | houses | W | 1 | 15 |
+ @v1-api-php-only
+ Scenario: Details for Tiger way just return the dependent street
+ When sending details query for 112871
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category |
+ | highway |
+ @v1-api-python-only
+ Scenario: Details for interpolation way return the interpolation
+ When sending details query for 112871
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category | type | admin_level |
+ | place | houses | 15 |
+ And result has not attributes osm_type,osm_id
+ @v1-api-php-only
+ Scenario: Details for postcodes just return the dependent place
+ When sending details query for 112820
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category |
+ | boundary |
+ @v1-api-python-only
+ Scenario: Details for interpolation way return the interpolation
+ When sending details query for 112820
+ Then the result is valid json
+ And results contain
+ | category | type | admin_level |
+ | place | postcode | 15 |
+ And result has not attributes osm_type,osm_id
if tag == 'fail-legacy':
if context.config.userdata['TOKENIZER'] == 'legacy':
context.scenario.skip("Not implemented in legacy tokenizer")
+ if tag == 'v1-api-php-only':
+ if context.config.userdata['API_ENGINE'] != 'php':
+ context.scenario.skip("Only valid with PHP version of v1 API.")
+ if tag == 'v1-api-python-only':
+ if context.config.userdata['API_ENGINE'] == 'php':
+ context.scenario.skip("Only valid with Python version of v1 API.")
# This file is part of Nominatim. (
-# Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# Copyright (C) 2023 by the Nominatim developer community.
# For a full list of authors see the git log.
Classes wrapping HTTP responses from the Nominatim API.
assert str(self.result[idx][field]) == str(value), \
BadRowValueAssert(self, idx, field, value)
+ def assert_subfield(self, idx, path, value):
+ assert path
+ field = self.result[idx]
+ for p in path:
+ assert isinstance(field, OrderedDict)
+ assert p in field
+ field = field[p]
+ if isinstance(value, float):
+ assert Almost(value) == float(field)
+ elif value.startswith("^"):
+ assert re.fullmatch(value, field)
+ elif isinstance(field, OrderedDict):
+ assert field, eval('{' + value + '}')
+ else:
+ assert str(field) == str(value)
def assert_address_field(self, idx, field, value):
""" Check that result rows`idx` has a field `field` with value `value`
in its address. If idx is None, then all results are checked.
raise RuntimeError("Context needed when using grid coordinates")
self.assert_field(i, 'lat', float(lat))
self.assert_field(i, 'lon', float(lon))
+ elif '+' in name:
+ self.assert_subfield(i, name.split('+'), value)
self.assert_field(i, name, value)