+Feature: Simple Tests
+ Simple tests for internal server errors and response format.
+ Scenario Outline: Testing different parameters
+ When sending search query "Hamburg"
+ | param | value |
+ | <parameter> | <value> |
+ Then at least 1 result is returned
+ When sending html search query "Hamburg"
+ | param | value |
+ | <parameter> | <value> |
+ Then at least 1 result is returned
+ When sending xml search query "Hamburg"
+ | param | value |
+ | <parameter> | <value> |
+ Then at least 1 result is returned
+ When sending json search query "Hamburg"
+ | param | value |
+ | <parameter> | <value> |
+ Then at least 1 result is returned
+ When sending jsonv2 search query "Hamburg"
+ | param | value |
+ | <parameter> | <value> |
+ Then at least 1 result is returned
+ Examples:
+ | parameter | value |
+ | addressdetails | 1 |
+ | addressdetails | 0 |
+ | polygon | 1 |
+ | polygon | 0 |
+ | polygon_text | 1 |
+ | polygon_text | 0 |
+ | polygon_kml | 1 |
+ | polygon_kml | 0 |
+ | polygon_geojson | 1 |
+ | polygon_geojson | 0 |
+ | polygon_svg | 1 |
+ | polygon_svg | 0 |
+ | accept-language | de,en |
+ | countrycodes | de |
+ | bounded | 1 |
+ | bounded | 0 |
+ | exclude_place_ids| 385252,1234515 |
+ | limit | 1000 |
+ | dedupe | 1 |
+ | dedupe | 0 |
+ | extratags | 1 |
+ | extratags | 0 |
+ | namedetails | 1 |
+ | namedetails | 0 |
+ Scenario: Search with invalid output format
+ When sending search query "Berlin"
+ | format |
+ | fd$# |
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ Scenario Outline: Simple Searches
+ When sending search query "<query>"
+ Then the result is valid html
+ When sending html search query "<query>"
+ Then the result is valid html
+ When sending xml search query "<query>"
+ Then the result is valid xml
+ When sending json search query "<query>"
+ Then the result is valid json
+ When sending jsonv2 search query "<query>"
+ Then the result is valid json
+ Examples:
+ | query |
+ | New York, New York |
+ | France |
+ | 12, Main Street, Houston |
+ | München |
+ | 東京都 |
+ | hotels in nantes |
+ | xywxkrf |
+ | gh; foo() |
+ | %#$@*&l;der#$! |
+ | 234 |
+ | 47.4,8.3 |
+ Scenario: Empty XML search
+ When sending xml search query "xnznxvcx"
+ Then result header contains
+ | attr | value |
+ | querystring | xnznxvcx |
+ | polygon | false |
+ | more_url | .*format=xml.*q=xnznxvcx.* |
+ Scenario: Empty XML search with special XML characters
+ When sending xml search query "xfdghn&zxn"xvbyx<vxx>cssdex"
+ Then result header contains
+ | attr | value |
+ | querystring | xfdghn&zxn"xvbyx<vxx>cssdex |
+ | polygon | false |
+ | more_url | .*format=xml.*q=xfdghn%26zxn%22xvbyx%3Cvxx%3Ecssdex.* |
+ Scenario: Empty XML search with viewbox
+ When sending xml search query "xnznxvcx"
+ | viewbox |
+ | 12,45.13,77,33 |
+ Then result header contains
+ | attr | value |
+ | querystring | xnznxvcx |
+ | polygon | false |
+ | viewbox | 12,45.13,77,33 |
+ Scenario: Empty XML search with viewboxlbrt
+ When sending xml search query "xnznxvcx"
+ | viewboxlbrt |
+ | 12,34.13,77,45 |
+ Then result header contains
+ | attr | value |
+ | querystring | xnznxvcx |
+ | polygon | false |
+ | viewbox | 12,45,77,34.13 |
+ Scenario: Empty XML search with viewboxlbrt and viewbox
+ When sending xml search query "pub"
+ | viewbox | viewboxblrt |
+ | 12,45.13,77,33 | 1,2,3,4 |
+ Then result header contains
+ | attr | value |
+ | querystring | pub |
+ | polygon | false |
+ | viewbox | 12,45.13,77,33 |
+ Scenario Outline: Empty XML search with polygon values
+ When sending xml search query "xnznxvcx"
+ | param | value |
+ | polygon | <polyval> |
+ Then result header contains
+ | attr | value |
+ | polygon | <result> |
+ Examples:
+ | result | polyval |
+ | false | 0 |
+ | true | 1 |
+ | true | True |
+ | true | true |
+ | true | false |
+ | true | FALSE |
+ | true | yes |
+ | true | no |
+ | true | '; delete from foobar; select ' |
+ Scenario: Empty XML search with exluded place ids
+ When sending xml search query "jghrleoxsbwjer"
+ | exclude_place_ids |
+ | 123,76,342565 |
+ Then result header contains
+ | attr | value |
+ | exclude_place_ids | 123,76,342565 |
+ Scenario: Empty XML search with bad exluded place ids
+ When sending xml search query "jghrleoxsbwjer"
+ | exclude_place_ids |
+ | , |
+ Then result header has not attributes exclude_place_ids
+ Scenario Outline: Wrapping of legal jsonp search requests
+ When sending json search query "Tokyo"
+ | param | value |
+ |json_callback | <data> |
+ Then result header contains
+ | attr | value |
+ | json_func | <result> |
+ Examples:
+ | data | result |
+ | foo | foo |
+ | FOO | FOO |
+ | __world | __world |
+ | $me | \$me |
+ | m1[4] | m1\[4\] |
+ | d_r[$d] | d_r\[\$d\] |
+ Scenario Outline: Wrapping of illegal jsonp search requests
+ When sending json search query "Tokyo"
+ | param | value |
+ |json_callback | <data> |
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ Examples:
+ | data |
+ | 1asd |
+ | bar(foo) |
+ | XXX['bad'] |
+ | foo; evil |
+ Scenario: Ignore jsonp parameter for anything but json
+ When sending json search query "Malibu"
+ | json_callback |
+ | 234 |
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
+ When sending xml search query "Malibu"
+ | json_callback |
+ | 234 |
+ Then the result is valid xml
+ When sending html search query "Malibu"
+ | json_callback |
+ | 234 |
+ Then the result is valid html
+ Scenario: Empty JSON search
+ When sending json search query "YHlERzzx"
+ Then exactly 0 results are returned
+ Scenario: Empty JSONv2 search
+ When sending jsonv2 search query "Flubb XdfESSaZx"
+ Then exactly 0 results are returned
+ Scenario: Search for non-existing coordinates
+ When sending json search query "-21.0,-33.0"
+ Then exactly 0 results are returned