@define('CONST_Database_DSN', 'pgsql://@/nominatim');
@define('CONST_Max_Word_Frequency', '50000');
+ // Software versions
+ @define('CONST_Postgresql_Version', '9.1'); // values: 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2
+ @define('CONST_Postgis_Version', '1.5'); // values: 1.5, 2.0
// Paths
- @define('CONST_Postgresql_Version', '9.1');
@define('CONST_Path_Postgresql_Contrib', '/usr/share/postgresql/'.CONST_Postgresql_Version.'/contrib');
@define('CONST_Path_Postgresql_Postgis', CONST_Path_Postgresql_Contrib.'/postgis-1.5');
@define('CONST_Osm2pgsql_Binary', CONST_BasePath.'/osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql');
@define('CONST_Suggestions_Enabled', false);
@define('CONST_Search_TryDroppedAddressTerms', false);
+ @define('CONST_Search_NameOnlySearchFrequencyThreshold', false);
// Set to zero to disable polygon output
@define('CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes', 1);
$sSQL .= ' and (name is not null or housenumber is not null)';
$sSQL .= ' and class not in (\'waterway\',\'railway\',\'tunnel\',\'bridge\')';
$sSQL .= ' and (ST_GeometryType(geometry) not in (\'ST_Polygon\',\'ST_MultiPolygon\') ';
- $sSQL .= ' OR ST_DWithin('.$sPointSQL.', ST_Centroid(geometry), '.$fSearchDiam.'))';
+ $sSQL .= ' OR ST_DWithin('.$sPointSQL.', centroid, '.$fSearchDiam.'))';
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY ST_distance('.$sPointSQL.', geometry) ASC limit 1';
$aPlace = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
$sSQL .= " get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
$sSQL .= " get_name_by_language(name, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as placename,";
$sSQL .= " get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) as ref,";
- $sSQL .= " st_y(st_centroid(geometry)) as lat, st_x(st_centroid(geometry)) as lon";
+ $sSQL .= " st_y(centroid) as lat, st_x(centroid) as lon";
$sSQL .= " from placex where place_id = $iPlaceID ";
$aPlace = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
foreach($aSearchWords as $aSearchTerm)
- $aNewSearch = $aSearch;
+ $aNewSearch = $aSearch;
if ($aSearchTerm['country_code'])
$aNewSearch['sCountryCode'] = strtolower($aSearchTerm['country_code']);
// Check which tokens we have, get the ID numbers
- $sSQL = 'select word_id,word_token, word, class, type, location, country_code, operator';
+ $sSQL = 'select word_id,word_token, word, class, type, location, country_code, operator, search_name_count';
$sSQL .= ' from word where word_token in ('.join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$aTokens)).')';
$sSQL .= ' and search_name_count < '.CONST_Max_Word_Frequency;
// $sSQL .= ' group by word_token, word, class, type, location, country_code';
$aValidTokens[$aToken['word_token']] = array($aToken);
- if ($aToken['word_token'][0]==' ' && !$aToken['class'] && !$aToken['country_code']) $aPossibleMainWordIDs[$aToken['word_id']] = 1;
+ if ($aToken['word_token'][0]==' ' && !$aToken['class'] && !$aToken['country_code']) $aPossibleMainWordIDs[$aToken['word_id']] = 1 + $aToken['search_name_count'];
if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($aPhrases, $aValidTokens);
$aSearch = $aCurrentSearch;
- if (($sPhraseType == '' || $sPhraseType == 'country') && $aSearchTerm['country_code'] !== null && $aSearchTerm['country_code'] != '0')
+ if (($sPhraseType == '' || $sPhraseType == 'country') && !empty($aSearchTerm['country_code']) && $aSearchTerm['country_code'] != '0')
if ($aSearch['sCountryCode'] === false)
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump('<hr>',$aSearch);
if (CONST_Debug) _debugDumpGroupedSearches(array($iGroupedRank => array($aSearch)), $aValidTokens);
$aPlaceIDs = array();
// First we need a position, either aName or fLat or both
$aTerms = array();
$aOrder = array();
// TODO: filter out the pointless search terms (2 letter name tokens and less)
// they might be right - but they are just too darned expensive to run
if (sizeof($aSearch['aName'])) $aTerms[] = "name_vector @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aName'],",")."]";
- if (sizeof($aSearch['aAddress']) && $aSearch['aName'] != $aSearch['aAddress']) $aTerms[] = "nameaddress_vector @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aAddress'],",")."]";
+ if (sizeof($aSearch['aAddress']) && $aSearch['aName'] != $aSearch['aAddress'])
+ {
+ // For infrequent name terms disable index usage for address
+ if (CONST_Search_NameOnlySearchFrequencyThreshold &&
+ sizeof($aSearch['aName']) == 1 &&
+ $aPossibleMainWordIDs[$aSearch['aName'][reset($aSearch['aName'])]] < CONST_Search_NameOnlySearchFrequencyThreshold)
+ {
+ $aTerms[] = "array_cat(nameaddress_vector,ARRAY[]::integer[]) @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aAddress'],",")."]";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $aTerms[] = "nameaddress_vector @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aAddress'],",")."]";
+ }
+ }
if ($aSearch['sCountryCode']) $aTerms[] = "country_code = '".pg_escape_string($aSearch['sCountryCode'])."'";
if ($aSearch['sHouseNumber']) $aTerms[] = "address_rank in (26,27)";
if ($aSearch['fLon'] && $aSearch['fLat'])
if ($sNearPointSQL) $sOrderBySQL = "ST_Distance($sNearPointSQL, l.centroid)";
else if ($sPlaceIDs) $sOrderBySQL = "ST_Distance(l.centroid, f.geometry)";
else if ($sPlaceGeom) $sOrderBysSQL = "ST_Distance(st_centroid('".$sPlaceGeom."'), l.centroid)";
$sSQL = "select distinct l.place_id".($sOrderBySQL?','.$sOrderBySQL:'')." from place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']." as l";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " join placex as lp using (place_id)";
if ($sPlaceIDs)
$sSQL .= ",placex as f where ";
- $sSQL .= "f.place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and ST_DWithin(l.centroid, st_centroid(f.geometry), $fRange) ";
+ $sSQL .= "f.place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and ST_DWithin(l.centroid, f.centroid, $fRange) ";
if ($sPlaceGeom)
else $sOrderBySQL = "ST_Distance(l.geometry, f.geometry)";
$sSQL = "select distinct l.place_id".($sOrderBysSQL?','.$sOrderBysSQL:'')." from placex as l,placex as f where ";
- $sSQL .= "f.place_id in ( $sPlaceIDs) and ST_DWithin(l.geometry, st_centroid(f.geometry), $fRange) ";
+ $sSQL .= "f.place_id in ( $sPlaceIDs) and ST_DWithin(l.geometry, f.centroid, $fRange) ";
$sSQL .= "and l.class='".$aSearch['sClass']."' and l.type='".$aSearch['sType']."' ";
if (sizeof($aExcludePlaceIDs))
$sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
$sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as placename,";
$sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) as ref,";
- $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(ST_Centroid(geometry))) as lon,avg(ST_Y(ST_Centroid(geometry))) as lat, ";
+ $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
$sSQL .= "coalesce(importance,0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) as importance ";
$sSQL .= "from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
$sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as placename,";
$sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) as ref,";
- $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(ST_Centroid(geometry))) as lon,avg(ST_Y(ST_Centroid(geometry))) as lat, ";
+ $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
$sSQL .= "coalesce(importance,0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) as importance ";
$sSQL .= "from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";