name: 'Build Nominatim'
- flavour:
- description: 'Version of Ubuntu to install on'
+ dependencies:
+ description: 'Where to install dependencies from (pip/apt)'
required: false
- default: 'ubuntu-20'
- cmake-args:
- description: 'Additional options to hand to cmake'
- required: false
- default: ''
- lua:
- description: 'Version of Lua to use'
- required: false
- default: '5.3'
+ default: 'pip'
using: "composite"
sudo rm -rf /opt/hostedtoolcache/go /opt/hostedtoolcache/CodeQL /usr/lib/jvm /usr/local/share/chromium /usr/local/lib/android
df -h
shell: bash
- - name: Install${{ matrix.flavour }} prerequisites
+ - name: Install general prerequisites
+ run: |
+ sudo apt-get install -y -qq libspatialite-dev libsqlite3-mod-spatialite libicu-dev virtualenv python3-dev osm2pgsql
+ shell: bash
+ - name: Install prerequisites from apt
run: |
- sudo apt-get install -y -qq libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libexpat1-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libpq-dev libproj-dev libicu-dev liblua${LUA_VERSION}-dev lua${LUA_VERSION} lua-dkjson nlohmann-json3-dev libspatialite-dev libsqlite3-mod-spatialite
- if [ "$FLAVOUR" == "oldstuff" ]; then
- pip3 install MarkupSafe==2.0.1 python-dotenv jinja2==2.8 psutil==5.4.2 pyicu==2.9 osmium PyYAML==5.1 sqlalchemy==1.4.31 psycopg==3.1.7 datrie asyncpg aiosqlite
- else
- sudo apt-get install -y -qq python3-icu python3-datrie python3-pyosmium python3-jinja2 python3-psutil python3-dotenv python3-yaml
- pip3 install sqlalchemy psycopg aiosqlite
- fi
+ sudo apt-get install -y -qq python3-icu python3-datrie python3-jinja2 python3-psutil python3-dotenv python3-yaml python3-sqlalchemy python3-psycopg python3-asyncpg
shell: bash
- env:
- FLAVOUR: ${{ inputs.flavour }}
- CMAKE_ARGS: ${{ inputs.cmake-args }}
- LUA_VERSION: ${{ inputs.lua }}
+ if: inputs.dependencies == 'apt'
- - name: Configure
- run: mkdir build && cd build && cmake $CMAKE_ARGS ../Nominatim
+ - name: Setup virtual environment (for pip)
+ run: |
+ virtualenv venv
+ ./venv/bin/pip install -U pip
shell: bash
- env:
- CMAKE_ARGS: ${{ inputs.cmake-args }}
+ if: inputs.dependencies == 'pip'
- - name: Build
+ - name: Setup virtual environment (for apt)
run: |
- make -j2 all
- sudo make install
+ virtualenv venv --system-site-packages
+ shell: bash
+ if: inputs.dependencies == 'apt'
+ - name: Build nominatim
+ run: ./venv/bin/pip install Nominatim/packaging/nominatim-{api,db}
shell: bash
- working-directory: build
description: 'Version of PostgreSQL to install'
required: true
- postgis-version:
- description: 'Version of Postgis to install'
- required: true
using: "composite"
- name: Install PostgreSQL
run: |
- sudo apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends postgresql-client-${PGVER} postgresql-${PGVER}-postgis-${POSTGISVER} postgresql-${PGVER}-postgis-${POSTGISVER}-scripts postgresql-contrib-${PGVER} postgresql-${PGVER}
+ sudo apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends postgresql-client-${PGVER} postgresql-${PGVER}-postgis-3 postgresql-${PGVER}-postgis-3-scripts postgresql-contrib-${PGVER} postgresql-${PGVER}
shell: bash
PGVER: ${{ inputs.postgresql-version }}
- POSTGISVER: ${{ inputs.postgis-version }}
- name: Adapt postgresql configuration
run: |
- flavour: ubuntu-20
ubuntu: 20
postgresql: 12
- postgis: 3
lua: '5.1'
+ dependencies: pip
- flavour: ubuntu-24
ubuntu: 24
postgresql: 17
- postgis: 3
lua: '5.3'
+ dependencies: apt
runs-on: ubuntu-${{ matrix.ubuntu }}.04
- name: Unpack Nominatim
run: tar xf nominatim-src.tar.bz2
- - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- with:
- python-version: 3.7
- if: matrix.flavour == 'oldstuff'
- uses: ./Nominatim/.github/actions/setup-postgresql
postgresql-version: ${{ matrix.postgresql }}
- postgis-version: ${{ matrix.postgis }}
- uses: ./Nominatim/.github/actions/build-nominatim
- flavour: ${{ matrix.flavour }}
- lua: ${{ matrix.lua }}
+ dependencies: ${{ matrix.dependencies }}
- - name: Install test prerequisites
- run: pip3 install behave==1.2.6
+ - name: Compile osm2pgsql
+ run: |
+ sudo apt-get install -y -qq libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libexpat1-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libpq-dev libproj-dev libicu-dev liblua${LUA_VERSION}-dev lua-dkjson nlohmann-json3-dev
+ mkdir osm2pgsql-build
+ cd osm2pgsql-build
+ git clone
+ mkdir build
+ cd build
+ cmake ../osm2pgsql
+ make
+ sudo make install
+ cd ../..
+ rm -rf osm2pgsql-build
+ if: matrix.ubuntu == '20'
+ env:
+ LUA_VERSION: ${{ matrix.lua }}
- name: Install test prerequisites
- run: sudo apt-get install -y -qq python3-pytest python3-pytest-asyncio uvicorn
+ run: ./venv/bin/pip install behave==1.2.6
- - name: Install newer pytest-asyncio
- run: pip3 install -U pytest-asyncio
- if: matrix.flavour == 'ubuntu-20'
+ - name: Install test prerequisites (apt)
+ run: sudo apt-get install -y -qq python3-pytest python3-pytest-asyncio uvicorn python3-falcon python3-aiosqlite python3-pyosmium
+ if: matrix.dependencies == 'apt'
- - name: Install Python webservers
- run: pip3 install falcon starlette asgi_lifespan
+ - name: Install test prerequisites (pip)
+ run: ./venv/bin/pip install pytest-asyncio falcon starlette asgi_lifespan aiosqlite osmium uvicorn
+ if: matrix.dependencies == 'pip'
- name: Install latest flake8
- run: pip3 install -U flake8
+ run: ./venv/bin/pip install -U flake8
- name: Python linting
- run: python3 -m flake8 src
+ run: ../venv/bin/python -m flake8 src
working-directory: Nominatim
+ - name: Install mypy and typechecking info
+ run: ./venv/bin/pip install -U mypy types-PyYAML types-jinja2 types-psutil types-requests types-ujson types-Pygments typing-extensions
+ if: matrix.dependencies == 'pip'
+ - name: Python static typechecking
+ run: ../venv/bin/python -m mypy --strict --python-version 3.8 src
+ working-directory: Nominatim
+ if: matrix.dependencies == 'pip'
- name: Python unit tests
- run: python3 -m pytest test/python
+ run: ../venv/bin/python -m pytest test/python
working-directory: Nominatim
- name: BDD tests
run: |
- export PATH=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/build/osm2pgsql:$PATH
- python3 -m behave -DREMOVE_TEMPLATE=1 --format=progress3
+ ../../../venv/bin/python -m behave -DREMOVE_TEMPLATE=1 --format=progress3
working-directory: Nominatim/test/bdd
- - name: Install mypy and typechecking info
- run: pip3 install -U mypy osmium uvicorn types-PyYAML types-jinja2 types-psycopg2 types-psutil types-requests types-ujson types-Pygments typing-extensions
- - name: Python static typechecking
- run: python3 -m mypy --strict --python-version 3.8 src
- working-directory: Nominatim
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: create-archive
- name: Add nominatim to path
run: |
sudo ln -s /home/nominatim/nominatim-venv/bin/nominatim /usr/local/bin/nominatim
- if: matrix.ubuntu == 24
- name: Need lua binary
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y lua5.4 lua-dkjson
- if: matrix.ubuntu == 24
- name: Print version
run: nominatim --version
run: nominatim admin --warm
working-directory: /home/nominatim/nominatim-project
- - name: Prepare update (Ubuntu)
- run: apt-get install -y python3-pip
- shell: bash
- - name: Install osmium (Ubuntu 22)
- run: |
- pip3 install --user osmium
- if: matrix.ubuntu == 22
- - name: Install osmium (Ubuntu 24)
+ - name: Install osmium
run: |
/home/nominatim/nominatim-venv/bin/pip install osmium
- if: matrix.ubuntu == 24
- name: Run update
run: |
working-directory: /home/nominatim/nominatim-project
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
needs: create-archive
- uses: ./Nominatim/.github/actions/setup-postgresql
postgresql-version: 16
- postgis-version: 3
- uses: ./Nominatim/.github/actions/build-nominatim
- with:
- flavour: ubuntu-22
- lua: 5.3
- name: Prepare import environment
run: |
- name: Prepare Database
run: |
- nominatim import --prepare-database
+ ./venv/bin/nominatim import --prepare-database
- name: Create import user
run: |
- name: Run import
run: |
- NOMINATIM_DATABASE_DSN="pgsql:host=;dbname=nominatim;user=osm-import;password=osm-import" nominatim import --continue import-from-file --osm-file test.pbf
+ NOMINATIM_DATABASE_DSN="pgsql:host=;dbname=nominatim;user=osm-import;password=osm-import" ./venv/bin/nominatim import --continue import-from-file --osm-file test.pbf
- name: Check full import
- run: nominatim admin --check-database
+ run: ./venv/bin/nominatim admin --check-database
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
- uses: ./Nominatim/.github/actions/setup-postgresql
postgresql-version: 17
- postgis-version: 3
- name: Install Python dependencies
run: |
-[submodule "osm2pgsql"]
- path = osm2pgsql
- url =
- ignore = dirty
+++ /dev/null
-# CMake Config
-# Nominatim
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0 FATAL_ERROR)
-# Project version
-# Setting GIT_HASH
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" log -1 --format=%h
- )
-# Configuration
-set(BUILD_IMPORTER on CACHE BOOL "Build everything for importing/updating the database")
-set(BUILD_API on CACHE BOOL "Build everything for the API server")
-set(BUILD_TESTS on CACHE BOOL "Build test suite")
-set(BUILD_OSM2PGSQL on CACHE BOOL "Build osm2pgsql (expert only)")
-set(INSTALL_MUNIN_PLUGINS on CACHE BOOL "Install Munin plugins for supervising Nominatim")
-# osm2pgsql (imports/updates only)
- if (NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/osm2pgsql/CMakeLists.txt")
- message(FATAL_ERROR "The osm2pgsql directory is empty.\
- Did you forget to check out Nominatim recursively?\
- \nTry updating submodules with: git submodule update --init")
- endif()
- set(BUILD_TESTS off)
- add_subdirectory(osm2pgsql)
-# python (imports/updates only)
- find_package(PythonInterp 3.7 REQUIRED)
-# import scripts and utilities (importer only)
- find_file(COUNTRY_GRID_FILE country_osm_grid.sql.gz
- DOC "Location of the country grid file."
- )
- message(FATAL_ERROR "\nYou need to download the country_osm_grid first:\n"
- " wget -O ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz")
- endif()
- configure_file(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/tool.tmpl
- ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/nominatim)
-# Tests
- include(CTest)
- set(TEST_BDD db osm2pgsql api)
- find_program(PYTHON_BEHAVE behave)
- find_program(PYLINT NAMES pylint3 pylint)
- find_program(PYTEST NAMES pytest py.test-3 py.test)
- message(STATUS "Using Python behave binary ${PYTHON_BEHAVE}")
- foreach (test ${TEST_BDD})
- add_test(NAME bdd_${test}
- set_tests_properties(bdd_${test}
- endforeach()
- else()
- message(WARNING "behave not found. BDD tests disabled." )
- endif()
- if (PYLINT)
- message(STATUS "Using pylint binary ${PYLINT}")
- add_test(NAME pylint
- COMMAND ${PYLINT} nominatim
- else()
- message(WARNING "pylint not found. Python linting tests disabled.")
- endif()
- if (PYTEST)
- message(STATUS "Using pytest binary ${PYTEST}")
- add_test(NAME pytest
- COMMAND ${PYTEST} test/python
- else()
- message(WARNING "pytest not found. Python tests disabled." )
- endif()
-# Installation
- configure_file(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/tool-installed.tmpl installed.bin)
- install(PROGRAMS ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/installed.bin
- RENAME nominatim)
- configure_file(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/paths-py-no-php.tmpl paths-py.installed)
- foreach (submodule nominatim_db nominatim_api)
- install(DIRECTORY src/${submodule}
- PATTERN __pycache__ EXCLUDE)
- install(FILES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/paths-py.installed
- DESTINATION ${NOMINATIM_LIBDIR}/lib-python/${submodule}
- endforeach()
- data/words.sql
- # Installation of subdirectory targets was only introduced in 3.13.
- # So just copy the osm2pgsql file for older versions.
- install(PROGRAMS ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql
- else()
- endif()
-install(FILES settings/env.defaults
- settings/address-levels.json
- settings/phrase-settings.json
- settings/import-admin.lua
- settings/import-street.lua
- settings/import-address.lua
- settings/import-full.lua
- settings/import-extratags.lua
- settings/flex-base.lua
- settings/icu_tokenizer.yaml
- settings/country_settings.yaml
-install(DIRECTORY settings/icu-rules
-install(DIRECTORY settings/country-names
- install(FILES munin/nominatim_importlag
- munin/nominatim_query_speed
- munin/nominatim_requests
-message(WARNING "Building with CMake is deprecated and will be removed in Nominatim 5.0."
- "Use Nominatim pip packages instead.\n"
- "See")
* [ ] complete `docs/admin/`
* [ ] update EOL dates in ``
* [ ] commit and make sure CI tests pass
+* [ ] update OSMF production repo and release new version -post1 there
* [ ] test migration
* download, build and import previous version
* migrate using master version
* run updates using master version
* [ ] prepare tarball:
- * `git clone --recursive` (switch to right branch!)
- * `rm -r .git* osm2pgsql/.git*`
+ * `git clone` (switch to right branch!)
+ * `rm -r .git*`
* copy country data into `data/`
* add version to base directory and package
* [ ] upload tarball to
A quick summary of the necessary steps:
-1. Compile Nominatim:
+1. Create a Python virtualenv and install the packages:
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
- sudo make install
+ python3 -m venv nominatim-venv
+ ./nominatim-venv/bin/pip install packaging/nominatim-{api,db}
2. Create a project directory, get OSM data and import:
mkdir nominatim-project
cd nominatim-project
- nominatim import --osm-file <your planet file>
+ ../nominatim-venv/bin/nominatim import --osm-file <your planet file>
-3. Point your webserver to the nominatim-project/website directory.
+3. Start the webserver:
+ ./nominatim-venv/bin/pip install uvicorn falcon
+ ../nominatim-venv/bin/nominatim serve
# Install Nominatim in a virtual machine for development and testing
-This document describes how you can install Nominatim inside a Ubuntu 22
+This document describes how you can install Nominatim inside a Ubuntu 24
virtual machine on your desktop/laptop (host machine). The goal is to give
you a development environment to easily edit code and run the test suite
without affecting the rest of your system.
2. [Vagrant](
-3. Nominatim
- git clone --recursive
- If you forgot `--recursive`, it you can later load the submodules using
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
+3. Nominatim
+ git clone
## Installation
1. Start the virtual machine
- vagrant up ubuntu
+ vagrant up ubuntu24-nginx
2. Log into the virtual machine
- vagrant ssh ubuntu
+ vagrant ssh ubuntu24-nginx
3. Import a small country (Monaco)
See the FAQ how to skip this step and point Nominatim to an existing database.
You edit code on your host machine in any editor you like. There is no need to
restart any software: just refresh your browser window.
-Note that the webserver uses files from the /build directory. If you change
-files in Nominatim/website or Nominatim/utils for example you first need to
-copy them into the /build directory by running the `cmake` step from the
-PHP errors are written to `/var/log/apache2/error.log`.
-With `echo` and `var_dump()` you write into the output (HTML/XML/JSON) when
-you either add `&debug=1` to the URL.
+Use the functions of the `log()` object to create temporary debug output.
+Add `&debug=1` to the URL to see the output.
In the Python BDD test you can use `` for temporary debug
-## Running unit tests
- cd ~/Nominatim/tests/php
- phpunit ./
-## Running PHP code style tests
- cd ~/Nominatim
- phpcs --colors .
-## Running functional tests
-Tests in `test/bdd/db` and `test/bdd/osm2pgsql` have to pass 100%. Other
-tests might require full planet-wide data. Sadly even if you have your own
-planet-wide data there will be enough differences to the
-installation to cause false positives in the other tests (see FAQ).
-To run the full test suite
- cd ~/Nominatim/test/bdd
- behave -DBUILDDIR=/home/vagrant/build/ db osm2pgsql
-To run a single file
- behave -DBUILDDIR=/home/vagrant/build/ api/lookup/simple.feature
-Or a single test by line number
- behave -DBUILDDIR=/home/vagrant/build/ api/lookup/simple.feature:34
-To run specific groups of tests you can add tags just before the `Scenario line`, e.g.
- @bug-34
- Scenario: address lookup for non-existing or invalid node, way, relation
-and then
- behave -DBUILDDIR=/home/vagrant/build/ --tags @bug-34
+For more information on running tests, see
## FAQ
##### Will it run on Windows?
-Yes, Vagrant and Virtualbox can be installed on MS Windows just fine. You need a 64bit
-version of Windows.
+Yes, Vagrant and Virtualbox can be installed on MS Windows just fine. You need
+a 64bit version of Windows.
##### Will it run on Apple Silicon?
##### Why Monaco, can I use another country?
-Of course! The Monaco import takes less than 30 minutes and works with 2GB RAM.
+Of course! The Monaco import takes less than 10 minutes and works with 2GB RAM.
##### Will the results be the same as those from
-No. Long running Nominatim installations will differ once new import features (or
+No. Long-running Nominatim installations will differ once new import features (or
bug fixes) get added since those usually only get applied to new/changed data.
Also this document skips the optional Wikipedia data import which affects ranking
Yes. It's possible to start the virtual machine on [Amazon AWS (plugin)](
or [DigitalOcean (plugin)](
+++ /dev/null
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-# This file is part of Nominatim. (
-# Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
-# For a full list of authors see the git log.
-Path settings for extra data used by Nominatim (installed version).
-from pathlib import Path
-SQLLIB_DIR = (Path('@NOMINATIM_LIBDIR@') / 'lib-sql').resolve()
-DATA_DIR = Path('@NOMINATIM_DATADIR@').resolve()
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import sys
-import os
-sys.path.insert(1, '@NOMINATIM_LIBDIR@/lib-python')
-from nominatim_db import cli
-from nominatim_db import version
- osm2pgsql_path='@NOMINATIM_LIBDIR@/osm2pgsql'))
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import sys
-import os
-sys.path.insert(1, '@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/src')
-from nominatim_db import cli
-from nominatim_db import version
- osm2pgsql_path='@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql'))
Otherwise it's best to start the full setup from the beginning.
-### version mismatch
-When running the import you may get a version mismatch:
-`COPY_END for place failed: ERROR: incompatible library "/srv/Nominatim/nominatim/build/module/": version mismatch`
-pg_config seems to use bad includes sometimes when multiple versions
-of PostgreSQL are available in the system. Make sure you remove the
-server development libraries (`postgresql-server-dev-13` on Ubuntu)
-and recompile (`cmake .. && make`).
-### I see the error "ERROR: permission denied for language c"
-``, written in C, is required to be installed on the database
-server. Some managed database (cloud) services like Amazon RDS do not allow
-this. There is currently no work-around other than installing a database
-on a non-managed machine.
-### I see the error: "function transliteration(text) does not exist"
-Reinstall the nominatim functions with `nominatim refresh --functions`
-and check for any errors, e.g. a missing `` file.
### I see the error: "ERROR: mmap (remap) failed"
This may be a simple out-of-memory error. Try reducing the memory used
-### Website reports "Could not load library ""
-Example error message
- SELECT make_standard_name('3039 E MEADOWLARK LN') [nativecode=ERROR: could not
- load library "/srv/nominatim/Nominatim-3.1.0/build/module/":
- /srv/nominatim/Nominatim-3.1.0/build/module/ cannot open shared
- object file: Permission denied
- CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function make_standard_name(text) line 5 at assignment]
-The PostgreSQL database, i.e. user `postgres`, needs to have access to that file.
-The permission need to be read & executable by everybody, but not writeable
-by everybody, e.g.
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 nominatim nominatim 297984 build/module/
-Try `chmod a+r; chmod a+x`.
-When you recently updated your operating system, updated PostgreSQL to
-a new version or moved files (e.g. the build directory) you should
-recreate ``. Try
- cd build
- rm -r module/
- cmake $main_Nominatim_path && make
### Setup fails with "DB Error: extension not found"
Make sure you have the PostgreSQL extensions "hstore" and "postgis" installed.
### Can I import negative OSM ids into Nominatim?
-See [this question of Stackoverflow](
+No, negative IDs are no longer supported by osm2pgsql. You can use
+large 64-bit IDs that are guaranteed not to clash with OSM IDs. However,
+you will not able to use a flatnode file with them.
These will be installed automatically when using pip installation.
-When using legacy CMake-based installation:
- * [cmake](
- * [expat](
- * [proj](
- * [bzip2](
- * [zlib](
- * [ICU](
- * [nlohmann/json](
- * [Boost libraries](, including system and file system
- * PostgreSQL client libraries
- * a recent C++ compiler (gcc 5+ or Clang 3.8+)
For running continuous updates:
* [pyosmium](
### Downloading the latest development version
-If you want to install latest development version from github, make sure to
-also check out the osm2pgsql subproject:
+If you want to install latest development version from github:
-git clone --recursive
+git clone
The development version does not include the country grid. Download it separately:
### Building Nominatim
-#### Building the latest development version with pip
Nominatim is easiest to run from its own virtual environment. To create one, run:
sudo apt-get install virtualenv
/srv/nominatim-venv/bin/pip install packaging/nominatim-{db,api}
-#### Building in legacy CMake mode
-!!! warning
- Installing Nominatim through CMake is now deprecated. The infrastructure
- will be removed in Nominatim 5.0. Please switch to pip installation.
-The code must be built in a separate directory. Create the directory and
-change into it.
-mkdir build
-cd build
-Nominatim uses cmake and make for building. Assuming that you have created the
-build at the same level as the Nominatim source directory run:
-cmake ../Nominatim
-sudo make install
-Nominatim installs itself into `/usr/local` per default. To choose a different
-installation directory add `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install root>` to the
-cmake command. Make sure that the `bin` directory is available in your path
-in that case, e.g.
-export PATH=<install root>/bin:$PATH
Now continue with [importing the database](
+++ /dev/null
-Subproject commit cf66989fa2a47aa406f25c0be79e3b4e146284ee
libbz2-dev libpq-dev liblua5.3-dev lua5.3 lua-dkjson \
nlohmann-json3-dev postgresql-14-postgis-3 \
postgresql-contrib-14 postgresql-14-postgis-3-scripts \
- libicu-dev python3-dotenv \
- python3-pip python3-psutil python3-jinja2 \
- python3-sqlalchemy python3-asyncpg \
- python3-icu python3-datrie python3-yaml git
-# Some of the Python packages that come with Ubuntu 22.04 are too old,
-# so install the latest version from pip:
- pip3 install --user psycopg[binary]
+ libicu-dev virtualenv git
# System Configuration
if [ "x$1" == "xyes" ]; then #DOCS: :::sh
- git clone --recursive
+ git clone
cd Nominatim
else #DOCS:
cd $USERHOME/Nominatim #DOCS:
wget -O data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz
fi #DOCS:
-# The code must be built in a separate directory. Create this directory,
-# then configure and build Nominatim in there:
+# Nominatim needs osm2pgsql >= 1.8. The version that comes with Ubuntu is
+# too old. Download and compile your own:
- mkdir $USERHOME/build
- cd $USERHOME/build
- cmake $USERHOME/Nominatim
+ git clone
+ mkdir osm2pgsql-build
+ cd osm2pgsql-build
+ cmake ../osm2pgsql
sudo make install
+ cd $USERHOME/Nominatim
+# Nominatim should be installed in a separate Python virtual environment.
+# Create the virtual environment:
+ virtualenv $USERHOME/nominatim-venv
+# We want the faster binary version pf psycopg, so install that:
+ $USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/pip install psycopg[binary]
+# Now install Nominatim using pip:
+ cd $USERHOME/Nominatim
+ $USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/pip install packaging/nominatim-db
# Nominatim is now ready to use. You can continue with
# [importing a database from OSM data](../admin/ If you want to set up
# Setting up the Python frontend
# ==============================
-# Some of the Python packages in Ubuntu are too old. Therefore run the
-# frontend from a Python virtualenv with current packages.
+# The Python frontend is contained in the nominatim-api package. To run
+# the API as a webservice, you also need falcon with uvicorn to serve the API.
+# It is generally recommended to run falcon/uvicorn on top of gunicorn.
-# To set up the virtualenv, run:
+# To install all packages, run:
-sudo apt-get install -y virtualenv
-virtualenv $USERHOME/nominatim-venv
-$USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/pip install SQLAlchemy PyICU psycopg[binary] \
- psycopg2-binary python-dotenv PyYAML falcon uvicorn gunicorn
+$USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/pip install falcon uvicorn gunicorn
+cd $USERHOME/Nominatim
+$USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/pip install packaging/nominatim-api
# Next you need to create a systemd job that runs Nominatim on gunicorn.
# First create a systemd job that manages the socket file:
-ExecStart=$USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/gunicorn -b unix:/run/nominatim.sock -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker nominatim_api.server.falcon.server:run_wsgi
+ExecStart=$USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/gunicorn -b unix:/run/nominatim.sock -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker "nominatim_api.server.falcon.server:run_wsgi()"
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP \$MAINPID
if [ "x$1" == "xyes" ]; then #DOCS: :::sh
- git clone
+ git clone
cd Nominatim
else #DOCS:
cd $USERHOME/Nominatim #DOCS:
virtualenv $USERHOME/nominatim-venv
+# We want the faster binary version pf psycopg, so install that:
+ $USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/pip install psycopg[binary]
# Now install Nominatim using pip:
cd $USERHOME/Nominatim
# To install all packages, run:
-$USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/pip install psycopg[binary] falcon uvicorn gunicorn
+$USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/pip install falcon uvicorn gunicorn
cd $USERHOME/Nominatim
$USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/pip install packaging/nominatim-api
-ExecStart=$USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/gunicorn -b unix:/run/nominatim.sock -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker nominatim_api.server.falcon.server:run_wsgi
+ExecStart=$USERHOME/nominatim-venv/bin/gunicorn -b unix:/run/nominatim.sock -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker "nominatim_api.server.falcon.server:run_wsgi()"
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP \$MAINPID