* a recent C++ compiler
Nominatim comes with its own version of osm2pgsql. See the
-osm2pgsql README for additional dependencies required for compiling osm2pgsql.
+[osm2pgsql README](https://github.com/openstreetmap/osm2pgsql/blob/master/README.md#building)
+for additional dependencies required for compiling osm2pgsql.
For running tests:
* [PHP](https://php.net) (7.0 or later)
* PHP-pgsql
* PHP-intl (bundled with PHP)
- * [PEAR::DB](https://pear.php.net/package/DB)
* a webserver (apache or nginx are recommended)
For running continuous updates:
L.tileLayer(nominatim_map_init.tile_url, {
- noWrap: true, // otherwise we end up with click coordinates like latitude -728
// moved to footer
attribution: (nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution || null ) //'© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
function display_map_position(mouse_lat_lng){
+ if (mouse_lat_lng) {
+ mouse_lat_lng = map.wrapLatLng(mouse_lat_lng);
+ }
html_mouse = "mouse position " + (mouse_lat_lng ? [mouse_lat_lng.lat.toFixed(5), mouse_lat_lng.lng.toFixed(5)].join(',') : '-');
html_click = "last click: " + (last_click_latlng ? [last_click_latlng.lat.toFixed(5),last_click_latlng.lng.toFixed(5)].join(',') : '-');
+ var center_lat_lng = map.wrapLatLng(map.getCenter());
var reverse_params = {
- lat: map.getCenter().lat.toFixed(5),
- lon: map.getCenter().lng.toFixed(5),
+ lat: center_lat_lng.lat.toFixed(5),
+ lon: center_lat_lng.lng.toFixed(5),
zoom: map.getZoom(),
format: 'html'
function map_viewbox_as_string() {
- // since .toBBoxString() doesn't round numbers
+ var bounds = map.getBounds();
+ var west = bounds.getWest();
+ var east = bounds.getEast();
+ if ((east - west) >= 360) { // covers more than whole planet
+ west = map.getCenter().lng-179.999;
+ east = map.getCenter().lng+179.999;
+ }
+ east = L.latLng(77, east).wrap().lng;
+ west = L.latLng(77, west).wrap().lng;
return [
- map.getBounds().getSouthWest().lng.toFixed(5), // left
- map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat.toFixed(5), // top
- map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lng.toFixed(5), // right
- map.getBounds().getSouthWest().lat.toFixed(5) // bottom
+ west.toFixed(5), // left
+ bounds.getNorth().toFixed(5), // top
+ east.toFixed(5), // right
+ bounds.getSouth().toFixed(5) // bottom
function map_link_to_osm(){
if ( is_reverse_search ){
map.on('click', function(e){
$('form input[name=lat]').val( e.latlng.lat);
- $('form input[name=lon]').val( e.latlng.lng);
+ $('form input[name=lon]').val( e.latlng.wrap().lng);