public $sqlCountryList = '';
/// List of place IDs to exclude (as SQL).
private $sqlExcludeList = '';
+ /// Subset of word ids of full words in the query.
+ private $aFullNameWords = array();
+ public function setFullNameWords($aWordList)
+ {
+ $this->aFullNameWords = $aWordList;
+ }
+ public function getFullNameTerms()
+ {
+ return $this->aFullNameWords;
+ }
* Check if a reference point is defined.
private $bRareName = false;
/// List of word ids making up the address of the object.
private $aAddress = array();
- /// Subset of word ids of full words making up the address.
- private $aFullNameAddress = array();
/// List of word ids that appear in the name but should be ignored.
private $aNameNonSearch = array();
/// List of word ids that appear in the address but should be ignored.
) {
$oSearch = clone $this;
+ if (strlen($oSearchTerm->sPostcode) < 4) {
+ $oSearch->iSearchRank += 4 - strlen($oSearchTerm->sPostcode);
+ }
$oSearch->sPostcode = $oSearchTerm->sPostcode;
$aNewSearches[] = $oSearch;
if (!empty($this->aName) || !($bFirstPhrase || $sPhraseType == '')) {
if (($sPhraseType == '' || !$bFirstPhrase) && !$bHasPartial) {
$oSearch = clone $this;
- $oSearch->iSearchRank += 2;
+ $oSearch->iSearchRank += 3 * $oSearchTerm->iTermCount;
$oSearch->aAddress[$iWordID] = $iWordID;
$aNewSearches[] = $oSearch;
- } else {
- $this->aFullNameAddress[$iWordID] = $iWordID;
} else {
$oSearch = clone $this;
) {
if ($oSearchTerm->iSearchNameCount < CONST_Max_Word_Frequency) {
$oSearch = clone $this;
- $oSearch->iSearchRank += 2;
+ $oSearch->iSearchRank += $oSearchTerm->iTermCount;
+ if (empty($this->aName)) {
+ $oSearch->iSearchRank++;
+ }
+ if (preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $sToken)) {
+ $oSearch->iSearchRank++;
+ }
$oSearch->aAddress[$iWordID] = $iWordID;
$aNewSearches[] = $oSearch;
} else {
$oSearch = clone $this;
$oSearch->aAddressNonSearch[$iWordID] = $iWordID;
- if (preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $sToken)) {
- $oSearch->iSearchRank += 2;
- }
if (!empty($aFullTokens)) {
foreach ($aFullTokens as $oSearchTermToken) {
if (is_a($oSearchTermToken, '\Nominatim\Token\Word')) {
$oSearch = clone $this;
- $oSearch->iSearchRank++;
+ $oSearch->iSearchRank += 3;
= $oSearchTermToken->iId;
$aNewSearches[] = $oSearch;
$sImportanceSQL .= $this->oContext->viewboxImportanceSQL('centroid');
$aOrder[] = "$sImportanceSQL DESC";
- if (!empty($this->aFullNameAddress)) {
+ $aFullNameAddress = $this->oContext->getFullNameTerms();
+ if (!empty($aFullNameAddress)) {
$sExactMatchSQL = ' ( ';
$sExactMatchSQL .= ' SELECT count(*) FROM ( ';
- $sExactMatchSQL .= ' SELECT unnest('.$oDB->getArraySQL($this->aFullNameAddress).')';
+ $sExactMatchSQL .= ' SELECT unnest('.$oDB->getArraySQL($aFullNameAddress).')';
$sExactMatchSQL .= ' INTERSECT ';
$sExactMatchSQL .= ' SELECT unnest(nameaddress_vector)';
$sExactMatchSQL .= ' ) s';
return isset($this->aTokens[$sWord]) ? $this->aTokens[$sWord] : array();
+ public function getFullWordIDs()
+ {
+ $ids = array();
+ foreach ($this->aTokens as $aTokenList) {
+ foreach ($aTokenList as $oToken) {
+ if (is_a($oToken, '\Nominatim\Token\Word') && !$oToken->bPartial) {
+ $ids[$oToken->iId] = $oToken->iId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ids;
+ }
* Add token information from the word table in the database.
$oToken = new Token\Word(
$aWord['word_token'][0] != ' ',
- (int) $aWord['count']
+ (int) $aWord['count'],
+ substr_count($aWord['word_token'], ' ')
public $bPartial;
/// Number of appearances in the database.
public $iSearchNameCount;
+ /// Number of terms in the word.
+ public $iTermCount;
- public function __construct($iId, $bPartial, $iSearchNameCount)
+ public function __construct($iId, $bPartial, $iSearchNameCount, $iTermCount)
$this->iId = $iId;
$this->bPartial = $bPartial;
$this->iSearchNameCount = $iSearchNameCount;
+ $this->iTermCount = $iTermCount;
public function debugInfo()
$this->assertEquals(array(new Token\HouseNumber(999, '1051')), $TL->get('1051'));
$this->assertEquals(array(new Token\Country(999, 'de')), $TL->get('alemagne'));
$this->assertEquals(array(new Token\Postcode(999, '64286')), $TL->get('64286'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(new Token\Word(999, true, 533)), $TL->get('darmstadt'));
+ $this->assertEquals(array(new Token\Word(999, true, 533, 0)), $TL->get('darmstadt'));