private $sqlExcludeList = '';
+ /**
+ * Check if a reference point is defined.
+ *
+ * @return bool True if a reference point is defined.
+ */
public function hasNearPoint()
return $this->fNearRadius !== false;
+ /**
+ * Get radius around reference point.
+ *
+ * @return float Search radius around refernce point.
+ */
public function nearRadius()
return $this->fNearRadius;
+ /**
+ * Set search reference point in WGS84.
+ *
+ * If set, then only places around this point will be taken into account.
+ *
+ * @param float $fLat Latitude of point.
+ * @param float $fLon Longitude of point.
+ * @param float $fRadius Search radius around point.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
public function setNearPoint($fLat, $fLon, $fRadius = 0.1)
$this->fNearRadius = $fRadius;
$this->sqlNear = 'ST_SetSRID(ST_Point('.$fLon.','.$fLat.'),4326)';
+ /**
+ * Check if the search is geographically restricted.
+ *
+ * Searches are restricted if a reference point is given or if
+ * a bounded viewbox is set.
+ *
+ * @return bool True, if the search is geographically bounded.
+ */
public function isBoundedSearch()
return $this->hasNearPoint() || ($this->sqlViewboxSmall && $this->bViewboxBounded);
+ /**
+ * Set rectangular viewbox.
+ *
+ * The viewbox may be bounded which means that no search results
+ * must be outside the viewbox.
+ *
+ * @param float[4] $aViewBox Coordinates of the viewbox.
+ * @param bool $bBounded True if the viewbox is bounded.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
public function setViewboxFromBox(&$aViewBox, $bBounded)
$this->bViewboxBounded = $bBounded;
+ /**
+ * Set viewbox along a route.
+ *
+ * The viewbox may be bounded which means that no search results
+ * must be outside the viewbox.
+ *
+ * @param object $oDB DB connection to use for computing the box.
+ * @param string[] $aRoutePoints List of x,y coordinates along a route.
+ * @param float $fRouteWidth Buffer around the route to use.
+ * @param bool $bBounded True if the viewbox bounded.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
public function setViewboxFromRoute(&$oDB, $aRoutePoints, $fRouteWidth, $bBounded)
$this->bViewboxBounded = $bBounded;
$this->sqlViewboxLarge = "'".$sGeom."'::geometry";
+ /**
+ * Set list of excluded place IDs.
+ *
+ * @param integer[] $aExcluded List of IDs.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
public function setExcludeList($aExcluded)
$this->sqlExcludeList = ' not in ('.join(',', $aExcluded).')';
+ /**
+ * Set list of countries to restrict search to.
+ *
+ * @param string[] $aCountries List of two-letter lower-case country codes.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
public function setCountryList($aCountries)
$this->sqlCountryList = '('.join(',', array_map('addQuotes', $aCountries)).')';
- * Extract a coordinate point from a query string.
+ * Extract a reference point from a query string.
* @param string $sQuery Query to scan.
- * @return The remaining query string.
+ * @return string The remaining query string.
public function setNearPointFromQuery($sQuery)
return $sQuery;
+ /**
+ * Get an SQL snipped for computing the distance from the reference point.
+ *
+ * @param string $sObj SQL variable name to compute the distance from.
+ *
+ * @return string An SQL string.
+ */
public function distanceSQL($sObj)
return 'ST_Distance('.$this->sqlNear.", $sObj)";
+ /**
+ * Get an SQL snipped for checking if something is within range of the
+ * reference point.
+ *
+ * @param string $sObj SQL variable name to compute if it is within range.
+ *
+ * @return string An SQL string.
+ */
public function withinSQL($sObj)
return sprintf('ST_DWithin(%s, %s, %F)', $sObj, $this->sqlNear, $this->fNearRadius);
+ /**
+ * Get an SQL snipped of the importance factor of the viewbox.
+ *
+ * The importance factor is computed by checking if an object is within
+ * the viewbox and/or the extended version of the viewbox.
+ *
+ * @param string $sObj SQL variable name of object to weight the importance
+ *
+ * @return string SQL snipped of the factor with a leading multiply sign.
+ */
public function viewboxImportanceSQL($sObj)
$sSQL = '';
return $sSQL;
+ /**
+ * SQL snipped checking if a place ID should be excluded.
+ *
+ * @param string $sVariable SQL variable name of place ID to check,
+ * potentially prefixed with more SQL.
+ *
+ * @return string SQL snippet.
+ */
public function excludeSQL($sVariable)
if ($this->sqlExcludeList) {
private $iNamePhrase = -1;
+ /**
+ * Create an empty search description.
+ *
+ * @param object $oContext Global context to use. Will be inherited by
+ * all derived search objects.
+ */
public function __construct($oContext)
$this->oContext = $oContext;
+ /**
+ * Get current search rank.
+ *
+ * The higher the search rank the lower the likelyhood that the
+ * search is a correct interpretation of the search query.
+ *
+ * @return integer Search rank.
+ */
public function getRank()
return $this->iSearchRank;
+ /**
+ * Increase the search rank.
+ *
+ * @param integer $iAddRank Number of ranks to increase.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
public function addToRank($iAddRank)
$this->iSearchRank += $iAddRank;
return $this->iSearchRank;
+ /**
+ * Make this search a POI search.
+ *
+ * In a POI search, objects are not (only) searched by their name
+ * but also by the primary OSM key/value pair (class and type in Nominatim).
+ *
+ * @param integer $iOperator Type of POI search
+ * @param string $sClass Class (or OSM tag key) of POI.
+ * @param string $sType Type (or OSM tag value) of POI.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
public function setPoiSearch($iOperator, $sClass, $sType)
$this->iOperator = $iOperator;
$this->sType = $sType;
+ /**
+ * Check if this might be a full address search.
+ *
+ * @return bool True if the search contains name, address and housenumber.
+ */
public function looksLikeFullAddress()
return sizeof($this->aName)
&& preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $this->sHouseNumber);
+ /**
+ * Check if any operator is set.
+ *
+ * @return bool True, if this is a special search operation.
+ */
public function hasOperator()
return $this->iOperator != Operator::NONE;
+ /**
+ * Extract key/value pairs from a query.
+ *
+ * Key/value pairs are recognised if they are of the form [<key>=<value>].
+ * If multiple terms of this kind are found then all terms are removed
+ * but only the first is used for search.
+ *
+ * @param string $sQuery Original query string.
+ *
+ * @return string The query string with the special search patterns removed.
+ */
public function extractKeyValuePairs($sQuery)
// Search for terms of kind [<key>=<value>].
return $sQuery;
+ /**
+ * Check if the combination of parameters is sensible.
+ *
+ * @param string[] $aCountryCodes List of country codes.
+ *
+ * @return bool True, if the search looks valid.
+ */
public function isValidSearch(&$aCountryCodes)
if (!sizeof($this->aName)) {
/////////// Search building functions
+ /**
+ * Derive new searches by adding a full term to the existing search.
+ *
+ * @param mixed[] $aSearchTerm Description of the token.
+ * @param bool $bWordInQuery True, if the normalised version of the word
+ * is contained in the query.
+ * @param bool $bHasPartial True if there are also tokens of partial terms
+ * with the same name.
+ * @param string $sPhraseType Type of phrase the token is contained in.
+ * @param bool $bFirstToken True if the token is at the beginning of the
+ * query.
+ * @param bool $bFirstPhrase True if the token is in the first phrase of
+ * the query.
+ * @param bool $bLastToken True if the token is at the end of the query.
+ * @param integer $iGlobalRank Changable ranking of all searches in the
+ * batch.
+ *
+ * @return SearchDescription[] List of derived search descriptions.
+ */
public function extendWithFullTerm($aSearchTerm, $bWordInQuery, $bHasPartial, $sPhraseType, $bFirstToken, $bFirstPhrase, $bLastToken, &$iGlobalRank)
$aNewSearches = array();
return $aNewSearches;
+ /**
+ * Derive new searches by adding a partial term to the existing search.
+ *
+ * @param mixed[] $aSearchTerm Description of the token.
+ * @param bool $bStructuredPhrases True if the search is structured.
+ * @param integer $iPhrase Number of the phrase the token is in.
+ * @param mixed[] $aWordFrequencyScores Number of times tokens appears
+ * overall in a planet database.
+ * @param array[] $aFullTokens List of full term tokens with the
+ * same name.
+ *
+ * @return SearchDescription[] List of derived search descriptions.
+ */
public function extendWithPartialTerm($aSearchTerm, $bStructuredPhrases, $iPhrase, &$aWordFrequencyScores, $aFullTokens)
// Only allow name terms.
/////////// Query functions
+ /**
+ * Query database for places that match this search.
+ *
+ * @param object $oDB Database connection to use.
+ * @param mixed[] $aWordFrequencyScores Number of times tokens appears
+ * overall in a planet database.
+ * @param mixed[] $aExactMatchCache Saves number of exact matches.
+ * @param integer $iMinRank Minimum address rank to restrict
+ * search to.
+ * @param integer $iMaxRank Maximum address rank to restrict
+ * search to.
+ * @param integer $iLimit Maximum number of results.
+ *
+ * @return mixed[] An array with two fields: IDs contains the list of
+ * matching place IDs and houseNumber the houseNumber
+ * if appicable or -1 if not.
+ */
public function query(&$oDB, &$aWordFrequencyScores, &$aExactMatchCache, $iMinRank, $iMaxRank, $iLimit)
$aPlaceIDs = array();