-GRANT SELECT ON TABLE country_name TO "www-data";
CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_geometry CHECK ((st_srid(geometry) = 4326))
-GRANT SELECT ON TABLE gb_postcode TO "www-data";
-Subproject commit 10c274f851b63547d8e1a194231a67f8f0f8aed6
+Subproject commit d2afef62a4a0d72c547103392cffcdda25687c6e
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+-- find the parant road of an interpolation
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_interpolation_parent(wayid BIGINT, street TEXT, place TEXT,
+ partition INTEGER, centroid GEOMETRY, geom GEOMETRY)
+ addr_street TEXT;
+ addr_place TEXT;
+ parent_place_id BIGINT;
+ address_street_word_ids INTEGER[];
+ waynodes BIGINT[];
+ location RECORD;
+ addr_street = street;
+ addr_place = place;
+ IF addr_street is null and addr_place is null THEN
+ select nodes from planet_osm_ways where id = wayid INTO waynodes;
+ FOR location IN SELECT placex.street, placex.addr_place from placex
+ where osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = ANY(waynodes)
+ and (placex.street is not null or placex.addr_place is not null)
+ and indexed_status < 100
+ limit 1 LOOP
+ addr_street = location.street;
+ addr_place = location.addr_place;
+ IF addr_street IS NOT NULL THEN
+ address_street_word_ids := get_name_ids(make_standard_name(addr_street));
+ IF address_street_word_ids IS NOT NULL THEN
+ FOR location IN SELECT place_id from getNearestNamedRoadFeature(partition, centroid, address_street_word_ids) LOOP
+ parent_place_id := location.place_id;
+ IF parent_place_id IS NULL AND addr_place IS NOT NULL THEN
+ address_street_word_ids := get_name_ids(make_standard_name(addr_place));
+ IF address_street_word_ids IS NOT NULL THEN
+ FOR location IN SELECT place_id from getNearestNamedPlaceFeature(partition, centroid, address_street_word_ids) LOOP
+ parent_place_id := location.place_id;
+ IF parent_place_id is null THEN
+ FOR location IN SELECT place_id FROM placex
+ WHERE ST_DWithin(geom, placex.geometry, 0.001) and placex.rank_search = 26
+ ORDER BY (ST_distance(placex.geometry, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(geom,0))+
+ ST_distance(placex.geometry, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(geom,0.5))+
+ ST_distance(placex.geometry, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(geom,1))) ASC limit 1
+ parent_place_id := location.place_id;
+ IF parent_place_id is null THEN
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_interpolation(wayid BIGINT, interpolationtype TEXT) RETURNS INTEGER
+ RETURN parent_place_id;
+LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_interpolation(wayid BIGINT, interpolationtype TEXT,
+ parent_id BIGINT, partition INTEGER,
+ country_code TEXT, geometry_sector INTEGER,
+ defpostalcode TEXT, geom GEOMETRY) RETURNS INTEGER
AS $$
linegeo GEOMETRY;
splitline GEOMETRY;
sectiongeo GEOMETRY;
- search_place_id BIGINT;
- defpostalcode TEXT;
+ pointgeo GEOMETRY;
+ delete from placex where osm_type = 'W' and osm_id = wayid
+ and class = 'place' and type = 'address';
IF interpolationtype = 'odd' OR interpolationtype = 'even' THEN
stepsize := 2;
ELSEIF interpolationtype = 'all' THEN
- select postcode, geometry from placex where osm_type = 'W' and osm_id = wayid
- INTO defpostalcode, linegeo;
- IF ST_GeometryType(linegeo) != 'ST_LineString' THEN
+ linegeo := geom;
startnumber := NULL;
newpoints := 0;
-- it is guaranteed to be the original node. For place/house types use the
-- one with the smallest id because the original node was created first.
-- Ignore all nodes marked for deletion. (Might happen when the type changes.)
- select place_id from placex where osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = waynodes[nodeidpos]::BIGINT and indexed_status < 100 order by (type = 'house'),place_id limit 1 INTO search_place_id;
- IF search_place_id IS NOT NULL THEN
- select * from placex where place_id = search_place_id INTO nextnode;
+ select * from placex where osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = waynodes[nodeidpos]::BIGINT
+ and indexed_status < 100
+ order by (type = 'address'),place_id limit 1 INTO nextnode;
+ IF nextnode.place_id IS NOT NULL THEN
IF nodeidpos > 1 and nodeidpos < array_upper(waynodes, 1) THEN
-- Make sure that the point is actually on the line. That might
startnumber := startnumber + stepsize;
-- correct for odd/even
- IF (interpolationtype = 'odd' AND startnumber%2 = 0) OR (interpolationtype = 'even' AND startnumber%2 = 1) THEN
+ IF (interpolationtype = 'odd' AND startnumber%2 = 0)
+ OR (interpolationtype = 'even' AND startnumber%2 = 1) THEN
startnumber := startnumber - 1;
endnumber := endnumber - 1;
- delete from placex where osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = prevnode.osm_id and type = 'house' and place_id != prevnode.place_id;
+ -- keep for compatibility with previous versions
+ delete from placex where osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = prevnode.osm_id
+ and place_id != prevnode.place_id and class = 'place'
+ and type = 'house';
FOR housenum IN startnumber..endnumber BY stepsize LOOP
- -- this should really copy postcodes but it puts a huge burden on
- -- the system for no big benefit ideally postcodes should move up to the way
- insert into placex (osm_type, osm_id, class, type, admin_level,
- housenumber, street, addr_place, isin, postcode,
- country_code, parent_place_id, rank_address, rank_search,
- indexed_status, geometry)
- values ('N', prevnode.osm_id, 'place', 'house', prevnode.admin_level,
- housenum, prevnode.street, prevnode.addr_place, prevnode.isin, coalesce(prevnode.postcode, defpostalcode),
- prevnode.country_code, prevnode.parent_place_id, prevnode.rank_address, prevnode.rank_search,
- 1, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(sectiongeo, (housenum::float-orginalstartnumber::float)/originalnumberrange::float));
+ pointgeo := ST_LineInterpolatePoint(sectiongeo, (housenum::float-orginalstartnumber::float)/originalnumberrange::float);
+ insert into placex (place_id, partition, osm_type, osm_id,
+ class, type, admin_level, housenumber,
+ postcode,
+ country_code, parent_place_id, rank_address, rank_search,
+ indexed_status, indexed_date, geometry_sector,
+ calculated_country_code, centroid, geometry)
+ values (nextval('seq_place'), partition, 'W', wayid,
+ 'place', 'address', prevnode.admin_level, housenum,
+ coalesce(prevnode.postcode, defpostalcode),
+ prevnode.country_code, parent_id, 30, 30,
+ 0, now(), geometry_sector, country_code,
+ pointgeo, pointgeo);
newpoints := newpoints + 1;
--RAISE WARNING 'interpolation number % % ',prevnode.place_id,housenum;
--DEBUG: RAISE WARNING '% %',NEW.osm_type,NEW.osm_id;
- -- remove operator tag for most places, messes too much with search_name indexes
- IF NEW.class not in ('amenity', 'shop') THEN
- NEW.name := delete(NEW.name, 'operator');
+ -- ignore interpolated addresses
+ IF NEW.class = 'place' and NEW.type = 'address' THEN
-- just block these
NEW.rank_address := NEW.rank_search;
ELSEIF NEW.type in ('houses') THEN
-- can't guarantee all required nodes loaded yet due to caching in osm2pgsql
- -- insert new point into place for each derived building
- --i := create_interpolation(NEW.osm_id, NEW.housenumber);
NEW.rank_search := 28;
NEW.rank_address := 0;
-- add to tables for special search
-- Note: won't work on initial import because the classtype tables
-- do not yet exist. It won't hurt either.
+ -- ignore interpolated addresses
+ IF NEW.class = 'place' and NEW.type = 'address' THEN
--DEBUG: RAISE WARNING 'placex_update % %',NEW.osm_type,NEW.osm_id;
--RAISE WARNING '%',NEW.place_id;
- IF NEW.class = 'place' AND NEW.type = 'houses' THEN
- i := create_interpolation(NEW.osm_id, NEW.housenumber);
-- Speed up searches - just use the centroid of the feature
-- cheaper but less acurate
place_centroid := ST_PointOnSurface(NEW.geometry);
NEW.geometry_sector := geometry_sector(NEW.partition, place_centroid);
+ -- interpolations
+ IF NEW.class = 'place' AND NEW.type = 'houses'THEN
+ IF NEW.osm_type = 'W' and ST_GeometryType(NEW.geometry) = 'ST_LineString' THEN
+ NEW.parent_place_id := get_interpolation_parent(NEW.osm_id, NEW.street, NEW.addr_place,
+ NEW.partition, place_centroid, NEW.geometry);
+ i := create_interpolation(NEW.osm_id, NEW.housenumber, NEW.parent_place_id,
+ NEW.partition, NEW.calculated_country_code,
+ NEW.geometry_sector, NEW.postcode, NEW.geometry);
-- waterway ways are linked when they are part of a relation and have the same class/type
IF NEW.osm_type = 'R' and NEW.class = 'waterway' THEN
FOR relation_members IN select members from planet_osm_rels r where r.id = NEW.osm_id and r.parts != array[]::bigint[]
NEW.parent_place_id := null;
- -- to do that we have to find our parent road
- -- Copy data from linked items (points on ways, addr:street links, relations)
- -- Note that addr:street links can only be indexed once the street itself is indexed
- IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND NEW.osm_type = 'N' THEN
+ -- if we have a POI and there is no address information,
+ -- see if we can get it from a surrounding building
+ IF NEW.osm_type = 'N' AND NEW.street IS NULL AND NEW.addr_place IS NULL
+ AND NEW.housenumber IS NULL THEN
+ FOR location IN select * from placex where ST_Covers(geometry, place_centroid)
+ and (housenumber is not null or street is not null or addr_place is not null)
+ and rank_search > 28 AND ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon')
+ limit 1
+ NEW.housenumber := location.housenumber;
+ NEW.street := location.street;
+ NEW.addr_place := location.addr_place;
- -- if there is no address information, see if we can get it from a surrounding building
- IF NEW.street IS NULL AND NEW.addr_place IS NULL AND NEW.housenumber IS NULL THEN
- FOR location IN select * from placex where ST_Covers(geometry, place_centroid) and rank_search > 28 and (housenumber is not null or street is not null or addr_place is not null) AND ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon')
- NEW.housenumber := location.housenumber;
- NEW.street := location.street;
- NEW.addr_place := location.addr_place;
+ -- We have to find our parent road.
+ -- Copy data from linked items (points on ways, addr:street links, relations)
- -- Is this node part of a relation?
- FOR relation IN select * from planet_osm_rels where parts @> ARRAY[NEW.osm_id] and members @> ARRAY['n'||NEW.osm_id]
+ -- Is this object part of a relation?
+ FOR relation IN select * from planet_osm_rels where parts @> ARRAY[NEW.osm_id] and members @> ARRAY[lower(NEW.osm_type)||NEW.osm_id]
-- At the moment we only process one type of relation - associatedStreet
- IF relation.tags @> ARRAY['associatedStreet'] AND array_upper(relation.members, 1) IS NOT NULL THEN
+ IF relation.tags @> ARRAY['associatedStreet'] THEN
FOR i IN 1..array_upper(relation.members, 1) BY 2 LOOP
IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND relation.members[i+1] = 'street' THEN
--RAISE WARNING 'node in relation %',relation;
- SELECT place_id from placex where osm_type='W' and osm_id = substring(relation.members[i],2,200)::bigint
+ SELECT place_id from placex where osm_type = 'W'
+ and osm_id = substring(relation.members[i],2,200)::bigint
and rank_search = 26 and name is not null INTO NEW.parent_place_id;
+ -- Note that addr:street links can only be indexed once the street itself is indexed
+ IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND NEW.street IS NOT NULL THEN
+ address_street_word_ids := get_name_ids(make_standard_name(NEW.street));
+ IF address_street_word_ids IS NOT NULL THEN
+ FOR location IN SELECT * from getNearestNamedRoadFeature(NEW.partition, place_centroid, address_street_word_ids) LOOP
+ NEW.parent_place_id := location.place_id;
+ IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND NEW.addr_place IS NOT NULL THEN
+ address_street_word_ids := get_name_ids(make_standard_name(NEW.addr_place));
+ IF address_street_word_ids IS NOT NULL THEN
+ FOR location IN SELECT * from getNearestNamedPlaceFeature(NEW.partition, place_centroid, address_street_word_ids) LOOP
+ NEW.parent_place_id := location.place_id;
+ IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND NEW.osm_type = 'N' THEN
-- Is this node part of a way?
- FOR way IN select id from planet_osm_ways where nodes @> ARRAY[NEW.osm_id] LOOP
---RAISE WARNING '%', way;
- FOR location IN select * from placex where osm_type = 'W' and osm_id = way.id
+ FOR location IN select p.* from placex p, planet_osm_ways w
+ where p.osm_type = 'W' and p.rank_search >= 26
+ and p.geometry && NEW.geometry and p.osm_id = w.id and NEW.osm_id = any(w.nodes)
--RAISE WARNING '%', location;
-- Way IS a road then we are on it - that must be our road
NEW.parent_place_id := location.place_id;
+ -- If this way is a street interpolation line then it is probably as good as we are going to get
+ IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND location.class = 'place' and location.type='houses' THEN
+ NEW.parent_place_id := location.parent_place_id;
-- Is the WAY part of a relation
IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL THEN
FOR relation IN select * from planet_osm_rels where parts @> ARRAY[location.osm_id] and members @> ARRAY['w'||location.osm_id]
- -- If the way contains an explicit name of a street copy it
- -- Slightly less strict then above because data is copied from any object.
- IF NEW.street IS NULL AND NEW.addr_place IS NULL THEN
---RAISE WARNING 'node in way that has a streetname %',location;
- NEW.street := location.street;
- NEW.addr_place := location.addr_place;
- -- If this way is a street interpolation line then it is probably as good as we are going to get
- IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND NEW.street IS NULL AND NEW.addr_place IS NULL AND location.class = 'place' and location.type='houses' THEN
- -- Try and find a way that is close roughly parellel to this line
- FOR relation IN SELECT place_id FROM placex
- WHERE ST_DWithin(location.geometry, placex.geometry, 0.001) and placex.rank_search = 26
- and st_geometrytype(location.geometry) in ('ST_LineString')
- ORDER BY (ST_distance(placex.geometry, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(location.geometry,0))+
- ST_distance(placex.geometry, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(location.geometry,0.5))+
- ST_distance(placex.geometry, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(location.geometry,1))) ASC limit 1
---RAISE WARNING 'using nearest street to address interpolation line,0.001 %',relation;
- NEW.parent_place_id := relation.place_id;
+ -- If the way mentions a street or place address, try that for parenting.
+ IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND location.street IS NOT NULL THEN
+ address_street_word_ids := get_name_ids(make_standard_name(location.street));
+ IF address_street_word_ids IS NOT NULL THEN
+ FOR linkedplacex IN SELECT place_id from getNearestNamedRoadFeature(NEW.partition, place_centroid, address_street_word_ids) LOOP
+ NEW.parent_place_id := linkedplacex.place_id;
- IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND NEW.osm_type = 'W' THEN
- -- Is this way part of a relation?
- FOR relation IN select * from planet_osm_rels where parts @> ARRAY[NEW.osm_id] and members @> ARRAY['w'||NEW.osm_id]
- -- At the moment we only process one type of relation - associatedStreet
- IF relation.tags @> ARRAY['associatedStreet'] AND array_upper(relation.members, 1) IS NOT NULL THEN
- FOR i IN 1..array_upper(relation.members, 1) BY 2 LOOP
- IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND relation.members[i+1] = 'street' THEN
---RAISE WARNING 'way that is in a relation %',relation;
- SELECT place_id from placex where osm_type='W' and osm_id = substring(relation.members[i],2,200)::bigint
- and rank_search = 26 and name is not null INTO NEW.parent_place_id;
+ IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND location.addr_place IS NOT NULL THEN
+ address_street_word_ids := get_name_ids(make_standard_name(location.addr_place));
+ IF address_street_word_ids IS NOT NULL THEN
+ FOR linkedplacex IN SELECT place_id from getNearestNamedPlaceFeature(NEW.partition, place_centroid, address_street_word_ids) LOOP
+ NEW.parent_place_id := linkedplacex.place_id;
---RAISE WARNING 'x3 %',NEW.parent_place_id;
- IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND NEW.street IS NOT NULL THEN
- address_street_word_ids := get_name_ids(make_standard_name(NEW.street));
- IF address_street_word_ids IS NOT NULL THEN
- FOR location IN SELECT * from getNearestNamedRoadFeature(NEW.partition, place_centroid, address_street_word_ids) LOOP
- NEW.parent_place_id := location.place_id;
- IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND NEW.addr_place IS NOT NULL THEN
- address_street_word_ids := get_name_ids(make_standard_name(NEW.addr_place));
- IF address_street_word_ids IS NOT NULL THEN
- FOR location IN SELECT * from getNearestNamedPlaceFeature(NEW.partition, place_centroid, address_street_word_ids) LOOP
- NEW.parent_place_id := location.place_id;
--RAISE WARNING 'x4 %',NEW.parent_place_id;
-- mark for delete
UPDATE placex set indexed_status = 100 where osm_type = OLD.osm_type and osm_id = OLD.osm_id and class = OLD.class and type = OLD.type;
+ -- interpolations are special
+ IF OLD.class = 'place' and OLD.type = 'houses' THEN
+ UPDATE placex set indexed_status = 100 where osm_type = OLD.osm_type and osm_id = OLD.osm_id and class = 'place' and type = 'address';
+ -- for interpolations invalidate all nodes on the line
+ IF NEW.class = 'place' and NEW.type = 'houses' and NEW.osm_type = 'W' THEN
+ update placex p set indexed_status = 2 from planet_osm_ways w where w.id = NEW.osm_id and p.osm_type = 'N' and p.osm_id = any(w.nodes);
-- Abort the add (we modified the existing place instead)
GRANT UPDATE ON new_query_log TO "{www-user}" ;
GRANT SELECT ON new_query_log TO "{www-user}" ;
+GRANT SELECT ON TABLE country_name TO "{www-user}";
+GRANT SELECT ON TABLE gb_postcode TO "{www-user}";
drop table IF EXISTS word;
* nose (https://nose.readthedocs.org)
* pytidylib (http://countergram.com/open-source/pytidylib)
* haversine (https://github.com/mapado/haversine)
+ * shapely (https://github.com/Toblerity/Shapely)
* get prerequisites
+ # on a fresh Ubuntu LTS 14.04 you'll also need these system-wide packages
+ [sudo] apt-get install python-dev python-pip python-Levenshtein tidy
- [sudo] pip install lettuce nose pytidylib haversine psycopg2
+ [sudo] pip install lettuce nose pytidylib haversine psycopg2 shapely
* run the tests
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 2 | 1,1
| 4 | 1,1.0005
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 6 | 1,1.001
Scenario: Simple even two point interpolation with zero beginning
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 0 | 1,1
| 2 | 1,1.00025
| 4 | 1,1.0005
| 6 | 1,1.00075
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 8 | 1,1.001
Scenario: Backwards even two point interpolation
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 2,1
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 2 | 1,1
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
| 4 | 1,1.0005
- | 6 | 1,1.001
Scenario: Even two point interpolation with odd beginning
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 11 | 1,1
| 12 | 1,1.0002
| 14 | 1,1.0006
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 16 | 1,1.001
Scenario: Even two point interpolation with odd end
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 10 | 1,1
| 12 | 1,1.0004
| 14 | 1,1.0008
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 15 | 1,1.001
Scenario: Reverse even two point interpolation with odd beginning
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 2,1
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 11 | 1,1
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
| 12 | 1,1.0002
| 14 | 1,1.0006
- | 16 | 1,1.001
Scenario: Reverse even two point interpolation with odd end
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 2,1
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 10 | 1,1
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
| 12 | 1,1.0004
| 14 | 1,1.0008
- | 15 | 1,1.001
Scenario: Simple odd two point interpolation
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 1 | 1,1
| 3 | 1,1.0002
| 5 | 1,1.0004
| 7 | 1,1.0006
| 9 | 1,1.0008
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 11 | 1,1.001
Scenario: Odd two point interpolation with even beginning
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 2 | 1,1
| 3 | 1,1.0002
| 5 | 1,1.0006
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 7 | 1,1.001
Scenario: Simple all two point interpolation
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 1 | 1,1
| 2 | 1,1.0005
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 3 | 1,1.001
Scenario: Simple numbered two point interpolation
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 3 | 1,1
| 6 | 1,1.0005
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 9 | 1,1.001
Scenario: Even two point interpolation with intermediate empty node
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,3,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 2 | 1,1
| 4 | 1,1.0005
| 6 | 1,1.001
| 8 | 1.0005,1.001
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 10 | 1.001,1.001
Scenario: Even two point interpolation with intermediate duplicated empty node
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,3,3,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 2 | 1,1
| 4 | 1,1.0005
| 6 | 1,1.001
| 8 | 1.0005,1.001
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 10 | 1.001,1.001
Scenario: Simple even three point interpolation
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,3,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 2 | 1,1
- Then node 3 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 4 | 1,1.001
| 6 | 1.0005,1.001
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 8 | 1.001,1.001
Scenario: Even three point interpolation with odd center point
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,3,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 2 | 1,1
| 4 | 1,1.0004
| 6 | 1,1.0008
- Then node 3 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 7 | 1,1.001
- And node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 8 | 1.001,1.001
Scenario: Interpolation on self-intersecting way
Given the place nodes
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,2,3,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 2 | 0,0
| 4 | 0,0.0005
- Then node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 6 | 0,0.001
- | 8 | 0,0.0015
- Then node 3 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 10 | 0,0.002
| 8 | 0,0.0015
Scenario: Interpolation on self-intersecting way II
| id | nodes
| 1 | 1,2,3,2
When importing
- Then node 1 expands to housenumbers
+ Then way 1 expands to housenumbers
| housenumber | centroid
- | 2 | 0,0
| 4 | 0,0.0005
- Then node 2 expands to housenumbers
- | housenumber | centroid
- | 6 | 0,0.001
+ Scenario: addr:street on interpolation way
+ Given the scene parallel-road
+ And the place nodes
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | geometry
+ | 1 | place | house | 2 | :n-middle-w
+ | 2 | place | house | 6 | :n-middle-e
+ | 3 | place | house | 12 | :n-middle-w
+ | 4 | place | house | 16 | :n-middle-e
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | street | geometry
+ | 10 | place | houses | even | | :w-middle
+ | 11 | place | houses | even | Cloud Street | :w-middle
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | name | geometry
+ | 2 | highway | tertiary | 'name' : 'Sun Way' | :w-north
+ | 3 | highway | tertiary | 'name' : 'Cloud Street' | :w-south
+ And the ways
+ | id | nodes
+ | 10 | 1,100,101,102,2
+ | 11 | 3,200,201,202,4
+ When importing
+ Then table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W2
+ | N2 | W2
+ | N3 | W3
+ | N4 | W3
+ | W10 | W2
+ | W11 | W3
+ And way 10 expands exactly to housenumbers 4
+ And way 11 expands exactly to housenumbers 14
+ Scenario: addr:street on housenumber way
+ Given the scene parallel-road
+ And the place nodes
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | street | geometry
+ | 1 | place | house | 2 | | :n-middle-w
+ | 2 | place | house | 6 | | :n-middle-e
+ | 3 | place | house | 12 | Cloud Street | :n-middle-w
+ | 4 | place | house | 16 | Cloud Street | :n-middle-e
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | geometry
+ | 10 | place | houses | even | :w-middle
+ | 11 | place | houses | even | :w-middle
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | name | geometry
+ | 2 | highway | tertiary | 'name' : 'Sun Way' | :w-north
+ | 3 | highway | tertiary | 'name' : 'Cloud Street' | :w-south
+ And the ways
+ | id | nodes
+ | 10 | 1,100,101,102,2
+ | 11 | 3,200,201,202,4
+ When importing
+ Then table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W2
+ | N2 | W2
+ | N3 | W3
+ | N4 | W3
+ | W10 | W2
+ | W11 | W3
+ And way 10 expands exactly to housenumbers 4
+ And way 11 expands exactly to housenumbers 14
| N3 | W2 | None | nowhere | None
### Scenario 20
- Scenario: POIs parent a road if and only if they are attached to it
+ Scenario: POIs parent a road if they are attached to it
Given the scene points-on-roads
And the named place nodes
| osm_id | class | type | street | geometry
When importing
Then table placex contains
| object | parent_place_id
- | N1 | W2
- | N2 | W1
+ | N1 | W1
+ | N2 | W2
| N3 | W1
| N4 | W2
--- /dev/null
+Feature: Update of address interpolations
+ Test the interpolated address are updated correctly
+ Scenario: addr:street added to interpolation
+ Given the scene parallel-road
+ And the place nodes
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | geometry
+ | 1 | place | house | 2 | :n-middle-w
+ | 2 | place | house | 6 | :n-middle-e
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | geometry
+ | 10 | place | houses | even | :w-middle
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | name | geometry
+ | 2 | highway | unclassified | 'name' : 'Sun Way' | :w-north
+ | 3 | highway | unclassified | 'name' : 'Cloud Street' | :w-south
+ And the ways
+ | id | nodes
+ | 10 | 1,100,101,102,2
+ When importing
+ Then table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W2
+ | N2 | W2
+ | W10 | W2
+ And way 10 expands exactly to housenumbers 4
+ When updating place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | street | geometry
+ | 10 | place | houses | even | Cloud Street | :w-middle
+ Then way 10 expands exactly to housenumbers 4
+ And table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W3
+ | N2 | W3
+ | W10 | W3
+ @Fail
+ Scenario: addr:street added to housenumbers
+ Given the scene parallel-road
+ And the place nodes
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | geometry
+ | 1 | place | house | 2 | :n-middle-w
+ | 2 | place | house | 6 | :n-middle-e
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | geometry
+ | 10 | place | houses | even | :w-middle
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | name | geometry
+ | 2 | highway | unclassified | 'name' : 'Sun Way' | :w-north
+ | 3 | highway | unclassified | 'name' : 'Cloud Street' | :w-south
+ And the ways
+ | id | nodes
+ | 10 | 1,100,101,102,2
+ When importing
+ Then table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W2
+ | N2 | W2
+ | W10 | W2
+ And way 10 expands exactly to housenumbers 4
+ When updating place nodes
+ | osm_id | class | type | street | housenumber | geometry
+ | 1 | place | house | Cloud Street| 2 | :n-middle-w
+ | 2 | place | house | Cloud Street| 6 | :n-middle-e
+ Then way 10 expands exactly to housenumbers 4
+ And table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W3
+ | N2 | W3
+ | W10 | W3
+ Scenario: interpolation tag removed
+ Given the scene parallel-road
+ And the place nodes
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | geometry
+ | 1 | place | house | 2 | :n-middle-w
+ | 2 | place | house | 6 | :n-middle-e
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | geometry
+ | 10 | place | houses | even | :w-middle
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | name | geometry
+ | 2 | highway | unclassified | 'name' : 'Sun Way' | :w-north
+ | 3 | highway | unclassified | 'name' : 'Cloud Street' | :w-south
+ And the ways
+ | id | nodes
+ | 10 | 1,100,101,102,2
+ When importing
+ Then table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W2
+ | N2 | W2
+ | W10 | W2
+ And way 10 expands exactly to housenumbers 4
+ When marking for delete W10
+ Then way 10 expands to no housenumbers
+ And table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W2
+ | N2 | W2
+ Scenario: referenced road added
+ Given the scene parallel-road
+ And the place nodes
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | geometry
+ | 1 | place | house | 2 | :n-middle-w
+ | 2 | place | house | 6 | :n-middle-e
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | street | geometry
+ | 10 | place | houses | even | Cloud Street| :w-middle
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | name | geometry
+ | 2 | highway | unclassified | 'name' : 'Sun Way' | :w-north
+ And the ways
+ | id | nodes
+ | 10 | 1,100,101,102,2
+ When importing
+ Then table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W2
+ | N2 | W2
+ | W10 | W2
+ And way 10 expands exactly to housenumbers 4
+ When updating place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | name | geometry
+ | 3 | highway | unclassified | 'name' : 'Cloud Street' | :w-south
+ Then way 10 expands exactly to housenumbers 4
+ And table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W3
+ | N2 | W3
+ | W10 | W3
+ Scenario: referenced road deleted
+ Given the scene parallel-road
+ And the place nodes
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | geometry
+ | 1 | place | house | 2 | :n-middle-w
+ | 2 | place | house | 6 | :n-middle-e
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | housenumber | street | geometry
+ | 10 | place | houses | even | Cloud Street| :w-middle
+ And the place ways
+ | osm_id | class | type | name | geometry
+ | 2 | highway | unclassified | 'name' : 'Sun Way' | :w-north
+ | 3 | highway | unclassified | 'name' : 'Cloud Street' | :w-south
+ And the ways
+ | id | nodes
+ | 10 | 1,100,101,102,2
+ When importing
+ Then table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W3
+ | N2 | W3
+ | W10 | W3
+ And way 10 expands exactly to housenumbers 4
+ When marking for delete W3
+ Then way 10 expands exactly to housenumbers 4
+ And table placex contains
+ | object | parent_place_id
+ | N1 | W2
+ | N2 | W2
+ | W10 | W2
--- /dev/null
+n-middle-w | POINT(1.0065316 2.0003381)
+n-middle-e | POINT(1.007236 2.0003408)
+w-south | LINESTRING(1.0065324 2.0001892,1.006676 2.0002786,1.0068195 2.0002786,1.0069171 2.0002515,1.0070417 2.0001892,1.0072422 2.000173)
+w-middle | LINESTRING(1.0065316 2.0003381,1.006686 2.0004248,1.0069 2.0004167,1.007236 2.0003408)
+w-north | LINESTRING(1.0065397 2.000418,1.0066833 2.0005074,1.0068269 2.0005074,1.0069244 2.0004803,1.007049 2.000418,1.0072495 2.0004018)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
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<tag k='test:id' v='n-N-unglued' />
<tag k='test:section' v='points-on-roads' />
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<tag k='test:section' v='road-with-alley' />
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<tag k='test:section' v='road-with-alley' />
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<tag k='test:section' v='road-with-alley' />
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<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
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+ <node id='-89' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.000457941' lon='1.00066077263'>
<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
- <node id='-50' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.0005418951727663' lon='1.0010624233339804'>
+ <node id='-87' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00054189517' lon='1.00106242333'>
<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
- <node id='-48' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.000190337028091' lon='1.0001383641941959'>
+ <node id='-85' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00019033703' lon='1.00013836419'>
<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
- <node id='-46' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.000198207733647' lon='1.000721151492583'>
+ <node id='-83' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00019820773' lon='1.00072115149'>
<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
- <node id='-44' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.000219196281612' lon='1.0010676736700022'>
+ <node id='-81' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00021919628' lon='1.00106767367'>
<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
- <node id='-42' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.000339880427198' lon='1.000390380323228'>
+ <node id='-79' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00033988043' lon='1.00039038032'>
<tag k='test:id' v='p-N2' />
<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
- <node id='-40' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.000292656197374' lon='1.0008104072049482'>
+ <node id='-77' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.0002926562' lon='1.0008104072'>
<tag k='test:id' v='p-S1' />
<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
- <node id='-38' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.0005287773329004' lon='1.0005321393958087'>
+ <node id='-75' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00052877733' lon='1.0005321394'>
<tag k='test:id' v='p-N1' />
<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
- <node id='-36' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.000106382833144' lon='1.0006397712842492'>
+ <node id='-73' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00010638283' lon='1.00063977128'>
<tag k='test:id' v='p-S2' />
<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
- <node id='-34' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.0007211692424525' lon='1.0035828658185688'>
+ <node id='-71' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00072116924' lon='1.00358286582'>
<tag k='name' v='building-on-street-corner' />
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+ <node id='-69' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00023163534' lon='1.00317592051' />
+ <node id='-67' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00022108767' lon='1.00403607904' />
+ <node id='-65' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.0002263615' lon='1.00427354612' />
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+ <node id='-61' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00063772026' lon='1.00403639915' />
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+ <node id='-57' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00043855477' lon='1.00400225362' />
+ <node id='-55' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.0002343878' lon='1.00400162309' />
+ <node id='-53' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00023468998' lon='1.00390365657' />
+ <node id='-51' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00032403886' lon='1.00400189996'>
<tag k='test:id' v='n-edge-NS' />
<tag k='test:section' v='building-on-street-corner' />
- <node id='-12' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.000354798021768' lon='1.0039384858598128'>
+ <node id='-49' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00035479802' lon='1.00393848586'>
<tag k='test:id' v='n-inner' />
<tag k='test:section' v='building-on-street-corner' />
- <node id='-10' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.0004676051467527' lon='1.0039478144477645'>
+ <node id='-47' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00046760515' lon='1.00394781445'>
<tag k='test:id' v='n-outer' />
<tag k='test:section' v='building-on-street-corner' />
- <node id='-8' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.000234516370527' lon='1.0039599415620857'>
+ <node id='-45' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00023451637' lon='1.00395994156'>
<tag k='test:id' v='n-edge-WE' />
<tag k='test:section' v='building-on-street-corner' />
+ <node id='-43' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.0001892102' lon='1.00653236169' />
+ <node id='-41' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00027856164' lon='1.00667595302' />
+ <node id='-39' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00027856164' lon='1.00681954435' />
+ <node id='-37' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00025148545' lon='1.00691707809' />
+ <node id='-35' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.0001892102' lon='1.00704170453' />
+ <node id='-33' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00017296448' lon='1.00724219054' />
+ <node id='-31' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00062243814' lon='1.00685396461'>
+ <tag k='name' v='parallel-road' />
+ </node>
+ <node id='-29' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00033813812' lon='1.00653156143'>
+ <tag k='test:id' v='n-middle-w' />
+ <tag k='test:section' v='parallel-road' />
+ </node>
+ <node id='-27' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00042478194' lon='1.00668598984' />
+ <node id='-25' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00041665908' lon='1.00690002221' />
+ <node id='-23' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00034084574' lon='1.00723597174'>
+ <tag k='test:id' v='n-middle-e' />
+ <tag k='test:section' v='parallel-road' />
+ </node>
+ <node id='-21' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00041801289' lon='1.00653968924' />
+ <node id='-19' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00050736432' lon='1.00668328057' />
+ <node id='-17' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00050736432' lon='1.00682687191' />
+ <node id='-15' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00048028813' lon='1.00692440564' />
+ <node id='-13' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00041801289' lon='1.00704903208' />
+ <node id='-11' action='modify' visible='true' lat='2.00040176717' lon='1.00724951809' />
<node id='100000' timestamp='2014-01-01T00:00:00Z' uid='1' user='test' visible='true' version='1' changeset='1' lat='2.0' lon='1.0' />
<node id='100001' timestamp='2014-01-01T00:00:00Z' uid='1' user='test' visible='true' version='1' changeset='1' lat='3.0' lon='1.0' />
<node id='100002' timestamp='2014-01-01T00:00:00Z' uid='1' user='test' visible='true' version='1' changeset='1' lat='3.0' lon='2.0' />
<node id='100003' timestamp='2014-01-01T00:00:00Z' uid='1' user='test' visible='true' version='1' changeset='1' lat='2.0' lon='2.0' />
- <way id='-195' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-170' />
- <nd ref='-172' />
- <nd ref='-174' />
+ <way id='-237' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-183' />
+ <nd ref='-185' />
+ <nd ref='-187' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-5' />
<tag k='test:section' v='split-road' />
- <way id='-194' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-160' />
- <nd ref='-162' />
- <nd ref='-164' />
- <nd ref='-166' />
- <nd ref='-168' />
- <nd ref='-170' />
+ <way id='-235' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-173' />
+ <nd ref='-175' />
+ <nd ref='-177' />
+ <nd ref='-179' />
+ <nd ref='-181' />
+ <nd ref='-183' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-4a' />
<tag k='test:section' v='split-road' />
- <way id='-193' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-152' />
- <nd ref='-154' />
- <nd ref='-156' />
- <nd ref='-158' />
- <nd ref='-160' />
+ <way id='-233' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-165' />
+ <nd ref='-167' />
+ <nd ref='-169' />
+ <nd ref='-171' />
+ <nd ref='-173' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-3' />
<tag k='test:section' v='split-road' />
- <way id='-192' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-144' />
- <nd ref='-146' />
- <nd ref='-148' />
- <nd ref='-150' />
- <nd ref='-152' />
+ <way id='-231' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-157' />
+ <nd ref='-159' />
+ <nd ref='-161' />
+ <nd ref='-163' />
+ <nd ref='-165' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-2' />
<tag k='test:section' v='split-road' />
- <way id='-184' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-160' />
- <nd ref='-183' />
- <nd ref='-185' />
- <nd ref='-187' />
+ <way id='-229' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-173' />
<nd ref='-189' />
- <nd ref='-170' />
+ <nd ref='-191' />
+ <nd ref='-193' />
+ <nd ref='-195' />
+ <nd ref='-183' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-4b' />
<tag k='test:section' v='split-road' />
- <way id='-143' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-141' />
- <nd ref='-142' />
- <nd ref='-144' />
+ <way id='-227' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-153' />
+ <nd ref='-155' />
+ <nd ref='-157' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-1' />
<tag k='test:section' v='split-road' />
- <way id='-134' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-94' />
- <nd ref='-96' />
- <nd ref='-98' />
- <nd ref='-112' />
- <nd ref='-104' />
- <nd ref='-100' />
+ <way id='-225' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-131' />
+ <nd ref='-133' />
+ <nd ref='-135' />
+ <nd ref='-149' />
+ <nd ref='-141' />
+ <nd ref='-137' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-north' />
<tag k='test:section' v='points-on-roads' />
- <way id='-132' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-84' />
- <nd ref='-106' />
- <nd ref='-86' />
- <nd ref='-88' />
- <nd ref='-90' />
- <nd ref='-102' />
- <nd ref='-92' />
+ <way id='-223' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-121' />
+ <nd ref='-143' />
+ <nd ref='-123' />
+ <nd ref='-125' />
+ <nd ref='-127' />
+ <nd ref='-139' />
+ <nd ref='-129' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-south' />
<tag k='test:section' v='points-on-roads' />
- <way id='-130' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-62' />
- <nd ref='-70' />
+ <way id='-221' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-99' />
+ <nd ref='-107' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-alley' />
<tag k='test:section' v='road-with-alley' />
- <way id='-128' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-58' />
- <nd ref='-60' />
- <nd ref='-62' />
- <nd ref='-64' />
- <nd ref='-66' />
- <nd ref='-68' />
+ <way id='-219' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-95' />
+ <nd ref='-97' />
+ <nd ref='-99' />
+ <nd ref='-101' />
+ <nd ref='-103' />
+ <nd ref='-105' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-main' />
<tag k='test:section' v='road-with-alley' />
- <way id='-126' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-56' />
- <nd ref='-54' />
- <nd ref='-52' />
- <nd ref='-50' />
+ <way id='-217' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-93' />
+ <nd ref='-91' />
+ <nd ref='-89' />
+ <nd ref='-87' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-north' />
<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
- <way id='-124' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-48' />
- <nd ref='-46' />
- <nd ref='-44' />
+ <way id='-215' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-85' />
+ <nd ref='-83' />
+ <nd ref='-81' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-south' />
<tag k='test:section' v='roads-with-pois' />
- <way id='-122' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-32' />
- <nd ref='-30' />
- <nd ref='-28' />
+ <way id='-213' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-69' />
+ <nd ref='-67' />
+ <nd ref='-65' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-WE' />
<tag k='test:section' v='building-on-street-corner' />
- <way id='-120' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-26' />
- <nd ref='-30' />
- <nd ref='-24' />
+ <way id='-211' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-63' />
+ <nd ref='-67' />
+ <nd ref='-61' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-NS' />
<tag k='test:section' v='building-on-street-corner' />
- <way id='-118' action='modify' visible='true'>
- <nd ref='-22' />
- <nd ref='-20' />
- <nd ref='-14' />
- <nd ref='-18' />
- <nd ref='-8' />
- <nd ref='-16' />
- <nd ref='-22' />
+ <way id='-209' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-59' />
+ <nd ref='-57' />
+ <nd ref='-51' />
+ <nd ref='-55' />
+ <nd ref='-45' />
+ <nd ref='-53' />
+ <nd ref='-59' />
<tag k='area' v='yes' />
<tag k='test:id' v='w-building' />
<tag k='test:section' v='building-on-street-corner' />
+ <way id='-207' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-43' />
+ <nd ref='-41' />
+ <nd ref='-39' />
+ <nd ref='-37' />
+ <nd ref='-35' />
+ <nd ref='-33' />
+ <tag k='test:id' v='w-south' />
+ <tag k='test:section' v='parallel-road' />
+ </way>
+ <way id='-205' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-29' />
+ <nd ref='-27' />
+ <nd ref='-25' />
+ <nd ref='-23' />
+ <tag k='test:id' v='w-middle' />
+ <tag k='test:section' v='parallel-road' />
+ </way>
+ <way id='-203' action='modify' visible='true'>
+ <nd ref='-21' />
+ <nd ref='-19' />
+ <nd ref='-17' />
+ <nd ref='-15' />
+ <nd ref='-13' />
+ <nd ref='-11' />
+ <tag k='test:id' v='w-north' />
+ <tag k='test:section' v='parallel-road' />
+ </way>
<way id='100000' timestamp='2014-01-01T00:00:00Z' uid='1' user='test' visible='true' version='1' changeset='1'>
<nd ref='100000' />
<nd ref='100001' />
raise Exception("Cannot handle field %s in search_name table" % (k, ))
-@step(u'node (\d+) expands to housenumbers')
+@step(u'way (\d+) expands to housenumbers')
def check_interpolated_housenumbers(step, nodeid):
"""Check that the exact set of housenumbers has been entered in
- placex for the given source node. Expected are tow columns:
+ placex for the given source node. Expected are two columns:
housenumber and centroid
numbers = {}
cur = world.conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
cur.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT housenumber,
ST_X(centroid) as clat, ST_Y(centroid) as clon
- FROM placex WHERE osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = %s""",
+ FROM placex WHERE osm_type = 'W' and osm_id = %s
+ and class = 'place' and type = 'address'""",
assert_equals(len(numbers), cur.rowcount)
for r in cur:
world.match_geometry((r['clat'], r['clon']), numbers[r["housenumber"]])
del numbers[r["housenumber"]]
+@step(u'way (\d+) expands exactly to housenumbers ([0-9,]*)')
+def check_interpolated_housenumber_list(step, nodeid, numberlist):
+ """ Checks that the interpolated house numbers corresponds
+ to the given list.
+ """
+ expected = numberlist.split(',');
+ cur = world.conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute("""SELECT housenumber FROM placex
+ WHERE osm_type = 'W' and osm_id = %s
+ and class = 'place' and type = 'address'""", (int(nodeid),))
+ for r in cur:
+ assert_in(r[0], expected, "Unexpected house number %s for node %s." % (r[0], nodeid))
+ expected.remove(r[0])
+ assert_equals(0, len(expected), "Missing house numbers for way %s: %s" % (nodeid, expected))
+@step(u'way (\d+) expands to no housenumbers')
+def check_no_interpolated_housenumber_list(step, nodeid):
+ """ Checks that the interpolated house numbers corresponds
+ to the given list.
+ """
+ cur = world.conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute("""SELECT housenumber FROM placex
+ WHERE osm_type = 'W' and osm_id = %s
+ and class = 'place' and type = 'address'""", (int(nodeid),))
+ res = [r[0] for r in cur]
+ assert_equals(0, len(res), "Unexpected house numbers for way %s: %s" % (nodeid, res))
@step(u'table search_name has no entry for (.*)')
def check_placex_missing(step, osmid):
world.run_nominatim_script('setup', 'create-functions', 'create-partition-functions')
cur = world.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("""insert into placex (osm_type, osm_id, class, type, name, admin_level,
- housenumber, street, addr_place, isin, postcode, country_code, extratags,
- geometry) select * from place""")
+ housenumber, street, addr_place, isin, postcode, country_code, extratags,
+ geometry) select * from place""")
world.run_nominatim_script('setup', 'index', 'index-noanalyse')
q = 'SELECT place_id FROM placex where osm_type = %s and osm_id = %s and class = %s'
params = (osmtype, osmid, cls)
cur.execute(q, params)
- assert_equals (cur.rowcount, 1)
+ assert_equals(cur.rowcount, 1, "%d rows found for place %s" % (cur.rowcount, oid))
return cur.fetchone()[0]
echo " tablespace ".CONST_Tablespace_Aux_Index;
echo ";\n";
- echo "GRANT SELECT ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." TO \"www-data\";\n";
+ echo "GRANT SELECT ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1]).' TO "'.CONST_Database_Web_User."\";\n";