The address rank is much more interesting than the search rank
these days because it tells something about the kind of object.
Reverse did have neither rank, so add both for consistency.
echo join(',', $aPlace['aBoundingBox']);
echo '"';
+ echo " place_rank='".$aPlace['rank_search']."'";
+ echo " address_rank='".$aPlace['rank_address']."'";
if (isset($aPlace['asgeojson'])) {
echo ' geojson=\'';
echo " osm_id='".$aResult['osm_id']."'";
echo " place_rank='".$aResult['rank_search']."'";
+ echo " address_rank='".$aResult['rank_address']."'";
if (isset($aResult['aBoundingBox'])) {
echo ' boundingbox="';