Restrict tests to making sure that handing in multiple housenumbers
def setup(self, analyzer, sql_functions):
def setup(self, analyzer, sql_functions):
- with analyzer(trans=(":: upper()", "'🜵' > ' '")) as anl:
+ hnr = {'step': 'clean-housenumbers',
+ 'filter-kind': ['housenumber', 'conscriptionnumber', 'streetnumber']}
+ with analyzer(trans=(":: upper()", "'🜵' > ' '"), sanitizers=[hnr]) as anl:
self.analyzer = anl
yield anl
self.analyzer = anl
yield anl
assert info['hnr_tokens'] == "{-1}"
assert info['hnr_tokens'] == "{-1}"
- def test_process_place_housenumbers_lists(self, getorcreate_hnr_id):
- info = self.process_address(conscriptionnumber='1; 2;3')
- assert set(info['hnr'].split(';')) == set(('1', '2', '3'))
- assert info['hnr_tokens'] == "{-1,-2,-3}"
def test_process_place_housenumbers_duplicates(self, getorcreate_hnr_id):
info = self.process_address(housenumber='134',
def test_process_place_housenumbers_duplicates(self, getorcreate_hnr_id):
info = self.process_address(housenumber='134',