* [behave test framework](https://behave.readthedocs.io) >= 1.2.5
* [nose](https://nose.readthedocs.io)
-* [pytidylib](http://countergram.com/open-source/pytidylib)
* [phpunit](https://phpunit.de) >= 7.3
* [PHP CodeSniffer](https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer)
Then the result is valid json
Scenario Outline: HTML Details with keywords
- When sending html details query for <osmid>
+ When sending json details query for <osmid>
| keywords |
| 1 |
- Then the result is valid html
+ Then the result is valid json
| osmid |
| format | object |
- | html | 492887 |
| json | 492887 |
- | html | N4267356889 |
| json | N4267356889 |
- | html | W230804120 |
| json | W230804120 |
- | html | R123924 |
| json | R123924 |
Scenario Outline: Details via unknown OSM id
| format | object |
- | html | 1 |
| json | 1 |
- | html | R1 |
| json | R1 |
Scenario: Details with keywords
When sending details query for W78099902
| keywords |
| 1 |
- Then the result is valid html
+ Then the result is valid json
# ticket #1343
Scenario: Details of a country with keywords
When sending details query for R287072
| keywords |
| 1 |
- Then the result is valid html
+ Then the result is valid json
Then the result is valid json
When sending geojson reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
Then the result is valid geojson
- When sending html reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
- Then the result is valid html
| lat | lon |
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
Then the result is valid xml
- When sending html reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
- | param | value |
- | <parameter> | <value> |
- Then the result is valid html
When sending xml reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
| json |
| jsonv2 |
| geojson |
- | html |
| xml |
Scenario: Missing lon parameter
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
Then at least 1 result is returned
- When sending html search query "Hamburg"
- | param | value |
- | <parameter> | <value> |
- Then at least 1 result is returned
When sending xml search query "Hamburg"
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
Scenario Outline: Simple Searches
When sending search query "<query>"
- Then the result is valid html
- When sending html search query "<query>"
- Then the result is valid html
+ Then the result is valid json
When sending xml search query "<query>"
Then the result is valid xml
When sending json search query "<query>"
| json_callback |
| 234 |
Then the result is valid xml
- When sending html search query "Malibu"
- | json_callback |
- | 234 |
- Then the result is valid html
Scenario: Empty JSON search
When sending json search query "YHlERzzx"
Then result header contains
| attr | value |
| more_url | .*&countrycodes=pl%2Cbo&.* |
- Scenario Outline: Search with debug prints valid HTML
- When sending html search query "<query>"
- | extratags | addressdetails | namedetails | debug |
- | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- Then the result is valid html
- Examples:
- | query |
- | 10, Alvierweg, 9490, Vaduz |
- | Hamburg |
import io
import re
import logging
-from tidylib import tidy_document
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import subprocess
from urllib.parse import urlencode
if self.result is not None:
self.result = [r['geocoding'] for r in self.result]
- def parse_html(self):
- content, errors = tidy_document(self.page,
- options={'char-encoding' : 'utf8'})
- #eq_(len(errors), 0 , "Errors found in HTML document:\n%s" % errors)
- self.result = []
- b = content.find('nominatim_results =')
- e = content.find('</script>')
- if b >= 0 and e >= 0:
- content = content[b:e]
- b = content.find('[')
- e = content.rfind(']')
- if b >= 0 and e >= 0:
- self.result = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)\
- .decode(content[b:e+1])
def parse_xml(self):
et = ET.fromstring(self.page)
if errorcode == 200:
getattr(self, 'parse_' + fmt)()
- def parse_html(self):
- content, errors = tidy_document(self.page,
- options={'char-encoding' : 'utf8'})
- #eq_(len(errors), 0 , "Errors found in HTML document:\n%s" % errors)
- b = content.find('nominatim_results =')
- e = content.find('</script>')
- content = content[b:e]
- b = content.find('[')
- e = content.rfind(']')
- self.result = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict).decode(content[b:e+1])
def parse_json(self):
m = re.fullmatch(r'([\w$][^(]*)\((.*)\)', self.page)
if m is None:
if errorcode == 200:
getattr(self, 'parse_' + fmt)()
- def parse_html(self):
- content, errors = tidy_document(self.page,
- options={'char-encoding' : 'utf8'})
- self.result = {}
def parse_json(self):
self.result = [json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict).decode(self.page)]
outp, status = send_api_query('search', params, fmt, context)
- if fmt is None:
- outfmt = 'html'
- elif fmt == 'jsonv2 ':
+ if fmt is None or fmt == 'jsonv2 ':
outfmt = 'json'
outfmt = fmt.strip()
outp, status = send_api_query('details', params, fmt, context)
if fmt is None:
- outfmt = 'html'
+ outfmt = 'json'
outfmt = fmt.strip()
context.execute_steps("Then a HTTP 400 is returned")
eq_(context.response.format, fmt)
- if fmt == 'html':
- assert_is_not_none(re.search(r'<html( |>).+</html>', context.response.page, re.DOTALL))
- elif fmt == 'xml':
+ if fmt == 'xml':
assert_is_not_none(re.search(r'<error>.+</error>', context.response.page, re.DOTALL))
assert_is_not_none(re.search(r'({"error":)', context.response.page, re.DOTALL))