We can't use getNearFeatures() to determine the parent of a
place with an unlisted addr:place because this function
returns place nodes that are potentially outside the area
of interest. Doing the complete address computation is too
expensive, so simply use the area with the largest rank that
contains the feature instead.
IF fallback THEN
IF addr_street is null and addr_place is not null THEN
IF fallback THEN
IF addr_street is null and addr_place is not null THEN
- -- The address is attached to a place we don't know. Find the
- -- nearest place instead.
+ -- The address is attached to a place we don't know.
+ -- Instead simply use the containing area with the largest rank.
- SELECT place_id FROM getNearFeatures(poi_partition, bbox, 26, '{}'::INTEGER[])
- ORDER BY rank_address DESC, isguess asc, distance LIMIT 1
+ SELECT place_id FROM placex
+ WHERE bbox @ geometry AND _ST_Covers(geometry, ST_Centroid(bbox))
+ AND rank_address between 5 and 25
+ ORDER BY rank_address desc
- parent_place_id := location.place_id;
+ RETURN location.place_id;
ELSEIF ST_Area(bbox) < 0.005 THEN
-- for smaller features get the nearest road
ELSEIF ST_Area(bbox) < 0.005 THEN
-- for smaller features get the nearest road