If a wrong class or type is given, an UsageError should raise.
If a good class and type are given, nothing special happens.
- with pytest.raises(UsageError) as wrong_class:
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError):
special_phrases_importer._check_sanity('en', '', 'type')
- with pytest.raises(UsageError) as wrong_type:
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError):
special_phrases_importer._check_sanity('en', 'class', '')
special_phrases_importer._check_sanity('en', 'class', 'type')
- assert wrong_class and wrong_type
def test_load_white_and_black_lists(special_phrases_importer):
Test that _load_white_and_black_lists() well return
Test that _convert_php_settings_if_needed() raise an exception
if the given file is not a valid file.
- with pytest.raises(UsageError) as exceptioninfos:
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError, match='random_file is not a valid file.'):
- assert str(exceptioninfos.value) == 'random_file is not a valid file.'
def test_convert_settings_json_already_exist(special_phrases_importer):
Test that if we give to '_convert_php_settings_if_needed' a php file path
Test that if we give to '_convert_php_settings_if_needed' a json file path
the same path is directly returned
- json_file = (TEST_BASE_DIR / 'testfiles' / 'phrase-settings.json').resolve()
+ json_file = (TEST_BASE_DIR / 'testfiles' / 'phrase_settings.json').resolve()
returned = special_phrases_importer._convert_php_settings_if_needed(json_file)