set(BUILD_TESTS off CACHE BOOL "Build test suite" FORCE)
set(WITH_LUA off CACHE BOOL "Build with lua support" FORCE)
+if (NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/osm2pgsql/CMakeLists.txt")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "The osm2pgsql directory is empty.\
+ Did you forget to check out Nominatim recursively?\
+ \nTry updating submodules with: git submodules update --init")
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
OSM housenumber data in the US. You can add TIGER data to your own Nominatim
instance by following these steps:
- 1. Install the GDAL library and python bindings
+ 1. Install the GDAL library and python bindings and the unzip tool
- * Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install python-gdal`
- * CentOS: `sudo yum install gdal-python`
+ * Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install python-gdal unzip`
+ * CentOS: `sudo yum install gdal-python unzip`
2. Get the TIGER 2015 data. You will need the EDGES files
(3,234 zip files, 11GB total). Choose one of the two sources: