if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:de'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ru'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ja'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
+ if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:pl'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
$sLanguagePrefArraySQL = "ARRAY[".join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$aLangPrefOrder))."]";
$sSQL .= " limit ".$iLimit;
- if (CONST_Debug) { var_dump($sSQL); }
+ if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ $iStartTime = time();
$aViewBoxPlaceIDs = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
if (PEAR::IsError($aViewBoxPlaceIDs))
failInternalError("Could not get places for search terms.", $sSQL, $aViewBoxPlaceIDs);
+ if (time() - $iStartTime > 60) {
+ file_put_contents(CONST_BasePath.'/log/long_queries.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $iStartTime).' '.$sSQL."\n", FILE_APPEND);
+ }
// Did we have an viewbox matches?
$aPlaceIDs = array();
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
$sSQL .= "coalesce(importance,0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) as importance, ";
- $sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(placex.place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance ";
+ $sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(placex.place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance, ";
+ $sSQL .= "(extratags->'place') as extra_place ";
$sSQL .= "from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
- $sSQL .= "and placex.rank_address between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
+ $sSQL .= "and (placex.rank_address between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
+ if (14 >= $iMinAddressRank && 14 <= $iMaxAddressRank) $sSQL .= " OR (extratags->'place') = 'city'";
+ $sSQL .= ") ";
if ($sAllowedTypesSQLList) $sSQL .= "and placex.class in $sAllowedTypesSQLList ";
$sSQL .= "and linked_place_id is null ";
$sSQL .= "group by osm_type,osm_id,class,type,admin_level,rank_search,rank_address,calculated_country_code,importance";
$sSQL .= ",langaddress ";
$sSQL .= ",placename ";
$sSQL .= ",ref ";
+ $sSQL .= ",extratags->'place' ";
$sSQL .= " union ";
$sSQL .= "select 'T' as osm_type,place_id as osm_id,'place' as class,'house' as type,null as admin_level,30 as rank_search,30 as rank_address,min(place_id) as place_id,'us' as country_code,";
$sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
$sSQL .= "-0.15 as importance, ";
- $sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(location_property_tiger.place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance ";
+ $sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(location_property_tiger.place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance, ";
+ $sSQL .= "null as extra_place ";
$sSQL .= "from location_property_tiger where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "and 30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
$sSQL .= "group by place_id";
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
$sSQL .= "-0.10 as importance, ";
- $sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(location_property_aux.place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance ";
+ $sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(location_property_aux.place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance, ";
+ $sSQL .= "null as extra_place ";
$sSQL .= "from location_property_aux where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "and 30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
$sSQL .= "group by place_id";
$sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) as ref,";
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
- $sSQL .= "coalesce(importance,0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) as importance ";
+ $sSQL .= "coalesce(importance,0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) as importance, ";
+ $sSQL .= "(extratags->'place') as extra_place ";
$sSQL .= "from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
- $sSQL .= "and placex.rank_address between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
+ $sSQL .= "and (placex.rank_address between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
+ if (14 >= $iMinAddressRank && 14 <= $iMaxAddressRank) $sSQL .= " OR (extratags->'place') = 'city'";
+ $sSQL .= ") ";
$sSQL .= "group by osm_type,osm_id,class,type,admin_level,rank_search,rank_address,calculated_country_code,importance";
if (!$bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id";
$sSQL .= ",get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) ";
$sSQL .= ",get_name_by_language(name, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) ";
$sSQL .= ",get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) ";
+ $sSQL .= ",extratags->'place' ";
$sSQL .= " union ";
$sSQL .= "select 'T' as osm_type,place_id as osm_id,'place' as class,'house' as type,null as admin_level,30 as rank_search,30 as rank_address,min(place_id) as place_id,'us' as country_code,";
$sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
$sSQL .= "null as ref,";
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
- $sSQL .= "-0.15 as importance ";
+ $sSQL .= "-0.15 as importance, ";
+ $sSQL .= "null as extra_place ";
$sSQL .= "from location_property_tiger where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "and 30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
$sSQL .= "group by place_id";
$sSQL .= "null as ref,";
$sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, ";
// $sSQL .= $sOrderSQL." as porder, ";
- $sSQL .= "-0.10 as importance ";
+ $sSQL .= "-0.10 as importance, ";
+ $sSQL .= "null as extra_place ";
$sSQL .= "from location_property_aux where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) ";
$sSQL .= "and 30 between $iMinAddressRank and $iMaxAddressRank ";
$sSQL .= "group by place_id";
+ if ($aResult['extra_place'] == 'city')
+ {
+ $aResult['class'] = 'place';
+ $aResult['type'] = 'city';
+ $aResult['rank_search'] = 16;
+ }
if (!isset($aResult['aBoundingBox']))
// Default
if ($bShowAddressDetails)
$aResult['address'] = getAddressDetails($oDB, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL, $aResult['place_id'], $aResult['country_code']);
+ if ($aResult['extra_place'] == 'city' && !isset($aResult['address']['city']))
+ {
+ $aResult['address'] = array_merge(array('city' => array_shift(array_values($aResult['address']))), $aResult['address']);
+ }
$bFirst = false;
if (!$bDeDupe || (!isset($aOSMIDDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['osm_id']])
- && !isset($aClassTypeNameDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['class'].$aResult['type'].$aResult['name']])))
+ && !isset($aClassTypeNameDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['class'].$aResult['type'].$aResult['name'].$aResult['admin_level']])))
$aOSMIDDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['osm_id']] = true;
- $aClassTypeNameDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['class'].$aResult['type'].$aResult['name']] = true;
+ $aClassTypeNameDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['class'].$aResult['type'].$aResult['name'].$aResult['admin_level']] = true;
$aSearchResults[] = $aResult;