if not self.keep_scenario_db:
- def run_setup_script(self, *args):
- self.run_nominatim_script('setup', *args)
+ def run_setup_script(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.run_nominatim_script('setup', *args, **kwargs)
def run_update_script(self, *args):
self.run_nominatim_script('update', *args)
- def run_nominatim_script(self, script, *args):
+ def run_nominatim_script(self, script, *args, **kwargs):
cmd = [os.path.join(self.build_dir, 'utils', '%s.php' % script)]
cmd.extend(['--%s' % x for x in args])
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ cmd.extend(('--' + k.replace('_', '-'), str(v)))
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=self.build_dir,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(outp, outerr) = proc.communicate()
--- /dev/null
+Feature: Import of simple objects by osm2pgsql
+ Testing basic tagging in osm2pgsql imports.
+ Scenario: Import simple objects
+ When loading osm data
+ """
+ n1 Tamenity=prison,name=foo x34.3 y-23
+ n100 x0 y0
+ n101 x0 y0.1
+ n102 x0.1 y0.2
+ n200 x0 y0
+ n201 x0 y1
+ n202 x1 y1
+ n203 x1 y0
+ w1 Tshop=toys,name=tata Nn100,n101,n102
+ w2 Tref=45 Nn200,n201,n202,n203,n200
+ r1 Ttype=multipolygon,tourism=hotel,name=XZ Mn1@,w2@
+ """
+ Then place contains exactly
+ | object | class | type | name | geometry |
+ | N1 | amenity | prison | 'name' : 'foo' | 34.3 -23 |
+ | W1 | shop | toys | 'name' : 'tata' | 0 0, 0 0.1, 0.1 0.2 |
+ | R1 | tourism | hotel | 'name' : 'XZ' | (0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0) |
+ Scenario: Import object with two main tags
+ When loading osm data
+ """
+ n1 Ttourism=hotel,amenity=restaurant,name=foo
+ """
+ Then place contains
+ | object | type | name |
+ | N1:tourism | hotel | 'name' : 'foo' |
+ | N1:amenity | restaurant | 'name' : 'foo' |
+ Scenario: Import stand-alone house number with postcode
+ When loading osm data
+ """
+ n1 Taddr:housenumber=4,addr:postcode=3345
+ """
+ Then place contains
+ | object | class | type |
+ | N1 | place | house |
+ Scenario: Landuses are only imported when named
+ When loading osm data
+ """
+ n100 x0 y0
+ n101 x0 y0.1
+ n102 x0.1 y0.1
+ n200 x0 y0
+ n202 x1 y1
+ n203 x1 y0
+ w1 Tlanduse=residential,name=rainbow Nn100,n101,n102,n100
+ w2 Tlanduse=residential Nn200,n202,n203,n200
+ """
+ Then place contains exactly
+ | object | class | type |
+ | W1 | landuse | residential |
if column.startswith('centroid'):
fac = float(column[9:]) if column.startswith('centroid*') else 1.0
x, y = value.split(' ')
- assert_almost_equal(float(x) * fac, row['cx'])
- assert_almost_equal(float(y) * fac, row['cy'])
+ assert_almost_equal(float(x) * fac, row['cx'], "Bad x coordinate")
+ assert_almost_equal(float(y) * fac, row['cy'], "Bad y coordinate")
elif column == 'geometry':
geom = context.osm.parse_geometry(value, context.scene)
cur = context.db.cursor()
- cur.execute("SELECT ST_Equals(%s, ST_SetSRID(%%s::geometry, 4326))" % geom,
- (row['geomtxt'],))
- eq_(cur.fetchone()[0], True)
+ query = "SELECT ST_Equals(ST_SnapToGrid(%s, 0.00001, 0.00001), ST_SnapToGrid(ST_SetSRID('%s'::geometry, 4326), 0.00001, 0.00001))" % (
+ geom, row['geomtxt'],)
+ cur.execute(query)
+ eq_(cur.fetchone()[0], True, "(Row %s failed: %s)" % (column, query))
eq_(value, str(row[column]),
"Row '%s': expected: %s, got: %s"
ST_X(centroid) as cx, ST_Y(centroid) as cy
FROM placex where %s""" % where,
+ assert_less(0, cur.rowcount, "No rows found for " + row['object'])
for res in cur:
if exact:
+@then("place contains(?P<exact> exactly)?")
+def check_placex_contents(context, exact):
+ cur = context.db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
+ expected_content = set()
+ for row in context.table:
+ nid = NominatimID(row['object'])
+ where, params = nid.table_select()
+ cur.execute("""SELECT *, ST_AsText(geometry) as geomtxt
+ FROM place where %s""" % where,
+ params)
+ assert_less(0, cur.rowcount, "No rows found for " + row['object'])
+ for res in cur:
+ if exact:
+ expected_content.add((res['osm_type'], res['osm_id'], res['class']))
+ for h in row.headings:
+ msg = "%s: %s" % (row['object'], h)
+ if h in ('name', 'extratags'):
+ vdict = eval('{' + row[h] + '}')
+ assert_equals(vdict, res[h], msg)
+ elif h.startswith('name+'):
+ assert_equals(res['name'][h[5:]], row[h], msg)
+ elif h.startswith('extratags+'):
+ assert_equals(res['extratags'][h[10:]], row[h], msg)
+ elif h in ('linked_place_id', 'parent_place_id'):
+ if row[h] == '0':
+ assert_equals(0, res[h], msg)
+ elif row[h] == '-':
+ assert_is_none(res[h], msg)
+ else:
+ assert_equals(NominatimID(row[h]).get_place_id(context.db.cursor()),
+ res[h], msg)
+ else:
+ assert_db_column(res, h, row[h], context)
+ if exact:
+ cur.execute('SELECT osm_type, osm_id, class from place')
+ eq_(expected_content, set([(r[0], r[1], r[2]) for r in cur]))
+ context.db.commit()
@then("search_name contains")
def check_search_name_contents(context):
cur = context.db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
pid = NominatimID(row['object']).get_place_id(cur)
cur.execute("""SELECT *, ST_X(centroid) as cx, ST_Y(centroid) as cy
FROM search_name WHERE place_id = %s""", (pid, ))
+ assert_less(0, cur.rowcount, "No rows found for " + row['object'])
for res in cur:
for h in row.headings:
--- /dev/null
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import random
+import os
+from nose.tools import * # for assert functions
+@when(u'loading osm data')
+def load_osm_file(context):
+ # create a OSM file in /tmp and import it
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='/tmp', suffix='.opl', delete=False) as fd:
+ fname = fd.name
+ for line in context.text.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith('n') and line.find(' x') < 0:
+ line += " x%d y%d" % (random.random()*360 - 180,
+ random.random()*180 - 90)
+ fd.write(line.encode('utf-8'))
+ fd.write(b'\n')
+ context.nominatim.run_setup_script('import-data', osm_file=fname,
+ osm2pgsql_cache=300)
+ ### reintroduce the triggers/indexes we've lost by having osm2pgsql set up place again
+ cur = context.db.cursor()
+ cur.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER place_before_delete BEFORE DELETE ON place
+ cur.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER place_before_insert BEFORE INSERT ON place
+ cur.execute("""CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_place_osm_unique on place using btree(osm_id,osm_type,class,type)""")
+ context.db.commit()
+ os.remove(fname)