Brian Quinion
Sarah Hoffmann
Marc Tobias Metten
+ gemo1011
Frederik Ramm
- Michael Spreng
- Daniele Forsi
- mfn
- Grant Slater
- Andree Klattenhoff
- appelflap
- b3nn0
- Spin0us
- Kurt Roeckx
- Rodolphe Quiédeville
+and many more.
+For a full list of contributors see
+ * complete rewrite of reverse search algorithm
+ * add new geojson and geocodejson output formats
+ * add simple export script to exprot addresses to CSV
+ * remove is_in terms from address computation
+ * remove unused search_name_country tables
+ * various smaller fixes to query parsing
+ * convert Tokens and token types to class types
+ * correctly handle update when boundary object type is changed
+ * improve debug output for /search endpoint
+ * update to latest osm2pgsql and leaflet.js
+ * overhaul of /details endpoint:
+ * new class parameter when using osmtype/osmid parameters
+ * permalink to instance-independent osmtype/osmid parameter format
+ * new json output format
+ * update CentOS vagrant machine to use SELinux
+ * add vagrant scripts for Ubuntu 18.04
+ * fix build process for BSD
+ * enable running the database on a different host than the setup scripts
+ * allow to configure use of custom PHP binaries (PHP_BIN)
+ * extensive coding style improvements to PHP code
+ * more PHP unit tests for new classes
+ * increase coverage for API tests
+ * add documentation for API
* rework postcode handling and introduce location_postcode table
The source code is available under a GPLv2 license.
-Contact and Bug reports
+Contributions are welcome. For details see [](contribution guide).
+Both bug reports and pull requests are welcome.
+Mailing list
For questions you can join the geocoding mailinglist, see
-Bugs may be reported on the github project site:
config.vm.define "ubuntu", primary: true do |sub|
+ = "bento/ubuntu-18.04"
+ sub.vm.provision :shell do |s|
+ s.path = "vagrant/"
+ s.privileged = false
+ s.args = [checkout]
+ end
+ end
+ config.vm.define "ubuntu16" do |sub| = "bento/ubuntu-16.04"
sub.vm.provision :shell do |s|
s.path = "vagrant/"
COMMAND mkdocs build -d ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../site-html -f ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../mkdocs.yml
sudo systemctl restart httpd
+### "must be an array or an object that implements Countable" warning in /usr/share/pear/DB.php
+As reported starting PHP 7.2. This external DB library is no longer maintained and will be replaced in future Nominatim versions. In the meantime you'd have to manually change the line near 774 from
+`if (!count($dsn)) {` to `if (!$dsn && !count($dsn))`. [More details](
### Website reports "DB Error: insufficient permissions"
The user the webserver, e.g. Apache, runs under needs to have access to the Nominatim database. You can find the user like [this](, for default Ubuntu operating system for example it's `www-data`.
prerequisites. There are also step-by-step instructions available for
the following operating systems:
+ * [Ubuntu 18.04](../appendix/
* [Ubuntu 16.04](../appendix/
* [CentOS 7.2](../appendix/
SQL statements should be executed from the postgres commandline. Execute
`psql nominiatim` to enter command line mode.
+## 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0
+### New reverse algorithm
+The reverse algorithm has changed and requires new indexes. Run the following
+SQL statements to create the indexes:
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry_reverse_lookupPoint
+ ON placex USING gist (geometry)
+ WHERE (name is not null or housenumber is not null or rank_address between 26 and 27)
+ AND class not in ('railway','tunnel','bridge','man_made')
+ AND rank_address >= 26 AND indexed_status = 0 AND linked_place_id is null;
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry_reverse_lookupPolygon
+ ON placex USING gist (geometry)
+ WHERE St_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon', 'ST_MultiPolygon')
+ AND rank_address between 4 and 25 AND type != 'postcode'
+ AND name is not null AND indexed_status = 0 AND linked_place_id is null;
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry_reverse_placeNode
+ ON placex USING gist (geometry)
+ WHERE osm_type = 'N' AND rank_search between 5 and 25
+ AND class = 'place' AND type != 'postcode'
+ AND name is not null AND indexed_status = 0 AND linked_place_id is null;
+You also need to grant the website user access to the `country_osm_grid` table:
+GRANT SELECT ON table country_osm_grid to "www-user";
+Replace the `www-user` with the user name of your website server if necessary.
+You can now drop the unused indexes:
+DROP INDEX idx_placex_reverse_geometry;
+Finally, update all SQL functions:
+./utils/setup.php --create-functions --enable-diff-updates --create-partition-functions
## 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0
### Postcode Table
The details API supports the following two request formats:
-Both parameters are required, the type is one of node(N), way(W) or relation(R).
+`osmtype` and `osmid` are required parameter. The type is one of node (N), way (W)
+or relation (R). The id must be a number. The `class` parameter is optional and
+allows to distinguish between entries, when the corresponding OSM object has more
+than one main tag. For example, when a place is tagged with `tourism=hotel` and
+`amenity=restaurant`, there will be two place entries in Nominatim, one for a
+restaurant, one for a hotel. You need to specify `class=tourism` or `class=amentity`
+to get exactly the one you want. If there are multiple places in the database
+but the `class` parameter is left out, then one of the places will be chosen
+at random and displayed.
the address of the closest object found, you might sometimes get one result,
sometimes the other for the closest point.
+#### 4. Can you return the continent?
+Nominatim assigns each map feature one country. Those outside any administrative
+boundaries are assigned a special no-country. Continents or other super-national
+administrations (e.g. European Union, NATO, Custom unions) are not supported,
+see also [Administrative Boundary](
+#### 5. Can you return the timezone?
+See this separate OpenStreetMap-based project [Timezone Boundary Builder](
+#### 6. I want to download a list of streets/restaurants of a city/region
+The [Overpass API]( is more
+suited for these kinds of queries.
+That said if you installed your own Nominatim instance you can use the
+`/utils/export.php` PHP script as basis to return such lists.
- 'Appendix':
- 'Installation on CentOS 7' : 'appendix/'
- 'Installation on Ubuntu 16' : 'appendix/'
+ - 'Installation on Ubuntu 18' : 'appendix/'
- codehilite:
use_pygments: False
$sSQL = 'SELECT *,';
- $sSQL .= ' get_name_by_language(name,'.$mLangPref.') as localname';
+ $sSQL .= ' get_name_by_language(name,'.$mLangPref.') as localname';
$sSQL .= ' FROM get_addressdata('.$iPlaceID.','.$sHousenumber.')';
- $sSQL .= ' ORDER BY rank_address desc,isaddress DESC';
+ $sSQL .= ' ORDER BY rank_address DESC, isaddress DESC';
$this->aAddressLines = chksql($oDB->getAll($sSQL));
return $this->aAddressLines;
- return array_filter($this->aAddressLines, 'AddressDetails::isAddress');
+ return array_filter($this->aAddressLines, array(__CLASS__, 'isAddress'));
public function getLocaleAddress()
if (!empty($this->aName) || !($bFirstPhrase || $sPhraseType == '')) {
if (($sPhraseType == '' || !$bFirstPhrase) && !$bHasPartial) {
$oSearch = clone $this;
- $oSearch->iSearchRank++;
+ $oSearch->iSearchRank += 2;
$oSearch->aAddress[$iWordID] = $iWordID;
$aNewSearches[] = $oSearch;
} else {
if (!$bVerbose) {
- fwrite($ahPipes[0], "set client_min_messages to WARNING;");
+ fwrite($ahPipes[0], 'set client_min_messages to WARNING;');
while (strlen($sScript)) {
CREATE TABLE import_osmosis_log (
batchend timestamp,
batchseq integer,
- batchsize integer,
+ batchsize bigint,
starttime timestamp,
endtime timestamp,
event text
* `TEMPLATE_DB` - name of template database used as a skeleton for
the test databases (db tests)
* `TEST_DB` - name of test database (db tests)
- * `ABI_TEST_DB` - name of the database containing the API test data (api tests)
+ * `API_TEST_DB` - name of the database containing the API test data (api tests)
* `DB_HOST` - (optional) hostname of database host
* `DB_USER` - (optional) username of database login
* `DB_PASS` - (optional) password for database login
* `SERVER_MODULE_PATH` - (optional) path on the Postgres server to Nominatim
- * module shared library file
+ module shared library file
* `TEST_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE` - file to write temporary Nominatim settings to
* `REMOVE_TEMPLATE` - if true, the template database will not be reused during
the next run. Reusing the base templates speeds up tests
failures where the data has changed. To recreate the input data
for the test database run:
- wget
- osmconvert planet-160725.osm.pbf -B=test/testdb/testdb.polys -o=testdb.pbf
+ wget
+ osmconvert planet-180924.osm.pbf -B=test/testdb/testdb.polys -o=testdb.pbf
Before importing make sure to add the following to your local settings:
When sending json reverse coordinates 18.1147,-15.95
Then result addresses contain
| ID | country |
- | 0 | Mauritanie موريتانيا |
+ | 0 | موريتانيا |
Scenario: accept-language parameter
When sending json reverse coordinates 18.1147,-15.95
| way | place | house |
And result addresses contain
| house_number | road |
- | 1410 | Juan Antonio Lavalleja |
+ | 1416 | Juan Antonio Lavalleja |
Scenario: Address with non-numerical house number
When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 53.579805460944,9.9475670458196
When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 54.046489113,8.5546870529
Then results contain
| display_name |
- | Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Deutschland |
+ | Hamburg, Deutschland |
Scenario: When slightly outside town, the town is not shown
When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates -32.122,-56.114
| accept-language |
| de |
Then address of result 0 is
- | type | value |
- | house_number | 86 |
- | road | Schellingstraße |
- | suburb | Eilbek |
- | postcode | 22089 |
+ | type | value |
+ | house_number | 86 |
+ | road | Schellingstraße |
+ | neighbourhood | Auenviertel |
+ | suburb | Eilbek |
+ | postcode | 22089 |
| city_district | Wandsbek |
- | state | Hamburg |
- | country | Deutschland |
- | country_code | de |
+ | state | Hamburg |
+ | country | Deutschland |
+ | country_code | de |
Scenario: House number interpolation odd
When sending json search query "Schellingstr 73, Hamburg" with address
| accept-language |
| de |
Then address of result 0 is
- | type | value |
- | house_number | 73 |
- | road | Schellingstraße |
- | suburb | Eilbek |
- | postcode | 22089 |
+ | type | value |
+ | house_number | 73 |
+ | road | Schellingstraße |
+ | neighbourhood | Auenviertel |
+ | suburb | Eilbek |
+ | postcode | 22089 |
| city_district | Wandsbek |
- | state | Hamburg |
- | country | Deutschland |
- | country_code | de |
+ | state | Hamburg |
+ | country | Deutschland |
+ | country_code | de |
Scenario: With missing housenumber search falls back to road
When sending json search query "342 rocha, santa lucia" with address
--- /dev/null
+namespace Nominatim;
+function chksql($oSql, $sMsg = 'Database request failed')
+ return $oSql;
+class AddressDetailsTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
+ protected function setUp()
+ {
+ // How the fixture got created
+ //
+ // 1) search for '10 downing street'
+ //
+ //
+ // 2) find place_id in the local database
+ // SELECT place_id, name FROM placex WHERE osm_type='R' AND osm_id=1879842;
+ //
+ // 3) set postgresql to non-align output, e.g. psql -A or \a in the CLI
+ //
+ // 4) query
+ // SELECT row_to_json(row,true) FROM (
+ // SELECT *, get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['name:en']) as localname
+ // FROM get_addressdata(194663412,10)
+ // ORDER BY rank_address DESC, isaddress DESC
+ // ) AS row;
+ //
+ // 5) copy&paste into file. Add commas between records
+ //
+ $json = file_get_contents(CONST_BasePath.'/test/php/fixtures/address_details_10_downing_street.json');
+ $data = json_decode($json, true);
+ $this->oDbStub = $this->getMockBuilder(\DB::class)
+ ->setMethods(array('getAll'))
+ ->getMock();
+ $this->oDbStub->method('getAll')
+ ->willReturn($data);
+ }
+ public function testGetLocaleAddress()
+ {
+ $oAD = new AddressDetails($this->oDbStub, 194663412, 10, 'en');
+ $expected = join(', ', array(
+ '10 Downing Street',
+ '10',
+ 'Downing Street',
+ 'St. James\'s',
+ 'Covent Garden',
+ 'Westminster',
+ 'London',
+ 'Greater London',
+ 'England',
+ 'SW1A 2AA',
+ 'United Kingdom'
+ ));
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $oAD->getLocaleAddress());
+ }
+ public function testGetAddressDetails()
+ {
+ $oAD = new AddressDetails($this->oDbStub, 194663412, 10, 'en');
+ $this->assertEquals(18, count($oAD->getAddressDetails(true)));
+ $this->assertEquals(12, count($oAD->getAddressDetails(false)));
+ }
+ public function testGetAddressNames()
+ {
+ $oAD = new AddressDetails($this->oDbStub, 194663412, 10, 'en');
+ $expected = array(
+ 'attraction' => '10 Downing Street',
+ 'house_number' => '10',
+ 'road' => 'Downing Street',
+ 'neighbourhood' => 'St. James\'s',
+ 'suburb' => 'Covent Garden',
+ 'city' => 'London',
+ 'state_district' => 'Greater London',
+ 'state' => 'England',
+ 'postcode' => 'SW1A 2AA',
+ 'country' => 'United Kingdom',
+ 'country_code' => 'gb'
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $oAD->getAddressNames());
+ }
+ public function testGetAdminLevels()
+ {
+ $oAD = new AddressDetails($this->oDbStub, 194663412, 10, 'en');
+ $expected = array(
+ 'level8' => 'Westminster',
+ 'level6' => 'London',
+ 'level5' => 'Greater London',
+ 'level4' => 'England',
+ 'level2' => 'United Kingdom'
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $oAD->getAdminLevels());
+ }
+ public function testDebugInfo()
+ {
+ $oAD = new AddressDetails($this->oDbStub, 194663412, 10, 'en');
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($oAD->debugInfo()));
+ $this->assertEquals(18, count($oAD->debugInfo()));
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace Nominatim;
+class ClassTypesTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
+ public function testGetInfo()
+ {
+ // 1) Admin level set
+ // city Dublin
+ //
+ $aPlace = array(
+ 'admin_level' => 7,
+ 'class' => 'boundary',
+ 'type' => 'administrative',
+ 'rank_address' => 14
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals('County', ClassTypes\getInfo($aPlace)['label']);
+ $this->assertEquals('County', ClassTypes\getFallbackInfo($aPlace)['label']);
+ $this->assertEquals('County', ClassTypes\getProperty($aPlace, 'label'));
+ // 2) No admin level
+ // Eiffel Tower
+ //
+ $aPlace = array(
+ 'class' => 'tourism',
+ 'type' => 'attraction',
+ 'rank_address' => 29
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals('Attraction', ClassTypes\getInfo($aPlace)['label']);
+ $this->assertEquals(array('simplelabel' => 'address29'), ClassTypes\getFallbackInfo($aPlace));
+ $this->assertEquals('Attraction', ClassTypes\getProperty($aPlace, 'label'));
+ // 3) Unknown type
+ // La Maison du Toutou, Paris
+ //
+ $aPlace = array(
+ 'class' => 'shop',
+ 'type' => 'pet_grooming',
+ 'rank_address' => 29
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(false, ClassTypes\getInfo($aPlace));
+ $this->assertEquals(array('simplelabel' => 'address29'), ClassTypes\getFallbackInfo($aPlace));
+ $this->assertEquals(false, ClassTypes\getProperty($aPlace, 'label'));
+ $this->assertEquals('mydefault', ClassTypes\getProperty($aPlace, 'label', 'mydefault'));
+ }
+ public function testGetClassTypesWithImportance()
+ {
+ $aClasses = ClassTypes\getListWithImportance();
+ $this->assertGreaterThan(
+ 200,
+ count($aClasses)
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array(
+ 'label' => 'Country',
+ 'frequency' => 0,
+ 'icon' => 'poi_boundary_administrative',
+ 'defzoom' => 6,
+ 'defdiameter' => 15,
+ 'importance' => 3
+ ),
+ $aClasses['place:country']
+ );
+ }
+ public function testGetResultDiameter()
+ {
+ $aResult = array('class' => '', 'type' => '');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 0.0001,
+ ClassTypes\getProperty($aResult, 'defdiameter', 0.0001)
+ );
+ $aResult = array('class' => 'place', 'type' => 'country');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 15,
+ ClassTypes\getProperty($aResult, 'defdiameter', 0.0001)
+ );
+ $aResult = array('class' => 'boundary', 'type' => 'administrative', 'admin_level' => 6);
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 0.32,
+ ClassTypes\getProperty($aResult, 'defdiameter', 0.0001)
+ );
+ }
namespace Nominatim;
-use Exception;
-class DebugTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+class DebugTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
protected function setUp()
- $this->oWithDebuginfo = $this->getMock(Geocode::class, array('debugInfo'));
+ $this->oWithDebuginfo = $this->getMockBuilder(\GeococdeMock::class)
+ ->setMethods(array('debugInfo'))
+ ->getMock();
->willReturn(array('key1' => 'val1', 'key2' => 'val2', 'key3' => 'val3'));
- $this->oWithToString = $this->getMock(Geocode::class, array('__toString'));
+ $this->oWithToString = $this->getMockBuilder(\SomeMock::class)
+ ->setMethods(array('__toString'))
+ ->getMock();
$this->oWithToString->method('__toString')->willReturn('me as string');
namespace Nominatim;
-require_once '../../lib/lib.php';
-require_once '../../lib/ClassTypes.php';
-class LibTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+class LibTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
- public function testGetClassTypesWithImportance()
- {
- $aClasses = ClassTypes\getListWithImportance();
- $this->assertGreaterThan(
- 200,
- count($aClasses)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(
- 'label' => 'Country',
- 'frequency' => 0,
- 'icon' => 'poi_boundary_administrative',
- 'defzoom' => 6,
- 'defdiameter' => 15,
- 'importance' => 3
- ),
- $aClasses['place:country']
- );
- }
- public function testGetResultDiameter()
- {
- $aResult = array('class' => '', 'type' => '');
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0.0001,
- ClassTypes\getProperty($aResult, 'defdiameter', 0.0001)
- );
- $aResult = array('class' => 'place', 'type' => 'country');
- $this->assertEquals(
- 15,
- ClassTypes\getProperty($aResult, 'defdiameter', 0.0001)
- );
- $aResult = array('class' => 'boundary', 'type' => 'administrative', 'admin_level' => 6);
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0.32,
- ClassTypes\getProperty($aResult, 'defdiameter', 0.0001)
- );
- }
public function testAddQuotes()
namespace Nominatim;
-use Exception;
function userError($sError)
- throw new Exception($sError);
+ throw new \Exception($sError);
-class ParameterParserTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+class ParameterParserTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
public function testGetIntWithNonNumber()
- $this->setExpectedException(Exception::class, "Integer number expected for parameter 'int4'");
+ $this->expectException(\Exception::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage("Integer number expected for parameter 'int4'");
(new ParameterParser(array('int4' => 'a')))->getInt('int4');
public function testGetIntWithEmpytString()
- $this->setExpectedException(Exception::class, "Integer number expected for parameter 'int5'");
+ $this->expectException(\Exception::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage("Integer number expected for parameter 'int5'");
(new ParameterParser(array('int5' => '')))->getInt('int5');
public function testGetFloatWithEmptyString()
- $this->setExpectedException(Exception::class, "Floating-point number expected for parameter 'float4'");
+ $this->expectException(\Exception::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage("Floating-point number expected for parameter 'float4'");
(new ParameterParser(array('float4' => '')))->getFloat('float4');
public function testGetFloatWithTextString()
- $this->setExpectedException(Exception::class, "Floating-point number expected for parameter 'float5'");
+ $this->expectException(\Exception::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage("Floating-point number expected for parameter 'float5'");
(new ParameterParser(array('float5' => 'a')))->getFloat('float5');
public function testGetFloatWithInvalidNumber()
- $this->setExpectedException(Exception::class, "Floating-point number expected for parameter 'float6'");
+ $this->expectException(\Exception::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage("Floating-point number expected for parameter 'float6'");
(new ParameterParser(array('float6' => '-55.')))->getFloat('float6');
public function testGetSetWithValueNotInSet()
- $this->setExpectedException(Exception::class, "Parameter 'val4' must be one of: foo, bar");
+ $this->expectException(\Exception::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage("Parameter 'val4' must be one of: foo, bar");
(new ParameterParser(array('val4' => 'faz')))->getSet('val4', array('foo', 'bar'));
namespace Nominatim;
-require_once '../../lib/Phrase.php';
-class PhraseTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+class PhraseTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
namespace Nominatim;
-@define('CONST_BasePath', '../../');
-require_once '../../lib/SearchContext.php';
-class SearchContextTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+class SearchContextTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
private $oCtx;
namespace Nominatim;
-use Exception;
-class StatusTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+class StatusTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
public function testNoDatabaseGiven()
- $this->setExpectedException(Exception::class, 'No database', 700);
+ $this->expectException(\Exception::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage('No database');
+ $this->expectExceptionCode(700);
$oDB = null;
$oStatus = new Status($oDB);
public function testNoDatabaseConnectionFail()
- $this->setExpectedException(Exception::class, 'No database', 700);
+ $this->expectException(\Exception::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage('No database');
+ $this->expectExceptionCode(700);
// causes 'Non-static method should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context'
// failure on travis
public function testModuleFail()
- $this->setExpectedException(Exception::class, 'Module call failed', 702);
+ $this->expectException(\Exception::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage('Module call failed');
+ $this->expectExceptionCode(702);
// stub has getOne method but doesn't return anything
- $oDbStub = $this->getMock(\DB::class, array('getOne'));
+ $oDbStub = $this->getMockBuilder(\DB::class)
+ ->setMethods(array('getOne'))
+ ->getMock();
$oStatus = new Status($oDbStub);
public function testWordIdQueryFail()
- $this->setExpectedException(Exception::class, 'No value', 704);
+ $this->expectException(\Exception::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage('No value');
+ $this->expectExceptionCode(704);
- $oDbStub = $this->getMock(\DB::class, array('getOne'));
+ $oDbStub = $this->getMockBuilder(\DB::class)
+ ->setMethods(array('getOne'))
+ ->getMock();
// return no word_id
public function testOK()
- $oDbStub = $this->getMock(\DB::class, array('getOne'));
+ $oDbStub = $this->getMockBuilder(\DB::class)
+ ->setMethods(array('getOne'))
+ ->getMock();
->will($this->returnCallback(function ($sql) {
public function testDataDate()
- $oDbStub = $this->getMock(\DB::class, array('getOne'));
+ $oDbStub = $this->getMockBuilder(\DB::class)
+ ->setMethods(array('getOne'))
+ ->getMock();
namespace Nominatim;
-@define('CONST_BasePath', '../../');
-require_once '../../lib/db.php';
-require_once '../../lib/cmd.php';
-require_once '../../lib/TokenList.php';
-class TokenTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+class TokenTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
protected function setUp()
- $this->oNormalizer = $this->getMock(\MockNormalizer::class, array('transliterate'));
+ $this->oNormalizer = $this->getMockBuilder(\MockNormalizer::class)
+ ->setMethods(array('transliterate'))
+ ->getMock();
->will($this->returnCallback(function ($text) {
return strtolower($text);
- $oDbStub = $this->getMock(\DB::class, array('getAll'));
+ $oDbStub = $this->getMockBuilder(\DB::class)
+ ->setMethods(array('getAll'))
+ ->getMock();
->will($this->returnCallback(function ($sql) {
$aResults = array();
+ @define('CONST_BasePath', '../..');
--- /dev/null
+ "osm_type":null,
+ "osm_id":null,
+ "name":{"name": "10 Downing Street", "name:en": "10 Downing Street", "name:es": "10 de Downing Street", "name:he": "דאונינג 10", "name:ko": "다우닝 가 10번지", "name:zh": "唐寧街10號"},
+ "class":"tourism",
+ "type":"attraction",
+ "admin_level":null,
+ "fromarea":true,
+ "isaddress":true,
+ "rank_address":29,
+ "distance":0,
+ "localname":"10 Downing Street"},
+ "osm_type":null,
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"name:sv": "Storbritannien", "name:sw": "Ufalme wa Muungano", "name:ta": "ஐக்கிய இராச்சியம்", "name:te": "యునైటెడ్ కింగ్డమ్", "name:tg": "Подшоҳии Муттаҳида", "name:th": "สหราชอาณาจักร", "name:ti": "እንግሊዝ", "name:tl": "Nagkakaisang Kaharian", "name:to": "Pilitānia", "name:tr": "Birleşik Krallık", "name:tt": "Бөекбритания", "name:tw": "United Kingdom", "name:ty": "Paratāne", "name:ug": "بۈيۈك بېرىتانىيە", "name:uk": "Велика Британія", "name:ur": "برطانیہ", "name:uz": "Birlashgan Qirollik", "name:vi": "Vương quốc Anh", "name:vo": "Regän Pebalöl", "name:wo": "Nguur-Yu-Bennoo", "name:yi": "פאראייניגטע קעניגרייך", "name:yo": "Ilẹ̀ọba Aṣọ̀kan", "name:za": "Yinghgoz", "name:zh": "英國", "name:zu": "Umbuso Ohlangeneyo", "alt_name": "United Kingdom; UK; Britain; Great Britain", "int_name": "United Kingdom", "name:als": "Vereinigtes Königreich", "name:ang": "Geāned Cynerīce", "name:arc": "ܡܠܟܘܬܐ ܡܚܝܕܬܐ", "name:arz": "المملكه المتحده", "name:ast": "Reinu Xuníu", "name:bar": "Vaeinigts Kinireich", "name:bcl": "Reyno Unido", "name:bjn": "Britania Raya", "name:bpy": "তিলপারাজ্য", "name:bug": "United Kingdom", "name:bxr": "Нэгдсэн Вант Улс", "name:cdo": "Ĭng-guók", "name:ceb": "Hiniusang Gingharian", "name:chr": "ᎡᎵᏏᎯ", "name:chy": "United Kingdom", "name:ckb": "شانشینی یەکگرتوو", "name:crh": "Büyük Britaniya", "name:csb": "Wiôlgô Britanijô", "name:diq": "Qraliya Yewbiyayiye", "name:dsb": "Wjelika Britaniska", "name:eml": "Régn Unî", "name:ext": "Réinu Uniu", "name:frp": "Royômo-Uni", "name:frr": "Feriind Kiningrik", "name:fur": "Ream Unît", "name:gag": "Büük Britaniya", "name:gan": "英國", "name:hak": "Yîn-koet", "name:haw": "Aupuni Mōʻī Hui Pū ʻia", "name:hif": "United Kingdom", "name:hsb": "Zjednoćene kralestwo", "name:ilo": "Nagkaykaysa a Pagarian", "name:jbo": "ritygu'e", "name:kab": "Legliz", "name:kbd": "Британиэшхуэ", "name:koi": "Ыджыт Бритму", "name:krc": "Уллу Британия", "name:ksh": "Jrußbritannie", "name:lad": "Reyno Unido", "name:lez": "ЧIехибритания", "name:lfn": "Rena Unida", "name:lij": "Regno Unïo", "name:lmo": "Regn Ünì", "name:ltg": "Lelbrytaneja", "name:mhr": "Ушымо Королевстве", "name:mrj": "Кого Британи", "name:mwl": "Reino Ounido", "name:mzn": "بریتانیا", "name:nah": "Tlacetilīlli Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl", "name:nap": "Gran Vretagna", "name:nds": "Vereenigt Königriek vun Grootbritannien un Noordirland", "name:nov": "Unionati Regia", "name:nrm": "Rouoyaume Unni", "name:pag": "Reino Unido", "name:pam": "Pisanmetung a Ka-arian", "name:pap": "Reino Uni", "name:pcd": "Roéyôme-Uni", "name:pih": "Yunitid Kingdum", "name:pms": "Regn Unì", "name:pnb": "برطانیہ", "name:pnt": "Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο", "name:rmy": "Phandlo Thagaripen la Bare Britaniyako thai le Nordutne Irlandesko", "name:rue": "Велика Брітанія", "name:sah": "Холбоhуктаах Хоруоллук", "name:scn": "Regnu Unitu", "name:sco": "Unitit Kinrick", "name:srn": "Ingriskondre", "name:stq": "Fereeniged Köönichriek fon Groot-Britannien un Noudirlound", "name:szl": "Wjelgo Brytańijo", "name:tet": "Reinu Naklibur", "name:tok": "ma Juke", "name:tpi": "Yunaitet Kingdom", "name:tzl": "Regipäts Viensiçat", "name:udm": "Великобритания", "name:vec": "Regno Unìo", "name:vep": "Sur' Britanii", "name:vls": "Verênigd Keunienkryk", "name:war": "Reino Unido", "name:wuu": "英国", "name:xal": "Ик Бритишин болн Ар Гәәлгүдин Ниицәтә Нутг", "name:xmf": "გოართოიანაფილი ომაფე", "name:yue": "英國", "name:zea": "Vereênigd Konienkriek", "name:zh_py": "Yingguo", "short_name": "UK", "alt_name:eo": "Britio", "alt_name:sr": "УК;У.К.", "alt_name:vi": "Vương quốc Liên hiệp Anh", "name:nds-nl": "Verienigd Keuninkriek", "name:zh_pyt": "Yīngguó", "name:bat-smg": "Jongtėnė Karalīstė", "name:cbk-zam": "Reinos Unidos de Gran Britania y Norte Irelandia", "name:fiu-vro": "Ütiskuningriik", "name:roa-rup": "Britania Mari", "name:roa-tara": "Regne Aunìte", "official_name": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "short_name:el": "ΗΒ", "short_name:vo": "Britän", "name:be-tarask": "Вялікабрытанія", "name:zh-min-nan": "Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok", "official_name:be": "Злучанае Каралеўства Вялікабрытаніі і Паўночнай Ірландыі", "official_name:br": "Rouantelezh Unanet Breizh-Veur ha Norzhiwerzhon", "official_name:ca": "Regne Unit de Gran Bretanya i Irlanda del Nord", "official_name:cs": "Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska", "official_name:de": "Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland", "official_name:el": "Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας και της Βόρειας Ιρλανδίας", "official_name:en": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "official_name:eo": "Unuiĝinta Reĝlando de Granda Britujo kaj Nord-Irlando", "official_name:es": "Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña", "official_name:et": "Suurbritannia ja Põhja-Iiri Ühendkuningriik", "official_name:fr": "Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord", "official_name:hr": "Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske", "official_name:id": "Perserikatan Kerajaan Britania Raya dan Irlandia Utara", "official_name:it": "Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord", "official_name:ja": "グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国", "official_name:ku": "Keyaniya Yekbûyî ya Brîtaniya Mezin û Bakurê Îrlandê", "official_name:lb": "Vereenegt Kinnekräich vu Groussbritannien an Nordirland", "official_name:no": "Det forente kongeriket Storbritannia og Nord-Irland", "official_name:pl": "Zjednoczone Królestwo Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej", "official_name:pt": "Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte", "official_name:ru": "Соединённое королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии", "official_name:sk": "Spojené kráľovstvo Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska", "official_name:sl": "Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske", "official_name:sr": "Уједињено Краљевство Велике Британије и Северне Ирске", "official_name:sv": "Förenade konungariket Storbritannien och Nordirland", "official_name:vi": "Vương quốc Liên hiệp Anh và Bắc Ireland", "name:abbreviation": "UK", "name:zh-classical": "英國", "official_name:scn": "Regnu Unitu di Gran Britagna e Irlanna dû Nord", "name:zh-simplified": "英国", "name:zh-traditional": "英國"},
+ "class":"place",
+ "type":"country",
+ "admin_level":2,
+ "fromarea":true,
+ "isaddress":true,
+ "rank_address":4,
+ "distance":4.56060933645498,
+ "localname":"United Kingdom"},
+ "osm_type":null,
+ "osm_id":null,
+ "name":{"ref": "gb"},
+ "class":"place",
+ "type":"country_code",
+ "admin_level":null,
+ "fromarea":true,
+ "isaddress":false,
+ "rank_address":4,
+ "distance":0,
+ "localname":"gb"}
\ No newline at end of file
- bootstrap="test/php/bootstrap.php"
+ bootstrap="./bootstrap.php"
+ beStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything="true"
<testsuite name="Nominatim PHP Test Suite">
- <directory>./test/php/Nominatim</directory>
+ <directory>./Nominatim</directory>
--- /dev/null
+# hacks for broken vagrant box #DOCS:
+sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock #DOCS:
+sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 #DOCS:
+export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive #DOCS:
+# *Note:* these installation instructions are also available in executable
+# form for use with vagrant under vagrant/
+# Installing the Required Software
+# ================================
+# These instructions expect that you have a freshly installed Ubuntu 18.04.
+# Make sure all packages are are up-to-date by running:
+#DOCS: :::sh
+ sudo apt-get -o DPkg::options::="--force-confdef" -o DPkg::options::="--force-confold" --force-yes -fuy install grub-pc #DOCS:
+ sudo apt-get update -qq
+# Now you can install all packages needed for Nominatim:
+ sudo apt-get install -y build-essential cmake g++ libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \
+ libboost-filesystem-dev libexpat1-dev zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev \
+ libbz2-dev libpq-dev libproj-dev \
+ postgresql-server-dev-10 postgresql-10-postgis-2.4 \
+ postgresql-contrib-10 postgresql-10-postgis-scripts \
+ apache2 php php-pgsql libapache2-mod-php php-pear php-db \
+ php-intl git
+# If you want to run the test suite, you need to install the following
+# additional packages:
+ sudo apt-get install -y python3-setuptools python3-dev python3-pip \
+ python3-psycopg2 python3-tidylib phpunit php-cgi
+ pip3 install --user behave nose
+ sudo pear install PHP_CodeSniffer
+# System Configuration
+# ====================
+# The following steps are meant to configure a fresh Ubuntu installation
+# for use with Nominatim. You may skip some of the steps if you have your
+# OS already configured.
+# Creating Dedicated User Accounts
+# --------------------------------
+# Nominatim will run as a global service on your machine. It is therefore
+# best to install it under its own separate user account. In the following
+# we assume this user is called nominatim and the installation will be in
+# /srv/nominatim. To create the user and directory run:
+# sudo useradd -d /srv/nominatim -s /bin/bash -m nominatim
+# You may find a more suitable location if you wish.
+# To be able to copy and paste instructions from this manual, export
+# user name and home directory now like this:
+ export USERNAME=vagrant #DOCS: export USERNAME=nominatim
+ export USERHOME=/home/vagrant #DOCS: export USERHOME=/srv/nominatim
+# **Never, ever run the installation as a root user.** You have been warned.
+# Make sure that system servers can read from the home directory:
+ chmod a+x $USERHOME
+# Setting up PostgreSQL
+# ---------------------
+# Tune the postgresql configuration, which is located in
+# `/etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf`. See section *Postgres Tuning* in
+# [the installation page](../admin/
+# for the parameters to change.
+# Restart the postgresql service after updating this config file.
+ sudo systemctl restart postgresql
+# Finally, we need to add two postgres users: one for the user that does
+# the import and another for the webserver which should access the database
+# for reading only:
+ sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USERNAME
+ sudo -u postgres createuser www-data
+# Setting up the Apache Webserver
+# -------------------------------
+# You need to create an alias to the website directory in your apache
+# configuration. Add a separate nominatim configuration to your webserver:
+sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-available/nominatim.conf << EOFAPACHECONF
+<Directory "$USERHOME/build/website"> #DOCS:<Directory "$USERHOME/Nominatim/build/website">
+ Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
+ AddType text/html .php
+ DirectoryIndex search.php
+ Require all granted
+Alias /nominatim $USERHOME/build/website #DOCS:Alias /nominatim $USERHOME/Nominatim/build/website
+sudo sed -i 's:#.*::' /etc/apache2/conf-available/nominatim.conf #DOCS:
+# Then enable the configuration and restart apache
+ sudo a2enconf nominatim
+ sudo systemctl restart apache2
+# Installing Nominatim
+# ====================
+# Building and Configuration
+# --------------------------
+# Get the source code from Github and change into the source directory
+if [ "x$1" == "xyes" ]; then #DOCS: :::sh
+ git clone --recursive git://
+ cd Nominatim
+else #DOCS:
+ cd $USERHOME/Nominatim #DOCS:
+fi #DOCS:
+# When installing the latest source from github, you also need to
+# download the country grid:
+if [ ! -f data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz ]; then #DOCS: :::sh
+ wget -O data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz
+fi #DOCS:
+# The code must be built in a separate directory. Create this directory,
+# then configure and build Nominatim in there:
+ cd $USERHOME #DOCS: :::sh
+ mkdir build
+ cd build
+ cmake $USERHOME/Nominatim
+ make
+# You need to create a minimal configuration file that tells nominatim
+# where it is located on the webserver:
+tee settings/local.php << EOF
+ @define('CONST_Website_BaseURL', '/nominatim/');
+# Nominatim is now ready to use. Continue with
+# [importing a database from OSM data](../admin/