--- /dev/null
+# Advanced installations
+This page contains instructions for setting up multiple countries in
+your Nominatim database. It is assumed that you have already successfully
+installed the Nominatim software itself, if not return to the
+[installation page](Installation.md).
+## Importing multiple regions
+To import multiple regions in your database, you need to configure and run `utils/import_multiple_regions.sh` file. This script will set up the update directory which has the following structure:
+ ├── europe
+ │ ├── andorra
+ │ │ └── sequence.state
+ │ └── monaco
+ │ └── sequence.state
+ └── tmp
+ ├── combined.osm.pbf
+ └── europe
+ ├── andorra-latest.osm.pbf
+ └── monaco-latest.osm.pbf
+The `sequence.state` files will contain the sequence ID, which will be used by pyosmium to get updates. The tmp folder is used for import dump.
+### Configuring multiple regions
+The file `import_multiple_regions.sh` needs to be edited as per your requirement:
+1. List of countries. eg:
+ COUNTRIES="europe/monaco europe/andorra"
+2. Path to Build directory. eg:
+ NOMINATIMBUILD="/srv/nominatim/build"
+3. Path to Update directory. eg:
+ UPDATEDIR="/srv/nominatim/update"
+4. Replication URL. eg:
+ BASEURL="https://download.geofabrik.de"
+ DOWNCOUNTRYPOSTFIX="-latest.osm.pbf"
+!!! tip
+ If your database already exists and you want to add more countries, replace the setting up part
+ `${SETUPFILE} --osm-file ${UPDATEDIR}/tmp/combined.osm.pbf --all 2>&1`
+ with `${UPDATEFILE} --import-file ${UPDATEDIR}/tmp/combined.osm.pbf 2>&1`.
+### Setting up multiple regions
+Run the following command from your Nominatim directory after configuring the file.
+ bash ./utils/import_multiple_regions.sh
+!!! danger "Important"
+ This file uses osmium-tool. It must be installed before executing the import script.
+ Installation instructions can be found [here](https://osmcode.org/osmium-tool/manual.html#installation).
+## Updating multiple regions
+To import multiple regions in your database, you need to configure and run ```utils/update_database.sh```.
+This uses the update directory set up while setting up the DB.
+### Configuring multiple regions
+The file `update_database.sh` needs to be edited as per your requirement:
+1. List of countries. eg:
+ COUNTRIES="europe/monaco europe/andorra"
+2. Path to Build directory. eg:
+ NOMINATIMBUILD="/srv/nominatim/build"
+3. Path to Update directory. eg:
+ UPDATEDIR="/srv/nominatim/update"
+4. Replication URL. eg:
+ BASEURL="https://download.geofabrik.de"
+5. Followup can be set according to your installation. eg: For Photon,
+ FOLLOWUP="curl http://localhost:2322/nominatim-update"
+ will handle the indexing.
+### Updating the database
+Run the following command from your Nominatim directory after configuring the file.
+ bash ./utils/update_database.sh
+This will get diffs from the replication server, import diffs and index the database. The default replication server in the script([Geofabrik](https://download.geofabrik.de)) provides daily updates.
+## Verification and further setup
+Instructions for import verification and other details like importing Wikidata can be found in [import and update page](Import-and-Update.md)
behind the scenes.)
If you have imported multiple country extracts and want to keep them
-up-to-date, have a look at the script in
-[issue #60](https://github.com/openstreetmap/Nominatim/issues/60).
+up-to-date, [Advanced installations section](Advanced-Installations.md) contains instructions
+to set up and update multiple country extracts.
\ No newline at end of file
* `countrycodes=<countrycode>[,<countrycode>][,<countrycode>]...`
Limit search results to one or more countries. `<countrycode>` must be the
-ISO 3166-1alpha2 code, e.g. `gb` for the United Kingdom, `de` for Germany.
+[ISO 3166-1alpha2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2) code,
+e.g. `gb` for the United Kingdom, `de` for Germany.
+Each place in Nominatim is assigned to one country code based
+on `admin_level=2` tags, in rare cases to none (for example in
+international waters outside any country).
* `exclude_place_ids=<place_id,[place_id],[place_id]`
site_name: Nominatim Documentation
theme: readthedocs
-site_url: http://nominatim.org
+site_url: https://nominatim.org
repo_url: https://github.com/openstreetmap/Nominatim
- 'Introduction' : 'index.md'
- 'Administration Guide':
- 'Basic Installation': 'admin/Installation.md'
- 'Importing and Updating' : 'admin/Import-and-Update.md'
+ - 'Advanced Installations' : 'admin/Advanced-Installations.md'
- 'Migration from older Versions' : 'admin/Migration.md'
- 'Troubleshooting' : 'admin/Faq.md'
- 'Developers Guide':
return ($this->getOne($sSQL, array(':tablename' => $sTableName)) == 1);
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of table names in the database
+ *
+ * @return array[]
+ */
+ public function getListOfTables()
+ {
+ return $this->getCol("SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname='public'");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes a table. Returns true if deleted or didn't exist.
+ *
+ * @param string $sTableName
+ *
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function deleteTable($sTableName)
+ {
+ return $this->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$sTableName.' CASCADE') == 0;
+ }
* Check if an index exists in the database. Optional filtered by tablename
- * Since the DSN includes the database name, checks if the connection works.
+ * Tries to connect to the database but on failure doesn't throw an exception.
* @return boolean
- public function databaseExists()
+ public function checkConnection()
$bExists = true;
try {
return (float) ($aMatches[1].'.'.$aMatches[2]);
+ /**
+ * Returns an associate array of postgresql database connection settings. Keys can
+ * be 'database', 'hostspec', 'port', 'username', 'password'.
+ * Returns empty array on failure, thus check if at least 'database' is set.
+ *
+ * @return array[]
+ */
public static function parseDSN($sDSN)
// https://secure.php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-pgsql.connection.php
return $aInfo;
+ /**
+ * Takes an array of settings and return the DNS string. Key names can be
+ * 'database', 'hostspec', 'port', 'username', 'password' but aliases
+ * 'dbname', 'host' and 'user' are also supported.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ *
+ */
+ public static function generateDSN($aInfo)
+ {
+ $sDSN = sprintf(
+ 'pgsql:host=%s;port=%s;dbname=%s;user=%s;password=%s;',
+ $aInfo['host'] ?? $aInfo['hostspec'] ?? '',
+ $aInfo['port'] ?? '',
+ $aInfo['dbname'] ?? $aInfo['database'] ?? '',
+ $aInfo['user'] ?? '',
+ $aInfo['password'] ?? ''
+ );
+ $sDSN = preg_replace('/\b\w+=;/', '', $sDSN);
+ $sDSN = preg_replace('/;\Z/', '', $sDSN);
+ return $sDSN;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace Nominatim;
+class Shell
+ public function __construct($sBaseCmd, ...$aParams)
+ {
+ if (!$sBaseCmd) {
+ throw new Exception('Command missing in new() call');
+ }
+ $this->baseCmd = $sBaseCmd;
+ $this->aParams = array();
+ $this->aEnv = null; // null = use the same environment as the current PHP process
+ $this->stdoutString = null;
+ foreach ($aParams as $sParam) {
+ $this->addParams($sParam);
+ }
+ }
+ public function addParams(...$aParams)
+ {
+ foreach ($aParams as $sParam) {
+ if (isset($sParam) && $sParam !== null && $sParam !== '') {
+ array_push($this->aParams, $sParam);
+ }
+ }
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function addEnvPair($sKey, $sVal)
+ {
+ if (isset($sKey) && $sKey && isset($sVal)) {
+ if (!isset($this->aEnv)) $this->aEnv = $_ENV;
+ $this->aEnv = array_merge($this->aEnv, array($sKey => $sVal), $_ENV);
+ }
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function escapedCmd()
+ {
+ $aEscaped = array_map(function ($sParam) {
+ return $this->escapeParam($sParam);
+ }, array_merge(array($this->baseCmd), $this->aParams));
+ return join(' ', $aEscaped);
+ }
+ public function run()
+ {
+ $sCmd = $this->escapedCmd();
+ // $aEnv does not need escaping, proc_open seems to handle it fine
+ $aFDs = array(
+ 0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
+ 1 => STDOUT,
+ 2 => STDERR
+ );
+ $aPipes = null;
+ $hProc = @proc_open($sCmd, $aFDs, $aPipes, null, $this->aEnv);
+ if (!is_resource($hProc)) {
+ throw new \Exception('Unable to run command: ' . $sCmd);
+ }
+ fclose($aPipes[0]); // no stdin
+ $iStat = proc_close($hProc);
+ return $iStat;
+ }
+ private function escapeParam($sParam)
+ {
+ if (preg_match('/^-*\w+$/', $sParam)) return $sParam;
+ return escapeshellarg($sParam);
+ }
function getCmdOpt($aArg, $aSpec, &$aResult, $bExitOnError = false, $bExitOnUnknown = false)
// Convert database DSN to psql parameters
$aDSNInfo = \Nominatim\DB::parseDSN(CONST_Database_DSN);
if (!isset($aDSNInfo['port']) || !$aDSNInfo['port']) $aDSNInfo['port'] = 5432;
- $sCMD = 'psql'
- .' -p '.escapeshellarg($aDSNInfo['port'])
- .' -d '.escapeshellarg($aDSNInfo['database']);
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell('psql');
+ $oCmd->addParams('--port', $aDSNInfo['port']);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--dbname', $aDSNInfo['database']);
if (isset($aDSNInfo['hostspec']) && $aDSNInfo['hostspec']) {
- $sCMD .= ' -h ' . escapeshellarg($aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--host', $aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
if (isset($aDSNInfo['username']) && $aDSNInfo['username']) {
- $sCMD .= ' -U ' . escapeshellarg($aDSNInfo['username']);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--username', $aDSNInfo['username']);
- $aProcEnv = null;
- if (isset($aDSNInfo['password']) && $aDSNInfo['password']) {
- $aProcEnv = array_merge(array('PGPASSWORD' => $aDSNInfo['password']), $_ENV);
+ if (isset($aDSNInfo['password'])) {
+ $oCmd->addEnvPair('PGPASSWORD', $aDSNInfo['password']);
if (!$bVerbose) {
- $sCMD .= ' -q';
+ $oCmd->addParams('--quiet');
if ($bfatal && !$bIgnoreErrors) {
- $sCMD .= ' -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1';
+ $oCmd->addParams('-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1');
$aDescriptors = array(
0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
1 => STDOUT,
$ahPipes = null;
- $hProcess = @proc_open($sCMD, $aDescriptors, $ahPipes, null, $aProcEnv);
+ $hProcess = @proc_open($oCmd->escapedCmd(), $aDescriptors, $ahPipes, null, $oCmd->aEnv);
if (!is_resource($hProcess)) {
fail('unable to start pgsql');
fail("pgsql returned with error code ($iReturn)");
-function runWithEnv($sCmd, $aEnv)
- $aFDs = array(
- 0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
- 1 => STDOUT,
- 2 => STDERR
- );
- $aPipes = null;
- $hProc = @proc_open($sCmd, $aFDs, $aPipes, null, $aEnv);
- if (!is_resource($hProc)) {
- fail('unable to run command:' . $sCmd);
- }
- fclose($aPipes[0]); // no stdin
- $iStat = proc_close($hProc);
- return $iStat;
namespace Nominatim\Setup;
class SetupFunctions
// setting member variables based on command line options stored in $aCMDResult
- $this->bQuiet = $aCMDResult['quiet'];
+ $this->bQuiet = isset($aCMDResult['quiet']) && $aCMDResult['quiet'];
$this->bVerbose = $aCMDResult['verbose'];
//setting default values which are not set by the update.php array
$this->bEnableDiffUpdates = false;
- $this->bDrop = $aCMDResult['drop'];
+ $this->bDrop = isset($aCMDResult['drop']) && $aCMDResult['drop'];
public function createDB()
info('Create DB');
$oDB = new \Nominatim\DB;
- if ($oDB->databaseExists()) {
+ if ($oDB->checkConnection()) {
fail('database already exists ('.CONST_Database_DSN.')');
- $sCreateDBCmd = 'createdb -E UTF-8'
- .' -p '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['port'])
- .' '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['database']);
+ $oCmd = (new \Nominatim\Shell('createdb'))
+ ->addParams('-E', 'UTF-8')
+ ->addParams('-p', $this->aDSNInfo['port']);
if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['username'])) {
- $sCreateDBCmd .= ' -U '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['username']);
+ $oCmd->addParams('-U', $this->aDSNInfo['username']);
+ }
+ if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['password'])) {
+ $oCmd->addEnvPair('PGPASSWORD', $this->aDSNInfo['password']);
if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['hostspec'])) {
- $sCreateDBCmd .= ' -h '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
+ $oCmd->addParams('-h', $this->aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
+ $oCmd->addParams($this->aDSNInfo['database']);
- $result = $this->runWithPgEnv($sCreateDBCmd);
- if ($result != 0) fail('Error executing external command: '.$sCreateDBCmd);
+ $result = $oCmd->run();
+ if ($result != 0) fail('Error executing external command: '.$oCmd->escapedCmd());
public function connect()
info('Import data');
- $osm2pgsql = CONST_Osm2pgsql_Binary;
- if (!file_exists($osm2pgsql)) {
+ if (!file_exists(CONST_Osm2pgsql_Binary)) {
echo "Check CONST_Osm2pgsql_Binary in your local settings file.\n";
echo "Normally you should not need to set this manually.\n";
- fail("osm2pgsql not found in '$osm2pgsql'");
+ fail("osm2pgsql not found in '".CONST_Osm2pgsql_Binary."'");
- $osm2pgsql .= ' -S '.escapeshellarg(CONST_Import_Style);
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell(CONST_Osm2pgsql_Binary);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--style', CONST_Import_Style);
if (!is_null(CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File) && CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File) {
- $osm2pgsql .= ' --flat-nodes '.escapeshellarg(CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File);
- }
- if (CONST_Tablespace_Osm2pgsql_Data)
- $osm2pgsql .= ' --tablespace-slim-data '.escapeshellarg(CONST_Tablespace_Osm2pgsql_Data);
- if (CONST_Tablespace_Osm2pgsql_Index)
- $osm2pgsql .= ' --tablespace-slim-index '.escapeshellarg(CONST_Tablespace_Osm2pgsql_Index);
- if (CONST_Tablespace_Place_Data)
- $osm2pgsql .= ' --tablespace-main-data '.escapeshellarg(CONST_Tablespace_Place_Data);
- if (CONST_Tablespace_Place_Index)
- $osm2pgsql .= ' --tablespace-main-index '.escapeshellarg(CONST_Tablespace_Place_Index);
- $osm2pgsql .= ' -lsc -O gazetteer --hstore --number-processes 1';
- $osm2pgsql .= ' -C '.escapeshellarg($this->iCacheMemory);
- $osm2pgsql .= ' -P '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['port']);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--flat-nodes', CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File);
+ }
+ if (CONST_Tablespace_Osm2pgsql_Data) {
+ $oCmd->addParams('--tablespace-slim-data', CONST_Tablespace_Osm2pgsql_Data);
+ }
+ if (CONST_Tablespace_Osm2pgsql_Index) {
+ $oCmd->addParams('--tablespace-slim-index', CONST_Tablespace_Osm2pgsql_Index);
+ }
+ if (CONST_Tablespace_Place_Data) {
+ $oCmd->addParams('--tablespace-main-data', CONST_Tablespace_Place_Data);
+ }
+ if (CONST_Tablespace_Place_Index) {
+ $oCmd->addParams('--tablespace-main-index', CONST_Tablespace_Place_Index);
+ }
+ $oCmd->addParams('--latlong', '--slim', '--create');
+ $oCmd->addParams('--output', 'gazetteer');
+ $oCmd->addParams('--hstore');
+ $oCmd->addParams('--number-processes', 1);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--cache', $this->iCacheMemory);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--port', $this->aDSNInfo['port']);
if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['username'])) {
- $osm2pgsql .= ' -U '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['username']);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--username', $this->aDSNInfo['username']);
+ }
+ if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['password'])) {
+ $oCmd->addEnvPair('PGPASSWORD', $this->aDSNInfo['password']);
if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['hostspec'])) {
- $osm2pgsql .= ' -H '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--host', $this->aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
- $osm2pgsql .= ' -d '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['database']).' '.escapeshellarg($sOSMFile);
- $this->runWithPgEnv($osm2pgsql);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--database', $this->aDSNInfo['database']);
+ $oCmd->addParams($sOSMFile);
+ $oCmd->run();
if (!$this->sIgnoreErrors && !$this->oDB->getRow('select * from place limit 1')) {
fail('No Data');
public function index($bIndexNoanalyse)
- $sBaseCmd = CONST_BasePath.'/nominatim/nominatim.py'
- .' -d '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['database'])
- .' -P '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['port'])
- .' -t '.escapeshellarg($this->iInstances);
+ $oBaseCmd = (new \Nominatim\Shell(CONST_BasePath.'/nominatim/nominatim.py'))
+ ->addParams('--database', $this->aDSNInfo['database'])
+ ->addParams('--port', $this->aDSNInfo['port'])
+ ->addParams('--threads', $this->iInstances);
if (!$this->bQuiet) {
- $sBaseCmd .= ' -v';
+ $oBaseCmd->addParams('-v');
if ($this->bVerbose) {
- $sBaseCmd .= ' -v';
+ $oBaseCmd->addParams('-v');
if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['hostspec'])) {
- $sBaseCmd .= ' -H '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
+ $oBaseCmd->addParams('--host', $this->aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['username'])) {
- $sBaseCmd .= ' -U '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['username']);
+ $oBaseCmd->addParams('--user', $this->aDSNInfo['username']);
+ }
+ if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['password'])) {
+ $oBaseCmd->addEnvPair('PGPASSWORD', $this->aDSNInfo['password']);
info('Index ranks 0 - 4');
- $iStatus = $this->runWithPgEnv($sBaseCmd.' -R 4');
+ $oCmd = (clone $oBaseCmd)->addParams('--maxrank', 4);
+ echo $oCmd->escapedCmd();
+ $iStatus = $oCmd->run();
if ($iStatus != 0) {
fail('error status ' . $iStatus . ' running nominatim!');
if (!$bIndexNoanalyse) $this->pgsqlRunScript('ANALYSE');
info('Index ranks 5 - 25');
- $iStatus = $this->runWithPgEnv($sBaseCmd.' -r 5 -R 25');
+ $oCmd = (clone $oBaseCmd)->addParams('--minrank', 5, '--maxrank', 25);
+ $iStatus = $oCmd->run();
if ($iStatus != 0) {
fail('error status ' . $iStatus . ' running nominatim!');
if (!$bIndexNoanalyse) $this->pgsqlRunScript('ANALYSE');
info('Index ranks 26 - 30');
- $iStatus = $this->runWithPgEnv($sBaseCmd.' -r 26');
+ $oCmd = (clone $oBaseCmd)->addParams('--minrank', 26);
+ $iStatus = $oCmd->run();
if ($iStatus != 0) {
fail('error status ' . $iStatus . ' running nominatim!');
$aDropTables = array();
- $aHaveTables = $this->oDB->getCol("SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname='public'");
+ $aHaveTables = $this->oDB->getListOfTables();
foreach ($aHaveTables as $sTable) {
$bFound = false;
if (!file_exists($sFilename)) fail('unable to find '.$sFilename);
- $sCMD = 'psql'
- .' -p '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['port'])
- .' -d '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['database']);
+ $oCmd = (new \Nominatim\Shell('psql'))
+ ->addParams('--port', $this->aDSNInfo['port'])
+ ->addParams('--dbname', $this->aDSNInfo['database']);
if (!$this->bVerbose) {
- $sCMD .= ' -q';
+ $oCmd->addParams('--quiet');
if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['hostspec'])) {
- $sCMD .= ' -h '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--host', $this->aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['username'])) {
- $sCMD .= ' -U '.escapeshellarg($this->aDSNInfo['username']);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--username', $this->aDSNInfo['username']);
- $aProcEnv = null;
if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['password'])) {
- $aProcEnv = array_merge(array('PGPASSWORD' => $this->aDSNInfo['password']), $_ENV);
+ $oCmd->addEnvPair('PGPASSWORD', $this->aDSNInfo['password']);
$ahGzipPipes = null;
if (preg_match('/\\.gz$/', $sFilename)) {
1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
2 => array('file', '/dev/null', 'a')
- $hGzipProcess = proc_open('zcat '.escapeshellarg($sFilename), $aDescriptors, $ahGzipPipes);
+ $oZcatCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell('zcat', $sFilename);
+ $hGzipProcess = proc_open($oZcatCmd->escapedCmd(), $aDescriptors, $ahGzipPipes);
if (!is_resource($hGzipProcess)) fail('unable to start zcat');
$aReadPipe = $ahGzipPipes[1];
} else {
- $sCMD .= ' -f '.escapeshellarg($sFilename);
+ $oCmd->addParams('--file', $sFilename);
$aReadPipe = array('pipe', 'r');
$aDescriptors = array(
2 => array('file', '/dev/null', 'a')
$ahPipes = null;
- $hProcess = proc_open($sCMD, $aDescriptors, $ahPipes, null, $aProcEnv);
+ $hProcess = proc_open($oCmd->escapedCmd(), $aDescriptors, $ahPipes, null, $oCmd->aEnv);
if (!is_resource($hProcess)) fail('unable to start pgsql');
// TODO: error checking
while (!feof($ahPipes[1])) {
return $sSql;
- private function runWithPgEnv($sCmd)
- {
- if ($this->bVerbose) {
- echo "Execute: $sCmd\n";
- }
- $aProcEnv = null;
- if (isset($this->aDSNInfo['password'])) {
- $aProcEnv = array_merge(array('PGPASSWORD' => $this->aDSNInfo['password']), $_ENV);
- }
- return runWithEnv($sCmd, $aProcEnv);
- }
* Drop table with the given name if it exists.
private function dropTable($sName)
if ($this->bVerbose) echo "Dropping table $sName\n";
- $this->oDB->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$sName.' CASCADE');
+ $this->oDB->deleteTable($sName);
prevresult := '';
FOR location IN
- SELECT * FROM get_addressdata(for_place_id, housenumber)
+ SELECT name,
+ CASE WHEN place_id = for_place_id THEN 99 ELSE rank_address END as rank_address
+ FROM get_addressdata(for_place_id, housenumber)
WHERE isaddress order by rank_address desc
currresult := trim(get_name_by_language(location.name, languagepref));
IF currresult != prevresult AND currresult IS NOT NULL
AND result[(100 - location.rank_address)] IS NULL
- result[(100 - location.rank_address)] := trim(get_name_by_language(location.name, languagepref));
+ result[(100 - location.rank_address)] := currresult;
prevresult := currresult;
To execute the test suite run
cd test/php
- phpunit ../
+ UNIT_TEST_DSN='pgsql:dbname=nominatim_unit_tests' phpunit ../
It will read phpunit.xml which points to the library, test path, bootstrap
strip and set other parameters.
+It will use (and destroy) a local database 'nominatim_unit_tests'. You can set
+a different connection string with e.g. UNIT_TEST_DSN='pgsql:dbname=foo_unit_tests'.
BDD Functional Tests
- public function testDatabaseExists()
+ public function testCheckConnection()
$oDB = new \Nominatim\DB('');
- $this->assertFalse($oDB->databaseExists());
+ $this->assertFalse($oDB->checkConnection());
public function testErrorHandling()
+ public function testGenerateDSN()
+ {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'pgsql:',
+ \Nominatim\DB::generateDSN(array())
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'pgsql:host=machine1;dbname=db1',
+ \Nominatim\DB::generateDSN(\Nominatim\DB::parseDSN('pgsql:host=machine1;dbname=db1'))
+ );
+ }
+ public function testAgainstDatabase()
+ {
+ $unit_test_dsn = getenv('UNIT_TEST_DSN') != false ?
+ getenv('UNIT_TEST_DSN') :
+ 'pgsql:dbname=nominatim_unit_tests';
+ $this->assertRegExp(
+ '/unit_test/',
+ $unit_test_dsn,
+ 'Test database will get destroyed, thus should have a name like unit_test to be safe'
+ );
+ ## Create the database.
+ {
+ $aDSNParsed = \Nominatim\DB::parseDSN($unit_test_dsn);
+ $sDbname = $aDSNParsed['database'];
+ $aDSNParsed['database'] = 'postgres';
+ $oDB = new \Nominatim\DB(\Nominatim\DB::generateDSN($aDSNParsed));
+ $oDB->connect();
+ $oDB->exec('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ' . $sDbname);
+ $oDB->exec('CREATE DATABASE ' . $sDbname);
+ }
+ $oDB = new \Nominatim\DB($unit_test_dsn);
+ $oDB->connect();
+ $this->assertTrue(
+ $oDB->checkConnection($sDbname)
+ );
+ # Tables, Indices
+ {
+ $this->assertEmpty($oDB->getListOfTables());
+ $oDB->exec('CREATE TABLE table1 (id integer, city varchar, country varchar)');
+ $oDB->exec('CREATE TABLE table2 (id integer, city varchar, country varchar)');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array('table1', 'table2'),
+ $oDB->getListOfTables()
+ );
+ $this->assertTrue($oDB->deleteTable('table2'));
+ $this->assertTrue($oDB->deleteTable('table99'));
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array('table1'),
+ $oDB->getListOfTables()
+ );
+ $this->assertTrue($oDB->tableExists('table1'));
+ $this->assertFalse($oDB->tableExists('table99'));
+ $this->assertFalse($oDB->tableExists(null));
+ $this->assertEmpty($oDB->getListOfIndices());
+ $oDB->exec('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX table1_index ON table1 (id)');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array('table1_index'),
+ $oDB->getListOfIndices()
+ );
+ $this->assertEmpty($oDB->getListOfIndices('table2'));
+ }
+ # select queries
+ {
+ $oDB->exec(
+ "INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (1, 'Berlin', 'Germany'), (2, 'Paris', 'France')"
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array(
+ array('city' => 'Berlin'),
+ array('city' => 'Paris')
+ ),
+ $oDB->getAll('SELECT city FROM table1')
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array(),
+ $oDB->getAll('SELECT city FROM table1 WHERE id=999')
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array('id' => 1, 'city' => 'Berlin', 'country' => 'Germany'),
+ $oDB->getRow('SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id=1')
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ false,
+ $oDB->getRow('SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id=999')
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array('Berlin', 'Paris'),
+ $oDB->getCol('SELECT city FROM table1')
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array(),
+ $oDB->getCol('SELECT city FROM table1 WHERE id=999')
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ 'Berlin',
+ $oDB->getOne('SELECT city FROM table1 WHERE id=1')
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ null,
+ $oDB->getOne('SELECT city FROM table1 WHERE id=999')
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array('Berlin' => 'Germany', 'Paris' => 'France'),
+ $oDB->getAssoc('SELECT city, country FROM table1')
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array(),
+ $oDB->getAssoc('SELECT city, country FROM table1 WHERE id=999')
+ );
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace Nominatim;
+class ShellTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
+ public function testNew()
+ {
+ $this->expectException('ArgumentCountError');
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage('Too few arguments to function');
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell();
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell('wc', '-l', 'file.txt');
+ $this->assertSame(
+ "wc -l 'file.txt'",
+ $oCmd->escapedCmd()
+ );
+ }
+ public function testaddParams()
+ {
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell('grep');
+ $oCmd->addParams('-a', 'abc')
+ ->addParams(10);
+ $this->assertSame(
+ 'grep -a abc 10',
+ $oCmd->escapedCmd(),
+ 'no escaping needed, chained'
+ );
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell('grep');
+ $oCmd->addParams();
+ $oCmd->addParams(null);
+ $oCmd->addParams('');
+ $this->assertEmpty($oCmd->aParams);
+ $this->assertSame('grep', $oCmd->escapedCmd(), 'empty params');
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell('echo', '-n', 0);
+ $this->assertSame(
+ 'echo -n 0',
+ $oCmd->escapedCmd(),
+ 'zero param'
+ );
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell('/path with space/do.php');
+ $oCmd->addParams('-a', ' b ');
+ $oCmd->addParams('--flag');
+ $oCmd->addParams('two words');
+ $oCmd->addParams('v=1');
+ $this->assertSame(
+ "'/path with space/do.php' -a ' b ' --flag 'two words' 'v=1'",
+ $oCmd->escapedCmd(),
+ 'escape whitespace'
+ );
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell('grep');
+ $oCmd->addParams(';', '|more&', '2>&1');
+ $this->assertSame(
+ "grep ';' '|more&' '2>&1'",
+ $oCmd->escapedCmd(),
+ 'escape shell characters'
+ );
+ }
+ public function testaddEnvPair()
+ {
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell('date');
+ $oCmd->addEnvPair('one', 'two words')
+ ->addEnvPair('null', null)
+ ->addEnvPair(null, 'null')
+ ->addEnvPair('empty', '')
+ ->addEnvPair('', 'empty');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array('one' => 'two words', 'empty' => ''),
+ $oCmd->aEnv
+ );
+ $oCmd->addEnvPair('one', 'overwrite');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array('one' => 'overwrite', 'empty' => ''),
+ $oCmd->aEnv
+ );
+ }
+ public function testClone()
+ {
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell('wc', '-l', 'file.txt');
+ $oCmd2 = clone $oCmd;
+ $oCmd->addParams('--flag');
+ $oCmd2->addParams('--flag2');
+ $this->assertSame(
+ "wc -l 'file.txt' --flag",
+ $oCmd->escapedCmd()
+ );
+ $this->assertSame(
+ "wc -l 'file.txt' --flag2",
+ $oCmd2->escapedCmd()
+ );
+ }
+ public function testRun()
+ {
+ $oCmd = new \Nominatim\Shell('echo');
+ $this->assertSame(0, $oCmd->run());
+ // var_dump($sStdout);
+ }
echo 'Checking database got created ... ';
-if ($oDB->databaseExists()) {
+if ($oDB->checkConnection()) {
} else {
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -xv
+# Script to set up Nominatim database for multiple countries
+# Steps to follow:
+# *) Get the pbf files from server
+# *) Set up sequence.state for updates
+# *) Merge the pbf files into a single file.
+# *) Setup nominatim db using 'setup.php --osm-file'
+# Hint:
+# Use "bashdb ./update_database.sh" and bashdb's "next" command for step-by-step
+# execution.
+# ******************************************************************************
+touch2() { mkdir -p "$(dirname "$1")" && touch "$1" ; }
+# ******************************************************************************
+# Configuration section: Variables in this section should be set according to your requirements
+COUNTRIES="europe/monaco europe/andorra"
+# SET TO YOUR replication server URL:
+# End of configuration section
+# ******************************************************************************
+COMBINEFILES="osmium merge"
+mkdir -p ${UPDATEDIR}
+rm -rf tmp
+mkdir -p tmp
+cd tmp
+ echo "===================================================================="
+ echo "$COUNTRY"
+ echo "===================================================================="
+ FILE="$DIR/configuration.txt"
+ touch2 ${DIR}/sequence.state
+ pyosmium-get-changes -O $IMPORTFILEPATH -f ${DIR}/sequence.state -v
+ echo "===================================================================="
+echo "${COMBINEFILES} -o combined.osm.pbf"
+${COMBINEFILES} -o combined.osm.pbf
+echo "===================================================================="
+echo "Setting up nominatim db"
+${SETUPFILE} --osm-file ${UPDATEDIR}/tmp/combined.osm.pbf --all 2>&1
+# ${UPDATEFILE} --import-file ${UPDATEDIR}/tmp/combined.osm.pbf 2>&1
+echo "===================================================================="
\ No newline at end of file
$iCacheMemory = getCacheMemoryMB();
echo "WARNING: resetting cache memory to $iCacheMemory\n";
-$sOsm2pgsqlCmd = CONST_Osm2pgsql_Binary.' -klas --number-processes 1 -C '.$iCacheMemory.' -O gazetteer -S '.CONST_Import_Style.' -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'].' -P '.$aDSNInfo['port'];
-if (isset($aDSNInfo['username']) && $aDSNInfo['username']) {
- $sOsm2pgsqlCmd .= ' -U ' . $aDSNInfo['username'];
+$oOsm2pgsqlCmd = (new \Nominatim\Shell(CONST_Osm2pgsql_Binary))
+ ->addParams('--hstore')
+ ->addParams('--latlong')
+ ->addParams('--append')
+ ->addParams('--slim')
+ ->addParams('--number-processes', 1)
+ ->addParams('--cache', $iCacheMemory)
+ ->addParams('--output', 'gazetteer')
+ ->addParams('--style', CONST_Import_Style)
+ ->addParams('--database', $aDSNInfo['database'])
+ ->addParams('--port', $aDSNInfo['port']);
if (isset($aDSNInfo['hostspec']) && $aDSNInfo['hostspec']) {
- $sOsm2pgsqlCmd .= ' -H ' . $aDSNInfo['hostspec'];
+ $oOsm2pgsqlCmd->addParams('--host', $aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
+if (isset($aDSNInfo['username']) && $aDSNInfo['username']) {
+ $oOsm2pgsqlCmd->addParams('--user', $aDSNInfo['username']);
-$aProcEnv = null;
if (isset($aDSNInfo['password']) && $aDSNInfo['password']) {
- $aProcEnv = array_merge(array('PGPASSWORD' => $aDSNInfo['password']), $_ENV);
+ $oOsm2pgsqlCmd->addEnvPair('PGPASSWORD', $aDSNInfo['password']);
if (!is_null(CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File) && CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File) {
- $sOsm2pgsqlCmd .= ' --flat-nodes '.CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File;
+ $oOsm2pgsqlCmd->addParams('--flat-nodes', CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File);
-$sIndexCmd = CONST_BasePath.'/nominatim/nominatim.py';
-if (!$aResult['quiet']) {
- $sIndexCmd .= ' -v';
+$oIndexCmd = (new \Nominatim\Shell(CONST_BasePath.'/nominatim/nominatim.py'))
+ ->addParams('--database', $aDSNInfo['database'])
+ ->addParams('--port', $aDSNInfo['port'])
+ ->addParams('--threads', $aResult['index-instances']);
if ($aResult['verbose']) {
- $sIndexCmd .= ' -v';
+ $oIndexCmd->addParams('--verbose');
+if (isset($aDSNInfo['hostspec']) && $aDSNInfo['hostspec']) {
+ $oIndexCmd->addParams('--host', $aDSNInfo['hostspec']);
+if (isset($aDSNInfo['username']) && $aDSNInfo['username']) {
+ $oIndexCmd->addParams('--username', $aDSNInfo['username']);
+if (isset($aDSNInfo['password']) && $aDSNInfo['password']) {
+ $oIndexCmd->addEnvPair('PGPASSWORD', $aDSNInfo['password']);
if ($aResult['init-updates']) {
// sanity check that the replication URL is correct
$sBaseState = file_get_contents(CONST_Replication_Url.'/state.txt');
echo "in your local settings file.\n\n";
fail('CONST_Pyosmium_Binary not configured');
$aOutput = 0;
- $sCmd = CONST_Pyosmium_Binary.' --help';
- exec($sCmd, $aOutput, $iRet);
+ $oCMD = new \Nominatim\Shell(CONST_Pyosmium_Binary, '--help');
+ exec($oCMD->escapedCmd(), $aOutput, $iRet);
if ($iRet != 0) {
echo "Cannot execute pyosmium-get-changes.\n";
echo "Make sure you have pyosmium installed correctly\n";
// get the appropriate state id
$aOutput = 0;
- $sCmd = CONST_Pyosmium_Binary.' -D '.$sWindBack.' --server '.CONST_Replication_Url;
- exec($sCmd, $aOutput, $iRet);
+ $oCMD = (new \Nominatim\Shell(CONST_Pyosmium_Binary))
+ ->addParams('--start-date', $sWindBack)
+ ->addParams('--server', CONST_Replication_Url);
+ exec($oCMD->escapedCmd(), $aOutput, $iRet);
if ($iRet != 0 || $aOutput[0] == 'None') {
fail('Error running pyosmium tools');
fail('Updates not set up. Please run ./utils/update.php --init-updates.');
- system(CONST_BasePath.'/utils/check_server_for_updates.py '.CONST_Replication_Url.' '.$aLastState['sequence_id'], $iRet);
+ $oCmd = (new \Nominatim\Shell(CONST_BasePath.'/utils/check_server_for_updates.py'))
+ ->addParams(CONST_Replication_Url)
+ ->addParams($aLastState['sequence_id']);
+ $iRet = $oCmd->run();
// Import the file
- $sCMD = $sOsm2pgsqlCmd.' '.$sNextFile;
- echo $sCMD."\n";
- $iErrorLevel = runWithEnv($sCMD, $aProcEnv);
+ $oCMD = (clone $oOsm2pgsqlCmd)->addParams($sNextFile);
+ echo $oCMD->escapedCmd()."\n";
+ $iRet = $oCMD->run();
- if ($iErrorLevel) {
- fail("Error from osm2pgsql, $iErrorLevel\n");
+ if ($iRet) {
+ fail("Error from osm2pgsql, $iRet\n");
// Don't update the import status - we don't know what this file contains
if ($bHaveDiff) {
// import generated change file
- $sCMD = $sOsm2pgsqlCmd.' '.$sTemporaryFile;
- echo $sCMD."\n";
- $iErrorLevel = runWithEnv($sCMD, $aProcEnv);
- if ($iErrorLevel) {
- fail("osm2pgsql exited with error level $iErrorLevel\n");
+ $oCMD = (clone $oOsm2pgsqlCmd)->addParams($sTemporaryFile);
+ echo $oCMD->escapedCmd()."\n";
+ $iRet = $oCMD->run();
+ if ($iRet) {
+ fail("osm2pgsql exited with error level $iRet\n");
if ($aResult['index']) {
- $sCmd = $sIndexCmd
- .' -d '.$aDSNInfo['database']
- .' -P '.$aDSNInfo['port']
- .' -t '.$aResult['index-instances']
- .' -r '.$aResult['index-rank'];
- if (isset($aDSNInfo['hostspec']) && $aDSNInfo['hostspec']) {
- $sCmd .= ' -H ' . $aDSNInfo['hostspec'];
- }
- if (isset($aDSNInfo['username']) && $aDSNInfo['username']) {
- $sCmd .= ' -U ' . $aDSNInfo['username'];
- }
+ $oCmd = (clone $oIndexCmd)
+ ->addParams('--minrank', $aResult['index-rank']);
- runWithEnv($sCmd, $aProcEnv);
+ // echo $oCmd->escapedCmd()."\n";
+ $oCmd->run();
$oDB->exec('update import_status set indexed = true');
$sImportFile = CONST_InstallPath.'/osmosischange.osc';
- $sCMDDownload = CONST_Pyosmium_Binary.' --server '.CONST_Replication_Url.' -o '.$sImportFile.' -s '.CONST_Replication_Max_Diff_size;
- $sCMDImport = $sOsm2pgsqlCmd.' '.$sImportFile;
- $sCMDIndex = $sIndexCmd
- .' -d '.$aDSNInfo['database']
- .' -P '.$aDSNInfo['port']
- .' -t '.$aResult['index-instances'];
- if (isset($aDSNInfo['hostspec']) && $aDSNInfo['hostspec']) {
- $sCMDIndex .= ' -H ' . $aDSNInfo['hostspec'];
- }
- if (isset($aDSNInfo['username']) && $aDSNInfo['username']) {
- $sCMDIndex .= ' -U ' . $aDSNInfo['username'];
- }
+ $oCMDDownload = (new \Nominatim\Shell(CONST_Pyosmium_Binary))
+ ->addParams('--server', CONST_Replication_Url)
+ ->addParams('--outfile', $sImportFile)
+ ->addParams('--size', CONST_Replication_Max_Diff_size);
+ $oCMDImport = (clone $oOsm2pgsqlCmd)->addParams($sImportFile);
while (true) {
$fStartTime = time();
$fCMDStartTime = time();
$iNextSeq = (int) $aLastState['sequence_id'];
- echo "$sCMDDownload -I $iNextSeq\n";
+ $oCMD = (clone $oCMDDownload)->addParams('--start-id', $iNextSeq);
+ echo $oCMD->escapedCmd()."\n";
if (file_exists($sImportFile)) {
- exec($sCMDDownload.' -I '.$iNextSeq, $aOutput, $iResult);
+ exec($oCMD->escapedCmd(), $aOutput, $iResult);
if ($iResult == 3) {
echo 'No new updates. Sleeping for '.CONST_Replication_Recheck_Interval." sec.\n";
// get the newest object from the diff file
$sBatchEnd = 0;
$iRet = 0;
- exec(CONST_BasePath.'/utils/osm_file_date.py '.$sImportFile, $sBatchEnd, $iRet);
+ $oCMD = new \Nominatim\Shell(CONST_BasePath.'/utils/osm_file_date.py', $sImportFile);
+ exec($oCMD->escapedCmd(), $sBatchEnd, $iRet);
if ($iRet == 5) {
echo "Diff file is empty. skipping import.\n";
if (!$aResult['import-osmosis-all']) {
// Import the file
$fCMDStartTime = time();
- echo $sCMDImport."\n";
+ echo $oCMDImport->escapedCmd()."\n";
- $iErrorLevel = runWithEnv($sCMDImport, $aProcEnv);
+ $iErrorLevel = $oCMDImport->run();
if ($iErrorLevel) {
echo "Error executing osm2pgsql: $iErrorLevel\n";
// Index file
if (!$aResult['no-index']) {
- $sThisIndexCmd = $sCMDIndex;
+ $oThisIndexCmd = clone($oIndexCmd);
$fCMDStartTime = time();
- echo "$sThisIndexCmd\n";
- $iErrorLevel = runWithEnv($sThisIndexCmd, $aProcEnv);
+ echo $oThisIndexCmd->escapedCmd()."\n";
+ $iErrorLevel = $oThisIndexCmd->run();
if ($iErrorLevel) {
echo "Error: $iErrorLevel\n";
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -xv
+# Derived from https://gist.github.com/RhinoDevel/8a35ebd2a08166f328eca01ab005c6de and edited to work with Pyosmium
+# Related to https://github.com/osm-search/Nominatim/issues/1683
+# Steps being followed:
+# *) Get the diff file from server
+# 1) pyosmium-get-changes (with -f sequence.state for getting sequenceNumber)
+# *) Import diff
+# 1) utils/update.php --import-diff
+# *) Index for all the countries at the end
+# Hint:
+# Use "bashdb ./update_database.sh" and bashdb's "next" command for step-by-step
+# execution.
+# ******************************************************************************
+COUNTRIES="europe/monaco europe/andorra"
+# SET TO YOUR update data FOLDER PATH:
+# If you do not use Photon, let Nominatim handle (re-)indexing:
+# If you use Photon, update Photon and let it handle the index
+# (Photon server must be running and must have been started with "-database",
+# "-user" and "-password" parameters):
+#FOLLOWUP="curl http://localhost:2322/nominatim-update"
+# ******************************************************************************
+ echo "===================================================================="
+ echo "$COUNTRY"
+ echo "===================================================================="
+ FILE="$DIR/sequence.state"
+ # mkdir -p ${DIR}
+ cd ${DIR}
+ echo "Attempting to get changes"
+ pyosmium-get-changes -o ${DIR}/${FILENAME}.osc.gz -f ${FILE} --server $BASEURL -v
+ echo "Attempting to import diffs"
+ ${NOMINATIMBUILD}/utils/update.php --import-diff ${DIR}/${FILENAME}.osc.gz
+ rm ${DIR}/${FILENAME}.osc.gz
+echo "===================================================================="
+echo "Reindexing"
+echo "===================================================================="
\ No newline at end of file