from . import query as qmod
from ..query_preprocessing.config import QueryConfig
from .query_analyzer_factory import AbstractQueryAnalyzer
+from .postcode_parser import PostcodeParser
def __init__(self, conn: SearchConnection) -> None:
self.conn = conn
+ self.postcode_parser = PostcodeParser(conn.config)
async def setup(self) -> None:
""" Set up static data structures needed for the analysis.
query.add_token(trange, DB_TO_TOKEN_TYPE[row.type], token)
+ for start, end, pc in self.postcode_parser.parse(query):
+ query.add_token(qmod.TokenRange(start, end),
+ ICUToken(penalty=0.1, token=0, count=1, addr_count=1,
+ lookup_word=pc, word_token=pc, info=None))
log().table_dump('Word tokens', _dump_word_tokens(query))
async def lookup_in_db(self, words: List[str]) -> 'sa.Result[Any]':
""" Return the token information from the database for the
given word tokens.
+ This function excludes postcode tokens
t = self.conn.t.meta.tables['word']
- return await self.conn.execute(
+ return await self.conn.execute(
+ .where(t.c.word_token.in_(words))
+ .where(t.c.type != 'P'))
def add_extra_tokens(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> None:
""" Add tokens to query that are not saved in the database.
--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+# This file is part of Nominatim. (
+# Copyright (C) 2025 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# For a full list of authors see the git log.
+Handling of arbitrary postcode tokens in tokenized query string.
+from typing import Tuple, Set
+import re
+from collections import defaultdict
+import yaml
+from ..config import Configuration
+from . import query as qmod
+class PostcodeParser:
+ """ Pattern-based parser for postcodes in tokenized queries.
+ The postcode patterns are read from the country configuration.
+ The parser does currently not return country restrictions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, config: Configuration) -> None:
+ # skip over includes here to avoid loading the complete country name data
+ yaml.add_constructor('!include', lambda loader, node: [],
+ Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
+ cdata = yaml.safe_load(config.find_config_file('country_settings.yaml')
+ .read_text(encoding='utf-8'))
+ unique_patterns = defaultdict(set)
+ for cc, data in cdata.items():
+ if data.get('postcode'):
+ pat = data['postcode']['pattern']
+ out = data['postcode'].get('output')
+ unique_patterns[pat.replace('d', '[0-9]').replace('l', '[a-z]')].add(out)
+ self.global_pattern = re.compile(
+ '(?:' +
+ '|'.join(f"(?:{k})" for k in unique_patterns)
+ + ')[:, >]')
+ self.local_patterns = [(re.compile(f"(?:{k})[:, >]"), v)
+ for k, v in unique_patterns.items()]
+ def parse(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> Set[Tuple[int, int, str]]:
+ """ Parse postcodes in the given list of query tokens taking into
+ account the list of breaks from the nodes.
+ The result is a sequence of tuples with
+ [start node id, end node id, postcode token]
+ """
+ nodes = query.nodes
+ outcodes = set()
+ for i in range(query.num_token_slots()):
+ if nodes[i].btype in '<,: ' and nodes[i + 1].btype != '`':
+ word = nodes[i + 1].term_normalized + nodes[i + 1].btype
+ if word[-1] in ' -' and nodes[i + 2].btype != '`':
+ word += nodes[i + 2].term_normalized + nodes[i + 2].btype
+ if word[-1] in ' -' and nodes[i + 3].btype != '`':
+ word += nodes[i + 3].term_normalized + nodes[i + 3].btype
+ # Use global pattern to check for presence of any postocde.
+ m = self.global_pattern.match(word)
+ if m:
+ # If there was a match, check against each pattern separately
+ # because multiple patterns might be machting at the end.
+ for pattern, info in self.local_patterns:
+ lm = pattern.match(word)
+ if lm:
+ trange = (i, i + sum(c in ' ,-:>' for c in
+ for out in info:
+ if out:
+ outcodes.add((*trange, lm.expand(out).upper()))
+ else:
+ outcodes.add((*trange,[:-1].upper()))
+ return outcodes