1 Detailed instructions for installing OSQA on WebFaction
3 Adapted from http://code.pinaxproject.com/wiki/DetailedPinaxWebfaction/
5 Please email turian at gmail with any updates or corrections.
8 Installing OSQA on Webfaction
9 ------------------------------------
11 Details the steps for setting up OSQA on a Webfaction shared-hosting
12 account, including email setup, using Apache2, mod_wsgi, psycopg2.
14 If you want to search-and-replace through this file, you will need to replace:
15 osqa_server [name of Webfaction application, which will be in ~/webapps/]
16 osqa_static [name of Webfaction application for static media serving]
17 DOMAIN.com [domain name for OSQA site]
18 PORT [port number assigned by WebFaction to your mod_wsgi application]
19 SITENAME [name you give the OSQA site, which will contain the apache logs]
20 MYOSQA [name of the OSQA project]
21 MAILBOX_USERNAME [username you give the email address]
22 MAILBOX_PASSWORD [password that webfaction gives to this email username]
23 OSQADATABASE_NAME [username you give the database]
24 OSQADATABASE_PASSWORD [password that webfaction gives to this database]
25 ~/envs/osqa [directory for the OSQA python environment, grep for 'env']
26 USERNAME [your WebFaction username]
28 Some things I'm not sure about:
30 Here's what I don't know how to do:
31 * Set up a nginx server for static media.
32 * Configure sphinx search
33 * Use PostgreSQL, not MySQL: http://osqa.net/question/13/can-i-use-osqa-with-postgresql
36 Webfaction Control Panel
37 --------------------------
39 (Note: if you sign up and pick django it will create the application
40 for you, website/subdomain and associate the two for you.)
42 If necessary, add or create any domains or subdomains you may need.
44 https://panel.webfaction.com/domain/list/
46 Let's call the domain DOMAIN.com.
48 Create a new Webfaction application with a "Type:" of "mod_wsgi
49 2.5/Python2.5", naming it "osqa_server". (These instructions
50 might also work with mod_wsgi 2.0, if you like.)
52 https://panel.webfaction.com/app_/list
54 Note the port number assigned to the mod_wsgi application. Call
57 Create a new Webfaction website which will associate the subdomain
58 with the new osqa_server application. Give it name SITENAME, at least one
59 domain, and set it to use the osqa_server application for the site's
62 https://panel.webfaction.com/site/list
64 You will need to create a database, typically one for each project
65 you create. Change the type to PostgreSql and modify the name (it
66 defaults to your webfaction account name) by adding an underscore
67 and a project-specific identifier such as "_osqa". Before
68 leaving this section of the control panel, you may wish to change
71 https://panel.webfaction.com/database/create
75 Save the database password for later.
77 [The following I haven't figured out yet]
78 You will probably want to add a static media server. This is a
79 Webfaction application. I created one of type "Static only (no
80 .htaccess)" and with the name of "osqa_static".
82 https://panel.webfaction.com/app_/create
84 To configure email, you need an email mailbox. Add one here. Note
85 that your mailbox password shouldn't be the same password you use
88 https://panel.webfaction.com/mailbox/list
90 Save the mail password for later.
91 We will call the username and password MAILBOX_USERNAME and
92 MAILBOX_PASSWORD, respectively.
93 You might also consider adding an email address like admin@DOMAIN.com,
96 https://panel.webfaction.com/email/list
102 Log onto webfaction and get the code. I use my fork because I have
103 a simple pip installation:
104 git://github.com/turian/osqa.git
105 In my situation, I keep source code in ~/utils/src, create
106 virtual environments in ~/envs/osqa, and create Pinax projects in
107 ~/webapps/osqa_server/projects.
109 You will need pip + virtualenv installed:
111 easy_install --prefix=~/utils/ pip
112 easy_install --prefix=~/utils/ virtualenv
115 git clone git://github.com/turian/osqa.git
118 # We need python2.5 to be compatible with WSGI
119 python2.5 ~/utils/bin/pip install -E ~/envs/osqa -r osqa-requirements.txt
120 source ~/envs/osqa/bin/activate
122 # [Optional] If you want a MySQL database
123 easy_install-2.5 --prefix ~/envs/osqa/ mysql-python
128 [Note that PostgreSQL installation doesn't work for me.]
130 You will need to install psycopg2 separately for PostgreSQL.
131 Psycopg2 requires a little fiddling. Continuing to
132 work in the ~/utils/src/ directory:
135 wget http://initd.org/pub/software/psycopg/psycopg2-2.0.13.tar.gz
136 tar zxf psycopg2-2.0.13.tar.gz
140 # edit the line reading "#pg_config=" so that it reads:
141 "pg_config=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config"
143 python2.5 setup.py build
144 python2.5 setup.py install
150 In Pinax, you clone a project from OSQA.
151 However, OSQA we just copy it.
153 cd ~/webapps/osqa_server
156 cp -R ~/utils/src/osqa MYOSQA
158 export OSQAPROJECT=`pwd`
160 Make some directories, as described in the OSQA INSTALL file:
161 [okay I haven't actually done this yet]
163 # mkdir -p $OSQASITE/upfiles/
165 # sudo chown -R `whoami`:www-data $OSQASITE
166 # sudo chown -R `whoami`:www-data $OSQALOG
167 # chmod -R g+w $OSQASITE/upfiles
168 # chmod -R g+w $OSQALOG
171 Edit the settings files:
174 cp settings_local.py.dist settings_local.py
175 vi settings_local.py settings.py
177 Pay attention to the following settings:
179 DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql'
184 EMAIL_HOST='smtp.webfaction.com'
190 # The following setting might not be necessary, it's used in Pinax tho
193 APP_URL = 'http://DOMAIN.com' #used by email notif system and RSS
195 [Later on, the install instructions should talk about]
196 SERVE_MEDIA = False # [Not present, not ready yet]
198 Create a directory for logs:
203 Modify mail cron scripts "cron/send_email_alerts" as follows:
204 [Pinax has cron/emit_notices.sh, cron/retry_deferred.sh,
205 cron/send_mail.sh, are these also necessary?]
209 WORKON_HOME=~/envs/osqa
210 PROJECT_ROOT=~/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/
212 # activate virtual environment
213 . $WORKON_HOME/bin/activate
216 python manage.py send_email_alerts >> $PROJECT_ROOT/log/cron_mail.log 2>&1
218 Use command "crontab -e" to add this script to your cron file, to run twice a day::
220 1 0,12 * * * ~/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/cron/send_email_alerts
224 Create the database tables, indices, and so forth:
226 python manage.py syncdb
228 [Ignore the following static media steps, I haven't tried them]
229 Build media directory links within the project and create symbolic
230 links on the static media server.
231 python manage.py build_media -all
232 mkdir ~/webapps/OSQA_STATIC/MYOSQA
233 ln -sd ~/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/site_media ~/webapps/OSQA_STATIC/MYOSQA/site_media
238 1. You should run the SQL commands in:
240 sql_scripts/badges.sql
242 2. Edit paths in the file `cron/multi_award_badges`. (This
243 file doesn't yet exist in the git repositories, so just
244 copy `cron/send_email_alerts` and make sure the command
245 `multi_award_badges` is executed.)
247 3. Run `cron/multi_award_badges` to make sure it works okay.
249 4. Use `crontab -e` to call `cron/multi_award_badges` maybe
252 4,19,34,49 * * * * ~/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/cron/multi_award_badges
254 5. Repeat steps 1-4 for `cron/once_award_badges`.
260 Edit ~/webapps/osqa_server/apache2/conf/httpd.conf as follows::
263 ServerRoot "/home/USERNAME/webapps/osqa_server/apache2"
264 ServerName DOMAIN.com
266 LoadModule dir_module modules/mod_dir.so
267 LoadModule env_module modules/mod_env.so
268 #LoadModule setenvif_module modules/mod_setenvif.so
269 LoadModule log_config_module modules/mod_log_config.so
270 LoadModule mime_module modules/mod_mime.so
271 LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
272 LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so
276 LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
277 CustomLog /home/USERNAME/logs/user/access_osqa_server_log combined
278 ErrorLog /home/USERNAME/logs/user/error_osqa_server_log
281 #SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-SSL on HTTPS=1
283 WSGIPythonPath /home/USERNAME/envs/osqa/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
284 WSGIScriptAlias / /home/USERNAME/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/osqa.wsgi
286 LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so
287 WSGIDaemonProcess osqaWSGI user=USERNAME group=USERNAME threads=25 python-path=/home/USERNAME/envs/osqa/lib/python2.5/site-packages
288 WSGIProcessGroup osqaWSGI
290 NameVirtualHost
292 #ErrorLog "logs/MYOSQA_2009_05_06.log"
294 #Alias /site_media /home/USERNAME/webapps/static/MYOSQA/site_media
296 #force all content to be served as static files
297 #otherwise django will be crunching images through itself wasting time
298 Alias /content/ /home/USERNAME/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/templates/content/
299 Alias /forum/admin/media/ /home/turian/envs/osqa/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/
300 #AliasMatch /([^/]*\.css) /home/USERNAME/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/templates/content/style/$1
301 <Directory "/home/USERNAME/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/templates/content">
306 If you want virtual hosts of the admin interface under HTTPS, please
307 look at OSQA's install file.
309 Create osqa.wsgi and edit it:
310 cp osqa.wsgi.dist osqa.wsgi
312 Edit ~/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/deploy/osqa.wsgi as follows::
317 # redirect sys.stdout to sys.stderr for bad libraries like geopy that uses
318 # print statements for optional import exceptions.
319 sys.stdout = sys.stderr
321 from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
322 from site import addsitedir
324 # add the virtual environment site-packages to the path
325 from site import addsitedir
326 addsitedir('/home/USERNAME/envs/osqa/lib/python2.5/site-packages')
328 sys.path.insert(0, abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "../")))
329 sys.path.append(abspath(dirname(__file__)))
331 from django.conf import settings
332 os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "MYOSQA.settings"
336 from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler
337 application = WSGIHandler()
339 And then you're up and running with:
341 ~/webapps/osqa_server/apache2/bin/stop
342 ~/webapps/osqa_server/apache2/bin/start
344 You should log in to the admin interface (http://DOMAIN.com/admin/),
345 and go to "Sites > Sites", and change the domain name that is used in