]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - osqa.git/blob - forum/skins/default/templates/users/stats.html
make the karma history positive & negative reputation blocks use CSS min-width instea...
[osqa.git] / forum / skins / default / templates / users / stats.html
1 {% extends "user.html" %}
2 <!-- user_stats.html -->
3 {% load i18n %}
4 {% load extra_tags %}
5 {% load extra_filters %}
6 {% load humanize %}
7 {% load question_list_tags %}
8                 {% block usercontent %}
9     <div id="questionsBlock" class="userSection">
10         <a name="questions"></a>
11         {% spaceless %}
12             <h2>
13                 {% blocktrans count questions.paginator.count as counter %}
14                 <span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Question
15                 {% plural %}
16                 <span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Questions
17                 {% endblocktrans %}
18                 <a class="feed-icon" style="background-image:url('{% media "media/images/feed-icon-small.png" %}');"
19                     href="{{ view_user.get_asked_url }}?type=rss" title="{% trans "subscribe to question RSS feed" %}"></a>
20             </h2>
21         {% endspaceless %}
22         <div id="questionTabs">{{ questions.paginator.sort_tabs }}</div>
23                 <div id="listA" class="user-stats-table">
24                     {% for question in questions.paginator.page %}
25                         {% question_list_item question favorite_count=yes signature_type=badges %}
26                     {% endfor %}
27                 </div>
28                 <br clear="all"/>
29                 <div class="pager">{{ questions.paginator.page_numbers }}</div>
30                 <br clear="all"/>
31     </div>
33     <div id="answersBlock" class="userSection">
34         <a name="answers"></a>
35         {% spaceless %}
36             <h2>
37                 {% blocktrans count answers.paginator.count as counter %}
38                 <span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Answer
39                 {% plural %}
40                 <span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Answers
41                 {% endblocktrans %}
42             </h2>
43         {% endspaceless %}
44         <div id="answerTabs">{{ answers.paginator.sort_tabs }}</div>
45         <div class="user-stats-table">
46             {% for answer in answers.paginator.page %}
47             <div class="answer-summary">
48                 <a title="{{answer.question.title}}"
49                     href="{{ answer.get_absolute_url }}">
50                     <span class="{% if answer.nis.accepted %}answered-accepted {% endif %} answer-votes" 
51                                                 title="{% blocktrans with answer.score as vote_count %}the answer has been voted for {{ vote_count }} times{% endblocktrans %} {% if answer.nis.accepted %}{% trans "this answer has been selected as correct" %}{%endif%}">
52                         {{ answer.score }}
53                     </span>
54                 </a>
55                 <div class="answer-link">
56                     {% spaceless %}
57                     <a href="{{ answer.get_absolute_url }}">{{answer.headline}}</a>
58                     {% endspaceless %}
59                 </div>
60             </div>
61             {% endfor %}
62         </div>
63         <br clear="all"/>
64                 <div class="pager">{{ answers.paginator.page_numbers }}</div>
65         <br clear="all"/>
66     </div>
69         <a name="votes"></a>
70         {% spaceless %}
71             <h2>
72                 {% blocktrans count total_votes as cnt %}
73                     <span class="count">{{cnt}}</span> Vote
74                 {% plural %}
75                     <span class="count">{{cnt}}</span> Votes
76                 {% endblocktrans %}
77             </h2>
78         {% endspaceless %}
79         <div class="user-stats-table">
80             <table>
81                 <tr>
82                     <td width="60">
83                         <img style="cursor: default;" src="{% media  "/media/images/vote-arrow-up-on.png" %}" alt="{% trans "thumb up" %}" />
84                             <span title="{% trans "user has voted up this many times" %}" class="vote-count">{{up_votes}}</span>
86                     </td>
87                     <td width="60">
88                         <img style="cursor: default;" src="{% media  "/media/images/vote-arrow-down-on.png" %}" alt="{% trans "thumb down" %}" />
89                             <span title="{% trans "user voted down this many times" %}" class="vote-count">{{down_votes}}</span>
91                     </td>
92                 </tr>
93             </table>
94         </div>
95         <a name="tags"></a>
96         {% spaceless %}
97             <h2>
98                 {% blocktrans count user_tags|length as counter %}
99                     <span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Tag
100                 {% plural %}
101                     <span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Tags
102                 {% endblocktrans %}
103             </h2>
104         {% endspaceless %}
105         <div class="user-stats-table">
106             <table class="tags">
107                 <tr style="vertical-align: top;">
108                     <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 20px;">
109                         {% for tag in user_tags%}
110                         <a rel="tag" 
111                             class="tag-link-{{ tag.name }}"
112                                                         title="{% blocktrans with tag.name as tag_name %}see other questions with {{view_user}}'s contributions tagged '{{ tag_name }}' {% endblocktrans %}"
113                                                         href="{% url tag_questions tag|urlencode %}?user={{view_user.username}}">{{tag.name}}</a>
114                         <span class="tag-number">&#215; {{ tag.user_tag_usage_count|intcomma }}</span><br/>
115                             {% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:"10" %}
116                                 </td>
117                                 <td width="180"  valign="top">
118                             {% endif %}
119                         {% endfor %}
120                     </td>
121                 </tr>
122             </table>
123         </div>
124         <a name="badges"></a>
125         {% spaceless %}
126         <h2>
127             {% blocktrans count total_awards as counter %}
128             <span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Badge
129             {% plural %}
130             <span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Badges
131             {% endblocktrans %}
132         </h2>
133         {% endspaceless %}
134         <div class="user-stats-table">
135             <table>
136                 <tr style="vertical-align: top;">
137                     <td style="line-height:35px; padding-right: 20px;">
138                         {% for award, count in awards %}
139                             {% spaceless %}
140                             <a href="{% url badges %}{{award.id}}/{{award.name|slugify}}" title="{{ award.description }}" class="medal">
141                                 <span class="badge{{ award.type }}">&#9679;</span>&nbsp;{{ award.name }}
142                             </a>
143                             {% ifnotequal count 1 %}
144                                 <span class="tag-number"> &#215; {{ count|intcomma }}</span>
145                             {% endifnotequal %}<br/>
146                             {% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:"6" %}
147                                 </td>
148                                 <td width="180" style="line-height:35px">
149                             {% endif %}
150                             {% endspaceless %}
151                         {% endfor %}
152                     </td>
153                 </tr>
154             </table>
155         </div>
156 {% endblock %}
157 <!-- end user_stats.html -->