2 from django.conf import settings
3 from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
4 from django.utils import simplejson
5 from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseForbidden
6 from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response
7 from django.utils.translation import ungettext, ugettext as _
8 from django.template import RequestContext
9 from forum.models import *
10 from forum.forms import CloseForm
11 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
12 from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
13 from forum.utils.decorators import ajax_method, ajax_login_required
14 from decorators import command
17 class NotEnoughRepPointsException(Exception):
18 def __init__(self, action):
19 super(NotEnoughRepPointsException, self).__init__(
21 Sorry, but you don't have enough reputation points to %(action)s.<br />
22 Please check the <a href'%(faq_url)s'>faq</a>
23 """ % {'action': action, 'faq_url': reverse('faq')})
26 class CannotDoOnOwnException(Exception):
27 def __init__(self, action):
28 super(CannotDoOnOwnException, self).__init__(
30 Sorry but you cannot %(action)s your own post.<br />
31 Please check the <a href'%(faq_url)s'>faq</a>
32 """ % {'action': action, 'faq_url': reverse('faq')})
35 class AnonymousNotAllowedException(Exception):
36 def __init__(self, action):
37 super(AnonymousNotAllowedException, self).__init__(
39 Sorry but anonymous users cannot %(action)s.<br />
40 Please login or create an account <a href'%(signin_url)s'>here</a>.
41 """ % {'action': action, 'signin_url': reverse('auth_signin')})
44 class NotEnoughLeftException(Exception):
45 def __init__(self, action, limit):
46 super(NotEnoughRepPointsException, self).__init__(
48 Sorry, but you don't have enough %(action)s left for today..<br />
49 The limit is %(limit)s per day..<br />
50 Please check the <a href'%(faq_url)s'>faq</a>
51 """ % {'action': action, 'limit': limit, 'faq_url': reverse('faq')})
54 class CannotDoubleActionException(Exception):
55 def __init__(self, action):
56 super(CannotDoubleActionException, self).__init__(
58 Sorry, but you cannot %(action)s twice the same post.<br />
59 Please check the <a href'%(faq_url)s'>faq</a>
60 """ % {'action': action, 'faq_url': reverse('faq')})
65 def vote_post(request, id, vote_type):
66 post = get_object_or_404(Node, id=id)
67 vote_score = vote_type == 'up' and 1 or -1
70 if not user.is_authenticated():
71 raise AnonymousNotAllowedException(_('vote'))
73 if user == post.author:
74 raise CannotDoOnOwnException(_('vote'))
76 if not (vote_type == 'up' and user.can_vote_up() or user.can_vote_down()):
77 raise NotEnoughRepPointsException(vote_type == 'up' and _('upvote') or _('downvote'))
79 user_vote_count_today = user.get_vote_count_today()
81 if user_vote_count_today >= int(settings.MAX_VOTES_PER_DAY):
82 raise NotEnoughLeftException(_('votes'), str(settings.MAX_VOTES_PER_DAY))
85 vote = post.votes.get(canceled=False, user=user)
87 if vote.voted_at < datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=int(settings.DENY_UNVOTE_DAYS)):
89 _("Sorry but you cannot cancel a vote after %(ndays)d %(tdays)s from the original vote") %
90 {'ndays': int(settings.DENY_UNVOTE_DAYS), 'tdays': ungettext('day', 'days', int(settings.DENY_UNVOTE_DAYS))}
95 except ObjectDoesNotExist:
97 vote = Vote(user=user, node=post, vote=vote_score)
102 'update_post_score': [id, vote.vote * (vote_type == 'none' and -1 or 1)],
103 'update_user_post_vote': [id, vote_type]
107 votes_left = int(settings.MAX_VOTES_PER_DAY) - user_vote_count_today + (vote_type == 'none' and -1 or 1)
109 if int(settings.START_WARN_VOTES_LEFT) >= votes_left:
110 response['message'] = _("You have %(nvotes)s %(tvotes)s left today.") % \
111 {'nvotes': votes_left, 'tvotes': ungettext('vote', 'votes', votes_left)}
116 def flag_post(request, id):
117 post = get_object_or_404(Node, id=id)
120 if not user.is_authenticated():
121 raise AnonymousNotAllowedException(_('flag posts'))
123 if user == post.author:
124 raise CannotDoOnOwnException(_('flag'))
126 if not (user.can_flag_offensive(post)):
127 raise NotEnoughRepPointsException(_('flag posts'))
129 user_flag_count_today = user.get_flagged_items_count_today()
131 if user_flag_count_today >= int(settings.MAX_FLAGS_PER_DAY):
132 raise NotEnoughLeftException(_('flags'), str(settings.MAX_FLAGS_PER_DAY))
135 post.flaggeditems.get(user=user)
136 raise CannotDoubleActionException(_('flag'))
137 except ObjectDoesNotExist:
138 flag = FlaggedItem(user=user, content_object=post)
144 def like_comment(request, id):
145 comment = get_object_or_404(Comment, id=id)
148 if not user.is_authenticated():
149 raise AnonymousNotAllowedException(_('like comments'))
151 if user == comment.user:
152 raise CannotDoOnOwnException(_('like'))
154 if not user.can_like_comment(comment):
155 raise NotEnoughRepPointsException( _('like comments'))
158 like = LikedComment.active.get(comment=comment, user=user)
161 except ObjectDoesNotExist:
162 like = LikedComment(comment=comment, user=user)
168 'update_comment_score': [comment.id, likes and 1 or -1],
169 'update_likes_comment_mark': [comment.id, likes and 'on' or 'off']
174 def delete_comment(request, id):
175 comment = get_object_or_404(Comment, id=id)
178 if not user.is_authenticated():
179 raise AnonymousNotAllowedException(_('delete comments'))
181 if not user.can_delete_comment(comment):
182 raise NotEnoughRepPointsException( _('delete comments'))
184 comment.mark_deleted(user)
188 'remove_comment': [comment.id],
193 def mark_favorite(request, id):
194 question = get_object_or_404(Question, id=id)
196 if not request.user.is_authenticated():
197 raise AnonymousNotAllowedException(_('mark a question as favorite'))
200 favorite = FavoriteQuestion.objects.get(question=question, user=request.user)
203 except ObjectDoesNotExist:
204 favorite = FavoriteQuestion(question=question, user=request.user)
210 'update_favorite_count': [added and 1 or -1],
211 'update_favorite_mark': [added and 'on' or 'off']
216 def comment(request, id):
217 post = get_object_or_404(Node, id=id)
220 if not user.is_authenticated():
221 raise AnonymousNotAllowedException(_('comment'))
223 if not request.method == 'POST':
224 raise Exception(_("Invalid request"))
226 if 'id' in request.POST:
227 comment = get_object_or_404(Comment, id=request.POST['id'])
229 if not user.can_edit_comment(comment):
230 raise NotEnoughRepPointsException( _('edit comments'))
232 if not user.can_comment(post):
233 raise NotEnoughRepPointsException( _('comment'))
235 comment = Comment(parent=post)
237 comment_text = request.POST.get('comment', '').strip()
239 if not len(comment_text):
240 raise Exception(_("Comment is empty"))
242 comment.create_revision(user, body=comment_text)
244 if comment.active_revision.revision == 1:
248 id, comment.id, comment_text, user.username, user.get_profile_url(), reverse('delete_comment', kwargs={'id': comment.id})
255 'update_comment': [comment.id, comment.comment]
261 def accept_answer(request, id):
264 if not user.is_authenticated():
265 raise AnonymousNotAllowedException(_('accept answers'))
267 answer = get_object_or_404(Answer, id=id)
268 question = answer.question
270 if not user.can_accept_answer(answer):
271 raise Exception(_("Sorry but only the question author can accept an answer"))
276 answer.unmark_accepted(user)
277 commands['unmark_accepted'] = [answer.id]
279 if question.accepted_answer is not None:
280 accepted = question.accepted_answer
281 accepted.unmark_accepted(user)
282 commands['unmark_accepted'] = [accepted.id]
284 answer.mark_accepted(user)
285 commands['mark_accepted'] = [answer.id]
287 return {'commands': commands}
290 def delete_post(request, id):
291 post = get_object_or_404(Node, id=id)
294 if not user.is_authenticated():
295 raise AnonymousNotAllowedException(_('delete posts'))
297 if not (user.can_delete_post(post)):
298 raise NotEnoughRepPointsException(_('delete posts'))
300 post.mark_deleted(user)
304 'mark_deleted': [post.node_type, id]
309 def subscribe(request, id):
310 question = get_object_or_404(Question, id=id)
313 subscription = QuestionSubscription.objects.get(question=question, user=request.user)
314 subscription.delete()
317 subscription = QuestionSubscription(question=question, user=request.user, auto_subscription=False)
323 'set_subscription_button': [subscribed and _('unsubscribe me') or _('subscribe me')],
324 'set_subscription_status': ['']
328 #internally grouped views - used by the tagging system
330 def mark_tag(request, tag=None, **kwargs):#tagging system
331 action = kwargs['action']
332 ts = MarkedTag.objects.filter(user=request.user, tag__name=tag)
333 if action == 'remove':
334 logging.debug('deleting tag %s' % tag)
337 reason = kwargs['reason']
340 t = Tag.objects.get(name=tag)
341 mt = MarkedTag(user=request.user, reason=reason, tag=t)
346 ts.update(reason=reason)
347 return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(''), mimetype="application/json")
350 def ajax_toggle_ignored_questions(request):#ajax tagging and tag-filtering system
351 if request.user.hide_ignored_questions:
352 new_hide_setting = False
354 new_hide_setting = True
355 request.user.hide_ignored_questions = new_hide_setting
359 def ajax_command(request):#refactor? view processing ajax commands - note "vote" and view others do it too
360 if 'command' not in request.POST:
361 return HttpResponseForbidden(mimetype="application/json")
362 if request.POST['command'] == 'toggle-ignored-questions':
363 return ajax_toggle_ignored_questions(request)
366 def close(request, id):#close question
367 """view to initiate and process
370 question = get_object_or_404(Question, id=id)
371 if not request.user.can_close_question(question):
372 return HttpResponseForbidden()
373 if request.method == 'POST':
374 form = CloseForm(request.POST)
376 reason = form.cleaned_data['reason']
377 question.closed = True
378 question.closed_by = request.user
379 question.closed_at = datetime.datetime.now()
380 question.close_reason = reason
382 return HttpResponseRedirect(question.get_absolute_url())
385 return render_to_response('close.html', {
387 'question' : question,
388 }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
391 def reopen(request, id):#re-open question
392 """view to initiate and process
395 question = get_object_or_404(Question, id=id)
397 if not request.user.can_reopen_question(question):
398 return HttpResponseForbidden()
399 if request.method == 'POST' :
400 Question.objects.filter(id=question.id).update(closed=False,
401 closed_by=None, closed_at=None, close_reason=None)
402 return HttpResponseRedirect(question.get_absolute_url())
404 return render_to_response('reopen.html', {
405 'question' : question,
406 }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
408 #osqa-user communication system
409 def read_message(request):#marks message a read
410 if request.method == "POST":
411 if request.POST['formdata'] == 'required':
412 request.session['message_silent'] = 1
413 if request.user.is_authenticated():
414 request.user.delete_messages()
415 return HttpResponse('')