]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - osqa.git/blob - forum/skins/default/templates/users/edit.html
Fix for the remaining bug from OSQA-96 for the code that still exists. Thanks Eugene.
[osqa.git] / forum / skins / default / templates / users / edit.html
1 {% extends "base_content.html" %}\r
2 <!-- user_edit.html -->\r
3 {% load extra_tags %}\r
4 {% load humanize %}\r
5 {% load i18n %}\r
6 {% block title %}{% spaceless %}{% trans "Edit user profile" %}{% endspaceless %}{% endblock %}\r
7 {% block forejs %}\r
8         <script type="text/javascript">google.load("jquery", "1.4.2");google.load("jqueryui", "1.8.1");</script>\r
9 \r
10         <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css" media="all" />\r
11         <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://static.jquery.com/ui/css/demo-docs-theme/ui.theme.css" type="text/css" media="all" />\r
12 \r
13         <script type="text/javascript">\r
14             $().ready(function(){\r
15                 $("#id_birthday").datepicker({\r
16                     changeMonth: true,\r
17                     changeYear: true,\r
18                     dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',\r
19                     minDate: null,\r
20                     maxDate: '0M 0D',\r
21                     yearRange: '1920:2010'\r
22                 });\r
23 \r
24                 $("#nav_profile").attr('className',"on");\r
25                 $("#cancel").bind('click', function(){history.go(-1);})\r
26             });     \r
27         </script>\r
28         {% block userjs %}\r
29         {% endblock %}\r
30 {% endblock %}\r
31 {% block content %}\r
32 <div id="main-bar" class="headNormal">\r
33     {{ request.user.username }} - {% trans "edit profile" %}\r
34 </div>\r
35 <div id="main-body" style="width:100%;padding-top:10px">\r
36     <form name="" action="{% url edit_user request.user.id %}" method="post">\r
37         <div id="left" style="float:left;width:180px">\r
38             {% if request.user.email %}\r
39             {% gravatar request.user 128 %}\r
40             {% else %}\r
41             <img src="{% media  "/media/images/nophoto.png" %}">\r
42             {% endif %}\r
43             <div style="padding:20px 0 0 20px;font-weight:bold;font-size:150%">\r
44                 <a href="http://www.gravatar.com/" target="_blank" \r
45                                         title="gravatar {% trans "image associated with your email address" %}">{% blocktrans %}avatar, see {{gravatar_faq_url}}{% endblocktrans %}</a>\r
46             </div>\r
47         </div>\r
48         \r
49         <div id="askform" style="float:right;width:750px;text-align:left;">\r
50             <h2>{% trans "Registered user" %}</h2>\r
51             <table class="user-details">\r
52                 <tr>\r
53                     <th width="100px"></th>\r
54                     <th></th>\r
55                 </tr>\r
56                 <tr style="height:35px">\r
57                         <td>{% trans "Screen Name" %}:</td>\r
58                         <td>{{ request.user.username }} <span class="form-error"></span> {{ form.username.errors }} </td>\r
59                     </tr>\r
60                 \r
61                     <tr style="height:35px">\r
62                         <td>{{ form.email.label_tag }}:</td>\r
63                         <td>{{ form.email }} <span class="form-error"></span> {{ form.email.errors }} </td>\r
64                     </tr>\r
65                 <tr style="height:35px">\r
66                         <td></td>\r
67                         <td class="title-desc">{{ form.email.help_text }}</td>\r
68                     </tr>\r
69                 <tr style="height:35px">\r
70                         <td>{{ form.realname.label_tag }}:</td>\r
71                         <td>{{ form.realname }} <span class="form-error"></span> {{ form.realname.errors }} </td>\r
72                     </tr>\r
73                 <tr style="height:35px">\r
74                         <td>{{ form.website.label_tag }}:</td>\r
75                         <td>{{ form.website }} <span class="form-error"></span> {{ form.website.errors }} </td>\r
76                     </tr>\r
77                 <tr style="height:35px">\r
78                         <td>{{ form.city.label_tag }}:</td>\r
79                         <td>{{ form.city }} <span class="form-error"></span> {{ form.city.errors }} </td>\r
80                     </tr>\r
81                 <tr style="height:35px">\r
82                         <td>{{ form.birthday.label_tag }}:</td>\r
83                         <td>{{ form.birthday }} <span class="form-error"></span> {{ form.birthday.errors }} </td>\r
84                     </tr>\r
85                 <tr>\r
86                         <td style="vertical-align:top">{{ form.about.label_tag }}:</td>\r
87                         <td>{{ form.about }} <span class="form-error"></span> {{ form.about.errors }} </td>\r
88                     </tr>\r
89                     \r
90             </table>\r
91             <div style="margin:30px 0 60px 0">\r
92                 <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Update" %}" class="submit" >\r
93                 <input id="cancel" type="button" value="{% trans "Cancel" %}" class="submit" >\r
94           \r
95             </div>\r
96         </div>\r
97     </form>\r
98     \r
99 </div>\r
100 {% endblock %}\r
101 <!-- end user_edit.html -->\r