2 <div class="boxC" id="editor_side_bar">
3 <p class="subtitle darkred">{% trans "Markdown Basics" %}</p>
6 {% trans "*italic* or _italic_" %}
9 {% trans "**bold** or __bold__" %}
12 <b>{% trans "link" %}</b>:[{% trans "text" %}](http://url.com/ "{% trans "title" %}")
17 <b>{% trans "image" %}</b>?
21 {% trans "numbered list:" %}
26 {% trans "to add a line break simply add two spaces to where you would like the new line to be." %}
29 {% trans "basic HTML tags are also supported" %}
32 <p class='info-box-follow-up-links'>
33 <a href="{% url markdown_help %}" target="_blank">{% trans "learn more about Markdown" %} </a>